My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 284: Burn oil on the fire

"Insect flood? Are you sure it is an insect flood? Are you sure we will survive under the insect flood?" Fatty Wei said with a green face.

Bai Yu said cruelly: "I lost the job in the sea and won the clubhouse young model! Those bugs are busy grabbing the topaz banana cores and will not attack us actively. We just need to find a place... to hide."

"Although I don't know where we can find a place, and I don't understand what the young model you are talking about... But where are we hiding?" Fatty Wei stopped talking, panic in his eyes.

Bai Yu looked back: "Fat low!"

It turned out that a large number of chilli like white jade flew over, and they happened to be on their way to the half of topaz banana core.

The two lay on the ground, listening to the sound of rustling wings in mid-air gradually weakening, and the sound of rubbing against the dead leaves on the ground again. Fatty Wei looked up, almost not scared to urinate. The blue and chill ice spider!

"Go to the tree!" Bai Yu roared, and took the lead to crawl to Yupo Sang. These ice spiders can't fly, and the purpose is to go to the half of the topaz plantain core. Naturally, they don't have the slightest touch to the hot two. Interested, quickly crawling across the ground.

"My mother, Dad Bai, you stabbed a bug's nest." Fatty Wei murmured.

The two climbed to the top of Yuposang and climbed high to see far. The ground was densely packed with ice spiders. A little later, there was a giant ice spider crawling up quickly. It is estimated that it is the king of those ice spiders. Looking from the outside, the ant hill and the snake pool were also agitated. Both of them had very keen eyesight. It was clear that one of the ant queens could not bear the instinct for promotion from life. Surrounded by a large number of people, they wriggled to the cold. Coming from the ice col, this mass refers to the ant tide that only sees the head but not the tail. What is more peculiar is the various snakes that come out of the snake pool with them, mixed with these golden owls. There was no mutual attack, Bai Yu smiled bitterly:

"It's such a cold temperature here, can they come in?" Bai Yu stared in amazement.

Bai Yu remembered the suicidal steepness of lemmings he had heard before. This is perhaps the instinct of life, the imprint inscribed in the genes, and yearning to leap to a stronger thirst, even if he knows that this is an extremely cold world of ice and snow, these ants , The snake is still here without hesitation.

Fatty Wei said: "Daddy Bai, did you make this movement a bit big today? I think all the bugs are here."

Bai Yu said with a headache: "I didn't think there would be so many. Wait for them to fight. In the end, there is only one king left. At that time, we will go to the finishing touch. I don't believe it. We will kill the last half-mutilated bug. Can't get it."

While he was talking, a huge cicada rang, Bai Yu's whole body was shaken, only felt that his mind was blank and his figure was shaky. When he woke up, he found that he had actually fallen to the ground, and the fat man was beside him, his eyes dull. As if he hadn't slowed down, Bai Yu slapped him several times.

"Pain! Pain! Pain! Dad Bai, I was wrong!" Fatty Wei confessed his mistake quickly. He only felt a sharp pain on his face.

"Wrong, you big-headed ghost! Go up to the tree!" Bai Yu was angry and funny, leaped up, patted the tree pole a few times, and returned to the horizontal branch. This height can't be broken. The chilly cicada screamed again, but the big deal was just another fall. The fall just happened to wake up from the state of shock.

Fatty Wei climbed up too, rubbing his face and said, "What happened just now?"

The second girl popped her head and came out: "It's fat and stupid. It was obviously the emperor chilling just now. It can shock both of you so far away, this emperor chilling is really powerful!"

Bai Yu looked at the jade soul mulberry forest in the distance being affected by the battle, and a large number of them fell down. A large area has been cleared. In it, snakes, scorpions, toads, centipedes, spiders, and chilling cicadas are fighting with other races under the leadership of his own king. , Tumbling and rolling, snowflakes, ice crystals, tree shavings flying, where you can see and can’t see, are all murderous, although it is not as good as the roar when the human race rushes into the battle, the iron and blood when the weapon hits, but this silent fight But there is another cruelty.

"Should we enter the Tomb of the Insect King at this time?" Fatty Wei said with bright eyes.

"Then when we come out, we won't be able to walk away when we are surrounded, right?" Bai Yu's face was irritated.

"What should I do? Just watch it here?" Fatty Wei asked depressed.

"We can only watch. Before we can see which side wins, we got down to the Tomb of the King of Insects. There is no exit. If you can't wait, go in first?" Bai Yu rolled his eyes and said.

Fatty Wei sneered: "Let's stay together, and don't worry about it for a while."

At this time, the golden owl bone ant and various snakes also arrived at the col. After being driven by the king of the clan, they had to go inside, but in this col, the temperature was dozens of degrees higher than the outer boundary. , At least ten degrees below zero, these snakes and ants were frozen stiff after a few steps, and slowly piled up a wall of snakes and ants in the valley mouth.

Fatty Wei's eyes suddenly lighted up: "These golden owls transforming bone ants, among those golden owls, can extract extremely rare active metals, so much... to make a fortune."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "The active metal is really good, and it will be yours then."

Fatty Wei hesitated and said, "Those who see you have a share, you are seven and you are three."

Bai Yu laughed and said, "What's the use for me to take that thing? You keep it for yourself."

Fatty Wei said shyly: "Nevertheless, Dad Bai doesn't care about it, I'm uneasy."

Bai Yu said, "You can take it without worry. At most, you can refine some utensils used during the foundation construction period. I have little use for holding it."

Fatty Wei said, "But my storage bag can't hold that many..."

Only then did Bai Yu understand that there were twists and turns. It turned out that this fellow wanted Bai Yu to help him take these golden owl bone ants out, and it was so strange that he was not so generous to score points for himself.

"How can it be so troublesome? When the time comes, these ant corpses can be refined directly. It is estimated that these ant corpses can refine more than ten catties of gold, but the queen ant..." Bai Yu touched his chin.

Fatty Wei is only a casual cultivator, and his knowledge is far inferior to that of a sect disciple. At this moment, he stares at Bai Yu, waiting for him to tell him what the queen ant is for.

"The queen, you can try to conquer it. If you can conquer it, you will be a great help in the future. You can raise a nest of golden owls and bone ants, and you will be free in the future. …Uh, it’s not possible here. I’ve been defeated here by Tian, ​​don’t say that the golden owl has turned into a bone ant, but if it is not a cold attribute, it is a dead word here." Bai Yu thoughtfully.

"Papa Bai, you treat me with such kindness! How can I repay you?" Fatty Wei's eyes flushed.

Bai Yu said: "Tell you, don't call me father again!"

Fatty Wei thought for a while and said, "Okay! Grandpa!"

Bai Yu was silent for a moment and said: "..., you or I have ever seen the most shameless, bottomless, and thickest-skinned monk in my life."

Bai Yu took advantage of this opportunity to take Wei Fatty to the ice spider’s site and collected some good cold-attribute medicinal materials, and even went to the Spider King’s lair to collect a lot of insects and beasts. The Ice King spider silk, even Bai Yu can use these things. Fatty Wei didn't compete with Bai Yu, and said in a majestic manner: "Grandpa Bai wants it, just take it."

When Bai Yu heard that his generation had risen again, his temples jumped sharply, but he still left some Ice King spider silk for Fatty Wei. When he got the Light Willow City, it would be worth a few low-grade spirit stones. It's a windfall.

Then, the two took advantage of the fire and robbed them. Except for the Yupo Mulberry Forest, which was the battlefield of the six yin and cold insects and beasts in Hanbingao, the two dared not to enter. The rest of the underworld snakes, secluded centipedes, nine-yin scorpions, and mysterious toads. The old nest was touched by both of them. Fatty Wei couldn’t close his mouth. Even if he didn’t enter the Tomb of the Insect King, I’m afraid that the harvest this time would be enough for him to replace him with two black jade and white lotus roots as his sister. Two legs continued.

As for the purple ice liquid in the non-freezing amethyst cave that the fat man was thinking about, the two also fished out a few large tanks and walked away. This thing has a good performance whether it is cold or quenched when making weapons. Treating medicinal materials alone also has the effect of purifying, such treasures and realm have nothing to do, so Bai Yu also took this opportunity to make a fortune.

When the two returned to the Yupo Mulberry Forest, the six creatures had been fighting for two days, and the number had decreased significantly. The various insects and beasts that gathered outside the valley finally couldn't bear to starve and kill them together. The king was right. Kings, generals, soldiers and soldiers. The kings of several creatures in the valley have obviously gone through several battles, or because of mutual scruples. Although these kings have suffered serious injuries, they are The battle was stopped very tacitly, just watching his people fighting with other races, these kings obviously also opened up their wisdom, and found that the topaz banana core was only half a piece, and although the creatures in the valley were natural enemies of each other, they actually depended on each other. Existing together, it is unrealistic to exclude any of them, so after two days of fighting, these kings already seemed to have the meaning of a truce.

Bai Yu sneered: "These few kings are immortal, how can we play?"

Fatty Wei said, "What should I do?"

"Put fuel on the fire... If the fire is not strong enough, it can only mean that the fuel is not poured enough!"

Bai Yu took out another piece of topaz plantain core from the storage space and threw it into the battle group.

Previously, the six kings in the Frost Col were found that there was only half of the topaz plantain core. No matter who got it, they would not be able to be promoted, and it would not break the delicate balance of countless years in the Frost Col. But at this time, the complete topaz When the banana core appeared, these kings had to work hard. Perhaps other kings got this promotion treasure. For the survival of the race, all other races will not be exterminated, but the king of the race will undoubtedly die. All the kings know that someone is behind. Waiting for them to kill each other in order to reap the benefits, but this is a conspiracy, they have no way at all. In simple wisdom, they can only fight for this evolutionary opportunity before looking for the human who caused them to kill each other. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 284 Burning Oil on Fire) reading record, next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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