My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 315: Human evil

Fang Yong finally relieved his breath, but he looked extremely weak. His mouth was full of stench, reminding him that he could vomit for a while, but in fact, there was nothing left in his stomach to vomit.

"Is there any water?" He looked at his body. He was vomiting very unrestrainedly just now. It is inevitable that some unknown objects got on the clothes and pants. Although it is not too much, it still smells bad.

"Sorry, we didn't bring water in." Ping Yihan sighed.

Qiu Xiushuang is now very envious of Bai Yu's storage space. It is a ring. Of course, she hopes that Bai Yu can give her a storage equipment. If it is a ring, it would be better, but now she is only the peak of the Qi refining period, and she has no storage equipment. It can be used, so in a traditional summer dress, it is impossible for her to bring water, even if it is just a bottle of pure water.

"Well, it's terrible." Fang Yong resigned his fate helplessly, and then he asked: "When did you come in? How long have we been missing?"

He seemed to have had a long dream that didn't know when it would end. Fortunately, it was obviously over at this time. He felt that he was almost locked in the dream.

"It's been more than 24 hours, what about the others?" Xu Yining asked.

"You are also from the Zong Xie? Why don't I look the same? I know you, you are the head of the Qiu Gongjian Sect?" Fang Yong greeted her and Qiu Xiushuang respectively.

"I am not. I am from Longwei. We came in to solve the problem here. You haven't told me how other people are." Xu Yining asked.

"Huang Hui died and was torn to pieces by those skinless dogs. Zhang Xiaowan and I were lucky and didn't die immediately, but I didn't know what was attached to us. I actually became the teacher here, eh. It is said that it was the former classmate of the burning ghost in one of the two BOSS, who came to this village with them and settled down." Fang Yong knew that the smell on his body was not suitable, and explained from a distance.

"Where is Zhang Xiaowan?" Ping Yihan asked.

Fang Yong shrugged: "I can't control myself at all. I don't know where she was taken."

Qiu Xiushuang turned around and walked outside the courtyard of the school: "Let's go, talk as you go."

"It seems to be repeating what happened in this place that year. What did you experience in your dream?" Xu Yining asked.

"I don't know if it's a repetition. This identity has reminded the couple, Wen Qinshu and Lian Shuying, that this is not a good place and should leave, but the couple seem to be very clever and unwilling to leave." Fang Yong kept spitting saliva, hoping to dilute the smell in his mouth with saliva and spit it out.

"What is your identity? I mean Mengli." Xu Yining asked.

Fang Yong smiled bitterly: "Have you heard of the Westernization Movement back then? The children were sent to the Baiying Country and the Sakura Country, and a large number of students studied abroad, but later, the Baiying group was abolished by the government at the time. Wen Qinshu and the thing that possessed me are two of the batch of Sakura Country. The possession of mine is called Gao Mengnian. After returning, he advocates education and rejuvenation of the country, but this kind of book business certainly cannot have much influence. After two years, Emperor Xuguang disappeared. He simply went to study with Gao Mengnian, and then the two fell in love with Lian Shuying at the same time. As a result, Wen Qinshu and Lian Shuying got married. He was reluctant to leave. People live together in Huangkanzi Village, so, in my dream, my identity is a miserable licking dog."

"Wow! A love triangle, so bloody, in other words, did he seduce his wife?" Ping Yihan's eyes beamed.

"Why, people still had a bottom line at that time. He always treated Lian Shuying with courtesy. After they settled in Huangkanzi Village, they were funded by Wen Qinshu and opened this Kaimeng School here, he said. If you don’t reach the whole country, let’s start with the influence. Anyway, someone has to do these things, and then all three of them will be teachers in this elementary school... In fact, I still admire them very much, with these little sparks. In order to unlock the people's wisdom." Fang Yong sighed for a long time. Being possessed by such a ghost, I don't know if it is bad luck or honor.

"What then?" Xu Yining asked in silence.

"Because even Shuying also came forward to be a female husband, so many people in the village felt that she was not obedient to women and that she was a dirty woman. They said that the three of them were not good people, and even rumored that the three of them had an improper relationship between men and women. The story of the breeding dog blood, I knew from a glance that it is impossible for an elegant, temperamental, and beautiful woman not to be jealous. What's more, the three of them urged the children to enroll for free..." Fang Yong was at a loss. Talking about his own experience.

"But the children in the countryside are also used as half labor. Therefore, the villagers are not happy when these children go to school, but Wen Qinshu and others underestimated people's greed, and they did one more thing wrong..., They give these children who go to school to study, a subsidy per head, three yuan a year." Fang Yong's face suddenly showed some painful expressions.

"Small farmers’ egoism, greed, selfishness... the evil of human nature, I really don’t want to describe their experience. I have never hated myself as a human being so much." Fang Yong did not speak for a long time, and the four of them just walked forward. Said.

"Does what happened later make you angry?" Qiu Xiushuang asked.

"Yes, those families with no children at home felt that they were at a disadvantage, so they started to trouble these three people. It was okay at the beginning, but it was just drawing something on the door and stealing something. Later, there began to be villagers in the village. Hunzi came to ** Lian Yingshu. At this time, I was... No, it was Gao Mengnian. Gao Mengnian said, this place can’t stay anymore. It’s better to go to the county town and run your own school than to find a school in the county town. Teacher, the people here are not kind."

"But Wen Qinshu objected that it is because the people here are stupid that they should be able to understand the truth and the world." Fang Yong sighed.

"Lian Yingshu is accustomed to being gentle and submissive, so what her husband says is what he says; in addition to teaching part-time in the school, Lian Yingshu sometimes helps people in the village to check their illnesses. One day, a gangster took advantage of her to be alone. To be indecent to her."

"As it turned out, Lian Yingshu was the same as the legend said. It was in the form of a raccoon demon. Of course, this gangster didn't get any benefit. Then... I haven't experienced it yet. I guess I also invited a Taoist priest to come. Everyone is gone."

On the other side, Bai Yu found Wen's house. He knocked on the door very politely. He thought about going to the village center to meet the few of them before speaking. However, he sensed the most ferocious and vicious atmosphere in the village, and he felt Qiu Xiushuang and Qiu Xiushuang. They had already joined together, so they were not worried, so they came directly at the Wen family.

A gentle voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Bai Yu pushed open the courtyard door. Inside, a young woman was standing in the courtyard with a baby.

"Where is our guy? I came in yesterday." Bai Yu looked at this young woman, she was really beautiful, but the resentment surrounding her was so strong that it was almost liquid.

"Is the master here to kill me?" the young woman said calmly.

"Depending on the situation, are you still sensible?" Bai Yu dragged a bamboo chair and sat down.

"Yes, I have always been awake, but it won't last long. After all, the pain and hatred this village has given me is too great." The young woman sighed.

"Roar!" Suddenly a dark figure jumped in from the hall and stood in front of the young woman.

Bai Yu saw clearly that it turned out to be a person whose whole body was scorched black.

"Shuqin, don't do it, we are not opponents." The young woman grabbed Wen Qinshu, and dropped some char, revealing the red muscles inside.

The burnt face turned around and roared at Bai Yu.

"We are also involuntarily. When I and I wake up, the people in this village have been killed by me. Over the years, many people outside have been fascinated and assimilated. It is not so much that I did evil, it is better to say it is. The evil of this village has formed a ghost domain, and I am also a victim of this village, but I am the most powerful." The young woman is just a white civet cat in the form of Lian Yingshu.

"Is it right that I can tell by myself, what happened back then?" Bai Yu nodded, he didn't believe what the young woman said.

Lian Yingshu slowly said, the previous thing, as Fang Yong said.

"The **** spread the word in the village that my real body is a civet cat, I am a demon, and I admit that I am a demon, but I have never harmed people, and I have treated them, taught their children to read, and why people are evil. More terrible than monsters and ghosts?" Lian Yingshu asked.

"You are unlucky, and you ran into a bad guy's nest." Bai Yu could only explain like this.

"The bad guy's nest? Really appropriate." Lian Yingshu was taken aback by Bai Yu's words.

"Then... they really know how to play. They actually told Qin Shu that they wanted to buy cattle and farm tools and asked him to borrow money. Qin Shu didn't think so much. They borrowed more than two hundred oceans to them, and they actually took the money to go. Invite a Taoist priest to come." Lian Yingshu said slowly.

"That's a Taoist priest named Kong Lizi. At that time, I was just one month away from giving birth. I drove him out of the village with all my life. We didn't want to cause trouble, so Qin Shu, Meng Nian and me, we decided to leave. Here, who knows, because the child was born prematurely because of the hand-to-hand with Kongxizi, they locked us in the yard, threw a large amount of firewood in, and burned the four of us alive."

"When I wake up, this place has become a dead village. Our grievances are too heavy, so we become resentful souls. Then, it gets cooler and cooler here, and finally it becomes a dead zone and a fierce zone. This fierce zone seems to have its own. He’s instinct. When he’s full, he hides in an unknown space. When he’s hungry, he comes out to catch some people and eat their souls." Lian Yingshu said softly, as if he was talking about other people's affairs.

"What are you going to do next? I can't just let Heiwu Village eat people like this." Bai Yu frowned. It was not that he was cold-blooded, but that he had several dreams, and he experienced no fewer human tragedies than them.

"I don't know, Kong Lizi used earth veins to lock the souls of my family. We can't do without here." Lian Yingshu said sadly.

"Do you want them to reincarnate?" Bai Yu asked.

"Are we still eligible for reincarnation?" Lian Yingshu asked back.

"It's nothing more than dispelling grievances. You are a raccoon cat, and your child is also a half-demon bloodline. I can help your child dissolve the demon blood and become a human." Bai Yu said.

"What are the conditions?" Lian Yingshu asked.

"Very well, you didn't blindly think that I should help you in vain. I want you to turn into a sword spirit until my Dao companion soars." Bai Yu nodded.

"Ascension? This world? Is there a way to ascend?" Lian Yingshu shook his head.

"This is our business, you don't have a choice, do you?" Bai Yu said calmly.

"Can't you let my family reunite?" Lian Yingshu said desperately.

"No, if I let you go on like this, sooner or later the ghosts here will become one with this ghost realm. Then I can only choose to obliterate you, and there will be no chance for you to meet again. You will regret it." Bai Yu shook his head. . My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 315 The Evil of Human Nature) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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