My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 261: Healing (Part 1)

When the Loli duo left, Qiu Xiushuang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a worried expression on her face:

"These two little ghosts are very troublesome. I checked. The surname of Huakaiyuan is one of the earliest four onmyoji families in Sakura Country..."

Bai Yu pondered for a while and said, "They two seem to have no malicious intent towards you, don't worry."

He turned his gaze to Du Ziqiang and said, "Brother Qiang, this time I have good luck. The spring spirit of the sun, at least breaks through a small realm, and I can't tell if I touch the edge of the late Chiku period."

"Is it so powerful? Isn't it better for Isis to use it herself?" Qiu Xiushuang asked in surprise.

"Then there is such a good thing. As the chief high priest, this essence is extremely precious to us, but for her, it is only relatively rare. Moreover, it is estimated that she will be resistant to eating this thing. , Brother Qiang is different. His gluttonous saint martial originally used food and refining as the core of cultivation. After all, now the earth treasures on the earth cannot be counted on, and the talents from Taixu are the most suitable for him. For him, this is undoubtedly the rain of a long drought. Moreover, with the gluttonous sage martial power of swallowing the heavens and the earth, resistance is almost two or three times smaller than ours. If that Yisi Sizhen is pleased with him, so she can get more spring essence for him to eat, even if it is to push him to the Nascent Soul Stage, it is not a problem!" Bai Yu sighed.

"Brother Yu, can't you also condense Yuehua? The principle should be the same? Why don't you get some sun essence for Brother Qiang?" Mu Xiaoleiqi said.

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "Skills specializes. In this respect, my ability is a commonplace for the chief priest of the sun god. I can't purify the essence of the sun to the essence of spring. I only retain the meaning of spring hair. Refined, the real fire inside is enough to burn a person to death. Would you like to? I will get you some?"

Mu Xiaolei smiled dryly and said, "Forget it, then why is too cloudy and Yuehua okay?"

Bai Yu said: "Because the essence of the sun cannot be blended by the earth treasures on the earth, and the lunar moon flower itself is soft, pure, and cold, so it can be blended with the medicines on the earth. The essence of these stars must be able to be blended. If you directly promote cultivation, how can you use medicine to match it? Directly give it to Brother Qiang, and it will be Nascent Soul tomorrow."

He turned his head again and said, "Xiu Shuang, when you were fighting with the two little ghosts in the Huakai Courtyard today, did you use the taboo technique? I think you also look like your internal organs are shaking and your breath is unstable."

Qiu Xiushuang nodded and said: "There is no way, if the two little ghosts didn't pursue beauty in everything, I guess they might have lost their lives on it today."

Bai Yu said, "Your condition is much better than that of Brother Qiang. The Five Elements Liqi Pills you take will be useful if you take them. I will use them to straighten out the meridians, and it won't delay 13 to 10."

"Thank you then!" Qiu Xiushuang smiled.

"Also, if you encounter a strong opponent with 13 to 10, I am worried that you may be more strenuous. You can use Zibi Tianxing first. The division is up. After returning to China, I will help you make another magic sword."

Zibi Tianxing appeared abruptly in the room, and when this guy came out, it was like a prisoner out of the air, shuttling around Bai Yu for a while.

"Bai Yu, I think the shape of this sword is a little different from what I use?" Qiu Xiushuang looked at Zibi Tianxing's thick eight-sided sword and hesitated.

Bai Yu pointed to Qiu Xiushuang’s forehead and introduced the driving method into her spiritual thoughts. Only then did she realize that Zibi Tianxing had the effect of "sweet soldier wishfulness" and could follow the master without changing the structure and shape. Adjust the feel according to your needs.

Qiu Xiushuang held the Zibi Tianxing in his hand to drive the magic art. The shape of Zibi Tianxing gradually changed from the eight-sided and six-sided Han system to the four-sided and two-sided late Qing system. The Han-made long sword paid more attention to chopping and slashing. Therefore, the eight-sided six-edged sword is more advantageous in terms of the strength of the sword. It is mostly used when rushing into the battle. However, the scholars also began to wear swords. Naturally, it is impossible to use such a heavy sword. The decorative effect of the sword is more than practical, and it is slow. Slowly evolved into four-sided and six-sided. The literati’s physical strength became weaker and weaker, and eventually evolved into two-sided and four-sided. The way of skill.

This is also strikingly similar to the evolution of cultivation methods. From modern times to modern times, middle ancient times, ancient times, and ancient times, the closer you are to modern times, the more delicate the techniques and the stronger the skills. The closer you are to ancient times, the opposite is true. , The spiritual energy contained in the world was taken away by the elder monks who became immortals and ancestors after breaking through the catastrophe. Therefore, it is impossible for the ancient times to use modern spiritual energy levels to promote it, just like It’s like using three AA batteries to knock down people with only so much power. Why? Then the current pressure has to be increased through a series of line changes.

As for what kind of inheritance has been obtained from which senior, wow! What a strong technique...

This is very anti-intellectual, okay? Must the ancients' exercises be very strong? People sleep in a spiritual qi soup, sleeping for two years is a big state. Modern is the era of the end of the law. There are no adjustments in the exercises, and various pressure changes and pressure adjustments. How can the strength of the spiritual energy be possible? Increased, so in terms of the utilization rate of aura, today’s people are far better than the ancients. If you take any power to raise your vitality until the prehistoric times, it will point to the road of Hunyuan, do you believe it?

In the ancient times, I dare not say that the treasures of Reiki Condensate are everywhere, at least it is not a particularly difficult place to find, because it is not too long after the opening of Pangu, and all kinds of resources are horribly rich, so it is a pig. Nibbing some grass roots and bark will become a fairy. If you let the pig come to the modern age to try various kinds of gnawing grass, it will be considered as a pig with amazing qualifications whether it will be starved to death.

Qiu Xiushuang closed his eyes and adjusted the shape of his sword, and finally adjusted the Zibi Tianxing to his usual shape and weight. He waved his hand, and the sound of sneer breaking through the air sounded in the air.

"It's amazing! This sword..." Qiu Xiushuang said moved.

Bai Yu said proudly: "I experienced the tribulation on the day I made this sword. I regenerate a sword spirit! But when I help you make a sword, whether it can give birth to a sword spirit is irrelevant. I can't do it anymore. Catch it. It’s okay to be a sword spirit for any kind of spiritual creature, sigh, I remembered, a while ago, I remembered a Heiwu Village, where demons and ghosts were haunting them, and when the time comes, turn the demons into sword spirits... and wait for the construction. After the foundation, you can change to a stronger technique..."

Qiu Xiushuang said with joy: "Then thank you Bai Yu!"

"Brother Yu, what should I do? Can I practice Brother Qiang's gluttonous sage?" Mu Xiaolei looked at Bai Yu pitifully.

Bai Yu replied: "Little Fatty, it’s not that I don’t teach you. You are not suitable for the gluttonous saint martial. You are not as good as Qiang brother. He is born with a big skeleton, but you are born with a weak body. In that way, although the weight is reduced by the fat-reducing pills at this time, it is not the material for physical training, and since the governor, you have not had a hard life. You still need to temper your temperament, otherwise you can only practice. A half tank of water comes out. We are good brothers. Since you have the heart to enter the Tao, they have started to practice with Qin Lie, but in my opinion, it is far from enough. In your current situation, at most, you are practicing. The materials from the martial artist, do you understand? If you don’t train yourself to lose a layer of skin, die, and don’t strive for success, it’s hard for you to truly enter the Dao. If your heart is not strong, why do you enter the Dao? Understand? If you have insufficient qualifications, you have to Get fate to fight, get fate in exchange, do you understand?"

Mu Xiaolei was very disappointed, but in a blink of an eye he raised his spirits: "There is an old saying that the stupid bird will fly first, Brother Yu, I understand what you mean. In fact, you have given me the way now, but I don't feel any pain. Determine to practice vigorously, tomorrow! From tomorrow on, if I don’t practice myself to faint every day, I will be a fool!"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "I also hope that my relatives and friends can go further than ordinary people, Xiaochu, you can do it!"

"I took Brother Qiang back to the room." Mu Xiaolei nodded.

"Don't move him, he is now in a state of recovery, waiting for him to sleep here."

Mu Xiaolei left alone, and Hua Wu yawned: "You still have to heal Xiushuang, right? You take care of yourself, and I also rest."

Huawu went to rest without mentioning it.

Bai Yu took out five pills of different colors from the storage ring and handed them to Qiu Xiushuang: "This is the Five Elements Liqi Pill, which is specifically aimed at internal injuries of the five internal organs. With my Five Aggregate Formula and Five Elements True Essence, your injury can be cured in at most two days. ."

Qiu Xiushuang asked, "Is there a sequence for this medicine?"

"The first one doesn't matter, the latter one will be served according to each other."

"Xiu Shuang, white is gold, the corresponding internal organs are the lungs, and there are 11 points on one side, 22 points in total. I will use the earthy true qi to help you pass the Taiyin Lung Gold. The central government will at least discuss..."

The Zhongfu Point is located under the collarbone. It is certainly inconvenient for a girl to be touched by others. However, the two have a relationship with each other. Although Qiu Xiushuang is a little shy, he has no intention of resisting it.

When the two of them sat facing each other, Bai Yu waited for her to take the white pill, and when she began to run the true energy refining medicine, she stretched out her hands to point on Qiu Xiushuang’s Zhongfu acupoint, and the Five Aggregate Art had already turned her true essence into output. The soil properties.

One of the two has not yet built a foundation, the true qi has not been transformed into the essence of liquid, and the other has been transformed into the true essence. At this time, where Baiyu’s true essence went, some faint minor damages in the meridians seemed to be ironed by an iron and disappeared. Without a trace, Qiu Xiushuang also benefited a lot from the difference between the two true essences and true qi, and a small amount of true essence submerged into the meridians to secretly nourish.

Next is the black water pill, which corresponds to the kidney meridian of Foot Shaoyin, which starts at the sole of the foot. Bai Yu removes Qiu Xiushuang’s shoes and socks, but stays for a while. Qiu Xiushuang’s foot skin is delicate and white, and it seems to be so transparent that it is under the skin. The cyan blood vessels were also faintly visible. The five toes couldn’t help but bend while Bai Yu’s gaze was watching. The toe nails were pink like petals, and the hands were soft and tender. When they were grasped by his hands, Qiu Xiushuang trembled, and his face was covered. Blushing, after a while, seeing that Bai Yu hadn't taken the next step, Qiu Xiushuang said, "Bai Yu, open, start!" The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: Dreams can come true txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click below "Favorite" records the reading record of this (Chapter 261 Healing (Part 1)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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