My doppelganger drama

Chapter 591 I am trash

Drinking half a cup of milk, Xu Shen seemed to taste the deep black coffee. After a while of bitter expression, he finally said: "If you have watched the live broadcast of the Golden Festival, you should know that the culprit of the Golden Festival is the 'theater troupe'."

"This statement is not accurate. According to what I learned from the inside, when it comes to killing people, those people from the research faction maliciously hoarded and stimulated the troublemakers, and finally released them to create chaos, which caused the greatest disaster losses."

"Uh...that makes sense." Xu Shen was stunned by the angle Wan Yi suddenly proposed.

But I still want to say something.

So Wan Yi said directly: "Forget it, you haven't made any progress after being out for so long and hesitating. You think the carnival has a close relationship with the troupe, and the troupe has committed such a disaster, but the carnival is too important to you. It is indeed a good platform, but it conflicts with the naive little sense of justice in my heart. If I can't make a decision, then come and ask me."

Seeing Wan Yi express all his hesitations in a few words, Xu Shen opened his eyes wide and was dumbfounded while holding the milk.

Wan Yi pointed to his lower lip: "Wipe the milk stains, you are so good at guessing."

"No way, too..." Xu Shen quickly took out a piece of paper and wiped it.

"Luxury troubles, it seems that you have experienced too few drama performances... No, maybe it is because you are too utilitarian in the illusory world and you have neglected to understand it." Wan Yi commented expressionlessly, but also reviewed it a little. I took a look at the repertoire I had arranged for the carnival and saw where it was lacking.

Well, it turned out that it was not the fault of my own arrangements, it was all this kid's fault.

Xu Shen expressed confusion about Wan Yi's words.

"What did you do at the Silver and Gold Union?" Wan Yi turned to ask.

Although he didn't know why the topic jumped so quickly, Xu Shen still briefly explained it.

Basically, he works with the team to provide disaster relief, but because a little guy like him is not taken seriously, he is basically in the logistics team, doing odd jobs, and has some experience, but not much.

Then he may not stay in Yinjin for too long, because of the conflict between Yinjin and Dadi, his team is very close to Dadi, and may later go to the Dadi United for activities.

"Then you'll probably understand if you stay a little longer. Oh, you can talk about pictures and texts."

"Sister Wenwen? But Sister Wenwen rarely came to the carnival before." Xu Shen no longer cared about why he and Tu Wenwen had a good personal relationship at the theater, and Wan Yi also knew about it.

"There should be more during this period." Wan Yi said.

The "lease period" of pictures and texts is almost over, and the half-baked battle between the Golden Circle and the Sand Dunes is considered acceptance.

"In this way..." Xu Shen nodded, and finally drank the milk in one gulp.

"Although I still don't understand it, thank you. I will feel much better talking to you."

"You'll only ruin my mood."

"Don't say that! It's too hurtful!"

"I am serious."


"Who taught you to swear?"

"Well, I've seen too much..."

"Can you tell after seeing enough?"


Xu Shen's vacation was not long, and it seemed that he was going back to the team again in the afternoon. He indeed asked for leave specifically to take time to see Wan Yi.

After Wan Yi asked his clone to wash the cup, he thought for a while.

"It's bad, this child is spoiled." Wan Yi said immediately.

"Indeed, in such a dangerous world, how did such extravagant and frivolous worries arise?"

"Would you like to be more intense?"

"Intensity, intensity! Beat him up!"

"How to increase the strength?"

Wan Yi closed his eyes and listened for a while, vowing not to give up until Xu Shen was tortured and blackened by the various criminal laws.

But it’s really boring if a good kid ruins it.

Suddenly, Wan Yi had a flash of inspiration and thought of something fun.

Well, let’s have some fun.

Xu Shen sat on the returning aircraft and greeted the people next to him familiarly. Since the journey was still far away, it was long enough for him to sleep.

With silent worries, he came to the carnival of the evil troupe after a long absence.

After not seeing it for a short time, the style here is still so dark and forbidding, but the flames floating around give people a touch of warmth.

He immediately came to the performance hall, which was quite crowded and busy at this time.

My friend didn’t respond, and the pictures and texts were still not there.

After Xu Shen hesitated, he thought about Wan Yi's words and decided to make a copy after a long absence.

In his playbook, many plays are now checked, with ratings at the back. As one of the first batch of internal beta users, his performance is still very good, and it is a pleasure to watch.

Suddenly, he noticed that there was an extra page in his playbook.

Special plays: "Arona's Dream" and "The Chosen One"

Two special plays with no difficulty mark? !

Special plays are nothing unusual, but two of them at once is quite unusual.

"Arona's Dream": "I looked at the tall back of that man, and I didn't want to call him 'father' because he had hurt my mother. I wanted to tell him that power shouldn't be used like this. What this quagmire needs is..."

""Chosen Son"": "I fell from the sky, and what I brought was not luck, nor was it special, but for this ideal garden, what should I do..."

The introductions to the two special plays seem to be monologues by others.

Just looking at the introduction, something seemed to appear in front of Xu Shen's eyes, which was very heavy.

These two plays seemed different from what he had experienced before. He wanted to check them out.

I have been free recently, so I went back to the carnival to take a look.

As soon as I scanned around, I saw Xu Shen sitting on the bar sipping hot milk through a familiar image.

"Xiao Shenzi, it's been a long time... eh?"

As soon as he went up to say hello, he saw Xu Shen trembling violently, raising a hand quickly, but quickly put it down again.

After looking back at the pictures and texts, Xu Shen sighed, and seemed to be relieved.

"What's wrong with you? You reacted so much? You look like you're stressed." Tu Wenwen sat down next to him, but she didn't drink either. Although she was in a dream, she was not used to drinking anywhere, so she ordered a drink. juice.

At this time, Xu Shen's face covered by the "red sheet" was very haggard.

However, his eyes were very bright, but he was obviously still a little confused.

"Sister Wenwen, were you also in the Golden Circle during the Golden Festival?"

"Huh?" Tu Wenwen didn't reply, but looked at the online guy in front of him suspiciously.

How did he know?

There was no answer, but this reaction made Xu Shen confirm something. There was some melancholy in his eyes, yes, melancholy.

"Sister Wenwen, you are too scary. I will never spar with you in the future." He said in an incomprehensible tone.

Tu Wenwen frowned slightly.

What happened to this kid? I became nagging, and my spirit felt a little weak.

"I never spar with others unless there is someone next to me who can hold me down." So Tu Wenwen also said in an inexplicable tone.

Isn't that right?

No one can hold you down, you're probably going to massacre the whole crowd!

Those two special plays are poisonous!

Xu Shen will be brought into two different fixed identities, which are two complete lives, divided into many segments for him to experience repeatedly.

The opening sequence is always tender, even from a child.

The background is all in the golden circle!

He would look at the city that looked bright on the surface but was actually like a stinky quagmire in the most powerless state, and experience two different but similar childhoods.

Listen to your inner voice and take a different path.

The final mission of "Dream of Alona" is to profoundly subvert the Golden Circle. But Xu Shen simply couldn’t do it! At first, he wanted to imitate the powerful man in the background of the story. Even if Xu Shen was allowed to use his own power, there would be no constraints on his performance. In that play, even the taillights of the "lion" could not be seen, and he died covered in phosphorous wounds in the end.

He realized that the ultimate task was simply not something that a simple mind like his could attempt, at least not now! After trying it several times with disastrous failures, I tried another play.

Compared with "Alona's Dream", "The Chosen One" relies more on strength and is obviously less difficult. The final task is to create a pure place in the Golden Circle that can be left to the children. It is much simpler to remember the main idea of ​​the original owner here, just rely on strength to make a breakthrough.

So Xu Shen went to fight.

Relying on the balance bonus in the play, even if his real strength is not good, he can barely keep up with the rhythm of the play.

Then, it’s time for the Golden Circle Golden Festival!

He who could barely keep up before now realized what a nightmare was.

First, he was surrounded and killed countless times by two very powerful troublemakers. After he learned his lesson and bypassed them, he encountered a picture and text paired with another troublemaker...

He knew that pictures and texts were a source of trouble, and they did not hide them from him at the carnival. He doesn't mind whether misfortune brings harm to others, which is one of the reasons why he can mix well with pictures and texts.

However, he could feel that the energy reaction on Tu Wenwen's body was not very strong, and he probably wasn't a very powerful disaster.

It was the first time that Xu Shen met someone he knew in real life in a play. Xu Shen was a little excited at first.

Then he knew he was wrong.

He was numbed by pictures and texts.

I can't find any rules for the moves at all. If it were placed in a game, the picture and text would be the top dung monster boss. The moves are non-stop and rhythmless, with a crazy knife, the desire to attack is ridiculously high, and there is a "little monster" doing crazy things next to him, so there is no need to fight!

"Sister Wenwen, have you encountered any powerful opponents recently?" Thinking of this, Xu Shen wanted to ask for some possible clues.

He now feels very strongly that those two plays may be true.

Otherwise, how could it be so real, more real than ever.

"There is one, a kelp-headed pretty boy... I couldn't help him at all. In the end, I won by relying on my teammates to perform to the limit on the spot. Otherwise, we might both die two against one..." Tu Wenwen answered so straightforwardly.


Xu Shen was silent.

But my heart is screaming.

A two-on-one game in a short period of time should be right. turns out that the support guy next to me isn't a "little monster"? !

Did the original owner of that memory even almost win? !

One comes and one goes.

Xu Shen was desperate.

I'm such a waste.

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