My Draw Game Has Come True

Chapter 129: 1 dozen 3

The roar in the ears continued.

   The tall murloc was brave and invincible. With his own power, he destroyed four or five tanks. Such a level of combat effectiveness was unspeakable, and he only felt terrified.

However, when the blade that pierced the sky flashed across the sky, a splendid and splendid figure followed like a shadow, holding a long-handled sword, descending from the sky, slashing towards the tall murloc with sparkle and strength. !

  As a general of the Murloc tribe, Tori Victelli does not have a good attitude towards these cowardly humans.

   In his opinion, this is human beings enjoying a large area of ​​land, but only doing stupid things in the end, which is really unsatisfactory.

   It's better to kill all these humans themselves so as to replace them, so that the Murlocs also have a land of their own.

   The vanguard army said too much about human beings, and these iron bumps are just like that, but they can scratch themselves.

   Tori Victelli thought in his heart, arrogant and domineering, thinking that no one can resist his offensive.

   Tori Victelli feels that he is the only **** in this battlefield!

   But the sky is unpredictable. Just when he was full of confidence, a biting cold light fell from the sky, and a sense of crisis instantly surged into Tori Victelli's heart.

   What sound is this, who can threaten me?


   Tori Victelli's mind was just the idea that just came up, and then he felt a crisis on top of his head. He raised the weapon in his hand without hesitation, and the next moment he heard a sound of metal chatting!

   Tori Victelli couldn't help feeling his tiger's mouth numb, and his passive defense just now seemed to shake his entire arm numb.

   But just after he insisted on this move, he didn't panic at all. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and secretly said that it was okay.

I just rushed to fight, so I just felt some pressure, and didn’t beat myself like a terracotta dog, indicating that the strength of the person who came was not as strong as I thought, and I can do it too. call taxi.


   Torri Victelli made a sound that was incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Murlocs have no language. They communicate through brain waves. The upper wise murlocs command the lower wise murlocs. Everything is caused by natural genes. The sounds of the fish population are all irregular and inexplicable languages. There are a few simple commands, and there is no complete set of languages.

   For example, just now, Tori Victelli means ‘engage’, ‘offensive’, and ‘fight’.

   Facing Tori Victelli's provocative roar, a blue light appeared between Yang Huanyi's eyes, and blue flames lingered in the blade.

   No... it doesn't seem to be a blue flame, but a constant stream of water!

   The sea and flowing water are like flying dragons.

   The water dragon flew beyond the blade, the water was gurgling, and Yang Huan, holding a long knife, slashed towards the tall murloc warrior without hesitation.

   The long sword slashed down instantly, and the force shook like thunder!

   Seeing this, the strange weapon in Tori Victelli's hand also began to twist quickly, and when he picked it down, water flowed out likewise.

   Murlocs live in water, and naturally they also use water attribute abilities.

   Compared with Yang Huanyi's gurgling water, the color of the water used by this tall murloc is deeper.


After    the metal screamed, Yang Huan moved away. The next moment, a light suddenly burst out from the long knife. This light had reached a limit, and the long dark night seemed to be illuminated by this light!

   There is no language, and there is no expression. At the same time that the light flashes on the blade, the tall murloc's body instantly seems to have been installed with a time bomb, and there are explosions when the thunder is picked up!

   The water stains splashing on the tall murloc actually exploded. The explosion was very unexpected, and it directly exploded the tall murloc!

   This tall murloc is not afraid of explosions.

   It's just that the moment the tank missile flew, he shrank the fish scales all over his body into a defensive posture to prevent his body from coming into contact with the power of the explosion.

   And the water droplets that accidentally splashed on the body just now, it was really not cared about.

   After all, as a murloc, it's normal to have water droplets on his body, and I didn't notice anything wrong.

   It is because of this little negligence that everything has changed.

   was battered by the explosion, and the tall murloc could not help but uttered when he was in pain, roaring and neighing, but no one could understand what he meant.

   Abel was very comfortable seeing this scene.

  Only the stronger this girl with the eastern face is, will it show how normal he was when he was defeated by this girl.

   There is no way. Now, Abel only has this idea.


   The roaring sound came from a distance, and the sound like an explosion was continuous, which made Wu Yi not scared.

   The aftermath of the battle from time to time also made the surrounding soldiers who luckily survived the arrow feel what purgatory is on earth.

   In the deep sea, murlocs continuously climbed up from the deep sea, charged with a grinning, and issued strange and strange piercing screams.

   Although Abel was hanged and beaten by Yang Huan, besieged and beaten by a group of murlocs, he was looked down upon... But in any case, he was also Australia's most extraordinary.

   These ordinary smelly fish, rotten shrimps, have not been seen by Abel.

   broke in a flash!

   The air around Abel trembles instantly, his power is related to the air, so he can also show some mighty power here!

   The space was torn apart, and Abel's fist was alive and powerful, and he punched directly into ripples, saying that after blasting a murloc who was trying to sneak off, he quickly pulled away and planned to leave the battlefield.

  Although he has the ability, it has nothing to do with running directly.

   Retain vitality, retain a useful body, and continue to dedicate yourself to the Kangaroo country.

   Well, it's very reasonable.


   "Kill them all, don't let these dogs rush in!"

   "We are Sydney's last hope, stand it up!"

   The voices of the surrounding soldiers were very agitated, and they kept pulling the trigger, causing the entire barrel of the gun to become hot and red.

   For these young people who threw their heads for the country and their home, Abel gave a heartfelt admiration and felt ashamed.

   But this won't stop him from trying to escape.

   "La la la la~"

   Abel had just withdrawn a few meters away, and before he completely left the battlefield, there was a pleasant singing in the sky.

  The sound is very graceful, and it makes people feel a touch of warmth involuntarily.

   Like a spring breeze, as if the wind is stroking one's cheeks, this kind of comfortable feeling makes people comfortable.

   In response to the sudden appearance of wind and singing, Abel gradually felt his exhaustion swept away from his body, and even the wound on his knee began to slowly recover, and there was a tingling sensation.

   Who is this again?

   Abel felt very puzzled, but this thought also passed away in his heart, and he quickly thought of the identity of the person who came.

   This should be the elf who shined in the Battle of Los Angeles, Irina.

   Irina’s reputation has spread throughout the world, and countless people are crazy about it.

  The flames and elves, these character races that only appeared in myths, legends and fairy tales in the past, actually appeared in front of people alive.

   And compared to the evil and ruthless flame demon, Irina, being an elf and also assisting humans in battle, is more susceptible to human intimacy.

   Has she also appeared in Australia?

   Abel took a deep breath, enjoying the healing from Irina’s singing.

   Healing awakeners are too rare, and there are only three healing awakeners in the entire Kangaroo country.

   Moreover, these three are only first-level transcendents, their combat power level is level one, and their awakening ability is naturally also level one. They can only treat minor illnesses and injuries, such as bruises and colds.

   As for the image just now, he hit an arrow in the knee and gave them at least one day of treatment to solve it.

   And this fairy Irina, just need to sing a song, can make her injury have obvious recovery.

   Not only myself, but also the wounded soldiers around, also began to recover from their injuries, shouting incredible.

   The elves with wings descended from the sky, holding the bow of the elves, and without hesitation, shot the arrow of the breeze in the direction where the tall murloc was!

   There is a hurricane in the arrow, and there is a crazy sense of tearing in the hurricane!

   With the shooting of this Between heaven and earth, the situation changes suddenly!

   "The wind, listen to my orders!"

   The sweet voice was high, and a strong sense of peace appeared in Abel's ears, which made Eber feel very incredible.


   Strong wind, listen to my orders? ? ?

   Abel was a little dazed, but then a violent wind blew up, violent sand swept through, and countless yellow sands came over the sky!


   Abel subconsciously uses his hands. Cover your eyes a bit to avoid wind and sand from getting into your eyes.

  At the same moment, a huge figure fell from the sky, attacking and killing the tall murloc without hesitation.

   The huge figure is very big, about four or five meters high, with horns on its head, and the rest is covered by yellow sand. No one can see his true face.

   But it can be seen that he was aggressive, and under the rampage, he slapped the huge murloc and flew past!

   Yang Huan commented on this, and the huge Moknife slashed in an instant, drawing a beautiful blue arc in the sky, and cutting it off at the arm of the huge murloc!

   The green liquid kept shooting in and out, the murloc's blood was green, and accompanied by the splash of blood, there was a roar of unknown meaning.

   Above the sky, Irina bent her bow to drink her feathers, the force of the wind element gathered around the arrows, and accompanied by a loud sound, the arrows came out without feathers!

   "Blessed by the breeze, with the power of the hurricane, penetrate the heart of the enemy!"

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