My doppelganger drama

Chapter 52 The Work of the Perfect Man

The perfect man recommended by Chen Changcai was an unattractive-looking uncle, even a little bald, with a somewhat decadent temperament, but he had nothing to do with the decadent style.

After all, when the Demon Lord was lost, Wan Yi had seen more handsome men, and his own aesthetics of men had been cultivated by the people in his own drama.

"Uncle Ye, come to live." Chen Changcai said after entering.

At this time, the uncle was holding something like a small flashlight and looking at the fragments at hand. He didn't know what he was doing, but the atmosphere of a craftsman did come out.

There are all kinds of things in the shop, they are all small objects, but if you can see them in this world, it is obvious that they are all the works of the perfect uncle in front of you.

Hearing Chen Changcai's call, the uncle in front of him did not reply immediately. After putting down what he was doing, he picked up another metal rod.


The metal rod shot out a green beam, which swept across the debris on the stage like a laser pointer.

The uncle's eyes widened slightly, and the pieces began to tremble one by one, and then broke at a certain moment.

Wan Yi concentrated his attention on observation.

After the fragments exploded, the uncle seemed to activate some equipment on the stage with his other hand, and the scattered fragments were instantly frozen in mid-air.

The uncle observed it, and then used the "laser pointer" in his hand to hit the debris in the air one by one.

The fragments move with the beam and are pieced together piece by piece in front of the stage, but it is not pieced back together, but to construct another outline.

The uncle was a little cautious at first, but soon seemed to have confirmed something. His hand speed gradually increased, and later he was already moving smoothly.

During this process, the fragments also began to come together, changing according to the outline that the uncle had set for them.

Finally, it became a silver shotgun, walking quietly in front of the stage.

The uncle exhaled, threw the tools in his hands to the side, picked up the water glass next to him and took a sip for himself.

"Oh, Changcai, you're here." He said with an honest smile when he saw Chen Changcai.

At this time, Wan Yi was discussing the recent changes with himself in his mind.

"Is that the scene where the Perfect Man put the pieces together?"

"It looks so interesting!"

"Can you learn from him?"

"Come on, the main body!"

"Don't say that there are some and some are not, didn't you see something just now?" Wan Yi said.

"What do you see? Does it feel cool?"

"Ask how much you can sell that gun for."

"Well, I feel a little bit like when you absorb fragments for qualitative change." Finally one of the clones came up with some useful insights.

"What do you say?" Wan Yi asked.

"Absorbing fragments means seeing ourselves as fragments, and then piecing the fragments back into ourselves. It just felt like he was transferring the method of absorbing fragments to the tools in his hands, and then piecing the fragments together somewhere else."

"Aren't we just cracking jelly beans when we absorb the debris?"

"It's different. What we're talking about here must be looking at the same thing through phenomena."

"Oh, by the way, we are all Wanyi, so why does this dear man seem to have a high IQ?"

"You're laughing so hard, it's because you're using your brain to the minimum."

"What does this brother think is the difference between himself and his true body?"

"Are we not generous enough?"

"This is indeed a big gap, ahem, but there is still a big difference in whether you are willing to use the same brain."

Wan Yi ignored the stray topic.

At this time, Chen Changcai was already chatting with the uncle in front of him, and the atmosphere was good. Chen Changcai's network expansion was really great. It was a pity that Wan Yi spent a long time on his own to expand his network, but in the end, it was all his own people.

"Hello, little brother, please take out the fragments and take a look." After the greetings, the uncle said to Wan Yi.

Wan Yi took out a small bag and smashed the nine large pieces onto the table.

After the uncle took it, he picked up the flashlight-like thing and observed it. When he got closer, Wan Yi realized that it seemed to be an auxiliary observation eyepiece.

"What is this?" Wan Yi asked Chen Changcai bluntly what he was thinking.

"The mirror is a tool to assist the perfect person in observing the fragments." Chen Changcai said, "I heard that the principle is to simulate the state of absorbing fragments inside the mirror, so as to observe the fragments themselves and the correlation between them. Uncle Ye said Is that right?"

"Haha, almost the same." The uncle said in a nice way.

"Can ordinary people see it?" Wan Yi asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter to ordinary people, but it may be blurry. If you force yourself to see clearly, you may be affected and have related visual hallucinations. If you are interested, I can try it for you later." Uncle Ye replied kindly.

"Thank you." Wan Yi nodded in thanks.

After a moment, Uncle Ye raised his head and said, "Is this a method that comes from the realm of fantasy or martial arts that is more bluffing?"

"Yes." Chen Changcai wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "It was originally a technique that focused on mental training. There were thirty-six fragments obtained from it. These are the remaining nine."

Wan Yi looked at Chen Changcai from behind with half-open eyes, making Chen Changcai's back feel chilly.

It turns out that there are only a quarter here.

But think about it, if thirty-six fragments could be produced originally, the price would have to be doubled several times more, and all the fragments are complete. Taking into account the completeness, the price will be increased. The final conclusion is that Wan Yi cannot buy it now. Sky-high prices.

It's already great to get a quarter of it.

But if there is only a quarter, how many can be made?

"If you only use these nine pieces, the result you get may be relatively average, and it will probably be a greatly emasculated version. Should you consider adding more fragments?"

"Can there be more additions?" Wan Yi asked.

"What Wanbi people have to do is not just to restore things to their original state, because it is impossible for all the pieces to have enough fragments, so necessary mixing is indispensable. And some powerful Wanbi people can also combine two different pieces. How can the fragments be put together into a powerful and complete weapon?" Uncle Ye explained with a smile.

"So awesome." Wan Yi became more and more interested in Wanbiren.

He was interested in them all, not to mention the clones. They were all clamoring for Wan Yi to learn them quickly. Once Wan Yi learned them, he could play with them.

The DIY craze actually has the opportunity to become more abstract, which makes Wan Yi feel despair... and a little hopeful.

Chen Changcai looked at Wan Yicheng thoughtfully and said, "What do you think?"

Wan Yidao: "It doesn't matter. It's better than nothing. But I'm curious. Not everything can be mixed. Do you have any requirements?"

Uncle Ye nodded and said: "This technique itself focuses on illusion. I spelled out a key word which is 'uncertain reality'. Basically, you can try any fragments in this aspect."

Wan Yi doesn't have such fragments at hand.

"Well, for hallucinations, can this fragment be used?" Chen Changcai reached out and took out a large white fragment.

There are no fragments of anything that can be seen at all.

But Uncle Ye glanced at it and said with some surprise: "The value of the fragments of the dream is not low, you are talented."

Chen Changcai nodded and said: "It's a gift of these nine skill fragments. I also asked why the gift is this. It turned out to be waiting here."

Uncle Ye nodded slightly: "Dream Dream, this must be suitable."

Wan Yi crossed his arms and said, "Just settle the account on my head."

Chen Changcai said: "No, it was my mistake this time. It was calculated. It was originally given as a gift, and of course it is also given to you as a gift."

Uncle Ye laughed twice and said, "You are an honest person."

Wan Yi smiled.

It’s hard to say, and it’s a little thoughtful.

The fragments of the dream were handed over to Uncle Ye, who seemed to be ready to start work.

"Do I need to avoid it?" Wan Yi asked.

"It's okay. Wanbi people's skills are all the same. It mainly depends on the individual's situation. Uncle Ye has also put together a lot of fantasy and martial arts fragments. He is experienced and reliable." Chen Changcai shook his head and explained.

Wan Yi nodded.

Wanbiren's working steps are not much different from when he was trying to fight that gun.

But when it came time to piece it together with the "laser pointer", Uncle Ye couldn't find a way as easily as he did when piecing together the shotgun. The pieces kept changing positions, but it was difficult to find the right angle, and the outline didn't take shape for a long time.

A long time passed, and Wan Yi and Chen Changcai directly found a place to sit down in the store.

"What kind of tool is that laser pointer?" Wan Yi asked humbly.

"The laser pointer, ha, is indeed very vivid. It is a 'fragment picker', which can imitate the way our human body absorbs fragments to allow the fragments to absorb each other to achieve a patchwork effect. Then the storage table placed on the table can allow the fragment structure to be After destruction, keep the fragments stable and accept the pieces." Chen Changcai explained in detail.

Wan Yi nodded: "Do all perfect people have to use this set of tools?"

"That's not true. The earliest Wanbi people did not use any tools. They relied entirely on their own special energy to guide the pieces to piece together. However, the efficiency was very low and the consumption of Wanbi people was also great. Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, this kind of technology has gradually been invented. Create technology to help Wanbi people.”

Wan Yi did not continue to ask and watched quietly.

About an hour and a half later, the fragments in front of Uncle Ye finally formed an outline, and Wan Yi could tell it was a scroll.

Finally, Uncle Ye nodded with satisfaction, wiped his sweat, and began to let the fragments gather in their current state.

The influence of the storage table gradually faded, and the fragments quickly took on physical form, finally turning into a gray scroll.

The words "body is like a dream" are engraved on it in words that look like Chinese characters but seem to be a bit confusing.

This is the name of this technique.

"Complete! Fortunately, you have lived up to your mission!" Uncle Ye picked up the water cup and drank. He looked very happy. After all, it was his work.

Chen Changcai said: "As expected of Uncle Ye!"

"Haha, it's a small matter, as long as the money is available."

Wan Yi paid the money very wisely.

Surprisingly, it's not very expensive. I don't know if it's because of the price reduction for Chen Changcai's sake. Otherwise, looking at Uncle Ye's sweaty look, he looks like a doctor who has spent a whole day in the operating room.

Don't you need more points?

Wan Yi put the scroll away, but then picked up a black camera on the stand next to him: "Uncle Ye, how much is this."

He happened to have the technology before but didn't have a camera yet. This store had one, so he just bought it.

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