My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 279: Wei Zizhao

"Not interested, I just came to find some medicine, don't involve me." Bai Yu shook his hand.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be kidding, who came to Daze these few days, who didn't come to the tomb of General Pei? That's General Pei! The most fierce general in the legend, why did he bravely win the three armies and what kind of training? Daoist is not tempted by the practice?" Fatty cried out from behind without giving up.

Bai Yu was depressed. He really didn't know when Qing Liucheng was in the tomb of General Chuan Fei. He turned around and walked back. The fat man only asked Bai Yu to come over to make trouble, and back again and again.

"I said, friends, if you don't go, don't go..."

Fearing that Bai Yu would be violently attacking the killer, he yelled and retired Bai Yu and went in. Who knows, until he returned to the position of the cloud-grained pear tree stump, Bai Yu and him passed by seven or eight meters.

The fat man greeted him, "Friends of Taoism, what does this mean?"

Bai Yu didn't turn his head back and said: "I don't want to cause trouble. How many times have I told you that I'm just here to gather some medicine. You can find some chance or something for yourself."

The fat man said: "Don't go, fellow Taoist..."

Bai Yu also smiled when he encountered such a sticky nose, "I said, you fat guy, why are you entangled with me? Are you disadvantaged by my sword?"

As he was talking, more than ten cultivators greeted him, and when he saw the fat man, his expression changed.

"Fatty Wei, it's not bad. The treasure map you sold us last time caused us to lose seven brothers. How come we can't find you when we look back. You can't get away this time, right?" Open film.

The fat man said anxiously: "Let's stay!"

The leader of the group raised his hand and stopped his men: "Fatty, if you sell more than one piece of news, we won’t say anything, but your route to the treasure map is simply wrong! That fellow Taoist, if this fat guy If you don't have anything to do with you, just stay away to avoid splashing blood!"

The fat man shouted: "Brother-in-law, they are so many and powerful, we flash!"

The expressions of Bai Yu and the group of people changed at the same time, and the person said angrily: "Good fat man, so you are looking for a helper! Brothers! Go!"

The group of people immediately drew their knives and knives, drew their swords, and rushed over. Seeing that they were coming fiercely, the fat man turned and ran: "Brother-in-law! The wind is tight!"

Bai Yu said angrily: "Fatty, you are going to cheat me!"

But in this situation, how can there be an opportunity for defense? I'm afraid that he was beaten half-crippled and completely lost the threat. The group of talents would stop, Bai Yu turned around and followed the fat man and ran away. Although his cultivation level is far superior to ordinary foundation building and casual cultivation, he is not arrogant enough to go to a group fight alone. A group of people.

The fat man ran extremely slippery, and his speed did not match his fat figure. After a while, he left the group of people far behind. Seeing that they couldn't catch up, they had to stop. The fog and rain were heavy. Zezhong is full of dangers. They are not the same as the fat man who spends the whole day in the fog and rain, and treats Daze as the fat man in his back garden. Naturally, they dare not let go of chasing. If they are led into some dangerous place by the fat man, then it is called blood loss. .

Although the fat man ran fast, but where did Bai Yu run? Feeling that the people behind stopped, Bai Yu speeded up, and the fat man made a strange cry and wanted to speed up the escape. However, Bai Yu put one hand on his shoulder, and suddenly felt that half of his body was pressed against a mountain, slowing down involuntarily. Come down.

"Fatty, you really are not a good thing, your own bad thing actually involves me!" Bai Yu said in a harsh tone.

The fat man had no choice but to stop: "Friends, wait! Wait a minute! Don’t be rough! Last time, I didn’t think about selling the treasure map, but the group of people forced to buy it, which is equivalent to taking me away. How can I give up easily?"

Bai Yu sneered and said, "Aren't you selling fake pictures? It's kind of selling fake pictures?"

The fat man smiled bitterly: "I just made seven or eight fake pictures to prevent someone from grabbing the pictures. If someone came to trouble me, I would give them the fake pictures. If they didn't grab them, how could there be such a thing? You can inquire about it in Qingliu City. Is there a hawker for my Fatty Wei? I dismissed it with fake pictures only when I found the door."

Bai Yu's subordinates were a little lighter. Presumably the fat man wouldn't dare to lie to him as soon as he inquired about the things that he could hear. He just said: "These people are so stupid? You use a fake picture to fool them, they can't see it?"

The fat man said proudly: "You don't know something about fellow Taoists. Come here. Here are the real pictures and fake pictures. You can understand by looking at them."

The fat man took out two pieces of silk silk from his arms, both of them were broken and old yellow. They were exactly the same map, but they didn't mark the location.

"What kind of treasure map is this? It's headless." Bai Yu glanced at it and threw it back, admiring his ability to fake it. At least from the outside, the two pictures really didn't make much difference.

"Hehe, fellow Taoists don’t know anything about it. This thing doesn’t show up until it sees water." The fat man poured water from the water sac around his waist onto two pieces of silk. Suddenly, the pattern on the top changed drastically, and Bai Yu saw one. Zhang Shang is the underground palace of General Pei, and the other one is the three-character Chongwang Tomb. The two places are far apart and their faces are discolored.

Obviously, General Pei’s underground palace is fake, and the Tomb of Chongwang is real.

"Daoist, now you know my biggest secret, but if it’s not good, I just left. I don’t know what's in the Tomb of the King of Bugs, but the dangers are inevitable, and I don’t think Daoists are greedy. People who dare to join me?" The fat man said proudly.

"Who knows whether the Insect King Tomb is real or not, you guys are first-rate fakers, don't go, what do you like, I don't want to drip this muddy water!" Bai Yu shook his head and let go of the fat man's shoulders.

"It's nothing more. I saw you monk for the first time. It's really strange to see the chance as dung. How did you cultivate to such a level." The fat man finally made up his mind and continued:

"It is said that there are eggs of rare insects such as dead insects, intermittent insects, metaplasia insects, and longevity insects in the Chongwang Tomb. Which one is not a rare treasure?"

"It's said? You've said it." Bai Yu walked back slowly, thinking that this fat man was too dead skinned, and he couldn't shake the rhythm.

"There must be strange insect eggs in the insect king, but no one can tell which kind. If there are clone insects, it is normal that there are no intermittent insects. Fellow Daoists have never thought about it. If you can replace the dead insects, it is not equal to Do you have more lives? You and I live in casual cultivators every day. Is it not good to have more lives?" the fat man asked loudly.

Bai Yu stopped, if it could really live multiple lives, it would be of great benefit, especially for the worms like dying, prolonging life, and incarnation, it would really be of great use at critical times.

"I entered the Tomb of the King of Insects. How do you distinguish these eggs? How to divide the benefits? I can't get them, but you can't tell them? Why do you want to find me and go with you?" Bai Yu asked back. Dao, in short, this fat man's appearance is very weird. If you don't ask clearly, he is not willing to go to the Tomb of the Insect King.

"Hey, I can't go alone. At least two people must dare to go. It is said that there must be a zombies in the Tomb of the King of Insects, and if one bites by that worm, if no one cares, you will really die stiff. No one can even stop it from biting, even if the cultivator Nascent Soul comes, but this zombies will die after biting a person. As long as someone nearby takes a spray of water, it will wake up, so I have to do it no matter what. Find someone who can be trusted, who is the most trustworthy? Those who are not interested can be trusted! Taoist friends opened a study in Qingliu City? And they are acquainted with the Prodigal Mo? Who can be a brother to the Prodigal Mo, then No matter how bad you are, I will test Brother Dao. If Brother Dao shows half of his greed, I will give Brother Dao a fake picture and let Brother Dao to toss himself. Brother Dao sees opportunities like dung. , I have a very high cultivation base, and I want to have another chance, and I won’t be greedy for my little chance, so if the Taoist priests go with me, I won’t take my life for these worm eggs. Right?" The fat man sneered.

Bai Yu has a headache: Ma Dan, there are too many random repair routines. Fortunately, this is not malicious. If you are a little bit greedy, don't you want to get rid of it?

"How do I know if what you said is true or false? Forget it, you enjoy yourself by chance, I want to live for two more years!" Bai Yu got up and strode forward.

The fat man said anxiously: "This time it's true, God witnesses that I, Wei Zizhao, had half-little about the Nymph King's Tomb, and I must have died terribly miserable!"

When Bai Yu heard that he had even made a heavy oath, he couldn't help but eat, and the fat man hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot: "I won't take any of those rare worm eggs except for the intermittent eggs. How about you and I share the other treasures of heaven and earth?"

Bai Yu asked: "Why only take intermittent eggs? What if I want the intermittent eggs?"

Wei Zizhao said anxiously: "I entered the Tomb of the Insect King because I wanted to fetch the eggs of the Intermittent Insect in the Three Guards of the Insect King. If the Taoist friends must get the Intermittent Eggs, I would rather destroy the map. !"

Bai Yu said: "Why did you take the intermittent eggs?"

Wei Zizhao said sadly: "My girl, from below the calf, has muscle atrophy, and there is no medical treatment for medicinal stones. I just want her to stand up one day. I heard that intermittent eggs have the ability to regenerate limbs. I thought, if you get it. This kind of worm eggs, after hatching, was planted into her body, and her legs were cut off and reborn. Naturally, she would heal without medicine. I only have her as a relative. If she can't enter the Tao, I also hope that she will give me a guardian in the duny world. It’s inherited from generation to generation."

"Well, I believe you once. Except for the intermittent eggs, if there are eggs that I think belong to me, there are any treasures, as long as they are not urgently needed by me, they belong to you, and I will not take them! "Bai Yu nodded.

Wei Zizhao was overjoyed: "Well, good, fellow Daoist! Then let's set off now!" He said, and went back and forth.

Bai Yu doubted: "Didn't you mean to go to Leng Qingyan? How to go in this direction, Fatty, you don't know me. Although I am not very familiar with Daze, I still know a few famous places."

Wei Zizhao proudly said: "Hey, you said I just showed you the real picture? I'm not that stupid!"

Bai Yu was dumbfounded, this fat man didn't know what kind of loss he had suffered before, so he was so wary! After a long time of trouble, the so-called true treasure map he solemnly took out was also a fake! If you say something badly, I'm afraid he will make you cry and call your mother, right?

"Then I need to go back to the city to make some preparations. I didn't think about exploring the secret realm secret palace. I was really not prepared enough." Bai Yu said.

Fatty Wei said anxiously: "Where is there still time to prepare? The Chongwang Tomb has only been opened once in ten years. It is just a few days ago. If it is not good, it will be tomorrow. It is also possible tonight. If you miss it, you will come and go. It will only be ten years away!"

Bai Yu yin for a long time, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I will believe you once. If there is a danger that I can't stop, don't blame me for leaving you alone to escape!"

Fatty Wei said triumphantly: "I pulled you into the gang, that must have been two sets of guys going in and out of the Tomb of the Insect King!" The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true Full text reading address: Can come true txt download address: Dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time , You can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 279 Wei Zizhao) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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