My doppelganger drama

Chapter 414 Intermission

But having said that, after investigation, they found that it is not that easy to target this organization.

There are only three clear activity records, and his whereabouts are erratic. Once in the Dawn Alliance Free Area, once in the sinking sky island group, and the last time he blew up the sky island and ran away. He is not the type to talk directly to his door.

This can't help but give investigators a headache.

The pressure from above was tight again, and they, the workers, were trapped in the middle and felt very helpless.

This matter is stuck here for now.

Wan Yi waited expectantly for the revenge of the Silver and Gold Alliance, but there was no response for a while, and the clones began to complain.

It seems that there is no way to wait for others to take the initiative, so he can only find a time to find the other party to have friendly discussions.

Putting aside the matter of the Silver and Gold Alliance for now, the Green Devil has been busy again recently, although he already has a lot of work.

As the two giants of Wan Yi's perfect department, the Green Devil and the little princess are both workaholics. It is hard for Wan Yi to imagine that he has such a strong passion for work.

The Green Goblin is busy with the reception of a group of remnants of omnics.

This is a commission from a coffee machine.

There are two groups of omnics. One is a neutral group that did not participate in the previous incident and was persuaded by the coffee machine not to join.

This group has never been seen before. In recent days, they have secretly joined the refugee movement, following in the footsteps of the coffee machine.

Although the symbol of omnic disaster has disappeared, their own strength has not diminished. The addition of this secret force has given the refugee movement a powerful armed force.

And related to Wan Yi is the original revenge faction, the faction that follows the sweeping robot.

They were left behind by the sweeping robot and could only witness the sweeping robot's final struggle. But after the sweeping robot died, they returned to the coffee machine.

There is no suspicion in this, and omnics are very simple in this regard.

The reason why the sweeping robots do not participate in the final battle is to leave room for them.

However, even if the coffee machine is willing to accept them, they themselves have not yet recovered from the death of the sweeping robot. They are not suitable to stay among the homeless people. Finally, the coffee machine hopes that Wan Yi can take them in.

Wan Yi agreed.

The coffee machine can't come to me, and the sweeping robot has been beaten into pieces by me. I can't get the two things I want most, so I can only make do with a smart toilet and other things.

Surprisingly, these remnants of the revenge faction have no hatred towards the troupe that destroyed their boss with their own hands.

The sweeping robot has already done ideological work for them.

These omnics were finally sent to the Sunken Sky Island Group.

"Wow! There's another extra-large version of me over there!" the smart toilet said cheerfully, looking at the toilet number in the distance.

This child was the most disappointed a few days ago, but after he recovered, he returned to the naughty child he had been all morning.

"According to my observation, that is an ordinary toilet..." said the armed helicopter on the side.

"Actually, it's an aircraft." The Green Goblin next to him ended the topic.

"Your troupe's base is really big. I feel like I can run for a long time." said the smart toilet.

The Green Goblin said while looking at various reports: "Just don't break things, otherwise you will have to completely sell yourselves to us."

"I think it might be the case now." The gunship said helplessly.

"Be happy. At least you guys don't have to take responsibility for your past actions. Our troupe accepting you is essentially taking the blame for you."

The gunship said: "As for me, I prefer to participate and then die with it."

The smart toilet paused for a moment, and the other omnics around it remained silent.

After calling a few reports, Green Goblin turned around and said, "But it kept you alive."

"I've actually always wanted to know what happened in its final battle. In the end, it even severed the connection between us." An omnic said.

The Green Goblin nodded and said, "It worked hard until the last moment and was very strong."

An inexplicable sadness spread among this group of omnics.

But soon, the armed helicopter that first brought up the topic was also the quickest to break away: "That's it, that's fine, um, thank you."

"You're welcome, it's almost done. Although according to previous experience, although you are omnics, you still have traces of mental activities. I want to try to see if I can pull you into the carnival stably and be prepared."


Returning to the headquarters, Merck walked out of the archives room, breathed a sigh of relief and walked on the road.

After he was busy with the refugee movement some time ago, he was finally able to get away and go back to the headquarters to submit a report on this mission.

Refugee Movement, Omnic Disaster, Cang Worshiping Activities, and Mysterious Theater Troupe.

At first, he just thought it was an ordinary field trip, but he didn't expect that it would involve so many things.

Then he finally had a day off.

It's only one day, but it's enough. After all, the current situation is urgent, and it's good to be alone and have some rest time.

Although the main reason why he was able to rest was because his body was severely overdrawn, and for safety reasons it was not recommended to go out in the field immediately.

The reason why he was fine after just one day of rest was due to Gui Yiyi's powerful treatment technology.

Is this the "distress" caused by progress?

Walking in the inner passage, Merck suddenly saw an acquaintance whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Ikaria? Are you finally back?"

It was the young returnee Aikalia who had participated in the sinking island incident before and was accepted by the troupe. Because she was too busy with all aspects, she finally asked the troupe to help take care of her.

Now it seems she has fully recovered.

"Well, the headquarters finally sent someone to bring me back a while ago." Ikaria said, showing a faint smile, "The short vacation life is over."

For Gui Ren, it is good to have such a long time.

Merck and Ikaria didn’t know each other very well.

Aikalia was very popular in the Guiyi group when she was not a member. No one disliked a girl who was good-looking, hard-working, good-natured and strong.

There used to be a lot of suitors, but after Ikaria became one person, the number of suitors dropped sharply.

It's not that being a Guiren is unattractive.

It's just that most people can usually handle themselves. I am very busy and have heavy responsibilities. Whether I can be worthy of it is a question worth thinking about.

Merck is just a boring tech geek, and this kind of thing has nothing to do with him.

"Merck, I heard that you met the troupe on two consecutive missions."

Merck originally planned to say hello and go over, but Ikaria took the initiative to ask.

He nodded in agreement.

"what do you think?"

"The troupe? Although I quite like their leader, and I think we can chat quite well, but apart from that, it is undeniable that they are a very dangerous organization. The most important thing is that I don't know what they want to do." Mo Mo. Ke simply replied, "I wrote it more objectively in the report, you can read it."

Ikaria nodded: "I have been with them for a while, and many times I feel that they are actually quite ordinary. They just seem to want to find more people to chat with."

"Don't they already have a lot of people themselves?" Merck was puzzled.

"Who knows?" Ikaria shook her head slightly.

Merck didn't know what to say for a moment, and finally said: "Then I'll leave first. I wish you a smooth return to work. I'll let you back as soon as you recover. We're busy here."

"I also wish you a happy holiday. Take this opportunity to have a good rest and come back to work better." Ikaria also replied.

Are you really blessing?

After the two said goodbye, they passed each other and continued on their own way.

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