My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 272: One by one

Walking out of Mo Baiyi's house, the young entourage said angrily: "Master, is this servant so rude to the main family? My master treats him politely!"

Another old follower said: "The separation of the family is also bleeding the blood of the Mo family! And he is a practitioner! He is a practitioner! You are welcome, do you want the master family to turn your face against him? You are just a servant of the Mo family, that's it. So arrogant? Keep your duty!"

Mo Yongnian glanced at him coldly, and said that he would no longer be able to use it in the future.

The follower's face turned pale, and he knelt down with a thud: "Master, the villain has lost his mind and behaves arrogantly, the villain deserves to die, the villain deserves to die!" He slapped his face as he said.

Mo Yongnian snorted: "Get up and go back to the inn."

Seeing the two walking towards the inn, they stopped paying attention to themselves. The young entourage regretted that his intestines were all green. I wanted to express that Mo Baiyi was not worthy of the honorable status of the young master. , Gritted his teeth and followed, planning to find some way to round out the previous words.

"Master, I don't think Mo Baiyi is too willing?" The old follower said.

"Uncle Xing, it doesn’t matter whether he is willing or unwilling. He splits the family alone. The host expresses kindness, and he will not fail to appreciate it. It would be better if he pushed the relationship there. The host’s favor, He finally owes it. This is still the Mo family’s own cultivator. If he passes down a male and a half female, and leaves the branches and leaves, he still needs the master’s help. As a monk, he owes the master’s love and does not repay the cause and effect. Huh? In short, this blood relationship cannot be erased." Mo Yongnian said.

Mo Baiyi's family.

Qingdai: "Master, the master's son, speaks so rudely."

Mo Baiyi said with a headache: "I'm not your master, don't yell at you, master, it's normal to be pompous."

Qingdai said dissatisfied: "My girl has been at the master's door for almost a year. What do you call the master? Is it too old? Then call the grandfather. My grandfather is so capable, and I was even when he uttered wild words. , The uncle will reward his boss for ear scraping."

Mo Baiyi couldn't laugh or cry: "Well, I treat your girl as a confidante and a sister, so don't bark! After all, it's a relative and it's not a big deal. Why should I smoke him? He didn't insult her ancestors... Well, yes, he insulted his ancestors, so he was not scolding himself together, wait... Why did you tell you this? Anyway, there is nothing wrong with me. I don't want to make trouble."

"Qingdai, don't always pester the son. It's rare that the son is not eating outside today. You and Xin'er go to the vegetable market to see if there is anything fresh, get some soup back and make up for the son..." Shi Xiaoniang said .

"Hey, Xiao Niang, what's on your face?" Qingdai remembered what she wanted to ask before, but she never had the opportunity to ask.

"This is given to me by Young Master Bai. They are called glasses, which can relieve my eye diseases. After I use them, I can see them clearly!" Shi Xiaoniang's face was full of smiles, just now on the way home, on the street You can see the wine tricks at the end of the street. It is indeed a wonderful workmanship, but it feels that the ground is also a lot closer, as if it is arched, and it is quite unaccustomed.

"Girl, give me a try?" Qingdai took off her glasses from Shi Xiaoniang's face, put them on the bridge of her nose, and then exclaimed: "It's getting smaller! Alas! No more! I feel dizzy!"

"Don't go shopping yet!" Shi Xiaoniang patted her, took the glasses from her hand, and let out a long sigh. It was finally clear again.

Seeing Qingdai carrying a Lanzi to go out, Shi Xiaoniang said: "The son will sit for a while, and I will make a pot of tea for you. You drink it first, and when Qingdai comes back, I will go to the kitchen and fix it."

"Miss, you are not busy for now." Mo Baiyi said.

"What's the matter with the son?" Shi Xiaoniang asked.

Mo Baiyi thought for a long time: "These days, you and Qingdai have suffered a lot."

Shi Xiaoniang stopped: "Why do you say this for no reason?"

Mo Baiyi sighed, "I am not a lover."

Shi Xiaoniang's face was a little panic: "What did the son say? I, I don't understand, so I will boil the water."

Mo Baiyi took out a few silver ingots and placed them on the stone table: "Since you came out, I haven't taken a penny from home, but you always **** your jewelry and treasures from time to time. I have already hired people. Redemption, these silver, lunch boxes are the hard work of this year."

As a monk, how can Mo Baiyi have no money in the world? Usually embarrassed, it's just acting.

"The son is really so unfeeling? Are you going to drive me and Qingdai?" Shi Xiaoniang was stunned.

"Hurry... or something, it won't happen, but, you and I are different from men and women, Xiao Niang, you and I live in the same courtyard, this, I am afraid that Xiao Niang's reputation will be hurt." Mo Baiyi sighed.

"I'm a brothel whore, what reputation do I want? That's all, it's just a dream. At any rate, the son still took me in for this year. These silver...hehe...Thank you, uncle for the reward!" Shi Xiaoniang finally endured it. She couldn't help crying, but she said with a strong smile.

"Miss, you... why are you doing this?" Mo Baiyi smiled bitterly.

"My son, your clothes are often pickled with wine stains and oil stains. They can't be washed with clean water. They have to be mixed with grass ash. I will not be here in the future. There is also Xin'er. Ask her to put more grass ash when washing." Shi Xiaoniang wiped. He put his tears away.

Ink white clothes are like sitting on pins and needles.

"The field outside the city..., forget it, I still say that you are poor, so you are not poor, so ask a dentist to help you hire a steward. In this family, you still need someone to take care of it inside and out, Yuxin After all, he is young and he is not too hot to do things..."

"Miss, don't say it." Mo Baiyi said depressed. People are not plants, who can be ruthless? He and Shi Xiaoniang face each other day and night. Although the exercises he practices can't touch the true feelings, they are not meant to cultivate people into pieces of wood! At this time, after listening to Shi Xiaoniang's tireless confession, she felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart.

"If you want to tell, why don't you tell me? The son is soaked in wine every day, which is too hurtful. I took care of the boiling method of some soup and asked Xin'er to boil more for you to drink, oh...and you I wrote some posts in the past. Anyway, you threw it away and I picked it up again. I took it as a thought. Maybe the son will not be so unfeeling, right?" Shi Xiaoniang smiled, but that smile was in his heart. But it contains infinite sorrow.

"Master, are you going to rush the wife away?" Finally, Yu Zhixian asked timidly beside him.

Since being accepted by Mo Baiyi, this cheap teacher has been very kind to him and Yuxin. At this time, Mo Baiyi was inexplicably about to drive Shi Xiaoniang away, and he was a little confused.

"I..." Mo Baiyi looked tangled and finally said:

"Miss, you are not busy, I will think again, think again."

He sighed, got up and walked out the door.

"You don’t have to be so embarrassed. It’s my wishful thinking and a stubborn face that I’m obsessed with the son. God treats me well, and the son always treats me with courtesy. This year I am very happy. I will leave when Qingdai comes back. Alas, I The look in his eyes was not good. Originally, he sewed a robe for the son, but only half of it..."

Mo Baiyi had a meal, and after all, he hardened his heart and left the house. At this moment, he was confused and wandering around the street in despair, getting drunk in the wine shop, and he was like walking meat the first morning. Wandering around, he unexpectedly walked to the Bodhi study. At this time, he had completely forgotten that he had agreed with Mo Yongnian to leave Longcheng at the beginning of Mao's time to see the main family's ancestors.

Seeing him drunk, describing that he had entered the study sullenly, Bai Yu was taken aback.

"Bai Yi, what's the matter with you? His face is so ugly?" Bai Yu took a step, dragged him to a chair and sat down, then lifted his hand to his veins.

Mo Baiyi saw him stretch out his hand towards his veins, and subconsciously flipped his hand and patted Bai Yu's hand.

Bai Yu gave a hey, his wrist sank down, made a shallow circle, flipped his palm, and grabbed his wrist. Mo Baiyi raised his hand, and the two of them were really excited, and Mo Baiyi came back to his senses.

"Heart-burning Nirvana?" Bai Yu retracted his hand and asked after hesitating.

Mo Baiyi's eyes flashed: "Brother Bai, so insightful, you can recognize such a biased technique."

"The strength is twofold, the love is continuous, the fire is poisonous, and it is not fatal but difficult to entangle. It is also like the love between men and women, first hot and then cold, so cold and hard to heal, only love, fire and ice is so weird. Your strength, Bai Yi, your technique...I'm afraid there is something wrong? Maybe let me listen to the pulse?" Bai Yu said solemnly.

Mo Baiyi looked strange, looked at him for a few breaths, and stretched out his hand.

Bai Yu put his hand up, looking strange for a long while.

"White clothes, I listen to your pulse condition, the true essence in the meridians is turbulent, leaping and not alive, like a fire without pay, smelting the original essence, but forcibly lifting..."

"The method of this school requires passion but no desire, love but no promise, but...oh,'s hard to say a word." Mo Baiyi said with a melancholy expression.

Bai Yulu needs all kinds of long-term knowledge. At this time, he ordered Huayuenu to buy some warm stomach food. Hearing this, he sighed:

"White clothes, how did you learn the inheritance of Ten Thousand Flower Valley? However, I heard that this Ten Thousand Flower Valley heart method hurts others and oneself. It is useless to practice!"

Mo Baiyi smiled bitterly and said, "What can I do? My master passed me through and he passed on such a technique. It's useless to regret at this time!"

"Last year, I only thought that I was not enamored with my little mother, and after experiencing the tribulation of my little mother, I would be able to break through the golden core, but I never thought that the more I practiced, the more awkward I became, and I discovered this technique. No true feelings, enthusiasm will catalyze the seven emotions and six desires hidden in the true essence, but consume the true essence. So this year, I don’t talk about progress, but a great retreat. This is the golden core coming forward, but at this time it is worth it. Able to stabilize the realm, unable to break through..."

"This is really troublesome. I think Shi Xiaoniang is also passionate about Bai Yi. Why didn't Bai Yi make a decision early?" Bai Yu asked with a frown.

"I thought that she saw through my true face, so naturally she was discouraged and left. Who knows that I wandered into waves, often did not go to hangovers among the flowers at night, and did not make money to support her family, but she did not have a complaint. Today, if not I hardened my heart to let her go..."

Bai Yu said: "Wait! Bai Yi, you said you let her go? The world is sinister, where do you let her two weak women go?"

Mo Baiyi said: "Just in this city, what can be sinister with me watching over?"

Bai Yudao sneered and said: "Shi Xiaoniang is soft outside and strong inside, you have driven him out of the house so born, she still has the face to stay in Qingliu City?"

Mo Baiyi hesitated and said, "Isn't it?"My dream can come true The latest chapter address: https:// dream can come true Full text reading address: https://www dream can come true txt download link: https://www.mtlnovel .com/down/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: /read/162987/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 272 one by one) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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