My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 219: Method

"Dear friends, please stay." Tianhuan Shenjun sighed.

"God!" San Gong said anxiously.

"At this point, what else can I hide?" Tianhuan Shenjun shook his head.

"What is the order of the god?" Fan Yun said vigilantly.

"San Gong, I will give you a pen from the ruins of the ruins, the Kunji thick soil, "The Fragment of Tianqin", and Tianqing, and another two thousand intermediate and three hundred high-level spiritual stones. Thank you. Everyone, by the way, it's useless to keep things like A and B Qinglongmu and Xinyi Star Soul, as well as those sets of exercises and inheritance, let's bring them together." Tianhuan God Lord's tone was full of frustration. feel.

"God! These..." San Gong looked anxious.

"Go!" Tianhuan Shenjun waved his hand, San Gong couldn't, so he had to leave in shock.

"Hehe, you fellow daoists must be wondering, why do I stand in front of me and don’t know what medicine is sold in the gourd, am I not?"

"Don't dare, the gods are as wise as the sea, which is not something I can guess." Fan Yun replied neither humble nor arrogant.

"Will you stray cultivators avoid it for a moment? Two thousand intermediate spiritual stones, I will offer them later." The god's voice was full of exhaustion.

Fan Yunzhen exchanged glances with Qiuhong and Yun Qianchen and nodded.

"You guys go outside and wait for each other first." Qiuhong ordered, Qu Jingxian and others suddenly agreed and left the hall of the gods.

Seeing them leave, God Sovereign Tianhuan sighed and said: "Let you laugh, as expected, as this fellow Yun Daoist said, I can't take action against you."

The disciples of the sect were silent, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"The Drought Man in the thousand miles of red land is exactly the wife of this god, the concubine Hong Lian, because of some past events, she turned her body into a dry man. I fell back that year just to trap her. In this secret palace, a ray of remnant soul of the prince is not scattered, but entangled in the old palace of the prince, the servants, the guardian, the true monarch, and the three men you see are just my clones."

"Since the prince paid such a great price and trapped his wife in a thousand miles of red land, why do you want to entice the monk to go and become a **** food?" Fan Yunzhen was a little angry, if he didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid Qiu Hong is already unfortunate.

"Because she is my wife, how can I see her being hungry all day without blood and food? Besides, using a small amount of monk's life to change the peace of the world, isn't it right? Should I let her out? The secret mansion, turned the whole Haogang upside down? Don't you ask me why I didn't completely suppress her? She is my married wife, and besides, I actually rely on Long Yuan to maintain the existence of this remnant soul. Majesty, there is no more power to shoot. Those formations are now all supported by the spiritual power of Long Yuan. Seeing that it is about to run out, it is a good thing for you to take her away." Tianhuan Shenjun sighed.

"Even if it is fed with monsters, how can you use the flesh and blood of a monk?" Fan Yun said displeased.

"This secret palace is opened once in hundreds of years. I need to expend a lot of resources to send the open palace jade jue. Only the greedy monks come here. What do I use to feed the red pity?" Tianhuan Zhenjun sneered.

"I have also cultivated from a low-level monk to a Mahayana god, and there are many in the secret realm. I don't know what kind of personality the monk is. I can't wait to scrape all the dirt in the secret realm. I am greedy and will die when I die. It's a pity?" True Monarch Tianhuan asked, Fan Yun suddenly suffocated, and his secret thoughts were true.

"Furthermore, Hong Lian was also suppressed by you, and I was relieved. I don’t have to waste my thoughts to trap her in one place, and try my best to attract the monks into the hustle and obsess over, and I have no reason to stay here. "Tianhuan Zhenjun said quietly.

"The gods will keep us and give the treasures, what's the order?" In fact, Fan Yunju wanted to say that if the gods figured it out, then we should take care of the arrangements, and we will go ahead; the gods at this time looked like a good talker. , But the ghost knows if he has any other means, so he can not sin or try his best to not sin.

"If you take away the red pity, I won't have the need to keep it in this world. Naturally, all the treasures in this mansion will have no ownership. If you give it to you, it will be considered a good destiny. I only ask for one thing."

Fan Yunyu faintly felt that this **** was a little pitiful, and sighed: "God, please give orders, as long as the younger generation can do it, I will not refuse."

"Let me see her. I was trapped in the secret mansion. I was severely injured and died, leaving behind this ray of remnant soul. There is no return, no liberation, and even the disappearance of the smoke. Later, after careful consideration, I realized. Because Hong Lian was trapped in the scarlet land, it was my last obsession. If she left here, I would be relieved. Please fellow daoists to let me see her for the last time." Tianhuan God Lord actually stood up and faced Fan. Yun Shu took a deep bow.

Fan Yunzhen quickly stepped aside: "God, Senior Hong Lian is a Drought Man, because I was taken in the tower by coincidence, how dare I let her out? If I let her out, I will all be ashamed! Forgive me for not being able to follow my life. !"

Tianhuan Shenjun still maintained the long-term movement, but the voice came: "You don't need to let her out, please ask fellow daoists to put me in the tower. When I get to the tower, I see her and I understand my wish."

"But...but Senior Hong Lian is now in confusion, if Senior enters my tower and is burned by her karma, it will disappear in a blink of an eye, more completely than the disappearance of the soul, this..." Fan Yun was startled. , Asked.

"I am a ray of remnant soul, and I don't even have a chance to reincarnate. How can I care if it will disappear?" Tianhuan God Lord stood up and said with a wry smile.

"God, the things are here." San Gong walked in, with a few rings on the tray, and stored the treasures in these rings when he wanted to come.

"Let's go away." Tianhuan Shenjun waved his sleeves, and the servants, San Gong, and the guardian, the real Lord Fazhen, all turned into fluorescent lights, slowly plunged into his body, and the original magnificent palace slowly faded. Become dilapidated and gloomy.

"For these years, being alone in the Secret Mansion is really lonely, and so many false people come out to accompany him in the play, but it makes everyone laugh." Tianhuan Shenjun laughed at himself, he waved his hand again, and the tray floated. Arrived in front of Fan Yunju.

"Fellow Daoist, look, there is nothing wrong with it."

Fan Yunju said, "Things are trivial things, and the gods really want to invest in my pagoda?"

"I can't do anything with your tower. I'll disappear after you leave. It's good to see her for the last time."

Fan Yunji made a sacrifice to the exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, and was waiting to receive the Heavenly King in it, but he couldn't bear to start it.

"The **** wants this gold branch with the flame pattern, because he wants to burn the soul with the fire of Nirvana above it, so as to consolidate it?" After hesitating for a while, Fan Yunzhen finally asked.

"Huh? Your little Taoist friend, although his cultivation level is not high, but his knowledge is good. It is believed that the fire of Nirvana is the nemesis nemesis of the world, and even the corpse repair cannot compete. In fact, the purity of anger in the fire of Nirvana is also in the world. Rarely, coupled with the conversion of wood to gold, this golden phoenix tree also contains a trace of immortal gold, slowly absorbing the breath of the fire of Nirvana. For ghost repairs, it is like the pain of falling into hell, but it has been burned by the fire of Nirvana. After that, it can stabilize the soul, even if it is my remnant soul, it is possible to condense the true spirit and turn to the ghost way. I invited the monk to get this gold branch with the flame pattern. In fact, I didn’t know that it had completely turned into a golden phoenix tree, but it didn’t. It's not to make a wish randomly and coax them, but they are indeed unlucky, and they all become the blood food of the red pity." Tianhuan God Lord's tone was full of helplessness.

"The younger generation has an idea." Fan Yun stomped.

"Friends of Daoist, please make it clear." Tianhuan Shenjun trembled, is this a turnaround?

"If Mrs. Zun is obsessed by the gods, can the gods be willing to serve me as the master? I will send the gods into the tower, and the golden sycamore trees are also included in the tower. The gods can use the golden sycamore trees to temper the soul, and Mrs. Diligent, clear and clear minded, naturally will not indiscriminately kill evil. At that time, when the **** and the lady are together, isn't it the best of both worlds?" Fan Yun asked.

"In addition to serving you as the Lord, what else can fellow Taoists ask for?" asked Tianhuan God Lord.

"God rest assured, I will not drive the gods like pigs and dogs, I only ask the gods to answer the puzzles in my practice from time to time." When Fan Yun heard the drama, he was overjoyed, the Mahayana god, the next step is to cross the tribulation. With such a portable grandfather, are you afraid of bottlenecks in your cultivation in the future? I'm afraid that the master doesn't have so much time to teach myself specifically, right?

"If you swear a big oath and try your best to restore Hong Lian's sanity, and let me be free as husband and wife after she recovers sanity, I can naturally serve you as the master." Tianhuan Shenjun calmed down, as long as there is a chance to reunite with his wife, What is the sacrifice of freedom? Anyway, Hong Lian is also an immortal corpse repairer. In his own state of remnant soul, there is no concept of life and death, and some have time to wait slowly.

At the moment, Fan Yunzhen and Tianhuan God Sovereign made a great oath of heaven, which is regarded as the perfect ending to the exploration of the secret palace.

After Tianhuan Shenjun entered the heaven and earth exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda, Fan Yunzhen began to check the storage rings. The large number of heaven, material and earth treasures inside made Fan Yun stunned. As expected, he is a veteran who doesn’t know how many years he has existed. Top monks, I'm afraid that some rare treasures that have no place of origin are not even in the Tiangongmen public treasury!

After the 50 high-level spirit stones promised by True Monarch Tianhuan were distributed to the sect disciples, the looting meeting officially began.

"Daoist Qingxueyin, this is the Fragment of Tianqin you want to watch. I hope to meet my disciples Tiangong and Kit Kat in the future, please take care of it!" Fan Yunzhen handed the Fragmented Lyra to Qingxue Yin.

Qing Xueyin smiled and said: "Fan Daoist is just kidding, all the disciples of Tiangong Qiqiao are like dragons, and they are the only ones who take care of me. However, I will naturally take care of my fellow Daoists! After I read them, I will return them to Daoists. !"

There is a large egg in the ring of the Huixu Spiritual Earth, and there are countless spiritual stones next to it. As long as there is aura absorption, the Huixu Spiritual Soil will gradually increase, and this Huixu Spiritual Soil does not know this. It's from how old it is to the present situation.

Presumably some secret mansion was built on the Guixu Spiritual Land. It was just an excuse from the Heavenly Emperor God. If the Guixu Spiritual Land was really at his feet, how could there be only a little more aura here than on Haogang Star? Unexpectedly, God Lord Tianhuan would lie even if he treated people with sincerity.

Such a big Tuo Guixu Lingyang didn’t know where Tianhuan God Sovereign was found from outside the sky. Such a big piece, even if it weighs almost one percent of the weight of Haogang Star, of course Fan Yunzhen dare not take it out at will. , Directly cut a small piece from the ring, moved it into an empty storage ring, and handed it to Yun Qianchen:

"Daoist Yun Qianchen, this is what you want to return to the ruins. Everyone will live and die together. I can't let you go back empty-handed. In the future, my two groups of disciples will ask daoists to take more care!"

"As it should be, thank you Fan Daoyou for giving me a great treasure!" Yun Qianchen was so excited that he couldn't think that he had actually got the treasure.

Others, such as Zhai Yu, used to make soy sauce. He was overjoyed when he got a treasure that was collected by Tianhuan God.

Grateful to Tang Xiaoqian for protecting Qiuhong, Fan Yunxu gave him some top treasures, directed him to find Bai Yu, let Bai Yu design and refine his natal creatures, and those loose repairs, two thousand middle-level spiritual stones, for them to share and enrich themselves. , So happy that they couldn't keep their mouths together. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 219 Method) and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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