My doppelganger drama

Chapter 487 Investigation

The few members of the troupe came to the Pendulum Theater amid complaints.

However, although they complained a lot on the road, when they arrived at the theater, they all shut up and pretended to be mute.

After all, they are from the Investigation Bureau, and not everyone has the courage to speak rudely in front of them.

"Sure enough, they will be investigated." A newcomer said sadly next to the old members of the troupe.

"We have been checked many times, so we are used to it." The old member of the troupe comforted the newcomers with a tone of experience.

"It is probably because of the recent renovation of the theater and the movements of our troupe that the Investigation Bureau is very annoyed." Another old member said after thinking for a moment.

"We will just go over and be asked a question as usual. The person who really has the biggest headache is Chu Xin."

"Yeah, it's not good to be too pretty here." A newcomer joked.

The old member next to him hit him on the shoulder: "Keep these words to yourself and don't say it in front of others."

"No, no, I don't mean to be a joke." The newcomer waved his hand, "I am also an admirer of Miss Chu Xin! It's just a sigh of relief."

"Hey, you are not here to chase Chu Xin, are you? If so, I advise you to watch from a distance. No one can guess what that girl is thinking. Most of the time, she is focused on performing. Basically no one can into her eyes."

When the newcomer heard this, his eyes were a little wandering: "But Miss Chu Xin is still single, then I feel there is always a chance."

"Since you are so optimistic, then take it as such. But take precautions first. Chu Xin cannot be moved casually. After all, she is the adopted daughter of Mr. Wu Haosheng. Wu Haosheng's influence in the Golden Circle has not completely faded. Many people are Promise to take care of her.”

"She is a rich young lady." The newcomer also said a little discouraged.

As they talked, they met up with other scattered members of the troupe along the way, and then followed what the troupe leader said and arrived at the theater office area, the troupe leader's office.

When the leader entered and pushed open the half-open door, he was startled by the situation inside.

The office area was being renovated for the final time. Why did the team leader's office become such a mess in advance?

It turned out that the investigation bureau officers were rummaging through boxes and cabinets in every corner of the room, throwing all kinds of papers and documents on the floor casually.

It doesn't look like they're here to investigate, more like a home invasion.

Brother Zhizhi yawned and stood side by side with Chu Xin in the corner, watching their atrocities in boredom.

They walked in cautiously. The people from the Investigation Bureau glanced at them and ignored them, so they gathered around Brother Philosophy.

"Captain, how are you?" an older member of the troupe asked Brother Zhi in a low voice.

"We have already rummaged through several rooms in the office area. Another team is at the theater. Alas, the decoration team's work was basically in vain today." Brother Zhi folded his hands and sounded melancholy.

Everyone couldn't help but shake their heads when they heard this.

Everyone stood there and waited for the people from the Investigation Bureau to comment, while Brother Zhizhi was stunned, not knowing what he was thinking.

The members of the troupe are still looking forward to whether Zhi Ge will have a slightly different reaction as the new leader.

Ke Hansheng, the former acting group leader, could only be submissive every time he faced officials. This time they heard that the new group leader had a powerful backer, so they inevitably had some expectations.

But now looking at Brother Zhi's messed up appearance, their expectations are basically gone.

After a while, the team leader walked out of the door. After seeing everyone gathered, he nodded slightly and ordered: "You each take these people to interview and take notes. Wan Zhe stays."

After a while, people came and went, and suddenly only Wan Zhe, Chu Xin and the squad leader were left in the messy captain's office.

The team leader smiled and said: "Miss Chu Xin, you still have to cooperate with the investigation. Don't be so gloomy. When the theater reopens, I will bring people to support it."

Chu Xin ignored him completely and just looked at Brother Zhi.

Brother Zhi thought for a moment and said, "Buy me a cup of coffee. The black coffee on the left side of the theater is good. Don't buy the one on the opposite door. It's a bit expensive and the quality is average."

Chu Xin tilted her head, blinked, and finally tapped her chin, turned and left.

The door closes.

Now there are only two people left.

The squad leader took out a list from his pocket: "According to the city's building regulations, there were many violations during the renovation of the theater that were not in compliance with the rules and need to be rectified."

He handed the list to Brother Philosophy.

Brother Zhi took it, glanced at it casually and said, "Does your investigation bureau still care about this?"

"The Bureau has the authority to intervene in any matter, and it's all for the sake of unity."

"Mr. Gasby is at work."

"...How do you know my name?" The name lightly revealed from Brother Zhi's mouth made the team leader in front of him stunned for a moment, and then he frowned and asked.

"Captain of the 17th Squadron of the Investigation Bureau's Inspection Brigade, my grandfather was a refugee turned regular. He successfully joined the Investigation Bureau thanks to the efforts of his grandfather and father. However, most of the teams in the Inspection Brigade were originally designed to accommodate cowards like you with no ability." Brother Philosophy Tell the other person's information calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gasby reached out and grabbed Brother Philosophy's collar.

"Be gentle, I just bought these clothes. Things like clothes are private matters. I can only buy them with my own money. The boss will not reimburse me." Brother Philosophy's voice did not rise and fall, and his dark eyes stared at Gasby.

Gasby was a little panicked, but he couldn't be scared like this. He was more angry: "Are you threatening me? Your company investigated me? How brave, and then what? What's the use of knowing this? ?”

He raised his hand, some kind of energy was gathering, and punched Brother Philosophy.

But before his fist came down, Brother Zhi raised his hands to grasp the opponent's hand that was holding his collar. After pulling it away with force, he grabbed the opponent's hand and raised it to block his fist.

The other party was embarrassed that Brother Zhizi dared to fight back. Just as he was about to curse, he felt a pain in his calf.

His body suddenly flew up, and it turned out that he was kicked down by Brother Zhi's sweeping leg.


Even though his body was not that tall, it couldn't make a loud sound when it fell to the ground.

Gasby groaned as he covered his butt and waist.

Brother Zhizhi was adjusting his collar, still not looking directly at him, and continued: "Most people like you in the patrol brigade have little ability, and they don't have a high background. They rely on at least two generations of people. Your accumulation has allowed you to get into a position where you can be so domineering."

After a pause, he raised his head: "People who don't know the truth regard you as the official hawks and don't dare to get into trouble, but a corporate group with a little bit of energy and even the underworld can easily deal with you. Please don't go too far."

Brother Philosophy came to him and stretched out his hand.

Gasby looked at Brother Philosophy in horror: "What do you want to do?"

"Pull you up."

Gasby was stunned for a moment, then struggled to get up without holding Brother Philosopher's hand.

Brother Philosophy raised the paper in his hand: "Anyway, thank you Mr. Gasby for your guidance. We will make rectifications immediately."

After a while, everyone else had finished asking questions.

Chu Xin came back a little slower, holding two cups of coffee, and handed one to Brother Zhi.

Brother Philosophy thanked him and took a sip.

Gasby withdrew the team with a depressed look on his face and took the people away without saying a word to them again.

"Captain, have you done something?" Chu Xin asked curiously.

"No, I just gave you some suggestions."

"Is that so? That person now looks full of unwillingness and deep resentment." Chu Xin said, drank her coffee, and then commented: "This coffee is indeed better than the one across the street. Delicious."

"He will accept it humbly, he should. Okay, I'm sorry to bother everyone, go back and rest early, and give everyone a holiday tomorrow." After Brother Zhi said this, he appealed to the others.

Everyone cheered for a while and then left with thanks. Of course, before that, they still took the initiative to help Brother Zhi clean up the messy room.

This time, after Brother Zhi and Chu Xin came outside the theater, they didn't encounter any trouble. They said goodbye again and separated.

Brother Philosophy was walking on the road, communicating with himself in his mind.

"How about it?"

"They're on their way back to the branch."

"There are about three minutes left until we reach the branch of the Investigation Bureau."

"Are we really going to do this? We have just started, shouldn't we develop quietly for a while?"

"Yes, but it's not necessary. The Investigation Bureau is rampant and has many enemies. No matter who is responsible, it is possible. As for whether it is a 'troupe', it is up to them to guess." The Green Goblin said calmly.

"That's right. The more mixed the world is, the more room we have to play, even for official people."

"Ah, Brother Philosophy, they are here. They are at the door. They got off the car and are heading to the door."

"That Gasby has such a bad face, it's really scary."

Brother Philosophy was walking on the road, drinking coffee, and raised his hand casually: "Then I'll be brave enough to announce the curtain for everyone."

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