My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 208: Absolute Linggang in front of the temple

"My younger brother once said that as long as the formation is nothing more than the use of formation talisman and array artifacts as nodes to transmit energy, if you cannot recognize the formation and break the formation according to the idea of ​​the formation, the easiest way is to use the formation. Start at the strongest or weakest place." Qiu Hong said while taking things out of the storage space.

"Hehe, this idea is strange." Master Demon Dove stroked his beard and smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"You only need to choose one of these two positions and break it with one force. It doesn't need to be cautious and calculate." Qiuhong said, then smiled bitterly: "I asked him what is meant by breaking it with one force."

When everyone heard him say this, they all kept quiet. Even Master Demon Dove pricked up their ears, and heard what she was going to say. The female disciple of the Kit Kat Hall had some insights in the formation, but How old is she? How capable is her junior? What was said was terribly loud.

"He said:'It's nothing more than smashing spirit stones. All kinds of treasures of heaven and earth are piled together and exploded indiscriminately. Under the chaos of spiritual power, the finest things like formation are the most fragile, but they are broken. Its spiritual channel, can it still work?'"

"I laughed at him that this is the style of the rich landlord, but he said: ‘Even if it’s the rich landlord’s style, then you have to find the weak points of the spiritual power flow of the formation, and there is no ability to find it?""

"Isn't the formation's weakest point being the formation eye? If you can find the formation eye, no one can break the formation." Master Demon Dove sneered.

"The master is wrong. Some killing formations are the weakest and have extremely strong attack power. How can you break open the formations and take out the objects in the formation when you change the cultivation base? , An ordinary ant, is placed on the gate of my life, let it bite, can it bring us a trace of damage?"

"That self refers to the generation below the low level of cultivation!" Master Demon Dove said stiffly.

"Master, the bridgehead should be the weakest point of this formation. Why not open the eyes and take out the object of the formation?" Qiuhong sneered. This evil old man, if you let him give orders, you will be back. I don't know what the danger is, and I also expect him to worry that he and Tang Xiaotian are disciples of Tiangong's ingenuity?

Master Demon Dove's expression remained unchanged and said: "Master does not cultivate the formation path, this kind of thing naturally has to be handled by experts."

With a painful look on Qiuhong's face, he put several components together, put the runestones, and said to the devil dove: "Master, this is the thing that breaks the formation. I need to spend several breaths on the bridge. Activation, during which the master’s protection is required."

"It's okay to protect you, the master can barely protect you for ten breaths, but how do I know you didn't lie to the master to die?" Master Demon Dove asked suspiciously.

"If the Master can't believe it, then it's okay to let it go? The materials needed for this creation are very valuable, and I feel a little bit reluctant."

Master Demon Dove sat on the wax as soon as he heard it. If he didn't believe Qiu Hong's words, who would have a way to break the formation? My purpose is not to run to this secret mansion to kill people. If I believe her, what if this is a trap?

The fierce light in his eyes was great, but he regained his clarity in a moment.

"The master will believe you once, haha, if you can't figure it out, I would like to accompany the old man in the neck of the master to annihilate. The master has nothing to say. On Huangquan Road, there is such a small flower like a jade as you. With the girl, I must not be lonely!"

"The Master is very decisive. If you embark on the path of no return to practice, you can only move forward. How can you retreat! Standing still is also retreating. Is there any reason to look forward to the future?" Qiu Hong praised.

"Retreat further, I'm afraid the movement will be a bit big later." Qiu Hong turned to the other monks, and everyone retreated far away.

Master Demon Dove also said to everyone: "You can take advantage of the Master's powerless distraction to escape from this secret palace, presumably the Master can't help you at the moment."

Sweeping his eyes from his face one by one, all the monks were captured by his fierce flames, and none of them dared to look at each other safely.

The two slowly walked towards the bridge.

Qiu Hong said solemnly: "Attention Master, I am about to start. After the start, there are seven or eight breaths to leave. Can the Master be ready?"

"It's your start! Master's life will protect me both, hum, I want to break the distraction of Yuan Ying!" Master Demon Dove said proudly.

Qiu Hong took two more steps, reached the bridge head, squatted down, and pressed a few times on the square creation. At this moment, the calm river water also began to ripple and Qiuhong pressed his hand on the creation. , Seems to be inputting true yuan.

The river was rippling, and finally, a big wave surged and swept over, Master Demon Dove snorted coldly, suddenly there was a whisk in his hand, brushed the ground, and then drew it over, and the wave was beaten back. Master Demon Dove's figure shook slightly: "Is this sword formation nothing more than that?"

"A total of nine bright spots, about four and a half times, the Master paid attention." Qiu Hong said in a deep voice, at this time, the second bright spot on the creation also lit up.

There was a rustle of water, but this time it was two waves hitting on both sides. Master Demon Dove sneered and said, "What's the use of doubling? Disperse!"

As soon as he pointed out, his other hand still used the dust to repel another wave, but he gave a slight pause under his feet, and he actually stomped the ground two or three inches. Obviously, the strength he received was a little bit large, and he had to take these The power was drawn underground, and at this time, the third bright spot lit up.

The two waves just retreated, and the third wave hit, when the waves turned into six waves.

The fourth bright spot lights up. Master Demon Dove's fingers shook, and dozens of dusty white whiskers came out of the dust and shot in six waves. The six waves were instantly frozen. Staying, the sound of cracking came, and it was scattered into broken ice.

The fifth bright spot lights up, and the eight-stranded wave strikes. Master Demon Dove has a cold face and arouses filaments. However, it is obvious that the strength of the turned up wave is getting stronger and stronger. Master Demon Dove arouses the filaments again. It was so dense that it was able to freeze the waves.

The sixth bright spot lights up, and the eight-stranded waves are frozen again, scattered ice on the ground.

I wanted to wait for the fifth wave to hit, but something seems to be brewing. The seventh bright spot has been lit! The fifth wave finally hit, but it was not a wave. It turned out that ten water men suddenly jumped onto the shore. Three of them were very familiar with their costumes and faces...

"Friends of Haidao!" Qiu Hong blurted out in exclamation while inputting the true yuan without stopping.

"Hmph, this river fruit is weird. It has imprisoned the souls of many cultivators. It can be driven, and the evil door is tight." The man on the demon dove's face was blue, and a burst of effort was sprayed on the dust, the one in front of the Buddha dust. After receiving the blood of Master Demon Dove, the silk became like a transparent red jade silk thread. It was inspired by Master Demon Dove’s spiritual power. In the end, only a bald bone stick was left in her hand. Seeing the shape, it seemed like it was. With roots in human leg bones, Qiu Hong no longer looks at it, focusing on inspiring the last bright spot.

The red silk thread seemed to be extremely hot, and it burned with a faint smell of burnt in the air. It stuck on the water people and burned so loudly, and the water people also gave out thick steam, and it gradually began to shrink, and it seemed to be again. Being held by the red silk thread, unable to move, just twisted desperately.

The ninth bright spot was already lit, and Qiu Hong cheered: "Master, withdraw! Leave as soon as possible, the farther the better!"

Master Demon Dove's face was pale, it was obvious that he had caused a great deal of pain just now. After hearing this, he quickly retreated, Qiu Hong also got up and fled away.

After more than ten breaths, a loud bang came from the sky, Qiu Hong only felt that a moment after the noise, she felt like she was being pushed **** her back, standing unsteadily, and being impacted so that she flew in the air. The six internal organs were like being hit by a sledgehammer, and a large mouthful of blood was sprayed out in the air. After the light saw Master Demon Dove, he saw that he fell forward like a glider, without receiving the shock wave at all. influences.

The entire secret palace seemed to sway, and a sorrowful neigh was faintly heard.

Qiuhong fell on the ground, rolled a few laps before stopping, and standing up, another big mouthful of fresh choking came out, and the feeling of tightness in his chest was a little less, but there were faint cramps, and he even took a deep breath. I can't do it, knowing that my internal organs have been seriously injured.

A large wave of monks rushed over from behind.

Tang Xiaoqian looked worried: "Sister, how is the injury?"

Qiu Hong shook his hand, stood up hard, took out a porcelain bottle from the storage space, took out a pill, and took it: "I can't die, I didn't expect that the power of the thunder explosion that your chief Tiangong gave me was so powerful. I still set the direction of the impact, I'm afraid that Brother Nascent Soul will be cautiously perished if he receives a positive impact."

Tang Xiaoqian said in shock: "The creation of the foundation period can threaten the real Yuan Ying!?"

Qiuhong shook his head and said: "Then there is such an easy thing. Just setting the time to inspire this thunder and air explosion is enough to kill us countless times."

"Girl, may you keep going?" Master Demon Dove asked with an unmoving expression, his complexion also improved a lot, and he took some medications just now.

"If it is not wrong, the river water is the water vein that can transform the dragon, and the incomplete dragon soul is detained in the river. The monks killed by the sword formation over the years are also detained in it, turning into the strength of the sword formation. The thunder burst into the air, igniting a strong thunder fire to explode, thunder and fire happened to have great lethality on the soul body, but it was accidentally hit and hit the right direction! At this time, the dragon soul did not dare to say that it was destroyed, but it should I can't activate the sword formation anymore." Qiuhong's pill has dissipated, and he has begun to repair the internal organs. He feels a lot better, and the discomfort gradually recedes. You only need to do nothing for a few days.

"Ranxiu will leave a person to explore the way." Master Demon Dove nodded.

Those casual practitioners looked sad, but didn't dare to violate Master Demon Dove's words, and after a few breaths of effort, they had already selected a casual practitioner.

Everyone followed him, watching him walk to the river, and they saw that the boss on the ground was a hole seven or eight meters wide, but it was only a semicircle. It seemed to be cut off by the river. Obviously, another part of the power was cut off by the river. The river water was completely absorbed, and even the Yuqiao was blown down on one side, but fortunately the other side was still intact.

Watching the selected monk walk to the end of the bridge, and then watch him cross the bridge, and sure enough, nothing happened, this is the heart that fell back into his stomach.

Seeing that he was okay, everyone quickly crossed the river from the remnant bridge to the opposite bank, but did not dare to stay on the bank. The ghost knew that the dragon soul would recover, and then manipulated the river water and the monk's soul to attack!

After crossing the river, there is a stone path leading directly to the secret palace. From the front of the secret palace, it looks like a hall. What is behind the hall is unknown, but before the hall is a huge open space covered with black cyan stone slabs. Tang Xiaoqian suddenly sighed and squatted. Look at the bluestone.

"Sucking Linggang?" Tang Xiaoqian hurriedly retracted. With this touch, he felt that the true essence in his body had been sucked into the slate smoothly as if it had opened up the meridians.

Lingang is a kind of stone that monks and warriors hate very much, because it absorbs energy such as true energy, true energy, and spiritual power. However, this kind of stone has a very peculiar property. After absorbing the true energy of a monk, Feed it, you can breed one or several inferior spirit stones with extremely pure spiritual power, but the total amount will be much reduced. Some warriors and monks with good patience will use its characteristics to purify their own spirits. If you don’t care about the loss, this is of course a good thing, but the input loses a little, and after it turns into a spiritual stone, you will lose a little more when absorbed. Adding the two together, the loss is almost half of the true energy, true energy, and spiritual power. Is there any benefit to higher purity? Of course there are benefits, but it is equivalent to doubling the time for self-cultivation and gathering! The question of longevity is an extremely important matter for all monks. It takes twice as much time to gather energy and energy, which is equivalent to a half of the lifespan. There are other ways to purify true energy, true energy, and spiritual power, even if it is not so pure. , But it is better than doubling the time, right?

Over time, no one will use it for purification. This is one of its characteristics. Some people have said, then find a few people who specialize in energy and use energy purification to make a contribution, okay?

If there are more than two types of qi, the Linggang will explode. This is the second characteristic of Linggang.

"This is not so tight, this square is not too big, at most you can reach the front of the temple with one effort." Master Demon Dove said indifferently, jumped up, and swept towards the door of the temple.

"Master..." Qiu Hong blurted out.

"Wait..." But he had already jumped out.

But just after his figure passed the edge of the square, he was stopped by some invisible force and landed firmly on the first Su Linggang.

Master Demon Dove looked ugly and stood motionless on it, until the linggang was pumping water, sucking out the spiritual power in his body, until the linggang changed from the color of black blue to white jade, and finally there was a soft sound, and it turned As a powder, four low-level spirit jade remained on the ground.

Master Demon Dove did not believe in evil, so he jumped up again, but was stopped on the second Lingling Gang.

After a while, the fed Linggang gave back four low-level spirit jade.

Master Demon Dove sighed and walked back to the edge of the square.

"No flying, I'm afraid I can't even lift my feet off the ground. The square is so wide, I'm afraid that the Master can only feed four or five pieces of absolute Linggang." Master Demon Dove's face was pale, and a spiritual force shot out, but Dissipated without a trace in midair.

"Even the spiritual power can't leave the body, this Tianhuan Shenjun is really black!" Master Devil Dove cursed, originally relying on the characteristics of the Absolute Linggang, it is also a way to make it explode, but the spiritual power cannot be separated. It was too ruthless, and the only simple way was blocked!

Looking at the wide square, everyone took a breath. Is this going to go step by step? If you don’t feed Jue Linggang, you will go step by step, and it will be a tragedy for the third person to set foot on this. If you don’t blow up, you will lose your life?

"I was just trying to tell Master, I was afraid of fraud. Who knows that there is a real problem. The foundation-building cultivator stood still on it and was not sucked into it? Just now, it was the Master Demon Dove who jumped up..." Qiu Hong was shocked. Tao.

"There is only one way to feed one by one. Master Tianhua is really boring this time! I don't know how he drove so many Absolute Souls!" Master Demon Dove's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 208 Dianqian Jue Ling Gang) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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