My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 289: Chongwang Tomb (4)

"You follow up in two minutes and we will move in this direction." Bai Yu pointed to the map and said. He drew a line from the entrance, and the light curtain in front of the two extended a red line, marking the route of travel.

The air in the Chongwang Tomb was muddy and sultry. Bai Yu didn’t even hold the sword in his hand. He held the beacon in one hand and the spirit stone in the other. Install the beacons at the forks in the back, and he only needs to get through the road, so he doesn't need to bring too much, but after all, he still needs a certain fault tolerance rate, so he can't take less.

At the fourth fork in the road, Er Yatou suddenly called: "Bai Yu, be careful, they are here!"

Although these soul-eaters were extremely small and invisible, the energy fluctuations could not be faked. Er Yatou had clearly detected the changes in energy, and almost the whole world of soul-eaters pounced towards Bai Yu.

Bai Yu retracted the beacon and hit the Xuanqing amulet with one hand. Suddenly, an oval cover like an eggshell envelops Bai Yu and Eryatou in it. The outer layer of the shield can be controlled during the foundation construction period. Skill, but Gang Qi is stronger in the protection of physical attacks. Spell attacks are mostly counteracted by head-to-head. Compared to the Xuanqing Body, which is more resistant to spells, it is obviously more appropriate to choose the Xuanqing Body at this time.

On the shield of Xuan Qing's body, the light dots flashed in succession, like fireworks exploding in the night, this is the appearance of Xuan Qing's body's body being attacked by magic.

Bai Yu's spirits lifted up: "Stronger than Gangqi!"

"It is estimated that it can last for one minute and forty seconds!" Er Yatou calculated the attack intensity of the Soul Devourer and the intensity of Xuan Qing's body shield.

Bai Yu took a deep breath and suddenly rushed forward. He stepped on a pit with a slam on the ground. The mud was splashed. There seemed to be endless soul-eaters in front of him. He raised his hand and broke through the air. The beacon was thrown far away by him and stuck on the wall of the cave.

"Has the attack intensity changed?" Bai Yu asked as he rushed.

"The attack strength is slightly increased, and Xuanqing's body is estimated to be reduced by 20 seconds." The second girl calculated nervously.

"The signal connection is successful! Fatty is about 700 meters away from us! The beacons are lighting up one after another!" Er Yatou said loudly.

"Okay! Go on!" Bai Yu continued to run wildly.

"There is a fork in the road ahead, choose the second from the left!" Er Yatou reminded.

"The density of the soul-devouring soul insects has increased! Xuanqing's body is expected to decrease by 10 seconds!" Now the light spots on Xuanqing's body are almost lit up, and Bai Yu can even feel the shield shaking violently.

"Bai Yu, keep your speed, don't increase it anymore, the signal is unstable!" Er Yatou reminded.

"Fatty, can you hear me?" Bai Yu asked.

"I can hear you, I'm behind you, you are too fast, I can't keep up!" The fat man replied, his voice was a bit intermittent, but the situation was not very serious. You can even guess what he meant.

"Okay, I will slow down, don't follow too tightly, be careful of bugs around." Bai Yu reminded.


"Bai Yu, we are about to enter the unexplored area ahead!" Er Yatou reminded that this place has reached the edge of the area that has been explored. From the map on the light screen, you can see that those areas that have been explored have changed because of the recycling of beacons. It was gray, and now Fatty Wei who followed behind cast out a lot of beacons, and they were gradually lighted up.

"White Feather, the density of insects has weakened, we should have rushed through their central area!" Er Yatou said with joy suddenly.

"Can you estimate their range?" Bai Yu asked.

"About four kilometers." Er Yatou gave a number.

Fortunately, it is not about two kilometers of the open space, here is an underground labyrinth, and the only effective space is passage.

"If it is the area of ​​the open space, it is about less than one kilometer in diameter." The Er girl seemed to know what Bai Yu was thinking, and immediately converted the number.

If it hadn't been for Er Yatou to increase the power of the signal module, it is estimated that the signal would have been lost long ago, but at this time, with Bai Yu as the center, these bugs followed him and the fat man was still in a dangerous situation.

"Fatty don't follow too close, keep 2.5 kilometers, I have set the distance red line, if you exceed, there will be a prompt." Er Yatou said in the call channel.

"Okay, understand, I will keep a safe distance." Fatty Wei's intermittent voice came from the call channel, but fortunately, it was still within the limit distance.

Two hours later, the underground maze on the map has been explored more and more, and even a part of the area has been explored to the boundary, but there are more areas that have not reached the boundary. Perhaps in this underground palace, these biting elements The soul worm is the overlord, so there is no room for other creatures to survive, so the fat man hanging far behind did not receive any attack.

"Xuanqing amulet has been used nearly half." Er Yatou reminded.

"No problem, I pay attention to the number, 800, and I used more than 300, which is enough to splurge for a while." Bai Yu said calmly.

"Bai Yu, pay attention, there seems to be a big energy fluctuation in front!" Er Yatou suddenly reminded.

"What is it?" Bai Yu asked with a frown, maintaining a faster speed.

"From the perspective of the energy and light color, it seems that it is also the soul eater, it should be a more advanced soul eater." Er Yatou replied.

Bai Yu has a good idea. It seems that the elite monsters among the mobs have appeared. I don't know if there will be BOSS-level monsters? It is estimated that the cultivator behind the soul-eater is the ultimate BOSS, right?

"There are still ten seconds to contact! Ten, nine, eight... Be careful, you will be contacting soon!"

The silent collision caused Xuan Qing's body to glow violently and continuously.

"Consumption increased! Ten seconds left! Ready to reactivate Xuanqing Bodyguard!" Er Yatou screamed.

Bai Yu's heart tightened, Ma Dan, is this elite so fierce? He counted the time, and when there were two seconds left, he replayed a Xuanqing amulet.

"It consumes too much, Bai Yu, each talisman can only last forty-two seconds! The remaining talisman can still support one hour in total!" Er Yato reported the data at the fastest speed.

"What if you add body protection qi?" Bai Yu asked.

"Bai Yu, we should leave! We need more Xuanqing amulet!"

"I can hold on! Leaving at full speed, it only takes half an hour!" Bai Yu refused.

"If you use body protection qi and supplement with Lingshi, you can last for an hour!" Er Yatou reluctantly gave the data.

"We still have a lot of spirit stones!" Bai Yu asked, and then played another Xuanqing amulet.

"But the speed of your absorption and transformation can't keep up with the speed of consumption!" Er Yatou replied.

"Okay, explore for more than half an hour, girl, set it to return after 80 minutes! I don't believe it, this time it won't work, I have to go up and make thousands of Xuanqing guards and then come down!" Bai Yufa said ruthlessly.

"But it's been a long time since you left Qingliu City, you should go back and explore again." Er Yato reminded him.

Bai Yu suddenly reacted. It has been almost a month since he came out. If he is still floating outside, I am afraid that Huayue Slave will not be able to help but look for someone in the sect.

He sighed, and that's how it was when his cultivation base was low. A slight disturbance would trigger an overreaction in the sect.

This is also why he does not know the blessing in the blessing. If he is an ordinary disciple, when he is in the world, he will not be contacted for one or two years and no one will care. Even after he disappeared for seven or eight years, the deacon in the door sent someone to look for it. , If the soul lamp goes out, you only need to check where the disciple appeared at the end, and publish a survey task that hasn't been answered all the year round on the sect mission list.

And Bai Yu, as the chief disciple of Tiangongmen, is naturally treated differently. It would be ridiculous to die in the world when the future head is in the world, so the seed of the head is so worthless? Put it in a dangerous place casually?

This is also the reason why Bai Yu is not interested in exploring the secret realm and secret palaces. The six masters almost said to his ears that they have long ears: there is no need to explore the secret realm secret palace. There are too many unknown dangers. The resources you need are all in the sect. Yes, there are resources in the sect that you don’t want. If you don’t take risks, don’t take risks. What is more important is the understanding of the "Tao". The improvement of combat effectiveness is only for better survival and access to resources. As a Tiangongmen in the future, Master, you don't need to think about these things.

Not to mention Bai Yu’s psychological activities. At this time, he was seven or eight kilometers away from the entrance of the cave. Bai Yu secretly sighed that this hole-punching bug was really ruthless. I don’t know how long it took for such a dense and criss-crossed underground labyrinth. If it is a flat ground, a distance of seven or eight kilometers, but it can be run in about five minutes, but the terrain here is complicated and the speed cannot be increased, and it takes less than half an hour to get back to the hole.

Changing the amulet has become a numb action. Whenever there are ten seconds left, the countdown of the amulet on the light screen will flash violently, and at the same time, it will make a sharp sound. At this time, Bai Yu will take out the new Xuanqing amulet and prepare to activate , And the second girl will take the trouble to tell Bai Yu how long is the limit time.

"Bai Yu, there are still 15 minutes!" Er Yatou reported again.

Bai Yu sighed, now he is like a human-shaped light cannon with walking fireworks, and the densely packed light spots of the shield flicker and shake.

"Fatty, leave a route out of the hole, take all the other beacons back, and come back next time." Bai Yu sighed.

"Received!" Fatty Wei was behind, terrified to the extreme, when he heard Bai Yu's decision, he suddenly relaxed a lot.

The Chongwang Tomb is located one-third of the depth of Wuyu Daze, and the output is mostly things that low-level monks can use. Most of the Jindan-period monks are from the sect, and it is extremely difficult for the foundation-building monks to break through the ant hills and snake pools. Came to the Frost Col. In addition, the Frost Col is also famous in the fog and rain. Therefore, no one else knows about the Tomb of the King of the Insects in the Frost Col. After some time, we will explore again when we are fully prepared. Is the best choice.

There was no setbacks in returning to the entrance of the cave. Although the elite BOSS gnawed Xuanqing's body all the way, it couldn't really break through the shield and hurt Bai Yu. Furthermore, even if it gnaws through the shield, there is still a layer of body protection. Qi, it can't break it in seconds, it can't hurt Bai Yu, but Bai Yu hates these soul-eaters, like a toad jumping on the back of the foot, it does not hurt people, but it is disgusting.

Fatty Wei could always hear the conversation between Bai Yu and Er Yatou. He knew that an elite monster was about to come out. He had escaped far away. Bai Yu ran out of the cave, accelerated and counted his breaths, and ran to Fatty Wei and looked back. He glanced at the Tomb of the Insect King and said, "Go back, it's cheaper for them this time. Let them live a little longer."

Fatty Wei nodded and said, "Their routines can't hurt us, so come back and kill the monk behind the scenes directly. Humph, raise the soul-devouring insects, everyone will be killed!"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Go back and make some calculations. This time I wasted some materials, but the gain is not small."

Fatty Wei's small eyes lighted and said: "Ancestor, those golden owls transforming bone ants..."

Bai Yu said: "You are indispensable, so much, you can extract five or six catties with less, you are rich, fat man."

Fatty Wei looked shy: "Isn't mine the ancestor Bai's!"

Bai Yu sighed, "Fatty Wei, can you stop calling me so young?"

Fatty Wei nodded solemnly and said, "I also think it's a bit inappropriate, but it's better to call Dad."


Next, the two of them refined the metal in the golden owl for the next five or six days, and swept the entire ice col again. Fatty Wei ruinously turned the six clans’ nests over and over again. The tooth disappeared, and Baiyu had cut more than ten Yupo mulberries. After returning home, he began to produce various seals and creations. The only pity is that the queen seems to have disappeared because of the yellow jade banana core and returned to the ant. Qiu, Bai Yu didn't let Bai Yu choose the cheapest.

It was a month after returning to Qingliu City, Huayuenu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and finally saw Bai Yu coming back, as if happy, without saying a word, he went to rectify the banquet table.

Fatty Wei asked carefully: "Papa Bai, is this girl... a godmother or...?"

Bai Yu glanced at him and said, "It's my maid, what's the matter?"

Fatty Wei immediately felt relieved and said with a smile: "Nothing, nothing, Father Bai, you see, we have stayed in Daze for so long, Miss Yuenu has some food, I don't know if I have any good food..."

Bai Yu smiled and said: "Yes, yes, you must have a good taste, so what? You are waiting here, I'm going to Mo Baiyi's place, Yue slave has repaired the table, you eat, don't worry about me, my time Bigu."

Then he raised his voice: "Yuenu, I need to go to Baiyi. This fat man is very nice. Let him eat first after you finish it."

Huayuenu was a little disappointed: "Don't the young master not eat it? Okay, it's okay to fix it for the fat man. I haven't done this for a long time, and I don't know if the craftsmanship is unfamiliar."

Fatty Wei said with joy: "It's okay, it's okay, the girl Yuenu has a kind heart, and her craftsmanship must be unparalleled."

Huayuenu nodded and said: "The young master said it is really good, you are indeed a good person."

"That's not it! My Fatty Wei is known as an honest and reliable little man in this Qingliu City! Miss Yuenu, you are rectifying by yourself, this is too hard! What a rough job, just give your orders!"

"Okay, half of the beef leg over there, you remove the bones, and then dig some well water to soak the meat in it."

"Oh? Girl Yuenu, why is it immersed in the well water?"

"Soak the blood out of the meat, so it doesn't taste like a fishy smell."

"Tsk tsk, the moon slave girl Lan Xinhui is so superb. I can't imagine that the cooking skills are so superb. Those of us rough guys, we cut and bake every time, how can we have the intention to do so finely!"

"Well, you fat guy is really a good person. If you like it, come often. I'll fix something delicious for you when I have time." Huayuenu was very happy to hear it. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 289 Insect King Tomb (4)) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreamland Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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