My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 281: Godson

"I'm pooh! Where can Bai Yu come from your old and fat son! Shut up for me!" Er Yatou tweeted.

Bai Yu also said angrily: "Fatty, don't you be kidding me, shut up! Er girl, how about it?"

"It takes more than half a moment to completely out of the encircled range of snake ants. Well, it means more than seven minutes as you said. The snake ants complete contact for about six minutes, and we will be surrounded for about one minute."

Bai Yu ran wildly with the fat man, and asked, "The solution?"

"Snakes and ants don't like cold. You currently have three ice talismans. You can lower the ground temperature for about forty seconds." Er Yatou said.

"What should I do if there are twenty seconds left?" Bai Yu roared, the two of them were extremely fast, and the aroused wind rang in their ears.

"Dad... Fellow Daoist Bai, I, I still have an ice talisman!" Fatty Wei said quickly.

"Okay! There are less than ten seconds!" Bai Yu was overjoyed, but in less than ten seconds, for a secular warrior, it was more than one hundred meters, and for a foundation-building monk, it was enough to run two miles, that is, one kilometer.

And these ten seconds refer to the ten seconds surrounded by the overwhelming ant colony. White Feather is poisonous and difficult to attack. Don’t say ten seconds, it’s not a problem to sleep in the ant colony, but Fatty Wei doesn’t say ten seconds. It is destined to become ossified after a ten-odd bite, and it is definitely not fortunate.

"Turn blood into a talisman, and make a talisman in the air." Er Yatou said.

Bai Yu vetoed: "You just let me calm down, standing still ten times at most once succeeding, let alone running at this time! Uncertain! No way!"

"There are more than ten explosions of Lie Talisman, exploding all the way? If you already have a golden core, it will be fine, a soil escape, how can these snake ants take you!" Er Yatou said regretfully.

"If it were the golden core, I would have gone to Yujian long ago! What else do I need to say?" Bai Yu complained.

"I can't do it anymore, let the fat man explode, maybe it can support ten seconds?" Erya frowned.

"Charge first, then think of a way!" The fat man yelled, affixed a diamond talisman to himself, and his defense was greatly increased. Although these talisman were not easy for casual cultivators, he only had a few talisman on him, but this Time is already a critical time, don't use it anymore, keep it for the New Year?

Bai Yu patted Fatty Wei with a magic talisman and a light body talisman, and slowly followed him. His cultivation is far better than Fatty Wei, and he is not afraid of snakes and ants, so he only needs to follow him.

Fatty Wei's speed has increased a lot, but Er Yatou was originally calculated based on his speed after various gains, so how to pass the last ten seconds...It really can only be said at the time.

Although Bai Yu was willing to go to the Chongwang Tomb with Fatty Wei, he and Fatty Wei were not related to each other, and it was impossible for him to explode poison to the enemy.

The snake formations and ant formations on both sides slowly closed like a tide, and the fat man's eyes were bloodshot: "Fat will never die here!"

Bai Yu suddenly yelled: "Fatty, I'll give you a ride!"

He patted the Fatty's back softly with a palm, and suddenly the Fatty's speed increased a bit, and the Fatty yelled strangely: "It hurts me!" But his feet were like pedaling a hot wheel and grabbed more than ten meters. Bai Yu speeded up and followed, and the fat man screamed:

"Daddy Bai, you can't fight anymore, let's do it again, I can't hold it!" He said, a mouthful of blood spurted out, but the speed increased again.

"Bai Yu, this speed can grab one second!" Er Yatou shouted loudly.

Bai Yu's face is ugly, what should I do if there are eight or nine seconds left?

"Fatty! Frost Talisman! Falling ten feet!" Bai Yu shouted.

The fat man immediately shot out the ice talisman he had prepared, a blue light flashed, the ice talisman fell, and the cold was suddenly full in a radius of 100 meters, even the water in the air condensed into tiny ice chips and fell to the snake that was about to close. The ants immediately did not want to move forward, leaving a large area of ​​frozen ground, but the area of ​​the ice was slowly getting smaller with naked eyes.

Bai Yu hit a water dragon talisman, and the water dragon dashed straight for more than a hundred meters. Bai Yu immediately hit another ice talisman. Suddenly, the ground that the ice passed by froze into an icy road. Although it was only two meters wide, it still covered these. Snake ants blocked the outside.

The golden owl bone ant on the front road has been piled up to a foot and a half high. If you step in, the fat man will cry until his knees: "Papa Bai, what should I do? Two talisman, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out!"

Bai Yu said angrily: "How do I know what to do?"

The second girl screamed: "Bai Yu! Shifu!"

Bai Yu is another water dragon symbol, and immediately rushes the knee-high golden owl bone-forming ant out of a clearing, and then hits out the ice symbol, those golden owl-forming bone ants that have been soaked in water suddenly become ice ants, Wei Fatty Stepping on it, a burst of intensive crisp sound rang, and those frozen ant books were trampled on.

"There are more than 800 meters! I see the side! I see the side!" Er Yatou's voice suddenly became very excited.

"Fatty! Speed ​​up!" Bai Yu roared, the water dragon talisman came out, and the cold ice talisman came out, but this time he deliberately put both landing points forward, leaving some places in the middle.

"Fatty jump!" Fatty was overjoyed, soaring into the air, the golden owl ant that hadn't been on the ice over seven or eight meters, landed on the ice road, and the icy debris from the frozen ant's carcass was all over the sky. When the second girl ran above the explosion point of the Frost Talisman, the second girl continued to report: "There are about three hundred meters left!"

Bai Yu roared: "Fatty, get on the boat!"

These few breaths of time would not have summoned all kinds of flying beasts that were forbidden in the air. Even if the flying beasts were summoned, they would not have any resistance at all.

The fat man leaped into the sky and hit several flying ants. He was bitten and screamed again and again. When he saw Feizhou, he jumped up and hurriedly took out a lot of antidote and swallowed a lot of antidote. Bai Yu roared, "The fastest Degree!" He threw up two middle-level spirit stones.

The fat man was speechless and sent the spirit stone into the inlay port of the flying boat. At this time, the flying boat defense cover unfolded on its own, and a large number of flying ants rushed up, but only bit the defense cover to sway.

Bai Yu hit the tail of the flying boat with a palm and almost didn't break the defensive cover. At this moment, Fatty Wei had also started the flying boat and flew out with a "swish".

However, within a second or two, Feizhou had appeared four to five hundred meters away, and the fat man jumped down quickly and rushed frantically towards the cold ice depression. There was a vaguely visible white mountain range just in front of Qiba.

Bai Yu took a long breath, and the fat man's bad fortune was saved.

Next, it was much easier for him to leave the ant tide. It was poisonous and difficult to enemy. These golden owls were stepped into ant paste and did not dare to bite back a little. He only had to go flat all the way and wait to rush out. The ant tide, he quickly collected the flying boat, and took a look at it by the way. The flying boat exploded at this speed and suffered great damage. One of the spirit stones had turned into powder, and the other was dim in color, which obviously consumed more than half of it. The reason why it consumes so much spiritual power is because when it lifted into the air, the outside of the defensive shield was almost full of flying ants. I didn’t know that tens of thousands of flying ants were gnawing at the shield, plus the palm of their own acceleration. The flying boat, which was originally not strong in defense, could only increase the transformation of spiritual power, so it directly consumed a semi-intermediate spiritual stone.

Bai Yu walked slowly towards the cold ice depression. The fat man was already lying on the ground half snow and half soil, and didn't want to move. The poison on his body had not disappeared. At this time, he was lying on the ground, the air was cold, and he was feeling well. Many. As for the dirty work on the ground, how can he care so much? Only after he escaped from the crisis of life and death, his mind was completely blank, and he was completely empty.

Bai Yu walked up to him and looked at the sky. It rains at any time in the foggy Daze all year round, and the fog is shrouded all year round, and the sky is much darker than outside. At this time, it looks even darker, and it seems that it is about to rain. Look like.

Bai Yu took out something casually, and Fatty Wei turned his face hollowly, "This is... my god, you even have this kind of thing!"

Bai Yu ignored him and squeezed the magic trick to drive the creation. The creation slowly grew and turned out to be an exquisite manor. Fatty Wei crawled and walked away. Finally, the manor stopped when it reached more than three acres.

Fatty Wei wiped his saliva: "Daddy Bai, this Ruyi it yours?"

The second girl snorted, "It's not Bai Yu's, but yours?"

Bai Yu said, "It's freezing cold here. Although we are not too cold as monks, you have received two palms from me and got some ant poison. It's better to have a decent residence for two days of recuperation." After that, he opened the gate of the manor and walked in.

Fatty Wei hurriedly followed, turned around to close the door, and exclaimed, "I tell you why you are not interested in chance or anything. It turns out that you are a big disciple! Oh! This corridor! This rockery! This pavilion..."

The second girl said in distress, "Bai Yu, can you throw this guy out?"

Fatty Wei's face changed color: "I shut up! I shut up."

Bai Yu also said in distress, "It's better to bury this man in a hole."

Fatty Wei laughed and said, "Look at what you said, is Dad Bai taking his son?"

Bai Yu pressed his eyebrows, took a deep breath and said, "Seeing your appearance, you are older than me. Are you embarrassed?"

Fatty Wei twisted and said: "Where! I'm only fifteen years old this year! I'm still young! It's just that I look older."

Bai Yu's forehead bounced with blue veins: "If you dare to say that you are fifteen, I will throw you back into the anthill."

After hearing this, Fatty Wei shuddered, and then stopped, still touching the stigma, then looking at the window lattice, his face was full of envy.

Bai Yu said: "You choose a room for your own practice. Don't bother me. Let's stay here for a few days and I will make some preparations."

Because this time came in a hurry, Bai Yu discovered that it was very necessary to prepare a large number of various charms anytime, but fortunately, there are a lot of jade stones in the usual way, and now they only need to engrave them.

The Chongwang Tomb is in the cold ice depression. Through the cold ice depression, you will inevitably encounter various insects and beasts with cold attributes. These insects and beasts are nothing more than the three attributes of poison, yin, and cold. White feathers are poisonous and difficult to attack. Needless to consider, the two attributes of Yin and Cold are more equipped with Yang attributes to attack Fu Seal. Bai Yu thinks about it for three days to prepare a large number of Fu Seals with Yang attributes such as Chun Yang, Blast Flame, Fire Dragon, and Fire attributes. .

After three days of recuperation, Fatty Wei almost recovered completely. Originally, Bai Yu had two palms on his back to send him a ride, but he did not penetrate the true essence into Fatty Wei. The injury was not too serious. In addition, Bai Yu In addition to making the talisman, he practiced a lot of Zhengyang and healing pills. After a few pills, Fatty Wei's injury healed faster. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 281 Godson) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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