My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 27: The kicker is here!

In the last chapter, I made a mistake in operation. I merged 25 and 26 and sent it together. I wanted to disassemble it, but I couldn't change it. It is said that the number of words has decreased after the amendment. . . So we can only change Chapter 26 to the actual content of 26+27. faint. . .


"The natal creation is a creation that can change into various forms, and it is connected to the creator's soul, and after the foundation is built, you can start designing the natal creation."

"Master, after the design of Benming Creation, even if precious materials are used in the future, if the initial structure cannot accommodate too many design concepts at the beginning of the design...what should I do?"

"There is a realm bottleneck in human practice, and creation naturally has it. Of course, the design of the foundation period can only be designed according to the knowledge of the foundation period. When it is in the golden core period, you can find a way to make a breakthrough in the life creation and build on the original foundation. The rebirth of **** is called'change' in my heavenly work. The natal creation of the patriarch back then reached nine changes. We can’t imagine how strong it is. Therefore, after the creation of the natal, its grade Determined by the number of'changes', the number of'changes' is the number of transformations..." Liu Feng said, stroking the long beard.

"Isn't that natal creation can'change'?"

"Xiao Baiyu, good question, creation can break through the bottleneck, but only the creation of natal life can reach the extreme number of'change': nine; and its ordinary creation can only reach eight' change in theory. ', at least I have never seen eight transformations, even the strongest creation in the head has only reached six transformations. One transformation and two transformations are the mainstream, and the creation that can achieve three transformations and four transformations is already a creation. Master, if you can achieve the five or six changes, you will already be the top group of people in this world. Like the flying creatures we use, one of the four changes has consumed a lot of resources."

"Xiao Baiyu, I will arrange for your last refining recently. After the bone replacement is completed, you can consider building the foundation, hahaha, at the age of twelve, good! Good!"

"Master, building a foundation at the age of twelve, is it incredible?" Bai Yu asked curiously.

"Ah, it's so good, so so good, you can't be proud of it, we Tiangong Fifth Institute, which one is not eleven or twelve, thirteen or fifteen or sixteen to build the foundation?" Liu Feng concealed Dao, the old face was a little hot.

"So, I'm just ordinary." Bai Yu said depressed.

Liu Feng secretly screamed, so don't let this little guy blow.

Just waiting for enlightenment, suddenly a sword charm flew from the sky and stopped in front of Liu Feng.

When Liu Feng looked at it, the muscles on his face twitched: "Who gave them the courage to pick Tiangongmen?"

Bai Yu curiously asked, "President, what happened?"

"Huh, our old adversary of Tiangongmen, the Temple of Kit Kat, came to kick the hall with their first disciple!" Liu Feng was so angry that his beard fluttered.

"Well, you are considered the first disciple of this generation. They have all come to the door. I will take you to see you today. Forgive me that the head will not say that I broke the rules and slapped them in the face!"

Liu Feng invited the giant tortoise, and Huayue Slave rushed to him next to him: "Young Master, take the Slave's house!"

Bai Yu looked at Liu Feng with a begging expression: "President, take the moon slave!"

Liu Feng nodded, and Huayue Nuxi shrank into the size of his palm, and jumped into Bai Yu's arms, only poking her head out of her clothes.

Baiyun passed by itself. On the ground, there were terraces crisscrossing the land, large and small towns were densely covered with the land, but some descendants of Tiangongmen who could not cultivate lived in the range of Tiangong's twelve peaks. After combining with ordinary people, they became All ordinary families under the Twelve Peaks of Tiangong, these people are also an important source of new disciples of Tiangongmen.

The giant tortoise flew in the air, but the speed was not slow, a cool breeze blew, Bai Yu was lifted to the nostrils of Huayue slave's long hair and couldn't help but sneezed.

"Ah beg!"

Huayuenu's face changed suddenly.

"Young Master, you are catching a cold from the wind! Later, the slave will prepare you a potion of decoction to cure your illness!"

Bai Yu's complexion was ugly, and the horror of being controlled by Huayuenu's good medicine to change the venting medicine halo made his feet soft.

Liu Feng stayed quiet, but glanced at Bai Yu from the corner of his eye, and said in his heart: "This hard-working child."

"Well, Yue Slave, it's not a cold. Although I didn't build a foundation, I am a monk, so I won't get cold even if there is a cold breeze..."

"That's not right, Young Master, the slave just heard that Young Master’s heartbeat is extremely fast, and his body temperature rises. This is clearly a symptom of rising heart, yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, plus the cool breeze attacking the body, so foreign thief invaded and suffered When the wind is cold, use Bupleurum, Pinellia, ginseng, licorice, scutellaria, ginger, and jujube to make Xiaochaihu soup. When the cold is cured, use angelica, white peony, rehmannia glutinosa, dogwood, tree peony bark, yam, tuckahoe, Ze Make the Guishao Dihuang Decoction by simmering it, bring the fire back to the source, and cure the disease!" Huayue Nuxi said diligently.

Bai Yu's face turned pale, so I felt flustered when I heard that you were going to take medicine again, okay? Ma Dan, one dose is already out of shape, and two doses are not half of your life lost!

"Well, Yue Nu, you will come to the Hall of Acting Dao later, don't make any more noises, there are outsiders present today, don't let people watch the jokes!" Liu Feng saw that Bai Yu was a little confused and couldn't bear it, so he relieved.

"I see, the master and uncle of the hospital" Huayuenu is commensurate with Zou Zhifeng's father and daughter, and naturally respects Liu Feng as uncle of the teacher.

"President, what kind of grievances do I have between Tiangongmen and Qiqiao Hall?" Bai Yu asked curiously.

"Huh, the ancestors of the ancestors and the ancestors of the Qiaoyuan Temple were originally sympathetic brothers. In an ancient mystery, they won the "Tiangong Qiqiao Grand Ceremony". As a result, the ancestors of the Qiqiao Temple wanted to please the first fairy Ling Qiaoyuan of the year. "Gong Qiao Dadian" was dedicated to her, but Tiangong Patriarch knew that the so-called First Fairy was actually a stunning lewd baby. Persuading the Patriarch of the Qiqiao Temple to be unsuccessful, he only scored half of the tricks for him, let him go, who knows this Before the Kit Kat ceremony was delivered to Ling Qiaoyuan, this woman was actually killed by the enemy! This time the Kit Kat Temple Grandmaster felt that he would never have the face to see our Tiangong Grand Master, so he set up another sect, and the wonderful Tiangong Kit Kat gate became Tiangongmen, Qiqiao Palace! Not to be the Son of Man! Not to be the Son of Man!"

"Their ancestors have suffered a loss, why are they grudges with us?" Bai Yu asked strangely.

"This... this... a long time ago, there were a lot of grievances back then, but we don't know the details." Liu Feng moaned.

"Hmph, that Kit Kat Hall is so shameless, it turned black and white, saying that our Tiangongmen Patriarch insisted to please that woman! Shameless!" There was a sudden voice in her arms, but Huayuenu was angrily speak.

Bai Yu suddenly realized that it was the two patriarchs who had obtained the secret code, and both wanted to please the first fairy. As a result, the two were jealous for a long time but failed to lick the dog and failed to deliver the things. Finally, they blamed each other and turned their faces, right? Unexpectedly, when the patriarchs on both sides were young, they also had this kind of irony black history!

He smiled in his heart, but his face was full of righteous indignation: "So shameless, but the teaching disciples have a breath, and the Kit Kat disciples will not be allowed to take advantage of it!"

Liu Feng was so relieved that this child was quite cheating...Bah, this child was pure-hearted and focused on the sect, and it was worthwhile to cultivate.

The giant tortoise slowly descended to the square in front of the Hall of Performing Arts, but saw that the square was already full of disciples from the courtyards of Tiangongmen in the east and the west.

Seeing the giant tortoise landing, these disciples saluted.

"Huh? Who is the Master Liu with this junior brother? How come I have never seen it before?"

"It looks like he is a disciple who looks like a head, but why follow the Master of the Creator"

"Oh! I remembered, four years ago, didn't two genius disciples in this sect entered the inner sect? Is this one of them?"

"After the inner courtyard disciple builds the foundation, he can only make his life creation before he can go out of the peak? Does this little junior fellow have already built the foundation?"

Bai Yu couldn't help feeling regretful when he heard the comments coming from the Quartet. He was a bit embarrassed because he didn't come out with his skills!

While thinking wildly, his face was still very solemn and indifferent, and followed Liu Feng to the Hall of Acting Dao. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 27 is here!) Reading history , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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