My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 234: Interview

The World Budo Master Fighting Competition entered the penultimate day.

Wherever you go in Delhi, you can see the promotion, logo, VCR and interviews related to the contest.

"Teacher, the organizing committee would like to conduct an exclusive interview with you."

"Why did you find me on my head?" Bai Yu frowned.

"The people of the organizing committee said that this fighting competition was actually decided to be held because Yutsunomiya Ruiyu challenged you. They said that you and Sakura Country Swordsman are the two iconic characters of this competition. I hope you What can I say before the game."


"It's 15 o'clock this afternoon."

"Okay, let them come to the hotel."

Bai Yu sighed and dialed Han Lin's phone.

"Mom, are you coming to Sanyin?"

"I originally planned to travel, but I haven't had a chance. Didn't you have something? Thinking about the summer vacation, it's boring to stay in Jin, so let's take advantage of Xiaoqing's holiday, let's all go out and have a fun, what's wrong?"

"I'm also in Sanyin now." Bai Yu smiled bitterly.

"You are in Sanyin, okay! Our family... Sanyin? What are you doing in Sanyin?"

"I am also a contestant in this World Martial Arts Fighting Competition."

"You!? When did you learn to fight? Wait, let me stroke it, you tell me, you have something to do, it takes almost a month, and then you participate in this competition without telling us?"

"This...Mom, that's a long story..." Bai Yu said bitterly.

"Ha! Not afraid, I have time, let's talk, what's the matter?" Han Lin sneered.

"Well, that, it's not that someone from the Sakura country some time ago came to Jindu to kick the gym and beat the martial arts in Jindu miserably. It made a lot of trouble."

"I've heard about that, and I've seen the push message. What's your business?"

"They actually came to me."

"Look for you!?"

"Yes, it turned out that the betting company on the Eagle Country felt that this was a good opportunity, so they simply held this game and let us resolve our grievances in this game."

"Why does that person from Sakura Country want you?"

"Because of our recipe."




"How about? Son, let's sell that recipe? Anyway, the family also earns a lot of money, do some other business?"

"This is not necessary. The recipe is ours and no one can take it away. However, it is not safe for you to come to Sanyin. Otherwise, you should not come here."

"What are you talking about? The family is together well, I'm not here, what do you do if you are bullied? Who dares to move my son, my old lady is desperate with him! Stop talking nonsense, book the room, and the plane tomorrow."


The phone was hung up directly, Bai Yu smiled bitterly: Bullying me?


People from the organizing committee arrived at Bai Yu's suite on time at 15:00 to arrange lighting and erect equipment.

The person who interviewed Bai Yu was a capable Caucasian woman with a hot body and delicate features.

"The World Budo Master Fighting Competition is the first ever worldwide martial arts competition. As of the end of registration, a total of 1,944 people have signed up for this competition, 823 people in the Sanyin Division and 1,121 people in the White Eagle Division. There are less than two thousand people. Obviously, not all martial artists all over the world have recognized and participated in this great competition. However, as the competition progresses, we will gradually discover that the limits of mankind are endless, once every two years. During the competition, the strongest person on the planet will be selected. We believe that more martial artists will join this event..."

The white woman babblingly introduced a lot of events, and finally came to today’s theme:

"In mid-July, a martial artist from the country of Sakura, named Dao and surname to compete with a man from Xia, but the martial artist of Xia has never appeared, so this martial artist from the country of Sakura will fight against Xia Guo in Xia Guojin. The martial artist initiated a challenge, which led to the birth of this great competition! But who is this mysterious Xia country martial artist?"

"Hi, Mr. Bai, hello."

"Hello Christine."

"Oh! God, you are the mysterious Xia Guowu!? Everyone, he... is too young! Mr. Bai, can you ask about your age?"

"Eighteen years old."

"Eighteen years old, great. What did I do when I was eighteen years old? Ah, come to think of it, I was thinking of becoming the prom queen of the school, and this young man wants to be the most powerful man in the world! It fascinates me, Xia Guo’s men look very young, and this Mr. Bai, he is very handsome, hey, handsome guy, can I have dinner with you tonight?" Christine winked at Bai Yu .


"Well, it seems that this question is too sharp, Mr. Bai is unwilling to answer."

"Another question: Facing the powerful Sakura country martial artist..."

"Sorry, wait, you have defined it now, is he stronger?"

"Of course! Although he is very old, from his previous record and videos, he is indeed very strong, and he has also taught many great students, and Mr. Bai, we do not have your combat skills. Information, so, do you think you are stronger than the Sakura Kuni martial arts school, don’t you?"

"Hey hey! Wait a minute, are you deliberately guiding Mr. Bai to attract the disgust of martial artists from all over the world?" Gong Baisheng interrupted the interview with a face.

"Who are you again?" Christine put down the microphone and looked at Gong Baisheng in surprise.

"I said, babe, you did it on purpose, right?"

"What's going on? Why can someone interrupt us at random when we are doing an interview?" Christine's anger rose.

She turned her face and said, "Boy, you just need to cooperate with me. I'm helping you get popularity, do you know? Without popularity, you can't get investment in the later stage!"

Bai Yu looked confused: "What did you say?"

"I said, boy, if you want to be more famous, you have to follow my script. Just pinch off the front. Don't worry, I can fix him." Christine turned to the cameraman and said, back The reader gave her an OK gesture.

Bai Yu stood up.

Christine turned around, feeling as if a big mountain was pressing against him, and as if a skyscraper was about to overturn and hit him.

She felt that she was breathless and her lips trembled: "Fa... happened, what happened?"

Bai Yu just released a trace of the momentum of the foundation-building period, and the whole person's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, from a harmless little boy to an ancient beast.

Christine, who was just an ordinary person, could not withstand such a shock, suddenly couldn't even speak clearly.

It seemed that there was only one giant left in the whole world who looked at him with cold eyes. Just when Christine felt that he was about to be trampled to death by the giant's huge feet, Bai Yu retracted his momentum and sat down again.

Christine trembled: "What happened just now? Is it...Is it my hallucination?"

"Nothing happened, Christine, let's go on." Bai Yu said lazily.

Settling down, Christine apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I need to touch up my makeup, take video, record, and light. Wait a while before starting."

She rushed to the bathroom quickly, and she felt that she could not hold back a urge to pee.

Simply patching up the lipstick, she looked into the mirror and said: "You can do it! Chris! Get him, a kid, don't let him lead you by the nose!"

She pulled the neckline down a bit: "Use your charm to conquer him! He is just an adolescent boy!"

She returned to her seat with a charming smile: "All units are ready."


"Mr. Bai, I know the school of Xia State, yes, is that the word right? School, what kind of school do you belong to?"

"Momen, from the Momen of the hundreds of families in the Warring States Period."

"Momen must be a powerful school, right?"

"Momen was once very powerful, and Momen's thoughts were too much ahead of the mainstream social thoughts at the time, so they were not liked by those in power."

"Oh? Can you tell me something?"

"Our ancestors advocated universal love, caring for and loving all people in the world regardless of hierarchy."

"Wow! It's really advanced, and only a superpower like our White Eagle Empire can do this."

"No, you can't do it. You haven't solved even the most basic racial discrimination. Then he advocates non-offensive, opposes aggressive wars, and maintains human peace. Then you like to intervene in other countries' internal affairs and invade small and weak countries."

Christine, who was choked for a while, grudgingly said with a smile: "Well, cut off this paragraph, okay, let's continue. In that era, the Warring States period, Xia Guo had such a great idea?"

"Yes, Xia Guo is a great civilization with a history of five thousand years, and has made great contributions to the development of world civilization. The people of Xia Guo are not Fu Manzhou in your eyes."

"Fu Manzhou! I know him, a terrible, evil, and knowledgeable evil doctor! He is a natural enemy of white people!"

"But he is just a fabricated person."

"Fake it up? Impossible. I saw his movie when I was a kid. It's terrible. He always wanted to kill us!"

"Well, I don't want to discuss your instinctive reaction to discrimination. Do you have any questions?"

"Okay, I don't want to discuss this issue either, Mr. Bai, can you show, do you have the ability to cut steel bars with blades of grass?"

"It seems that you have also watched the video I posted on the Internet."

"It seems that you agree to come, come, please bring up the props!"

"This is a steel bar with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 40 cm. Ah, does Mr. Bai have any requirements for grass blades? Will it be impossible to perform your magical abilities because of the absence of some kind of grass?"

"No, if there is no grass, ordinary paper is fine."

"Are you sure? It means to use... paper? Ah! Is a eagle knife okay?"


"Ha! I have a request."

"Please speak."

"If you succeed, I hope you can sign the paper money?"

"This...may not be possible, because whether it is banknotes or blades of grass, they cannot withstand the strong force, and they will be damaged after use, so there is no way to meet your requirements."My dream can come true, the latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 234 Interview) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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