My doppelganger drama

Chapter 634 The ending of worshiping Cang

After the Yi family hovered for a period of time like a demonstration, the figure dispersed and disappeared without a trace.

Most people still don't understand the specifics of what just happened.

Qi Yueshuang was leading the others while looking at the sky, when suddenly footsteps came from behind: "Don't look, I'll be right here if you want to find me."

Everyone turned around and saw the troupe leader who was still wearing a crow hood.

Qi Yueshuang swallowed, feeling that real trouble was coming.

In fact, she thought too much.

She did not encounter any cross-border difficulties during the subsequent dinner. Of course, Wan Yi's vague words made her feel unhappy when she asked indirectly about whether the troupe had infiltrated Ximo City.

But soon she got the reply from Wan Yi that he was not interested in either Ximo City or Ximo Palace.

Although it sounds very irritating, it can be regarded as a statement from the troupe that Ximo Palace does not need to worry too much about Bu Jinquan's footsteps.

The most shocking thing is still behind: the death of the leader of Baicang.

The mysterious leader of Baicang single-handedly established the Baicang cult.

For a long, long time, it has been difficult to specify the past year. Cults that worship the will of the Boundaries and enshrine them as gods, and then do all kinds of crazy things in order to gain the favor of the gods, have been born continuously.

However, it is difficult for scattered cult organizations to become successful. People have ways to deal with beliefs skillfully, but they do not have ways to deal with real gods.

Religions fight on their own, and any conflict between them will lead to a lot of friction. They act without rules. For the huge Sky Island Group, these religions are nothing to worry about.

Until one day, a mysterious man appeared and won the trust of many powerful sects at that time by his wonderful words and bottomless strength.

Under his coordination and arrangement, each fanatical religion was tamed and became a powerful assistant to his men.

The spread of major religions is more orderly, and the will of various boundary belts is more active with his help.

Religious internal friction has also been significantly reduced, and doctrines have begun to be communicated and mutual benefit is emphasized. As long as there are no persistent conflicts, there is often a solution in the end.

A huge religious group that all Sky Island Groups could no longer easily ignore suddenly rose up in the United Earth before many people could react.

Relying on the environment of the union of the earth, the Worshiping Sect got the best soil when it first condensed. After it took shape, it was unstoppable. It spread to every corner of the broken world society in an instant. For the sake of gods and other purposes, it launched terrorist actions one after another, turning into a world-wide organization. A cancer recognized by the world.

Under everyone's curious and doubtful gaze, who is the mysterious leader of the Worshiping Cang Sect? All investigations came to nothing.

And such an unknown character died quietly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment after confirming the news.

Wan Yi's tone was very casual when he told this matter, but the speaker was unintentional and the listener was interested.

Atea has no feelings for the leader of Bai Cang, but as a leader and an organizer, she admires the other person's achievements. Only by trying it can you know how powerful others are.

As for Ricardo, the first thought that came to his mind was: impossible.

But why is it impossible?

I don't know that person well.

Why should you trust someone you've "never met"?

Although the rumors about the other party are indeed very powerful, it seems that I have indeed met the other party.

Ricardo couldn't help but put his hand on his brow, feeling a little tired for the first time in a long time.

What exactly is going on?

However, no matter what the people present think of the unknown leader of Bai Cang, if what the troupe leader said is true and the other person is dead, then it will probably be another thing that will shock the whole broken world.

Without the support of that person, the Baicang Cult will probably fall apart in a very short period of time. A cult group that lasted for a long time and brought countless disasters to the broken world collapsed in an instant. Its maintainer, the Baicang Cult leader, died for unknown reasons. Die until the end without even an identity or a name.

It's really sad.

However, although it will be shocking, the real impact is not expected to be particularly large.

Qi Yueshuang thought of the remnants of the worshiping Cang gang that she had imprisoned during this period.

According to the descriptions of the remnants who can still communicate with each other, various powerful branch sects in Baicang have inexplicably suffered mass deaths in the real land.

It seems that someone is specifically hunting the Cang Cult in the real land.

But no one knows who the specific target is.

Ricardo hesitated to speak. He still vaguely remembered this aspect, but he couldn't speak casually.

The current situation of the Baicang Sect is that all major branches and major sects have suffered huge losses, and the cause of the mysterious death of the leader of the Baicang Sect is unknown. In this case, it may be a bit too much to directly say that Baicang will disappear from the world in the future, but the name of Baicang Sect will most likely disappear in the future.

There is no need for anyone to reveal it deliberately.

As long as the remaining people gradually discover that the leader of Baicang has been unable to be contacted, this matter will be confirmed. Of course, someone may take advantage of the situation and impersonate him. After all, no one knows who the leader of Baicang is.

But the more mysterious this kind of person is, the harder it is sometimes to imitate him.

Probably no one will want to take over the mess that Baicang is now.

Baicang has always faced the whole world. The leader of Baicang also has to coordinate a number of branch sects. Now the major sects have suffered huge blows because of the arrangements of the leader. They will definitely give an explanation when the time comes.

It can't be done.

After a brainstorm, several people at the dinner table all had similar thoughts in their minds: Worshiping Cang may become history.

A subtle emotion spread in everyone's hearts.

"That piece of earth is..."

"What do you think?" Wan Yi said to Qi Yueshuang with a smile.

Qi Yueshuang smiled sarcastically: "I understand."

Although Bai Cang is going to become history, she doesn't think that the broken world will get better just like this.

Isn't there another theater troupe?

This is much crazier than Baicang.

As a religion, Baicang sometimes has a certain official nature, and not all of them are crazy cults.

For example, Zhulong Sect, which is active as a top force in the Earth Alliance, and other great sects have exchanged interests with various sky island alliances. In addition to pure religious activities behind some of Bai Cang's terrorist actions, there may also be sky islands. Political background.

This also resulted in the fact that although Bai Cang continued to cause trouble, it was often difficult to directly threaten the important areas of the major air island alliances.

But the troupe has no such scruples.

Compared to the lunatic cult that everyone knows about and believes in the will of boundaries, the theater troupe is a force that no one understands its action indicators yet.

The unknown is often the scariest and most unsettling.

But now, the fragments of earth that were originally the target of Bai Cang fell into the hands of the troupe after a period of ups and downs.

This incident made Qi Yueshuang feel that her shoulders were not relaxed at all.

"Does that fragment really have a way to break the shackles of the gods?" Atya asked Wan Yi, the blood in his eyes flickering slightly, revealing a fierce light. But her eyes suddenly froze, and she quickly put away her dangerous thoughts.

Wan Yi is very sensitive to emotions. Even if Atya's emotions change quickly, he still sees the dangerous thoughts.

However, another, larger, less volatile emotional body conveyed the message to Atya.

The Spider God has not left yet, and has been lurking on Atya's body.

He is also silently observing Wan Yi through Atea.

Judging from some of his statements, it seems that his attitude towards Wan Yi is quite friendly.

After all, it was He who suddenly gave Atea the "divine inspiration" and asked Lucas to join the Spider God Cult. This is somewhat authentic.

In this regard, Wan Yi looked at Ricardo, whose expression was normal but his eyes were still a little confused.

The same goes for the Eye of All Things.

Both seem to be very sophisticated and open-minded investors.

"I don't know, I haven't tried that yet." Wan Yi spread his hands and gave his own answer.

But he quickly said: "I will try again. If there is a result, I will tell you directly as a comrade."

Things related to whether the gods can truly come have become casual attempts in Wan Yi's mouth, so cheap, but the people present have no intention of complaining.

The meal ended with Wan Yi eating wildly. The food at Ximo Palace was really good. Wan Yi planned to throw those clones who stayed in his house every day and engaged in dark cooking to learn more.

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