My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 291: image

Shi Yun waited for Zihe to leave, thinking about the surprise she mentioned, flipping through dozens of books, and finally saw dozens of portraits in the last dozen pages of one of them, all naked men, fortunately Although the painting is exquisite, but the key points are still used in the spring and autumn brushstrokes; Shi Yun is in the brothel, and she naturally walks in front of the ladies in terms of **** education. The bust’s mother had already given her to her when she first came. There were many spring paintings for her to watch, so these dozens of portraits did not surprise her too much. These figures appeared to be in various poses, standing and lying down. At first, a few seemed normal, but later they became distorted. The harder it gets.

In the brothel, Shi Yun also has to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. All kinds of dances are good for maintaining her figure. Naturally, she does not learn less. The flexibility and stretchability of her body are relatively good, but she only learns to do four or five moves. Feel the pain of Lajin.

Since it is a Taoist classic for disciples, will it be useless?

Shi Yun is convinced that putting these postures in order will surely be of great benefit.

However, these more than ten pages of portraits have no beginning, no end, and no name, but they are dazzlingly sandwiched in the book. Shi Yun fell asleep with doubts, and even stretched in a dream, only feeling terribly painful all over her body.

By the next morning, when the sky was still dark, she woke up on time and heard the dark blue nose in the compartment, and even snoring, she dressed herself. When she was wearing the outer shirt, she put on one sleeve and reached out to drill the other. A cuff, but with a sneer, she directly pushed a big opening at the seam of the cuffs of Shaai, Shi Yun was heartbroken, but this shawl was made when she first saw Mo Baiyi, and Mo Baiyi praised her and this shirt at the time. Now Zi Pei was accidentally damaged by herself. She looked at it and could barely sew it on. She sighed and put away the gauze.

After Shi Yun was depressed for a while, she picked another one, but when she still stretched her arms, she sneered. This time she pulled the entire sleeve into two parts from the seam, and she realized that something was not normal. After staying for a while, he stood up, walked to the middle of the room with his shoes, held the edge of the table with both hands, and lifted it with force. The table was slowly lifted by two or three inches, but it was exhausted in an instant and could no longer hold on. , With a thump, the table fell back to the ground.

Dai Qing next door was startled by the voice and whispered: "Miss...Is that you? What's the matter?"

Shi Yun said calmly: "It's okay, Dai Qing is still early, so you can go to bed later."

"Ha ha ha... ha ha ha..." Shi Yun suppressed her voice and laughed, fearing to startle Dai Qing, she threw herself back on the bed and buried her face on the pillow.

"Sure enough, it was a pleasant surprise, but after only a few poses, it started to become stronger, no wonder the road is difficult to enter, and it is difficult to enter the road..."

Shi Yun raised her head, her beautiful face was actually moist. She was already used to the life of the weak. At this moment, she could suddenly gain powerful strength. She suddenly felt that she was so pitiful in the past, and her life and death could not be controlled by herself. .

She touched her face and returned to her former calm, elegant, gentle and easygoing appearance, and then dragged a quilt on the ground. After carefully looking at the graphics, she carefully imitated the above actions, but in the first graphic When the two movements were still short of completion, he felt that the sky was spinning, his eyes turned black, and he fainted.

After a long time, she felt that someone seemed to be patting her cheek, and the voices were also coming into the eardrum.

"Miss! Miss, what's the matter with you?"

"Fuck! Wake up soon! Don't scare me! If you have three long and two short, what can I do?"

Shi Yun tried to distinguish, and Yin Zhu's brain began to become alive.

"I'm Shi Yun, I... By the way, I'm in the Azure Spirit Sword Sect now, and this is Dai Qing, who grew up with me, and is my maid. By the way, I just practiced the movements... Is this passing out?"

"Dai..." Shi Yun made an effort to make a sound, only to realize that her lips were sticking together, and her throat seemed to have been dried out, and it was extremely dry.

"Miss! Are you awake? How are you? You scared me to death." Slowly regaining her sight in front of her, Dai Qing patted her chest in shock.

"Thirst..." Shi Yun tried to squeeze out a word.

"Do you want me to drink water? I'll pour it for you! You wait!" Dai Qing tucked the quilt gently, turned and poured a glass of water.

"It's too late to burn, but in this weather, the water is not very cold..." Shi Yun gulped down the water, as if she had returned to her soul.

"What time is it now?" she asked Dai Qing.

"At the end of the hour, Xiao Niang, do you still want to drink?" Dai Qing replied.

Shi Yun shook her head: "I was so hungry, I was dizzy for nearly two hours?"

"Yeah, after I got up, I made some porridge. I said I told you to eat some too. When I came in, I saw you lying on the ground. Even if the quilt was laid in my heart, the anger in this place would hurt my body, so I thought I told you to go back to bed, but who knows how to call, I can't wake you up. I dragged you back to the bed as hard as I could. You still haven't been moving for a long time. It really scares me to death!"

"Is there any porridge? Get some for me." Shi Yun's eyes turned green when she heard there was something to eat.

Seeing that she wanted to eat, Dai Qing thought that she wanted to eat something, turned around and hurriedly ran to the kitchen, brought a bowl of porridge, the porridge was left for some time, it was not hot, the entrance was full of rice fragrance, Shi Shi Yun San drank the porridge clean in two sips. He only felt that the bowl he used to use was too delicate, so he usually eats such a little bit?

Seeing that she was eating sweetly, Dai Qing hesitated for a moment: "My little girl is it either?"

"Yes, change me a big bowl." Shi Yun stretched out her tongue and hooked up the porridge water at the corner of her mouth.

Dai Qing hurriedly ran to the kitchen and changed a slightly larger bowl. Shi Yun frowned when she saw the bowl, but she still finished eating in two or three bites.

"Miss, you... You were dizzy before, now eating so much, is it bad? Will it accumulate food?" Dai Qing hesitated.

"No, I'm so hungry, I brought the pot." Shi Yun waved her hand, she only felt that her belly seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit, and two bowls of porridge were only eaten when she was in a good mood and appetite on weekdays. At this time, I only felt that the two bowls of porridge were like oil splashed on the fire of hunger, and the hunger was even stronger. Every part of her body was sending her a signal of "I am hungry, I need to eat".

Dai Qing was puzzled, and finally brought the pot, but Shi Yun asked Dai Qing to help her get out of the bed, and sat directly on the table, holding the spoon in the pot, one spoonful one spoonful, but within a few minutes, The porridge in the pot was exhausted.

"Finally enough to eat..." Shi Yun touched her flat stomach, wondering why she felt so hungry.

She heard the word "satisfaction with water" from the hungry people. In the past, Qingliucheng would also help the people with porridge, and these top girls would also accumulate yin skills for themselves and make hundreds of catties of rice when the government's porridge was used. When making porridge, there have always been rules for disaster relief. The cooked porridge requires chopsticks to be inserted in it and does not fall, but the private porridge is not so particular. It is often not much rice. It is not so bright that it can illuminate the human figure, but at most it is just a rice soup. I once asked the old man who came to serve the porridge and asked him if he had enough to eat. The old man only replied stupidly: "If you are full of water, you will not starve to death. ."

She now knows what fullness is.

She was terrified of her changes. Even though she was full of her belly, she was still weak. She took out the jade symbol that Zihe gave yesterday: "Go and ask Fairy Zihe to come."

"Why do you please?" Dai Qing asked in a crying voice. She had no intention of serving the young lady for breakfast, and then wandered around. Who knew Shi Yun fainted to the ground when she opened the door, and finally woke up. But I ate two days' worth of meals in one meal. Is this a **** of a life?

"Fairy Zihe is in Xinzi No. 7 courtyard in the outer courtyard."

Dai Qing took the jade symbol and ran to the outer disciple's residence. On the way, he encountered the mountain patrol disciple sternly asking. When he saw the jade symbol in her hand, his face was much more relaxed, and she gave her directions.

Shi Yun felt so hungry that she was so hungry that she didn't care, but Dai Qing came with Zi Hehe.

"You go out." Zihe unceremoniously ordered Dai Qing.

"Yes." Dai Qing went out aggrieved.

When Daiqing went out, Zihe looked at Shi Yun up and down, staring at her completely uncomfortable, then took out a bottle from her belt, poured out a pill, and handed it to her: "Eat it."

As soon as the bottle was opened, a scent of medicine came out, and Shi Yun's eyes lighted up. The scent irritated her to produce fluid in her mouth, and the cells of her whole body screamed for me.

She put the pill in her palm, resisting the thought of taking it in one bite, and asked, "Fairy Zihe, is this?"

"Just eat it." Zihe said calmly.

Shi Yun shook his heart and put the pill into her mouth. When the mouth of the pill met the saliva, it melted and slid down her throat. Suddenly, the hunger pangs slowly disappeared and replaced by a full stomach. After the satisfaction.

"What did you find in the classics?" Zihe could see that her face had obviously become ruddy, and knowing that he had guessed correctly, he still asked for proof.

"I found more than a dozen pages of pictures, I followed the signs, and didn't make a few moves, and I fainted." Shi Yun said nervously.

Zihe didn't need to say much. He glanced at it and found the booklet that had been ordered, took it to flip it, and saw the image behind it.

She nodded: "Yes, which posture did you learn on the first page?"

"The fourth one is only two to finish."

"It's right to not finish learning. Your physique is too weak. You can't finish learning for a while, so study hard. If you can finish all the twelve pages in half a year, there will be even greater surprises waiting for you. "Zi He suppressed the joy in his heart, and said flatly on his face.

"This..." Shi Yun hesitated, if she fainted after training, is this... too exaggerated?

"You eat one before practicing every day. There are five left here. I will help you get some more. Practice once in the evening, once in the afternoon and noon. After practicing, you still have to learn the scriptures of the monks, and you still need to memorize the classics. "Zi He exclaimed.

" this medicine very precious?" Shi Yun hesitated and asked.

"For useful people, it's not precious, and for useless people, it's very precious." Zihe said profoundly. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Image in Chapter 291), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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