My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 259: Cream sauce!

3:30 pm on the 16th day.

26 into 13, the seventh game.

Qiu Xiushuang VS Huakaiyuan Muraki.

Qiu Xiushuang odds are 1:17 and Huakaiyuancunji 1:1.22.

Standing in front of Qiu Xiushuang was an onmyoji suit called "hunting" by the Sakura nation.

From Liwu hat to Luxian, with intricate and delicate embroidery patterns and handsome face, he looks like a teenager who has not graduated from high school.

"Xiushuangsang, your battles, I have watched every game carefully. I admire Xiushuangsang very much." Huakaiyuan Cunji had a smile on his face.

"I also watched you fighting videos. Didn't you practice kendo? Your swordsmanship is very good, but... why are you dressed like this?" Qiu Xiushuang frowned and asked, because she could see that this was obviously from the Onmyoji. dress up.

Murayoshi Huakaiin replied: "Xishansang, your vision is very keen. I do practice kendo. I inherited the swordsmanship of Asami and Okuyama Cien during the Muromachi period. Now there are many kinds of swordsmanship in Nenryu. , But what I learned is the purest recitation of Ami's Mercy Sword."

"So... shall we start now?" Qiu Xiushuang asked.

"Xiushuangsang, I admire you very much. I have always hoped to have such a strong sister. I don't know, can I call you Shuangjiang?" Huakaiyuan Cunji made his request unhurriedly.

"Shuangjiang...I don't like the name, stop talking nonsense, let's start, don't you hear that the audience is already very impatient?" Qiu Xiushuang held his hand on the hilt.

"Well, Shuangjiang, I will use the best state to defeat you." Huakaiyuan Village Yoshi said helplessly.

"Zheng!" Qiu Xiushuang drew out his long sword, the tip of the sword pointed directly at Huakaiyuan Muraji, from the arm to the tip of the sword, it was straight and stable, and the tip of the sword did not tremble.

"Inu God!" The bat fan closed by Muraji Huakaiyuan tapped the palm of his hand lightly, and two words were spit out on his blushing lips.

"Come out! Use your strongest state to defeat Shuangjiang!"

"Tell you! I don't! Call! Shuang! Drop!" Qiu Xiushuang leaped up on his toes, leaning forward, with a sword slashing towards the front, slightly fluttering with pink summer dress skirts. Fluttering like a fairy.

"Stay at the foot of the mountain. I used to watch the flowers bloom in spring and sleep deeply at night. The blooming flowers in my dreams still reappear. The cherry petals are floating...Ah, only Ji Guanzhi's "Song of Sakura" can tell the beauty of frost sauce, just like cherry blossoms. Falling, I really want you to fall at the most beautiful time!"

Suddenly, a black-clothed creature with a dog-head human body appeared in front of Huakaiyuan Murayoshi, raised his hand, the sharp nails on his fingers blocked Qiu Xiushuang's blade, and sparks splashed straight.

"What a hard paw!" Qiu Xiushuang praised.

"Shuangjiang, when I was 6 years old, I personally made it with my most beloved Tiger Taro. Its loyalty and love to me turned into resentment, and became the current shikigami to protect me."

"Do you know, you make me feel very disgusting!" Qiu Xiushuang fell to the ground, and the Yuan Gong sword sent the secret swordsmanship, and Yan Ying three swept the water. The sword fell through!

Inugami snarled, stepped back, showing sharp teeth.

"Trotaro? Is it the limit?" Huakaiin Murayoshi said regretfully.

Inujin looked back at him, his eyes flushed, turned his head to look at Qiu Xiushuang with bitter eyes, and jumped towards Qiu Xiushuang.

"Yeah, that's right, the deeper your love for me, the more you can use your abilities! Torataro! Come on!" Huakaiin Murayoshi Bat Fan made a slight slap in the clapping hands, exclaiming.


Regardless of Qiu Xiushuang's injury, the Inu God fits and pounces on it. It has no weapons, only sharp claws and fangs. Qiu Xiushuang's swordsmanship is extremely agile, and he stabs and cuts many wounds on the Inu God one after another.

Inu God's agility is far inferior to Qiu Xiushuang, although it does not feel pain, Qiu Xiushuang repeatedly left wounds on his body but made it roar again and again.

"It seems that Inujin is not Shuangjiang's opponent! Shuangjiang is indeed a perfect female monk! Useless shikigami should not be kept."

Huakaiyuan Cunji sighed, the bat fan knocked in his hand, and saw that the Inu God was very embarrassed under the attack of Qiu Xiushuang, and sighed.

"Gou Chen! Come out!"

A purple scorpion-shaped shikigami slowly emerged.

"Go! My most powerful shikigami! Return the cream sauce with the most brilliant and poignant fall!"

"Sacrifice! Dog God!"

Gouchen's tail thorn pierced like lightning, Qiu Xiushuang's long sword slashed on it, only splashing the starting point of sparks, and as Huakaiyuan Muraji uttered the four words, Inujin gave a sharp howl and slowly faded, it Looking back at Huakaiyuan Muraji with nostalgia, he turned into nothingness.

"You're such a disgusting thing. You speak gentle words, seem very polite and noble, but do all cold-blooded and cruel things. You are a stubborn thing!" Qiu Xiushuang sneered, long sword stabbed. Out, in the middle of the top cover of Gochen.

"All the ugliness should disappear from this world, and only the beauty should remain in the memory forever." Huakaiyuan Murayoshi smiled, not at all moved by Qiu Xiushuang's cursing.

"And Shuangjiang, have you noticed? After Inu God was sacrificed, Gouchen... it is getting stronger and stronger! Shuangjiang, defeat it with your perfect posture! I'm excited just thinking about it!" Hua Kaiyuan Murayoshi's voice became louder.

"Cold Frost and Bi-blood Art!" Qiu Xiushuang's face was cold, and he put a finger on the blade, and smeared the blood on the blade.

"Wow, is this the profound meaning of your school? Well, it's very powerful. Use your own blood to increase your attack power? Oh, and you must be driven by a special mental method. You are so powerful Shuangjiang!" See With the increased blood, the swordsman slammed Gouchhen again and again, and the Huakaiyuan Village Kichi slapped his palms in amazement.

Seeing that Gou Chenchun's use of physical attacks did not pose too much threat to Qiu Xiushuang, it suddenly crawled around Qiu Xiushuang, Qiu Xiushuang turned his body slightly, always keeping his face facing Gou Chen.


Gou Chen screamed, and suddenly a large purple mist sprayed out. Under the sunlight, it reflected the brilliant color light, which was absolutely gorgeous.

At first glance, he knew it was not a good thing. The long sword in Qiu Xiushuang's palm was shining brightly, and his sword slashed towards the cloud of mist. Suddenly, the cloud of mist was frozen by the cold air on the sword into tiny purple ice powder and fell to the ground.

This mist seemed to make Gou Chen expend a huge amount of vitality. Gou Chen's movements slowed down, revealing a downward trend. Under Qiu Xiushuang's sword, Gou Chen's wound slowly condensed with frost, and his movements became more and more slow.

"Oh, I know they can't do anything with you, Shuangjiang, I want to defeat you with the strongest profound meaning, hoping to collect your beautiful soul and become my Shijin war girl. I believe we can get along happily. "Seeing that his shikigami was about to fall, Huakaiyuan Muraji was not angry at all, only his handsome face flushed with excitement.

"Dark Night Enchantment! Pro! Soldiers! Fight! People! All! Formation! Split! Forward! OK!"

As these four words and the nine-character mantra were spoken, a black semicircle like an inverted giant bowl covered Qiu Xiushuang, Huakaiyuan Muraji, and Gou Chen inside.

As soon as this barrier came out, everything inside became faint, only to see Qiu Xiushuang's sword slashed on the black barrier, only ripples.

"What is this?" Qiu Xiushuang's voice came.

"Shuangjiang, this is my strongest meaning, Hyakki Yakyu, because it is not night, so I must create a night environment. Of course, this is not as good as the real night. The power of Hyakki Yakyu will be weakened to only About 60% strength, but I believe this is enough to retain the beauty of the cream sauce. I really hope that I will use all my strength to make the cream sauce fall!" Huakaiyuan Murkyoshi sighed, with a little regret in his tone.

"Come out! Hundred ghosts! Night! OK!"

"This is a Kappa, Shuangjiang, be careful. It will spit venom. Well, I forgot to introduce it. The girl next to it is Miss Luo. Be careful. Although it is very beautiful, you can see that there are eight animals behind it. Is it a worm? It will spin like a spider!" The stadium’s sound reinforcement system perfectly transmits the sound in the enchantment, where all kinds of roars and weird screams are mixed, and the audience in the audience thinks See what happened, but I am afraid that if I don't know how many monsters are inside, I will lose control.

"Shut up!" Qiu Xiushuang's chirping sound came from the speaker.

"Okay, okay, I take back the ugly monsters. To be honest, I don’t like ugly monsters, but what do you think of this? Shuangjiang, this is the Snow Girl I like very much! She always takes Here comes the chilling snow disaster, and this! Before Yuzao! They are so beautiful, please, Shuangjiang, please perish! It is a kind of happiness to die in the hands of such a beautiful ghost!" Huakaiyuan Village Ji chattered about the Hundred Ghosts he controlled. From his words, it could be inferred that it seemed that he had collected all the extremely ugly ghosts.

"The star breaks in the cold rain!" Qiu Xiushuang seemed to use a big move.

There was a moment of silence in the enchantment.

"You hurt me, you dare to scratch my perfect face! Unforgivable! Unforgivable!" Huakaiyuan Muraki's voice suddenly became cold and dry, without a trace of emotion.

"Bunche Enchantress, Hashihime, Yansara, Senior Girl, Qianxi Girl, Hongye Shou, Shiranui...huhuhu...that's it!" Huakaiin Murayoshi's gasping sound came from the speakers. , It seems that he has released a lot of incredible monsters.

His voice returned to a warm and sincere tone: "I shouldn't be angry with you, Shuangjiang, you see, these beautiful monsters, monsters, and ghosts can match your'cherry falling'..."

There was a dense sound of swords breaking through the air from the enchantment, mixed with clanging clanging sounds, obviously Qiu Xiushuang speeded up his attack.

"Ah, you are injured, Shuangjiang, your blood is stained on your clothes, it's so beautiful! The body is fast flying, erratic like a god, Lingbo steps slightly, Luo socks give birth to dust. If you are impermanent, if you are in danger. . In the difficult period, if you go back, turn to be fluid, smooth and jade face. Without vomiting, the breath is like orchids. Huarong is graceful, making me forget my meal..." In the speaker, Huakaiyuan Village Ji kept on Exclaimed.

Mu Xiaolei asked Bai Yu: "Brother Yu, this Sakura Devil has become Tai, right? Why are you so nervous?"

Bai Yu said: "There is indeed something wrong, but this guy is quite strong!"

Mu Xiaolei said anxiously: "Shuangjiang, bah, is the head of Qiu okay? Don't you want to think of a solution?"

Bai Yu Tanshou said: "What can I do? I can't rush to beat that changer. Don't worry, the head of Qiu is not so easy to lose. The cherry blossom devil is blindly pursuing beauty and killing. It is not easy to make good use of the ghosts. With cooperation, he will suffer."

Only then did Mu Xiaolei relax, looking at the huge enchantment, carefully listening to the sound from the speaker in his ears.

"Sky waterfall mysterious ice burst! One layer! Double layer! Triple layer! Explosion! Explosion!" Qiu Xiushuang's roar came from the barrier, and the dark night barrier shook violently, and finally couldn't hold on, as the glass shattered and collapsed. But before it fell to the ground, it turned into light smoke and dissipated in the air. At this time, the situation in the enchantment was revealed, and several handsome monsters couldn't stand the heat of the sun, and they disappeared in a hurry.

"Tian Shuang Zhan!" With blood hanging on the corner of Qiu Xiushuang's mouth, several wounds on her body, the blood stained her pink summer clothes, she slammed, and swung out a sword to cut Huakai Yuan Cunji in two.

The audience in the stadium exclaimed: "Oh!"

"Give up! We gave up! Frosty sauce!" x2.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, can they still be alive after being cut into two? Is this a monster?

The camera thoughtfully zoomed in on the lens. At this moment, two pink jade-shaped children, about seven or eight years old, emerged from the two cuts.

"It's all to blame, Muratama, you always say things that irritate Shuangchan!"

"It's obviously your fault! Jixiang! Why don't you avoid it?"

The two children started quarreling with each other.

"Shut up! What's going on?" Qiu Xiushuang said angrily.

"Shuangjiang, I am Huakaiyuan Village Yu, my sister, and she is Huakaiyuan Jixiang, my sister." One of them said.

"No, Shuangjiang, I am my sister, she is my sister!" the other immediately argued.

"So, you two are twins?" Qiu Xiushuang said with a headache.

"Yes! Shuangjiang!" The two little loli replied in unison.

"Don't call me Shuangjiang! We are not familiar!" Qiu Xiushuang said with a cold face.

"Okay! Shuangjiang, you are really amazing!" I don't know if it is Curayu or Jixiang.

"I don't want to tell you anymore! Referee monk!" Qiu Xiushuang was irritated with chest pain by these two little monsters.

"My Shuangjiang is so good-looking, it's the one we fall in love with." I don't know if it is Jixiang or Murayu holding his hands in his heart, his eyes turned into stars.

"My! The cream sauce is mine!"

"its mine!"

"Oh, two, are you sure you surrender?" The referee monk entered the arena and asked when he walked up to the twins.

"Yes! Referee monk!" Two crisp voices answered together.

"So... in this event, 26 scored 13, and the seventh game was promoted, Xia Guo, Xiushuang Chou!"

"Let's go! Frosty sauce." Two crisp voices said together.

"What go?" Qiu Xiushuang turned and walked away from the passage.

"Go home! If we lose to Shuangjiang, we will go home with Shuangjiang!" said Curayu or Jixiang.

"Wait!" Qiu Xiushuang stopped, turned around and asked:

"When did I promise to take you back?"

"Shuangjiang! Are you going to abandon us?" Cun, Ji.

"Shuangjiang! Did we make you angry?" Cun, Ji.

After the two talked, tears came as soon as they said, and big drops fell.

"We are so small, so poor, walking on the streets of Delhi, there are so many weird uncles here."

"We had no food to eat, no place to sleep, so we had to follow these strange uncles for a small piece of bread."

"We are so pitiful, we were devastated by those strange uncles at a young age."

"We might even get bored by them, just kill them and throw them into the Ganga River!"

"Shut up!" Qiu Xiushuang scolded.

"Okay! Frost sauce!" said village and Ji greasy. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 259 Shuangjiang!) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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