My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 229: Arrived in Three Indias Delhi

In August, the red fire was flowing with gold, and the sun shattered unscrupulously on the ground. Looking a little farther away, you could see the air rising and twisting on the ground.

As the second largest developing country in the world, Sanyin has the world’s largest population, the most fascinating and self-confident national pride, the most chaotic mobility, the most severe caste system, and extremely poor sanitary conditions. Smearing: Sanyin thinks that there are toilets at home that are bad, so they can only go to public toilets, and public toilets are all open, and the final treatment of hygiene is with fingers...with fingers, with fingers, they don’t use paper, and they carry a bottle. Clean water and clean fingers. Thanks to this, it is said that because they do not use paper, their incidence of hemorrhoids is extremely low.

The great mother river of the Sanyins, the Ganga River has a pollution level of 150 times the target issued by the International Health Organization. Sanyin’s most pious belief is here to realize his last wish: to scatter ashes into the mother river, so it is the most famous In the Varana Stone Stairs Crematorium, the remains of more than 30,000 believers are burned here every year, and then more than 300 tons of incompletely burnt human tissues are sent into the river.

Due to the hot zone, the poor living environment of the Sanyin people, and the hygienic habits of flying, the Sanyin people often suffer from various strange diseases: sweating, elephant feet, multiple neurofibroma, stone skin disease, and children. Progeria...

Someone once joked: If there is an end of the world, the Great Xia Empire will eat everything and have the best survivability in the world...Brother, you think too much, you can let any foodie king of the Great Xia Empire take a sip of Ganga Try the river? For the Sanyin people who drank Gangga River and cow urine as their cures, things like Sudan Red, for them, were just a little brighter in the color of the condiment.

"Sir, this is one of the best hotels in Delhi. It is about five kilometers away from the Youth Stadium." Qin Lie touched the sweat on his head and said, looking at Bai Yu, his refreshing T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers were slung across the body. A brown canvas bag, with a layer of cyan stubble growing on his head, looks like a high school student who is about to enter the school gate. In this hot temperature, Bai Yu has not a trace of oil and sweat, and it looks as clean as just coming out of a bath. .

Bai Yu covered his nose. The strong curry smell here was mixed with the choking exhaust gas of San Beng Zi, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. There is no way. The five senses of the foundation cultivator are sensitive. This is an advantage and a disadvantage.

Seeing a Sanyin monk walking by with a cow leisurely, Bai Yu finally believed that the cow was indeed...too sacred for the Sanyin people. There was actually a Sanyin kid who took advantage of the cow to pull down a large tuo, and quickly came to collect it. Into his cow-dung-collecting pocket, it’s just that the cow-dung collection in Bai Yu’s impression refers to dry cow dung, and...

There are still high-rise buildings around, and luxurious vehicles can occasionally be seen in the endless stream of Sanbengzi on the street. Ordinary citizens in traditional costumes and businessmen in suits and leather shoes all prove that this is a thriving, slowly and the world. A country of cultural integration.

Walking into the Xiangge Hotel, I was finally isolated from the mixed and noisy environment outside. Although the air is still floating with sandalwood mixed with the smell of curry, it is clean enough to lie down without staining the floor of the clothes, crystal clear crystals The chandelier and the smiling waiter finally convinced Bai Yu that he was in a civilized society.

After checking in, Bai Yu and a group of more than ten people came to the 28th floor under the leadership of the waiter.

The translator hired by the country is a delicate girl. He said: "Mr. Bai, this floor of Shangge Hotel is the best floor overlooking Delhi. If the air quality is good, you can clearly see the youth. The stadium. It’s about five kilometers away from the Youth Stadium. It’s about an hour and a half walk and an hour’s drive."

Seeing Bai Yu's questioning eyes, the translator's heartbeat speeded up. What kind of eyes are these! His pupils are as clear as a stream melting from a snow-capped mountain, and with that young and delicate demeanor, is he really here to participate in the World Martial Arts Fighting Competition?

The girl calmed down and replied with difficulty: "No way, the traffic situation here is not ideal."

Bai Yu nodded: "What are those buildings? Are they... temples?"

The girl followed Bai Yu's fingers and saw that there would be a large number of buildings with three-print multi-layer complex style between the buildings. Those mysterious and solemn buildings attracted Bai Yu's attention.

"Yes, that is the native religion of Sanyin, Brahmi."

"Brahmanism? Isn't it Buddhism?"

"Sakyamuni has practiced the doctrines of Brahmiism, and it is considered to have been influenced by Brahmiism, but Brahmiism believes in Brahma, and Buddhism believes in Buddhism. That is to say, one kind of belief is deified and concrete. It is the belief of ideological connotation."

"It sounds like the latter has to be taller."

"Perhaps, after all, Buddhism also has three Buddhas in the past, present, and future, and there are so many bodhisattvas, arhats, and vajra underneath. It seems that all believers in general communication can be any of them, but these Buddhist gods who have achieved fruitful status are unified Achievers under the big concept of Buddhism..."

"Are you also very knowledgeable about Buddhism?"

"To learn the language and culture of the Three Indians, it is inevitable that you need to understand these things. I only learned a little bit. There are too many religions here, and I can only understand some of the more mainstream ones."

"Is the language hard to learn here?"

"It’s difficult. There are too many. Because it’s the reason to go to Delhi, I took advantage when applying for the job. Hindi and Urdu are my majors. Of course, the Mandarin of the Queen is also the official language here. ."

"Is the eagle not old queen's language available here?"

"Uh, Mr. Bai, the pronunciation here is weird. If you use the Eagle language, you may not understand it, and they will not understand it either."

"I haven't asked your last name yet?"

"My name is Yun, Yun Yishan."

"Mountain for the rest of the day?"

"Coral's Shan."

"Okay, Ms. Yipei, I have to rely on you in the next month or so."

"This is my job. Oh, I forgot to remind you, don't drink tap water. If you need to drink water, it's best to drink bottled water in the refrigerator."

"Ok, I see."

"Then you have a rest, you have arranged to taste the special food here in the evening."


"Bai Xiaoyu, have you reached Sanyin?"

"I arrived at noon today. I heard you say that you have to go to the Eagle Division."

"Yes, Auntie Kaien, this time she will take me to Baiying, me, auntie and Trish."

"Your auntie thinks so well?"

"She is a fighting fan, or I have to lie this time!"

"How is that Wu Kesu?"

"He said he had settled down in the casino, he said he made a lot of money, and he invited me to dinner!"

"You pay attention to your safety outside, when I arrive at the White Eagle Congress, I will come to you."

"Okay, you have to be careful! Don't get beaten up and bruised!"

"You should pray for my opponent."


"India Warrior, the boss still said that, don't use strange abilities."

"They don't need me to use abilities." Wu Kesu shook his head.

"Then you still use your ability when dealing with Eber." The messenger murmured.

Wu Kesu ignored him, but replied in his heart: "If you don't slash you quickly, I don't know how much trouble there will be."

For those who are only a little bit stronger than themselves, most people will be dissatisfied, jealous, and resentful, but when the gap becomes inaccessible, it will turn into obedience and awe to the strong. Wu Kesu showed the same With the ability of movie special effects, how dare people with iron-blooded swords have any thoughts about him? Hugging your thighs is the business.

The iron-blooded swords also operate their own casinos. Underground cage fighting is an industry that attracts money. Such gangs, in addition to operating various illegal fast-money industries, mostly also operate the gaming industry, which is the city’s main industry. Of course, they operate Most of these industries are semi-killing peripheral markets. The advantage of peripheral markets is that customers can choose more flexible betting methods. For peripheral dealers, if they encounter customers who have won too hard, they can directly hack him. It's not impossible, it's nothing more than changing the shell later, they don't care what brand or brand.

There are forty or fifty gangs operating underground cage fighting, and the most famous are seven. Ann River will not be so stupid to pick these seven from the beginning. Isn’t it good to start with the weak ones?

Of course Wu Kesu knows that An River is using him. He doesn’t care about it. He just hopes that he will not encounter any trouble before the official game. It is a good choice to have this gang do some chores for him. As for using his Fighting power and might affect these gang members who are licking blood, who cares.

Ann River's decision was to use Wu Kesu's combat power to persuade other small gangs to merge into his iron sword.

This use of Wu Kesu’s combat power is of course not for Wu Kesu to slaughter those gangs, but all kinds of benefits and bonuses after winning a good ranking in the World Martial Arts Fighting Competition. Of course, there are also ignorances. Some of the leaders of the gang were killed directly, and An Li Fushunli took their power and territory in an orderly manner. After all, using force to determine the power and territory ownership, this gang member cannot refuse.

Ann River was sitting in the box, facing the two rows of sofas. He occupies a whole row, behind him is his horse.

"Listen, Ashler, I don’t want to use a knife or a gun. This is a loss to you and me. The sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth blocks are now in my name. If I want to move you, it’s a loss. It’s a simple matter, but I think we can solve this problem perfectly. Look, my Indian warrior is very powerful. I have already signed up for him. He will participate in this World Martial Arts Fighting Competition. You will also get good results. With such a powerful fighter as him, I can do better, but our strength has been dispersed for too long. Don’t you think this is an opportunity to unite and make us stronger? Why? Why can’t we be the master? This is a free country, and even the leader is elected by us. Why can’t we choose the leader ourselves?"

"Ann River, a martial arts conference can’t represent much, but what you said is that we are the masters of ourselves. I think it’s very interesting, but why don’t you join me, but I join you? I have the most powerful firepower, yours. No matter how strong the soldiers are, can they be better than my gunmen?"

"Ha! Ashler, I like you, but you have too few people. Yes, I believe you and the arms dealers in Cowboy State. No, no, no, I know, it's actually a military background, right? I know that you have some relationship with them, so you can get good products for civilian use, but you have too few people. I only found you until now. I also considered this point. You can distribute your people to Are you in all of your business? No way, right? Of course, if we really do this, we will suffer both losses. Therefore, I came with the Indian warriors, and use the least blood to decide the winner! The loser loses everything, The one who wins wins all, is it exciting? Hahaha!"

"Ann River, I think you are a lunatic, but I like your proposal very much. The winner wins all? Why not?"

"Rest assured, if you join me, I will not shoot for annexation. Actually, I am a businessman. I prefer to do business in a proper manner. Hahaha, we are all businessman, right? You can become a new one. The elder of the iron-blooded sword! For the time being, the elder of the strongest gang except those seven!"

"It's very beautiful, and I'm also a little tempted, but it's useless to say it. Let me see if your Indian warrior can beat me... Werewolf."

The voice of the host came from below:

"Our most cruel and shameless fighter, werewolf, thirty-nine matches, thirty-seven wins and two draws! Isn't that amazing winning rate? He has never failed! His strong body is the dream of many noble ladies! His Howling can make the faint-hearted pee their pants. It comes from the Celia Snow Field. It is said to be a descendant of the biochemical research results of the White Bear Country. He has the blood of the Celia Snow Wolf. Maybe we use'it' to be more suitable! Just cover yours! Eyes, he likes to eat the liver of losers the most!"

A young man with a steel ring around his neck and an iron chain tied to the ring was put into the cage.

The muscles on his body are streamlined, but they are not the same as the bloated muscles fed by taking steroids. The skin is densely covered with scars, and there are seven or eight round scars. There are dense white hairs on his face. There is also a shallow layer of fluff.

"Do you see it? I bought it from the White Bear Country for a big price. This hybrid is very powerful. It is not something your Indian warrior can deal with. Your Indian warrior is too weak, and he will be affected by it. Tear to pieces, and I will take over the people on your site." Ashler said slowly while biting his cigar. There was also a fire burning in his heart. Be his own master... Why not?

Ann River shrugged: "Let's wait and see."

After being put in, the werewolf rushed towards the host, but the chains were broken straight, and the blood vessels on his face and neck could not be covered by the joint hair. The werewolf waved his arms hard, trying to catch Host, but it's always a little bit worse.

"Wow! Werewolf, you are so excited today, come, let's interview, dear, have you eaten today?"


"Ha! He said he didn't eat today!"

"So, can you swallow your prey today?"

"Heh...ha! Ha!" A heavy panting sound came from the speaker.

"Okay, okay, I see, you will tear him to pieces, mash his liver into a pulp, and dip his meat in his pulp! Wow! What a creative dish! Okay, we are already I've seen the challenger, and then, let's invite our challenger!"

"Mysterious! Cage fighting black horse! Our seal! Emperor! War! Shi!" My dream can come true. The latest chapter address :Https:// dream can come true Full text reading address: https: // dream can come true txt download address: https://www. dream can come true Mobile reading: read/162987/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 229 Arrival 3 India) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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