My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 251: Three-character Jue of Receiving Huafa

Qiu Xiushuang and Sakura Ninja Ninja event was followed by Qin Lie against a warrior from Xia, Niu Weijia, known as Master Renwu. It can be said that Niu Weijia is an evolutionary version of Gong Baisheng, and Gong Baisheng has paid for the promotion of Xia Guoshu for many years. Great heart (speculation) power (work), but compared with Niu Weijia, it is a lot of distance. After all, the dissemination of culture cannot be a corner. Exporting culture to the world is the most important thing to make the whole world more accepting of Xia. In a good way, Gong Baisheng is still a little stingy in this respect. Qin Lie once asked him why he didn’t accept more foreign disciples. Gong Baisheng said three reasons: First, it’s not my race; second, cultural differences. ; Third, life is too superior, most Chinese people are unwilling to endure hardship, and those foreigners can’t afford it.

Chinese martial arts must start from fighting the body. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that the poor do not practice martial arts and the rich do not read books. Can't afford to eat, how can you have the physical strength to fight your body? That's why there is a regional military organization like Zongmen. After apprenticeship, the division is responsible for the appointment, but after leaving the division, you still need to serve the division for different years. If you are unwilling to serve the division, then you can only learn to play. Unable to become a core member.

This old gentleman Niu Weijia is different. He has promoted Xia Guo’s martial arts philosophy to the world, and he has actually collected a lot of foreign apprentices. He is praised by his foreign apprentices as the number one martial arts master in Central China. Niu Weijia is still quite modest. , Saying that he was just getting a name, but his apprentices showed their love, and Zhonglu martial arts masters surpassed many of them, and to list them one by one is even more awe-inspiring.

Recently, he began to post some videos on the Internet to teach his apprentices, telling some tips on the use of power, which really benefited some junior warriors a lot, and he is a popular candidate for this championship.

What was playing was his VCR. This was a compilation of his teaching videos. Several disciples surrounded him and shot one after another, attacking the Niu Weijia in the middle. He swayed lightly, shot out three palms, and hit several On the disciple’s arms, waist, and shoulders, the disciples moved for a while, and they were obviously immersed in his body by his strength. After he gently escaped from the three people, the strength of the three disciples burst out, as if they were hit by an electric current, staggering. Unable to maintain his figure, he retreated.

Qin Lie said anxiously: "Teacher, this Master Niu is so amazing."

Bai Yu nodded and said: "Indeed, I can't see his reality. It is estimated that his realm is still above mine. The true essence is sent into the opponent's body and bursts out without hurting the opponent. I am not as far away as him. Qin Lie, don't lose courtesy after you go up. Such a master is the treasure of my Xia country. If the situation is not right, just admit defeat and don't be ashamed."

The VCR continues to play.

"Martial arts is not for knocking down or killing, but for its own strength, but martial arts does come from fighting, so how to eliminate the hostility of martial arts people?"

"I have integrated many Chinese martial arts such as gossip, Xingyi, Taiji, etc., and transformed them into three-character tactics. With good use of these three-character tactics, the ancestors' concept of'the benevolent is invincible' can be realized."

In the VCR, a huge fist hit Niu Weijia's chest, Niu Weijia stretched out his palm to block the fist, the action broke down, and a huge word appeared on the screen: "Connect."

Then came the overtone of Niu Weijia's words: "The first word tactics, connect, but this connection is not an ordinary connection, you need to have enough strength to connect, and the basis of strength is the strength of your own body, so don't neglect basic training. "

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Manpower is sometimes poor. This is good. You have to have four or two powers. Don't you have one or two? There is no way to allocate one or two. Although the realm of Master Niu is advanced, he is committed to the foundation. No Forget to teach the children, Dashan, Qin Lie, basic training should not be ignored, this is a good word of gold."

Qin Lie respectfully said: "The teacher is right."

The action on the VCR continued, and the close-up of the two hands that touched each other broke down the action footage. Niu Weijia's palm-receiving fist was tilted at a slight angle, and the palm slid along the fist to the opponent's wrist, and the huge word appeared again: "Transformation".

The overtone: "You can't just accept it. The second word tactics is to transform. The opponent's power comes out. If you don't make good use of this power, you can only use your own strength to carry the opponent hard, which does not conform to my martial arts aesthetics. Therefore, guide , Use the other party's power, I call it Hua!"

Bai Yu clapped his hands and said: "Using the enemy's power to fight back, this is the advanced knowledge of martial arts, although it is no longer useful for us, but it is very useful in spreading martial arts. , After all, more fans are new to martial arts, these are their standard words."

The camera zoomed out on the VCR, Master Niu gently led the opponent's arm, and the opponent rushed past Master Niu involuntarily, and a big character popped up: "Send".

Diverse voice: "After receiving and dissolving, the enemy's power has been used by me, and my center of gravity has been lost. At this time, I should have used fierce means, whether it was palms, fingers, fists, or claws, to cause huge damage to him. , This is called fighting! But I changed to send him, use my strength to send him a ride, and leave you!"

The camera continued to play, Master Niu gently pushed the opponent's back, this time only using physical strength, the tall white man who was against him staggered out and ran seven or eight meters before falling to the ground.

The camera cuts back to Master Niu: "This is the "Benevolent Martial Dao" I researched out: the three-character tactics of "receiving, transforming, and sending"!"

The picture stopped. In the picture, the master Niu He was childish, his face was full of compassion, holy, and it really made people unable to bear the heart of worship.

"Next, I will introduce the'Benevolent and Yongjiu Immortal' who also comes from Xia Guo!"

The VCR released a series of competition videos and interviews. Bai Yu nodded. Thoughtfully, Qin Lie said anxiously: "Teacher, what's wrong?"

Bai Yu asked Gong Baisheng: "Why didn't you collect Master Niu's game video this time?"

Gong Baisheng said: "In the first few games, Master Niu went straight ahead..."

Bai Yu's expression moved slightly: "This is simply a matter of luck, Qin Lie, you must be respectful when you go up."

Qin Lie said, "Yes."

Bai Yu added: "About your hair, after this tournament, let's figure out a way for you. Look at the image of Teacher Niu, it is indeed easier to get support than you. What are the odds for both of them now?"

Gong Baisheng said: "Lao Qin 1:1.43, Master Niu 1:1.07, the outside world is not optimistic about Lao Qin."

"Normally, Master Niu can also be said to be full of peaches and plums, so let's just vote for 200,000 to support Qin Lie. We will give up this round."

Qin Lie said ashamed: "Teacher, I am useless."

Bai Yu waved his hand and said: "This is not your problem. It is not your choice to meet the strong. Such a national treasure is not without benefits. This is your opportunity. Winning or losing is just a small matter."

Qin Lie said goodness.

The host invited the two to play.

On the other side of the distance, Master Niu got up calmly, took a sip of the water next to him, and walked onto the arena.

"Master Renwu, do you have anything to say to your opponent?" The host was also full of respect for this Master Xia Guo and rarely used honorifics.

"This martial arts competition can be said to be a battle for the front, exploring the mystery of the human body and tapping the potential of the human body. The contestants in this contest will make great contributions to humans regardless of whether they win or lose. Therefore, I will not keep my hands in this competition, please Master Qin on the opposite side is careful. It is only suitable for beginners to understand the concept of the use of human power. It is not suitable for those of us who have already started. But please rest assured, Master Qin. I will try to keep my hands as far as possible, at least without life. Obstructive."

"Although I was called'Benevolent and Brave Eagle Immortal' by the competition team, I really dare not to be called "Benevolent and Brave", and I dare not compare it with Master Niu. But since there is the word "Courage", I dare not bear the word "Courageous". Blocking the car, I also want to ask Master Niu for advice, and hope that Master Niu's men will be merciful." Qin Lie had a look of admiration. Although he knew that he was not an opponent of Master Niu, he still raised his courage to challenge Niu Weijia.

Master Niu's face changed slightly: "Okay! You have such a desire to martial arts, and I can't bear to let you go back for nothing. If you can still get up after the war, let's talk about it!"

After the referee explained the rules of the game, he drew his palm into the void to signal the start.

The referee and the host retreated far away, for fear that they would be affected by this shocking battle.

Qin Lie raised his true energy, and his physical acuity reached the highest level, but the opposite Master Niu still stood loose and unceasingly standing in place, as if his whole body was full of flaws. In an instant, Qin Lie came up with more than 30 kinds of approaches. One hit kills, but I feel that it is impossible to be so simple. I suddenly realized: "This must be a trap. As a senior, Master Niu is unwilling to take advantage of me and let me attack first, but after the first attack, it must be extremely violent. The counterattack, no, I was too disgraced by the KO at once. Be cautious! Be cautious! You need to delay for a while."

Gong Baisheng hesitated and said, "Mr. Bai, why doesn't Old Qin make any moves?" He also saw numerous flaws.

Bai Yu said, "I'm afraid it's not the Hunyuan realm of martial arts? Flaws are everywhere, and like the soft water, anyone can splash water with one palm, but how does it hurt the water?"

Gong Baisheng said: "Master Niu's martial arts is Hunyuan Taiji.

Master Niu suddenly whispered on the stage: "Are you the head of the Huanfeng Five-Animal Sect? I know you, your master, and I have had several connections."

Qin Lie warned carefully: "It turned out to be the deceased of the first teacher. At this time, it is inconvenient to meet the master in the game."

Master Niu nodded and said: "Since you are my deceased, I really can't deal with ruthlessly, but ordinary people's methods like receiving hair are useless to us and hurt you. How can I explain to Boss Kong?"

Qin Lie circled around Master Niu: "What advice does Master have?"

Master Niu said: "You give up and go on, even if you enter the finals, it will be difficult for you to achieve good results. I have a great wish to spread the martial arts of Xia Guo. I must enter the finals and fight with you. I will only hurt the two in vain. Be kind."

Qin Lie only felt that Master Niu was very reasonable, and he hesitated in his heart.

"The spread of martial arts also requires a lot of funds and contacts. You spend your time in this competition. It is better to return to China immediately. I will invest in your Five Birds faction. With a large amount of funds injected, your Five Birds faction can also let go of spreading your reputation, which is beneficial to the country. , Strong people and strong species, good things!"My dream can come true The latest chapter address: https://www.mtlnovel .com/book/162987.htmlMy dream can come true. Read the full text address: https://www.mtlnovel. com/read/162987/My dream can come true txt download link: down/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: 162987/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 251 Receiving Huafa Sanzi Jue) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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