My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 275: Green Spirit Sword Sect

"After I returned to Qingliu City that day, the more I thought about it, the more awkward I became, so I missed the night and rushed to Laolong Village to find clues. If several bands of thieves are fighting, there must be a winner, right? Going up to the corpses on the fallen mountain road, I checked the wounds..."

Hearing what Bai Yu said, Mo Baiyi's heart beat faster, and grabbed Bai Yu's wrist: "How?"

"Most of them were killed by one blow, except for small incisions, the rest are all penetrating injuries!" Bai Yu said solemnly.

"Feijian!" Mo Baiyi exclaimed in a low voice.

Penetration injuries can be caused by arrows, spears, and spears, but if they are spears and spears, they can be killed in a crowd. Such a powerful martial arts, is it better for the secular world to be a court general than to be a bandit? Therefore, as soon as Bai Yu raised this question, Mo Baiyi immediately responded.

"There are also hundreds of people in the Qijia Motorcade. They are all excellent players. They are old and old, but why do we have no traces on the official road? Therefore, this incident is estimated to be aimed at the Qijia firm. It's unpopular. As a result, Shi Xiaoniang and the Qi family firm set off together, and suffered a lot from the fish. Therefore, I went to the Qi family again that night to inquire..." Bai Yu said.

"When I returned to the city at night, I sneaked into the Qi family and forced the Qi family’s owner to find out that the golden lotus was picked up in the fog and rain a few days ago. The Qi family had secretly obtained the Qi family. A secular home in the Qi family. , Holding the treasure of our cultivation world, the Qi family probably also knows that this is the way to take death, so they want to dedicate this golden lotus to the Star Sword Gate of Chenzhou. Well, the Star Sword Gate is a face of the Lord of Heaven. The vassal sect, although it is only a low-class sect in the cultivation world, it is always a branch in Chenzhou. Therefore, if people in the secular world want to enter the Tao, it is really a way to find them. The Qi family thinks that they will use this golden lotus to change a few. The number of entrances."

"Hey, people are not as good as the sky. Somehow, the story of the golden lotus flower in Qi's family has been leaked. Although the golden lotus flower is rare for the big sect, it is not worth it to rob the laymen to enter the Tao. Opportunity, but for San Xiu, it's a terrific temptation." Bai Yu sneered.

"After that, I used the relationship with some followers of the same sect. I checked and checked. Finally, I found out that there was a casual cultivator who had mixed into those cottages. With a thunder and lightning force, I drove the vulgar warriors of the Qi family. He and the **** guards and runners were cleaned up. They took the golden lotus and left immediately, but Shi Xiaoniang was left there."

"As a result, Shi Xiaoniang's beautiful appearance was attracted by the second village owner of Laolongshan. Hey, the next thing, you can't think of the next thing, the four bandits forced the guys and porters of the Qijia motorcade to join the group; as long as those who can survive, Who would dare to provoke his family as a bandit with his head? Most of the people who did not want to join the group were killed by them. For a while, they became angry, and the result was amazing. In short, they couldn't see each of them clearly. They seemed to be one man and one man. Two female monks, these two murderous gods slain from the foot of the mountain to the cottage, and later burned the cottage. They also took people away because they were too far apart to see the appearance of the two murderous gods. But the woman who was taken away, looking dressed, is not the family member of the Laolongshan thief, but seems to be the woman who was robbed at the foot of the mountain."

Mo Baiyi's thoughts were complicated: "Brother Bai, don't blame me."

Bai Yu Tan said: "What do you do? I ran around Qijia and four cottages overnight, and the confessions from the surviving thieves were all similar. Although it has not been found out that the man and the woman were A person of which sect, it is always certain that Shi Xiaoniang must have survived."

"Then... what about the body?" Mo Baiyi said nervously.

"If it wasn't for Shi Xiaoniang, maybe it was Qingdai?" Bai Yu frowned.

Mo Baiyi said, "Brother Bai, this matter is the kindness that I owe you again, but there will be dispatches in the future, so it will not be negative."

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "White clothes, you and I have each other, you don’t need so much courtesy. Next, you will raise up for some time and start practicing "The Twelve Books of Hezhen". Now you have lost all your cultivation skills, and there is no way to go. Looking for Shi Xiaoniang, I guess Shi Xiaoniang was taken away because she met the requirements of the two sects in a certain aspect. You are now a waste person, and you can’t investigate, step up your practice, and it will be much more convenient for you to be successful. ."

Of course, Bai Yu’s inference above was not that he was possessed by the Detective Conan, but that the bandits were originally mobs, and those who practiced casually acted unscrupulously. The two did not act closely, plus the news from the Qi family Patriarch, the three cottages With the confession obtained from the surviving bandits, these clues together, it is easy to draw the above conclusion.


Shi Yun screamed and woke up slowly.

She touched everywhere indiscriminately, her clothes were intact, she didn't look messy and humiliated as she imagined, and she didn't feel any abnormalities in her body.


She still remembers that she and Dai Qing were taken to the cottage. The second village master with big fat ears and fierce face was about to twist the melon sweet with her. Dai Qing desperately protected her, but was slapped. When she fainted on the ground, she couldn't follow it to death, biting on the cheek of the second village master, and then she lost consciousness when she got a pain in her head.

"Little mother!" Dai Qing came in from outside the room, her face swollen high, but her eyes were full of joy.

Dai Qing leaped forward and plunged into her arms, and the two hugged each other in mourning and weeping.

After a long while, Shi Yun reacted and asked, "Daiqing, where are we now."

Dai Qing wiped her tears and said: "Miss, we...we have met a god!"

"God!?" Shi Yun asked in shock.

Dai Qing said: "Yesterday, I was slapped to the ground by that fat pig. I was dizzy and got up. You bit him and was knocked out by him. I understood clearly, but I couldn't move. I was thinking We both kept our innocence in the brothel, but we were lost on this gangster who was as fat as a pig and ugly as a dog. Something pierced through! Later I learned that it was the flying sword of the fairy!"

"Feijian?" Shi Yun was skeptical.

"Really! Little mother, why don't you believe me?" Dai Qing complained.

"Okay, I didn't believe you, what happened afterwards?" Shi Yun said perfunctorily.

"Okay, you are true, my little girl. I grew up with you, and I will lie to you, okay, okay, let me continue, and then two fairy-like characters came in. …It’s pretty, but the eyes are fierce, the fairy asked us about the situation..."

Lu Tang and his junior sister Jing Yingyan went to the Nightmare Forest to find the same rare medicine, but they saw the ground killing on the road halfway through the sky with resentment. They wanted to ignore the nostalgia, but the junior sister had never been in the world, and seemed to be righteous to the chivalry. I was very interested, and when my divine sense was released, I discovered that someone in the cottage below wanted to do something wrong. After killing the culprit, I found that one of the fainted women had good aptitude, so he took both of them on the flying boat. After he finished all of this, he discovered that the younger sister could kill the mundane people so badly. It’s not an iron rule that the monks don’t take action against the mundane people, but it’s an unspoken rule. People know that their younger sister is too killing. It’s not good after all. In desperation, Lu Tang burned the cottage on fire and left. He thought that if any other school asked him and his junior sister about this matter, they would kill them all, and they would not kill them. Ordinary people are all scourges, and no one will bite them if they want to.

The two masters and servants cried for a while and laughed for a while, talking about their encounters in the past two days, but the door opened with a creak.

A young girl came in and said, "Wake up? Just wake up. You have a good chance. If Shishu Lu and Shishu Jing weren't going to work, there would be no chance for a mortal like you to join our Azure Spirit Sword Sect!"

Shi Yun's heart shuddered, this girl seemed...somewhat awkward to talk.

So he deliberately said: "Dare to ask the fairy, is this the Azure Spirit Immortal Sect?"

The girl was a little embarrassed to see her orally called Fairy: "Fairy or something, don't call it arbitrarily, it's Sword Sect, not Xianzong, here is our Qingling Sword Sect Dao place."

Shi Yun said in shock: "There is a character like a fairy, beautiful and solemn, just like the exorcism in the painting. I can't call it Xianzong here? Isn't this...Is this a joke?"

The girl originally wanted to sullen her face to the newcomer. After listening to her being so well-behaved, she was used a lot after all: "Don't say that some are gone, and don't call me a fairy. I'm just an outsider in Jianzong. The deacon asked me to take the two of you to see her. Don't talk nonsense when you see her!"

"Thank you for your sister's advice. I don't know what your sister's name is? How to call it?" Shi Yun asked softly.

"You just call me Zihe." The girl said.

"Sister Zihe, wait a moment. When I see you, I feel like seeing a relative. This thing is just a trivial thing that is not valuable in the world, but I have worn it for many years and gave it to my sister as a meeting gift." Shi Yun wiped from her wrist. He placed the crystal clear jade jade bracelet in Zihe's palm.

The eyes of that Zihe were a little red, how could there be such affection among the monks? Immediately developed a very good impression of Shi Yun.

"The first time I saw you, I should have given you some meeting gifts, but today I didn't prepare enough, so I will send it to you another day. You can come with me." Zihe took a deep look at her, and saw that Shi Yun's eyes were clear and nothing. A little bit of false affection.

How did she know that Shi Yun had lived in a brothel before, if she hadn't taken advantage of Mo Baiyi's momentum, she would have been stripped and cleaned by the **** and made a drink, where, someday she would not have a playful face. live? Pretending to be sincere is just the most basic operation. These straight-minded little monks talked about scheming, where would they be her opponent? Of course, if she dared to have a role-playing in front of the Golden Core monk, she could already teach her how to be a human in minutes.

Walking out of the room, it was already bright, Shi Yun realized that this was a manor, and asked Zihe, but it was only the residence of the outer disciple of the Qingling Sword Sect's outer courtyard. Shi Yun couldn't help but be speechless, just the outer disciple. Living in such an elegant Zhuangzi...

Shi Yun gave her eloquence and inquired all the way, and finally she had a little understanding of the monks and mortals, and then she understood why Mo Baiyi was so passionate about herself and determined in her heart that she must enter the Dao and become a monk in order to truly interact with Mo Baiyi. Together in white. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 275 Green Spirit Sword Sect), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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