My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 306: Weapon design

Bai Yu tried to refine some creations for himself with the pill fire. Since the Chongwang Tomb came back, he deeply felt that he lacked enough power to attack and kill. The fate of creation is more powerful than calculation and assistance, but whoever said that calculation and assistance cannot Turned into combat power?

"Bai Yu, I think we should carry out a proper division of labor when we are the imperial flying sword. I am responsible for calculating the opponent's trajectory, and you are responsible for evasion. I am responsible for the speed and accuracy of the flying sword. You only need to be responsible for the output. , Your control of spiritual power can be more subtle." In the secret room, Bai Yu and Er Yatou discussed the plan of using Feijian.

"This is a way, but if you add specific flying sword usage methods to your computing module, you don’t have enough computing power. I understand what you mean. This is the effect of shooting a cannon out of a sniper rifle, but we can’t do it. , If I attack with ten percent spiritual power, you will not be able to influence its trajectory too much." Bai Yu shook his head.

"It's really troublesome..." The second girl turned into a small person about three inches, rolling around on the table, looking extremely mad.

Bai Yu said: "I think we want to pay equal attention to strength and skill. We can't do it at present. We can only choose one of them. The best way we can choose at present is skillful."

The second girl jumped up and walked around with her hands on her back, seemingly very sophisticated: "Skillful... it's not impossible. Then you must use the advantages of multi-channel computing. If you use a set of flying swords, At present, I can control twelve separately, so that the flight trajectory of each flying sword can be flexible and changeable, and will not interfere with each other, but this consumes a lot of spiritual energy, and it is not enough to absorb the spiritual energy by itself when it is not normal. Then, I’m afraid that it’s only halfway through and it goes to sleep directly."

Bai Yu pondered for a long time, writing and drawing with charcoal on the paper, Er Yatou was also watching his gradually taking shape, her face gradually becoming more cautious.

"What do you think? Girl? Can this framework be realized?" Bai Yu asked.

Second girl: "I have to calculate, your design requires a strong external creation, but there is an interface..."

The art of sword repairing the flying sword does not actually have too many powerful skills. In fact, it relies more on the speed, tenacity, and attached attribute power of the flying sword. To put it bluntly, it is a profession that eats equipment, but it is actually The fit with Feijian is like a chef. He uses his accustomed utensils and environment, uses his accustomed seasonings, and even places it on the stove. With these bonuses, the dishes he makes are definitely better than those he makes. The effect of the operation in one place is much better. Without it, even the size of the spoon will affect the taste of the chef’s dishes. Use the used spoon to lightly dip and tick, how much seasoning is at the bottom, and what kind of taste the finished product is, the chef It's quite clear that you suddenly gave him a spatula, and you were unaccustomed to it, and you couldn't feel confident and free to travel.

Therefore, in order to accompany the fit of the flying sword, Jian Xiu can’t wait to sleep with the sword in his arms, and to the extreme, he throws the scabbard aside: "I have a good fit with the flying sword, and it won’t hurt. To me..." This is almost stunned.

In fact, the so-called fit is nothing more than my own understanding of flying swords. How much force is used, what kind of flight path it will look like, every scratch on the sword's body is counted, and the spiritual power accumulated for many years is slow. Slowly change the structure of the flying sword, master the sword's nature and style, and the tacit understanding will naturally increase gradually.

In addition to the degree of fit, there is also the rate of spiritual power and flying swords. The sword repair techniques are designed for flying swords. To put it bluntly, it is power consumption. Most of the exercises of ordinary monks are gold oil, so you must consider recovering. Speed, defensive ability, detoxification ability, attack, speed, strength, attributes are different from sword repair, sword repair only needs to consider how to maximize lethality, or maximize dexterity.

Therefore, the sword repairers must fly swords from the Niwan Palace. This is the side of the gods. The main attack technique. This kind of sword repairing flying sword technique is unpredictable and extremely difficult to defend. It is easy to be suppressed and tired to resist. .

There is also a flying sword sprayed in the mouth. This is the power side, the main attack is lethality, and the innate golden aura in the lungs is used to raise the flying sword and use it as the power bonus of the flying sword. This kind of flying sword is I have broken the skill with force. I don't care what you have to deal with. In short, I am a sword. If I can stop it, I will come again. If I can't stop you, I will drink.

These two genres are the mainstream of the sword repairmen in the world of cultivation. Under these two genres, various weird genres are also sent out. This kind of thing is normal, similar to the Chaos Flying Sword with all five elements, and it is not without the strange genre that explodes when the sword strikes and is surprisingly powerful.

What Bai Yu had to do was to hold the sword in the sword box and control the creation of the attack method by external forces.

In fact, all the fighting skills are aimed at reducing one's own loss and hitting the enemy, so at the level of flying sword, where is there any so-called routine technique?

Putting the enemy on its own attack line, better predicting the enemy's response, and bypassing the enemy's defense to kill the enemy is Bai Yu's understanding of flying swords.

Don’t say any tricks or tricks. Take secular martial arts as an example. If the opponent holds a sword weapon of the immortal sword level, the sharpness of the opponent is obviously higher. Is it a hack or a hack or a hack to hack Huashan? Therefore, fighting needs to be tailored to local conditions. Knowing that this sword falls, you will lose your weapon. Do you not change it? One move only used a quarter, so what's that move?

All the routines that are required to be dead are all dishes for actual combat. The purpose of martial arts routines is to train the body's strength, improve people's instinctive response, improve their muscle memory ability, and integrate body strength; as long as they have enough strength and speed , One move that the black tiger digs out is enough to be invincible in the world! You pose a hundred beautiful and unrestrained white cranes with bright wings, and a black tiger on the other side digs his heart, and see if you are still unrestrained.

The first function of the sword box design is to take the sword. Of course, the purpose of the sword is not only to put the sword in it. It is enough to install a sword and have a scabbard. Why do you make it so troublesome? But how many swords can one scabbard hold? Two male and female swords or three three-talented swords? Flying swords have their own large and small abilities, so how many flying swords the sword box can hold depends on how many sword nests you make. The sword nest can raise swords and recover sword injuries.

The sword box with the most sword nests in the history of Haogang, the number of sword nests has reached 3,600, which means it can hold 3,600 flying swords. Why not make more? Because the monk needs the power of the soul to control the sword. In terms of technology, one CPU core can control a flying sword. With the current silicon-based materials, it can achieve 3,600 cores. What kind of technology is needed? How big is a CPU? Therefore, there are tens of thousands of clones, that is something that the Mahayana and tens of thousands of years old cultivators can do, and the tens of thousands of clones are just a virtual finger in number. I have not heard of any one that can really separate thousands of incarnations. A monk, so I was distracted to control, three thousand six hundred flying swords, that's not something that a monk who hasn't become an immortal can do.

The sword case Bai Yu designed for himself can hold 10,800 flying swords, which can be counted in one. The sword case has its own flying sword control system. Bai Yu Chicken Thief designed the shape into a guqin shape, usually on his back. Just go, who would know that such a handsome and weak scholar-like young man is carrying a big killer on his back? In the belly of the piano is a dense nest of swords. Under the control of the flying sword control system, the head bounces off. Theoretically, all the flying swords in the sword box can exit the nest within one second and attack the enemy. Under the control of the system, it also has the function of automatically tracking and changing the trajectory. It sounds a lot like the martial arts version of Pear Flower Needle or the technology version of Metal Storm (Metal Storm is the ultimate version of Gatling, which can reach 7,200 to 12,000 rounds per second. Bullets can annihilate a regiment within half a minute), if Gatling can infinite bullets, automatic aiming, trajectory correction, tracking and pursuit...

After a long period of time, the pink face of the second girl was red as if bleeding was dripping. Obviously, the imperfect computing rate was taken up a lot, because the aura speeded up, the entire imperfect began to become hot.

Bai Yu looked at the second girl worriedly, a little regretful whether he was too ruthless?

But fortunately, the second girl finally completed the calculation. She frustrated: "Bai Yu, I'm really useless. According to your idea, this design can be realized, but even if you add the control system in the sword box, I am now At most, it can only control one hundred and eight flying swords."

Bai Yu pondered for a moment and said, "Is it the reason for computing power?"

The second girl said: "Yes, if you want to follow your design, this will cost a hundred times the computing power, so I want to update the hardware!"

"If you want to update again, you still have to return to the door. It happens that if you want to practice this flying sword, there is absolutely no way here. You have to use the sky-opening and refining system. I will ask the white clothes if there is nothing wrong. , I will return to the door first." Bai Yu said, touching his chin.

Bai Yu tidied up the desktop and left the secret room, only to see that Mo Baiyi had already been waiting outside.

"You finally figured it out!" The expression on Mo Baiyi's face finally relaxed.

"Are you in any hurry?" Bai Yu asked strangely.

"Didn't you ask the person in your door to inquire about the news? Some time ago, someone found the news and reported to Miss Yuenu. Sure enough, Xiao Niang and Dai Qing were rescued!" Mo Baiyi said excitedly.

"Look at it! I said that Xiao Niang doesn't seem to be a short-lived person. Ji people have their own destiny! Which school took her away? Let's pick her back." Bai Yu smiled.

"Green Spirit Sword Sect." Mo Baiyi said.

"Oh, I've heard of this sword sect. It focuses on Kun Dao Jianxiu. She will not be bullied by others when she goes there. You can rest assured." Bai Yu nodded.

"I'm worried that if you don't show up for me, I'm a casual cultivator, I'm afraid they won't be able to deal with it." Mo Baiyi twisted.

"My brother, why do you want so much? Walk around, we will set off immediately." Bai Yu smiled.

"It's just..." Mo Baiyi looked worried about gains and losses.

Bai Yu said strangely: "Is there any inconvenience?"

Mo Baiyi sighed and said, "I'm only now building the foundation. This cultivation base is in the Azure Spirit Sword Sect. I'm afraid it will make Xiao Niang too embarrassed. I want to go after breaking through the golden core."

Bai Yu thought for a while and nodded: "Alright, I am going back to the sect. You should not have any bottlenecks. I will leave some resources with you, and you can break through as soon as possible! This matter returns to the sect. Months, as long as three months, I think you should be able to go straight to the golden core!"My dream can come true. Chapter address: dream can come true Read the full text Address: dream can come true txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: https: // the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \" below Collection\"Record the reading record of this (Chapter 306 Weapon Design), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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