[Thanks to Tian Xin's 500 sets of coins!

Next day.

It's not far from a few people, and the new households came to the room of Lai Nai early morning, she and the chisen painted Lai Nishao inside the House of House.

Out of the windows, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,...............

It seems that it is really lucky, and I think I'm thinking.

Just watching a small party, I will know the law, she shouted the new households behind him.

"Walk !! ! Follow me!"

Then, she ran out from the gate, running out of the door.

The new households immediately followed the past, and when they were running, they seemed to be worried.


A team patrol as a bodyguard guard appeared from the back of the house, and suddenly saw two people who were running.

It seems to be a big crisis.

"Boss, what should I do?"

A younger brother behind him quickly looked at his team leader and asked.

"Pay attention! Let's return into the shadow first, pretend that there is no appearance, and wait for the big lady to leave again!"

When the leader reached out, all the guards behind him stopped, and he said seriously and slowly returned to the shadow.

After the two disappeared in his sight, the leader took out the intercom and said: "The chief handsome, the big lady has successfully left!"

"Isn't there anything in Prawn?"

The sound of the Zhexian left guard came out from the walkie-talkie.

"The generals of the report, the big lady has not turned back, so I have not been discovered!" This guard head leads, and the tone is very affirmation.

"Not bad! After going back, give you a bonus !!"

It seems that it is clear that the painted Li Neon is arranged.


On the other hand, the two people have been running away from the Hashima and the new households, and the homes of the family have disappeared, they stopped.

"I really stimulate!"

While gasping, I wiped sweat, and I said that she said, she left the sutter, ran to the quick out, and I was afraid that the bodyguard was discovered.

"It seems that the bodyguards in the house are not very good!"

The girl's tone is full of priests.

"It's worth painting, Nai !!"

The new household is quprobed appropriately, it is worthy of a small secretary, which makes the girl more happy.

"Walk, let's agree, they are estimated to be anxious!"

One waved, and I can't say that I can't say it.


At the driver outside the moon, Tong Shen two or three people are waiting for the arrival of Lisai.

Tong Shen Qi is laughing with the field, and the eyes of the slap in the eyes are not flashing. However, in Tian Hui, I will hide the next to her.

However, it is often walking by the river, which is not wet shoes.

Tian Hui also occasionally, I found a tempering figure in the room of Tong Shen.

Even if it is a field, it sometimes produces a bad guess.

But the kind girl is reluctant to believe that the two people don't want to use bad ideas, and even sometimes so guessed and ashamed.

One is her good girlfriend, one is her favorite, and like her man, how can it make a tongue?

Moreover, before, the slap is not always looking at Tong Shen two. Recently, although there are a lot, do you often create opportunities for yourself?

Looking at the gentleness and talking between the gentleman and his own conversation, Tian Hui thought that the recent behavior pattern of the temper is, and it is doubtful.

For handsome and chic, the routine is out of endless Tong Shen two, let Tian Huai pay more and easy to earn, especially if the slap is not troubled, it is water to the stream.

If it is not a lot of conservative and simple words, Tong Shen 2 will live.

However, in this way, the girl is already inadvertently extricted.

Tong Shen 2 and the girl chat time did not have over the past, and

"Hey, let's set off !!"

I saw three people waiting for her, and I said that I was happy.

"Picture Lai Nai, that, the next shift to Qiuhui original tram is waiting for two minutes! We will get on this site!"

The site near the month is generally very few people getting on the bus. After all, many students can come to people who are not bad in the family. They usually have a special car to pick up. This station is rarely used.


I heard the tram, and the pain of the painted, the eyes flashed, as if there was something to take.

According to the cartoon of her girl, the tram is also a venue of the charm, male and female, can have a lot of description.

Moreover, she can be quite curious about the tram.

Cutche's ,,

Girl is excited!


"Many people !!"

From the tram, it is a bit frustrated from the pain, which is completely different from her, more people, and crowd, still very noisy, and a big piggy.

If you interrupted three people in Tong Shen 2nd Road, they can be suffered.

What is the beautiful embarrassment? ?

, completely did not see it! !

However, girl's minds always change, wait until the autumn leaves, the girls are completely attracted by those who have been in the store.

However, the joy of her face quickly covered, she coughed softly, opening.

"Xiahui, don't you say that you want to buy comics? I am worried that you are not convenient, let's go!"

Even if I want to buy a girl comic, but I don't want to tell myself sincerely, but I have to pull a person.

"Grace, then let's go go! It will be bought by others late."

Although Tian Hao Huiliang, she is not stupid, she is also very easy to listen to the meaning of hidden in the necklaces, she laughs, gentle, I took the words.

Four women and a man walked into the store in the store, and some other people were still very uncomfortable.

People who come to this store are girls. Only Tong Shen 2 is a little green in Wanhua, which also makes him attract other female guests. If you want to accompany people, he has already ran.

Fortunately, several people buy comics still very fast, it is estimated that I am worried that I have encountered acquaintances, and I've also taken the comics in the same way as a thief, I bought an opaque bag to prevent content exposure. .

How to be careful.

After bought comic book, I seem to be much easier, and a group of people began to official shopping, which would make the Duan Tong Shen two tired.

Perhaps it is the talent of the natural, shopping is really tired. The most important thing is that the Tong Shen two is a bit tired, and the four girls still win.

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