My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 249: roll!

Hot searches on Xiaguo's network have been overwhelmed.

"Bai Lianshuang's fiance jumped off the building door"

Fans of Bai Lianshuang found that as long as they entered their idol’s name in the search engine, there would be related automatic completions immediately.

The first reported electronic version from a small magazine in Huanfeng City was reprinted everywhere. About a young woman who fell naked in a well-known hotel in Huanfeng, the detailed photos, texts and confirmed comments by netizens made the small magazine very popular. A handful of them, but related news was quickly suppressed, and Sheng Shiming took a huge price to make this news disappear from the hot search content: aren't you just for the money? Sell ​​these pictures to the hotel! Would I pay less than a small magazine? What made the management vomit blood was that soon, another news broke the screen again. This news completely detonated the Internet. The national goddess Sanqi star Bai Lianshuang already has a fiancé, which is related to the previous naked death by jumping from a building.

The management of Shengshi Mingdu was desperate. The news went up in the afternoon and disappeared miraculously. This finally made the management breathe a sigh of relief. As for the fact that netizens circulated each other through instant messaging software... Got so much? Thank God for not uploading it on the face.

This is of course not that Shengshi Mingdu's energy is already large enough to manipulate the direction of public opinion on Xia Guo's network, but that the Cong Xie was forced to intervene in the process of this matter with helplessness.

Although the clan association is just a shit-chucking mechanism with the mud, today's Xia Guo, stability is overwhelming, and the major sects are originally not too stable factors, and the whole thing can be checked clearly from the surveillance video. It can be seen that the four ladies sitting on the table who followed left did not appear to be forced. Whether it was the surveillance obtained from KTV or the surveillance obtained from the hotel lobby, it was confirmed that these women were not drunk or fascinated. When entering the hotel under the circumstances, the case can only be handled according to the relationship between prostitutes and lodging. The only suspicious point is that the other three women’s confessions all said that they had fragmentary amnesia soon after entering the private room. Until I wake up in the morning.

Of course, the people of the Zong Xie will not come out to explain that this may be what Yunyin and the other three have used, because these things should not be exposed to ordinary people. Based on the blood test results of the three women and the dead, it can be inferred: because although The blood alcohol content is high, but it has not even reached the condition of drunk driving, and there are no drugs that affect the nervous system. In addition, the three women soon changed their words and said that the relationship was voluntary, and the deceased was also detected in the body. Yunyin’s DNA, so the final characterization is the relationship between selling and prostitution, because the impact of this matter is relatively bad, and the heaviest punishment is applied. All persons involved are dealt with with a fine of five thousand Xia Yuan and detained for 15 days. As for the clan association What happens to the religious members involved is another matter.

But in this way, Yunyin immediately became an Internet celebrity. The people who eat melons and the keyboard guys condemn the monks for not practicing well, and doing things that are full of poisons. It is very suitable for everyone to curse and reduce pressure, although from time to time on the Internet A related message was deleted, but the instant messaging software and various cloud disks were full of seeds, and the well-informed people picked up on it. It is good news for netizens to find out, yo! So Xia Guo has so many inexplicable sects? At least the Yuangong Sword Sect and the West Kunlun Sword Sect are considered popular.

The important reason why it is so popular is that this little prostitute of Yiye Shiro monk and dual Taoist priest is actually Bai Lianshuang's fiance!

After two days of trouble, Bai Lianshuang's official prestige hasn't responded!

"Head of Qiu, I hope you will not do anything about this matter. After all, this is related to the reputation of my West Kunlun Sword Sect." It was a middle-aged man with a good-looking appearance, with an air of no anger and self-prestige. It was Xu Zhongfan, the contemporary head of the Western Kunlun Sword Sect.

"Is this the personal meaning of Head Xu or the West Kunlun Sword Sect?" Qiu Xiushuang said coldly.

She was going crazy by that idiot Yunyin. She obviously didn’t have any money for her, and now she made her Bai Lianshuang’s waistcoat half-worn, but the head of the Western Kunlun Sword Sect was killed to Sanyin. Telling herself not to do anything, she never knew that it would hurt so much when lying down with a gun.

"Can't I represent the West Kunlun Sword Sect?" Xu Zhongfan sneered.

Qiu Xiushuang took a deep breath and said slowly: "Yes, I don't need to add fuel to this matter, but I hope to dissolve the marriage contract with Yunyin."

"Impossible!" Xu Zhongfan flatly refused.

"The head Xu means that even if the noble son is sleeping in Liuxiang, Huajie, I can only endure it?" Qiu Xiushuang gritted his teeth.

"As the future daughter-in-law of my Xu family, you have to know that you are guarding the way of the woman! What is it for a man to have entertainment?" Xu Zhongfan sneered.

The door was pushed open, Bai Yu came in, Qiu Xiushuang watched him come in, his heart loosened, like a stone settled.

"Who are you? So unruly!?" Xu Zhongfan yelled, and the two elders who followed him pushed towards Bai Yu.

"Get out! This is not where you came from!" one of the elders whispered.

Seeing that Bai Yu hadn't listened to him, the other elder shot directly and pushed towards Bai Yu's shoulder.

If Bai Yu didn't see it, the elder was heartbroken, and added some force with his hand, patted Bai Yu's shoulder, said in his heart, smashed your shoulder bone before throwing it out.

But when patted on Bai Yu's shoulder, it was like patted in the air, holding his majestic palm, like a clay cow entering the water, and then being hit by Bai Yu from between the two, an unstoppable force came. , The two slammed heavily against the wall of the hallway, unable to relax for a while, staring at Bai Yu's back in surprise, unable to guess what his cultivation was.

"I booked a Taoist companion with the Qiu Sangmen League. Seeing her being angry here, naturally I can't stand by and stand by." Bai Yu walked to Qiu Xiushuang and stood upright.

"You... you... the head of the enemy, what do you mean? You found a little white face and are ready to repent of your marriage, don't you? Do you know the consequences? This is not something your Ape Sword Sect can bear!" Xu Zhongfan looked suspicious Looking at the two.

"Since the death of my mentor, your Xi Kunlun Sword Sect has repaid gratitude and forced me to be engaged to your son with great justice. That's all, let the Xing Gong Sword Sect provide you with a lot of resources for the West Kunlun Sword Sect. Sword school is used as a cash machine, that's all; your son is not a weapon and can't afford to practice loneliness. He fools around in the world every three days, and he always asks me for money...not to mention it! The most hateful he actually put it out In other words, I should be used as a pot furnace to pick up and make up to death, so as to receive my ape-gong sword sect industry, I am a monk! God of heaven and earth, since ancient times, where has Kun Xiu been treated as cheap as this? This kind of marriage contract, Head Xu still wants me to keep it? You clearly want my life! Although Master owes you the favor of your predecessors, but he won't just watch me fall into Xu Yingtong's palm and die! So, this marriage contract, let it go. , What's the matter with you West Kunlun Sword Sect, just come at me! I'll follow along!" Qiu Xiushuang's eyes were tearful, and his pink face flushed, obviously already extremely angry.

The thoughts in Xu Zhongfan’s heart were teleported. For the past few years, the West Kunlun Sword Sect has received tens of millions of funds from the Yuan Gong Sword Sect every year. Sometimes it is not enough. If you ask the Yuan Gong Sword Sect to ask for it, Qiu Xiushuang also tried his best to collect and deliver it. How can a money sucking machine say let it go? After thinking about it, Xu Zhongfan barely put a smile on his face and said:

"I know that you have been wronged. So, when Ying Tong is released, I will ask him to come to you and plead guilty. If you want to be punished, it is okay for you to take care of it. When young people do not make a mistake? Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and there is no good way. !"

Bai Yu said coldly: "Did you not hear clearly? This marriage contract is invalidated! My Taoist couple is regarded as a furnace!? Are you trying to break my path of cultivation?"

"This is my personal affair between the West Kunlun Sword Sect and the Yuangong Sword Sect. This Daoist is so horizontal, I'm afraid it's something wrong?" Xu Zhongfan looked up and down Bai Yu, and couldn't guess his origin for a while.

"Even in a secular marriage, there is a saying that the wrong party needs to compensate for the unerring party. We are monks and do not apply secular laws and regulations. However, there is basic mutual respect between the main road and the road. Come on, I really admire his spirit of not being afraid of being dirty or tired!" Bai Yu said slowly, Qiu Xiushuang finally couldn't help but chuckle.

Xu Chongfan's face flushed red, and people in the practice would never want to entangle with women of the world. This has been engraved in the genes of every monk. Do you think that monk Xia would be like Zeus's big family? His son is so wonderful, he also feels a headache.

"In recent years, the Western Kunlun Sword Sect has also gained a lot of benefits from the Yuangong Sword Sect. If you see it right, I will accept it. I will be the master of the fellow Chou Daoist, and you don’t need to pay back the money and money that you used to be sent from the Yuangong Sword. Seeing him, Bai Yu seemed to be a little bit ashamed, and put out his revenge.

"It's a big tone, what are you doing here?" Xu Zhongfan finally couldn't bear it, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, stabbing Bai Yu's chest.


With a soft cry, Xu Zhongfan's magic sword pierced Bai Yu's long sword in front of him, and the black and radiant eight-sided sword ridge blocked Xu Zhongfan's magic sword. He straightly bent the sword into a semicircle but couldn't make any progress. .

Xu Chongfan slowly retracted the long sword, looking at the purple sky star floating in the air, his face solemnly said: "Are you also a sword repairer?"

As the head of a faction, he can only hold a magic sword, at most it is to inspire some sword aura, but he still does not have a flying sword that is worthy of his hand, and the young man in front of him, calmly drove it. Feijian, could it be that he kicked himself on the iron plate? If this young man really wants to give Qiu Xiushuang a head, I'm afraid I really can only bear it.

"It doesn't matter whether I am sword repair or not. Head Xu has objections to the proposal I just made? Head Xu had already planned to kill me just now. My counterattack is justified at this time. Even if head Xu is killed, it must be. I can't blame me. If the head of Xu insists on losing his life in a foreign country, I can give head of Xu a ride." Bai Yu said with his arms folded.

This expresses distrust, dislike, and defense in body language. When talking to people, this action is very impolite, so seeing his action, Xu Chongfan is very uncomfortable.

He slowly retracted the magic sword, put it back in the storage space, and turned his face to Qiu Xiushuang and said: "It turned out to be on the thigh, and it is wrong to say that Yunyin is like this or that, it is clearly that you are profane and shameless!"

Bai Yu raised his hand to stop Qiu Xiushuang who was trying to refute, and said to Xu Zhongfan: "I don't want to say any more. Everyone is a spiritual practitioner. The head of Qiu is pure and clean, and he is still a complete body. You don't need to pour sewage, and leave as soon as possible. Well, don’t wait for me to change my mind. If you have anything you can’t figure out, come back and find me. It’s best to find more helpers and don’t lose your life in vain."

"Good! Good! Good! The mountain won't turn..."

Just about to explain some scenes, Bai Yu coldly spit out a word:

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