My doppelganger drama

Chapter 613 Arrival without warning

But Xu Shen should say thanks anyway.

Although Wan Yi's response was tepid.

When he left before, he actually went to his clone to use dice to improve his skills. The "enlightenment" brought by "1" is indeed not that omnipotent, but no matter how stupid a person is, a few more "enlightenments" will be enough.

And now there are still many avatars who have found a secluded and uninhabited place to polish their skills for their own little thoughts.

Of course, there are serious people, but the fields they want to sprint in are different, and the benefits brought by "enlightenment" are also different.

There was still an unexpected surprise and a satisfactory harvest.

"This feeling is really true!" Brother Duomu touched his eye sockets, the pupils in his eyes turned, and the joy in his heart almost overflowed.

This even made him briefly give up on the persona he had been creating and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The other people from the Hundred Eyes Sect who came with him looked at him with strange expressions, not knowing why the boy whom the high priest loved so much suddenly went crazy.

Domego quickly put away his agitated thoughts and stood up from the bush where he was hiding.

There are many people, and Brother Duomu wants to rely on his clone brothers to increase his "proficiency". The environmental impact is relatively large. If he is seen with so many hands stretched out to throw dice... After all, he joins the Hundred Eyes Sect, not Qian Hand Sect.

There are few dense woods in this world, so he can only find a big bush to hide.

Although the scene looks a bit weird like him stretching out in the bushes and then bursting out laughing.

But now he is too lazy to care about his image management.


This is something that many famous avatars have mastered a long time ago. He has been delayed for a long time but has not been able to grasp the feeling. Now he finally understands it in this place with the help of the mechanism here!

Even if the version lags behind, at least he is still chasing the version, right?

"Have you reached that level?" At this time, Ricardo's voice suddenly sounded.

When Brother Duomu reacted, Ricardo was already standing in front of him, with a layer of bushes between them.

"Uh, cough, eh." Brother Duomu hurriedly coughed twice to adjust and maintain his appearance in front of his eldest father.

Ricardo nodded approvingly.

Brother Duomu didn't dare to say that his little tricks could be hidden from Ricardo, but Ricardo also knew the origin of Brother Duomu and acquiesced to his existence and performance, so it was okay.

"Experience it well and work hard to develop it." After Ricardo encouraged him, he turned around and said: "The rest time is enough. Let's start again."

Only then did the scattered team of the Hundred Eyes Sect set off.

Brother Dome followed Ricardo and walked at the back of the team.

"Boss, I've been wanting to ask since I came in, where is our goal?" After thinking about it for a while, Duomu asked the curious question in his heart.

After coming to this world, the Hundred Eyes Sect followed Ricardo's arrangements and acted step by step.

No one knew where the destination was or where the fragments of the target were, but no one dared to ask Ricardo, and it was only now that Domoku asked.

"After climbing over the mountains, you can find the core. This is the result of having an all-round understanding of the earth the moment I entered this world." Ricardo replied.

Brother Dom was not surprised that Ricardo's insight was able to see so deeply.

Ricardo continued: "But the core is different from what I thought..."


Ricardo said no more.

Brother Duomu looked around and saw that the boss was not going to continue talking, so he also looked around.

It seemed that the conversation between the two of them had been blocked and no one else could hear it.

At this time, Ricardo suddenly spoke to everyone: "The danger is so close, and you don't even know it?"

The elites of the Hundred Eyes Sect present were all stunned.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and white spider silk covered the surroundings in twos and twos, surrounding the team of the Hundred Eyes Sect.

There are no shelters or supporting points around, but these spider silks can stabilize the space.

Above the spider web, two figures stood there.

The leader of the Spider God Cult, Atea looks young and immature. And the attendant, the eight-eyed bishop Lucas.

On Lucas' head lay a large brown jumping spider, holding a black one in his hand.

So to be precise, it's two people and two spiders.

The Hundred Eyes Sect and the Spider God Sect, these enemies meet again, and the scale of this encounter is not the previous encounter between Moyu subordinates, but Atea, the leader of the Spider God, and Ricardo, the Hundred Eyes leader. The priests meet again.

Lucas spread his hands towards Brother Dome, saying that he was really helpless.

Even if he wanted to avoid this situation from happening, Atea didn't listen to him at all. In Atea's mind, he was just an excellent subordinate, but he was still far from his confidant.

The true confidant of the former dynasty, Bishop Jumping Spider, although ambiguous with Lucas, would not interfere with Atea's thoughts in return.

Brother Duomu had no expression on his face and did not respond.

Of course, there is no need to say anything more about what he complained about in the group chat.

And Lucas' hand-opening action was only regarded as a provocation by other Hundred Eyes cultists.

"Long time no see." Atea said to Ricardo condescendingly.

"Restrain your dangerous thoughts, young man." Ricardo's tone remained the same.

"This is not a special occasion, and the Baicang Cult Leader is not in the way. He is looking at us with all kinds of eyes. Our grudges can be settled."

Ricardo frowned slightly, realizing what Atya was thinking: "You have been waiting for this opportunity."

"I don't care at all about the earth fragments or the future of the world. In my case, solving you is the first priority." Atya said coldly: "You are the foundation for the re-growth of the Hundred Eyes Sect, and you also have a strong grasp of power. Concentrated and solid. So if we kill you here, the Hundred Eyes Sect will soon become a mess."

For the first time, Lucas felt the depth of Atea's hatred for Hundred Eyes.

In the past few times, she just treated it as a matter of oral pleasure. Now, even when facing a critical situation involving the arrival of a god, she still chooses to put personal hatred first. For the leader of a big cult, she is very unusual.

If you really want to take action...

Lucas turned his attention to Domego again.

After hinting at each other with their eyes, the two nodded slightly together.

"No, you two are talking to each other directly? It's ridiculous to suggest that there is a group chat here."

"Laughing to death."

"The two of them plan to be each other's rivals, and compete on the battlefield to achieve a one-on-one exchange, right?"

"You don't understand. This is called sentiment. We need to create a sense of tacit understanding and an atmosphere of undercover connection."

"Okay, stop making trouble and prepare some popcorn!"

"No more skills?"

"Which is more important, melons or skills?"

"If you have nothing to do, go and eat melons. If you have nothing to do, go and brush up your skills. Who are we? Of course we want them all!"

Ricardo looked at Atea and said: "Then, I guess you should not be foolhardy, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Atea responded to Ricardo's words with actions.

As the girl's eyes flickered, the eye-like gem decoration on her head lit up, and thousands of spider silks flew out from behind and flew into the sky, as if extending to the end of the sky.

All the eyes of Ricardo opened at the same time, staring at Atea, and then his two main eyes widened involuntarily.

"You actually extradited the gods directly?!"


The whole world shook violently.

Click, click, click…

In the sky, huge spider legs that looked like amethyst came along the spider silk sent out by Artea.

The darkness of the real earth is torn apart by spider threads, and the Spider God can be seen all over the earth, spreading his "claws" ferociously downwards from the "end of the sky".

Not to mention that the other party was stunned, Lucas, as a member of the Spider God camp, was also confused.

Little Ancestor, why didn’t you say it in advance when you started the show? ?

He quickly grabbed the Jumping Spider Bishop off his head. Just when he was about to ask, "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing earlier?", he heard the Jumping Spider Bishop shouting too: "Atea! Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing earlier!?"

However, Atea's body has begun to swell at this time, just like the phantom when he gave Lucas the blessing of eight eyes, he instantly grew from a young state to a mature posture, and this time, it is substantial!

The black jumping spider Kaos was even more speechless.

Although it's worth taking pleasure in the situation when the situation explodes, don't take it with you when the situation explodes. It has already said it doesn't want to come.

At a time when many outsiders are still making preliminary explorations into this strange and mysterious land, when frontrunners are still taking the lead, when many people are thinking about their plans, and when many victims who were forced to get involved are still struggling. .

No one thought it would happen so suddenly.

Even on the Baicang Sect, few people expected this to happen.

The boundary belt disintegrated, and the abyss boundary belt cherished its feathers and waited for its changes, waiting for the believers to create a more suitable environment.

However, there are also "snappers" among them.

The mysterious spider god has been very close to this world for a long time.

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