My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 240: Du Ziqiang's exclusive weapon

Lee Eun Hyuk VS Nguyen Xuan.

One is the contemporary powerhouse of Gao Ji’s stick national Hua Lang Dao, the dream lover of thousands of young girls, and the other is an veteran martial artist of Annan An Martial Art, the sixth grandson of Ruan Lu, known as the most authentic inheritor of An Martial Art.

Ruan Xuan was defeated by Li Eun-hyuk, was half-crippled by Li Eun-hyuk's set of combos and lost his combat effectiveness.

Qiu Xiushuang VS Katley Bahadur.

Qiu Xiushuang used the Xia Guo Gong Gong Sword to send the original Yuan Gong Embroidered Heart Sword Art to fight against the Gokry Scimitar of the Gorkha tribe of Nier State, and the third move was to pick up the opponent's weapon and get promoted.

Alan Fonda VS Xia Yinong

The ascetic monk from Fati, unarmed against Xia Yinong who used the Gossip Stick, Mingguang Sacred Heart Jue had a good performance in both recovery and blessing. Alan Fonda carried Xia Yinong’s stick and went straight into the middle palace and easily subdued Xia Yinong. .

Qin Lie VS Ma Yang Dan

After Qin Lie's Wu Qin Xi technique practiced Bai Yu Chuan's "Twelve Yuan Chen Forging", his combat effectiveness has been improved in all aspects, easily defeating Mayan Dan, who is proficient in Bancasura from Maya.

Moros Grinznuha VS Gong Baisheng

Moros Grinznuha comes from the white bear, with unmatched strength, his body is like a cast iron muscle, he indifferently took over Gong Baisheng's nine-section whip, and punched Gong Baisheng out of the field. Outside; if it were not for seeing the enemy getting stronger and stronger, Bai Yu would give all the participating members a diamond talisman to protect him. Under this blow, Gong Baisheng would only be the result of nine deaths.


Bai Yu comforted his mother and came to Du Ziqiang's room.

"Brother Qiang, how is it?"

Du Ziqiang started vomiting violently after he left the game, and went back to the hotel. The empty stomach was slightly better. The bathroom in the stadium was just a simple rinse. After returning to the hotel, the first thing he did was to rush into the bathroom and wash his feet and feet. Two hours.

After using a bottle in the bath, his skin was rubbed and painful, and he still felt that his body was full of Shingo Shibasaki's flesh and blood, and the end of his nose was also full of uncontrollable blood.

He raised his head in despair, and said bitterly, "Brother Yu, I killed someone."

Bai Yu nodded: "You broke through."

"I actually put on such a cruel hand, the blood on my hand can't be cleaned no matter how to wash it."

"He planned to kill you from the beginning. If you don't kill him, you have to die."

"I know, but I didn't expect that I would let him die so miserably."

"You regret it?" Bai Yu's voice became severe.

"Regret? No, I just feel a little, a little uncomfortable, a living person just died in my hands."

"There is no retreat in the path of spiritual practice. If you regret it, I can take back what you have learned and let you return to ordinary life!"

"No, I have no regrets, but... he also has parents and a wife? He is dead, what about his family?"

"He is going to kill you, he is your enemy, have you ever thought, if you die, what will your parents do!?"

"Well, I understand. If you want to kill me, you must have the consciousness of being killed by me. No wonder I! No wonder me! I want to live too!"

"That's right, can you adjust it?"

"No problem, give me some time."

"Okay, I believe you."

"Brother Yu!"

"you said."

"What about this **** smell?"

"That's your psychological effect. Maybe you will have nightmares at night. You need to adjust it yourself. In fact, you will get used to it if you kill too much.

"Brother Yu, have you killed anyone?"

"That's it."

"……I do not know how?"

"Dreaming to kill, of course you don't know."


"Consolidate your realm well. Your heart is dry, not suitable for cultivation, just take a good rest." Bai Yu took out an ice heart talisman, his true essence was activated, and the talisman paper burned spontaneously without fire. Bai Yu snapped a pat on Du Ziqiang's body.

"...Brother Yu, what is this?"

"You are now in a chaotic mood, and you are just entering the foundation building period. This talisman can calm your mind so as not to affect your realm."


On the third day, Bai Yu and the others sent the group of relatives and friends on the plane. When they boarded the plane, Han Lin kept telling Bai Yu to be careful of her own safety and not to fight so hard.

Mu Xiaolei worked hard and finally stayed as "the only representative of the family and friends group": "We are all gone, and no one of Bai Xiaoyu's relatives and friends is present. What is this? If you want to leave, he and I are good brothers. , Must stay!"

Wu Zhiqing had to learn everything, but also wanted to stay. Wu Chao and Han Lin had an iron fist education in mixed doubles, and then went back home in a dingy manner.

Some disciples have to do their work, but Yan Xin'er, a five or six-year-old Lolita, can help Bai Yu. What kind of human rights does the little baby talk about? Although Yan Xin'er is clamoring to accompany Master to the finals, people whispered, she said. His opinions were suppressed in an instant.

A large group of relatives and friends came in full of interest and left in fear, especially Mu Xiaolei's mother was frightened to a nervous breakdown, and it was not mentioned that he recovered until more than a month after returning to China.

Although Hua Wu is the ancestor of the world, dirty things are not uncommon, but this time such a **** battle also scared her to death, but she still stayed with other plans, and Han Lin also persuaded her to join her. When she returned to China, she said, "I don’t worry about it at home, but Bai Xiaoyu went abroad this time, and he was followed by some five-and-three rough guys. Mu Xiaolei couldn’t take care of herself. Do you still expect him to take care of Bai Xiaoyu? Or me. Keep it. Anyway, if you have something, you can help him take care of it." Han Lin thinks about it. Besides, it's not a day since this Nizi drools over her son. Her mind Han Lin knows well, knows, and has the ability. Your game is over this time, it would be better to bring one in your stomach!

Sending a group of people away, Hua Wu opened another suite at the reception, and when he returned to the room, he threatened Mu Xiaolei and Du Ziqiang to get out of the presidential suite.

Although the two counsellors resisted intentionally, they thought about it later that they had nothing to do with Hua Wu, so they left with a few luggages in a dingy manner.

Bai Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you doing?"

"I'm afraid!"

"You are wronged, you have nothing bad, and you didn't kill people. What are you afraid of?"

"I'm still afraid, what should I do?"

"Forget it, it's up to you! How about your love!" Bai Yu said with a headache.


"Songwen Hanbi purple gold swallowing sword, take it."

In the gym, Bai Yu handed Du Ziqiang a long sword.

"Brother Yu, what am I doing with this?"

"Is your head iron? When you meet someone armed with a fight against you, do you take your face to pick up the knife?"

"I don't know how to sword..." Du Ziqiang has improved a lot after a day of cultivation. He was also a heartless person, but he didn't turn a corner for a while.

Mu Xiaolei said with envy: "This sword looks so dangling."

Hua Wu sneered: "The sword I found for Bai Xiaoyu, can it be bad? Legend has it that King Min Tian used it."

Bai Yu said: "The shape of this sword was originally not good at hacking, but after you break through it, you have the blessing of true yuan, and you can barely use it. No matter your speed, strength, endurance, or eyesight, you are good now. , There is no need to pay attention to any moves..."

Du Ziqiang regretted: "This sword is too light, just like taking a plastic sword."

His hand shook, and the Songwen Hanbi Purple Gold Swallowing Sword wailed, and Bai Yu said with a headache: "How do you tell me to do it for you at this time?"

Du Ziqiang said: "If there is something like Cheng Yaojin’s axe, Jin Wushu’s mace, Guan Erye’s broad sword, Lu Fengxian’s halberd, Erlang’s three-pointed two-edged sword, etc., it’s best. Hey, I hold it in my hand like a toothpick."

Bai Yu sighed, then turned to ask Hua Wu said, "Is there any way to find some metal?"

"How much? What kind of?"

"Steel, copper, tin, for steel, seven or eight hundred catties are not too small, but three to five tons are not too much. Two hundred kilograms of copper and fifty kilograms of tin are all relatively easy to find. There is no way for complex ones, Brother Qiang. , What kind of weapon do you want?"

"Mazhong Chitu, Renzhong Lu Bu, it must be a halberd! Let's have a halberd!" Du Ziqiang frowned, forgetting the sequelae of the murder for a while.

It was just getting dark, and everything was in place under the effect of the banknotes ability. A few people found a deserted village, dismissed the local driver, and started to cast the halberd. At this time, the White Feather Envoy was already handy, plus this competition at most It’s just some masters in the world to participate. Naturally, you don’t need to make it too sophisticated. The heavy weapon like the halberd is not as sophisticated. The unilateral blue dragon halberd’s halberd head can be made sharper and stronger. The only difficulty is that The usage of the halberd is similar to that of a spear and a spear, with additional techniques such as chop, tie, hook, lock, and block. Therefore, like a spear and a spear, the halberd rod must have considerable flexibility.

The refining of steel is much simpler this time. There are three kinds of metals in total. In just over three hours, the refining and compression has been completed. Under the advocacy of the two people, the flame temperature has become almost colorless and transparent, and the halberd head and halberd are made. The rod was not cast into a solid steel rod. Instead, the steel ingots were beaten into steel rods. The two foundation-building monks worked together to make steel wires. The cost was only time. The two used brute force to make steel rods. These steel rods are twisted together and eventually become a steel column with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl.

Mu Xiaolei said in surprise next to him: "Lao Bai, are you making this for people? I'm afraid it's for Gundam, right?"

Du Ziqiang knew Bai Yu's abilities, so he didn't ask, but he also had the boss question in his heart.

Bai Yu said, "I will let you see it today!"

Bai Yu has been researching runes in Tianqi for many years, and has long explored many combinations of rune modules, one of which is the "Ruyi Soldier Talisman".

What is Ruyi? To be able to follow the master's ideas and adapt to the master's needs is called Ruyi.

Although this single-blade blue dragon halberd is simple in materials, it is already a quasi magic weapon. The difference from the magic weapon is that it does not add any bells and whistles to it. It only adds some runes that increase strength and sharpness. The second is the wishful charm. With the owner's needs, the owner is always in the most comfortable state when using it.

Of course, the best fit is not for Du Ziqiang to hold a telegraph pole and slap people, but to hold it in a very comfortable state. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 240 Du Ziqiang's Exclusive Weapon) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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