My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 325: acting

"Killing? Fellow Daoist has a profound cultivation. Why do you want me to help with such trivial things as killing?" Tong Yaqi said.

"I don’t have the ability to kill you invisible, and because of that enemy, I was restricted from being an elementary school. This time I was asking for a lot of things, so I asked for a chance to relax. That’s it, followed by six. Tail." Yunyin shook his head.

"That's it... OK, who would you kill?" Tong Ya nodded happily, killing someone. For him, it is no more difficult than trampling an ant to death.

"Liu Meishan, there is an Ape Sword Sect. I want you to kill a woman named Qiu Xiushuang of the Sword Sect. That woman has some skills and is the head of the Ape Sword Sect." Yunyin said.

"You said that the woman has some abilities, and I can only do my best, but I won't fight her hard." Tong Yadao.

"Okay, the second person, Jindu, that bitch's concubine, you help me kill him." Yunyin said.

"What's your name? I just want to return to Jin to deal with my enemy." Tong Ya nodded.

"This person is called Bai Yu." Yunyin said.

"Bai Yu?" Tong Ya was taken aback for a moment. He often remembered this name in his own mind, but how long has it been since he heard it from others?

"Yes, Bai Yu, this person is called Bai Yu, and I have an antagonism." Yunyin gritted his teeth.

"Haha...haha..." Tong Ya laughed lowly, his voice getting louder and louder, and finally became heart-piercing.

Yunyin warned: "What? Do you know this person?"

"What's the matter? Do you ask me if I know him? Too know, to know too much, it's a coincidence! I didn't expect that I was locked here for thousands of miles, and I could hear it from someone who I didn't know at all. His name, and he is also an enemy...haha..." Tong Ya laughed wildly.

Yunyin slowly put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Don't guard me, haha... funny, so funny, do you know? I am imprisoned, and I have to thank him." Tong Ya finally stopped laughing and gritted his teeth.

"You and him also have hatred?" Yunyin said coldly.

"Yes, I just had a dispute with him at school. He actually found someone to get me up, and then I was locked in. It's amazing, it's amazing. After I'm talking about it, I want to go. Thank you. About him, he also has a widowed mother and autistic sister." Tong Ya grinned.

"It turns out that you are also his enemy, so that's even better. How are you going to leave here?" Yun Yinyi asked with his open hand on the hilt.

"I have my own plan, don't worry, it's just a few days ago." Tong Ya said coldly.

"Okay, but you still need to cooperate with me in a play, so that I can go out for business." Yunyin nodded.


In the middle of the night, there was a clattering of footsteps in the corridor. The frequency of a normal person's constant pace is about two seconds and three steps, and a slightly faster two seconds and four steps. If it is faster, it will be a little closer to a trot, but the footsteps at this time There was only one step in about two seconds, and it spread far in the empty corridor.

In the middle of the night, the sound of teeth grinding, snoring, sleep talk, and fart are endless. There are also rookies who are newly imprisoned, crying, and often at this time, there will be people with the same number suppressing anger and cursing. Or beatings.

Someone looked out, through the iron fence, and walked in front of him. With the faint light of the indicator light, the person who saw it immediately covered his mouth, for fear that his voice would attract attention.

"Lao Biao! That's Lao Biao!" Prisoner A in Room 7 of Area B said in a suppressed voice, his voice full of fear.

"What do you fart!" Prisoner B scolded him, his voice trembling.

There have been so many incidents recently, and 16 people died in one breath. If you say you are not afraid, it is a lie. What's more, the old Biao in the prisoner's mouth is one of the 16 who died this time.

Although everyone thinks it is haunted here, they don’t want to believe it. Prisoner B cursed and emboldened himself while trying hard to put his face close to the iron fence. At this time, the old Biao that Prisoner A said was still within sight, look. When he reached the back, Prisoner B covered his mouth, slowly withdrew to his bunk, pulled the quilt to cover his head, and said nothing. The person in room 7 didn’t know what it meant, and went back to his own. On the bed, for fear of attracting the attention of ghosts.

The sound of footsteps went farther and farther.

Prisoner A tremblingly said, "Something is going to happen."

"Out of Nima, shut up! If anyone provokes that thing, Lao Tzu..." the captain yelled angrily, and the entire room was calm.

Yunyin was sitting cross-legged in the single room with the sword lying horizontally on his knees. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

He stood up and walked out with a long sword in his hand. He was not a prisoner, so the iron fence opened.

Stepping out of Zone G, crying and cursing came from far away, Yunyin moved quickly, and the time of counting breath followed the corridor to the noisy place.

A junior in the same school was already fighting the ghost, but he was only in the middle of his Qi training stage. There was no way to target the ghost, and he could only resist bitterly with the blood in his body.

Every time that disciple cuts a sword, he is attached to true energy. Although he can't kill with a single blow, it can also make the ghost called Lao Biao gradually fade.

But the problem is, it must be yourself, not the ghost, who consumes it first! It happened that the ghost always pierced through his body when he wanted to drive away the talisman, it was icy cold, and even the soul was stagnated!

This disciple was entangled with the ghost called Da Biao, and he was about to fall, when suddenly a voice sounded:

"Exorcising evil spirits!"

A rune struck.

"Boom!" The breath was overflowing, and suddenly the ghost screamed again and again, and then the vowels were turned into swords, wiped from the edge of the sword, and the sword fell diagonally, mixed with the blood of the monk, and a masculine sword. , The ghost that had been corrupted beyond recognition by the Exorcism Town Demon Talisman was chopped in half from the shoulder to the ribs, slowly disappearing.

The fellow junior sat down with an expressionless face, and said with a trembling, "Thank you, Young Master! Thank you, Young Master!" He even suspected that if Yunyin came ten seconds later, he would have to explain here.

In the confinement room, Tong Ya snorted, this guy was too ruthless to start, and a sword actually smashed the soul he controlled to ashes! This sword even made him feel extremely dangerous. Fortunately, it is a cooperative relationship with him! Because of the connection between the soul and the soul, although he was not seriously injured, but with the feeling of splitting headache, he never wanted to come again.

"This is enough for you to confess? After playing for so long, many prisoners will always see it!"

With a tired face, Yunyin walked to the duty room and notified the jailer on duty:

"Tell your leader, it's settled, there will be nothing more here." After speaking, he turned back to his private room in G area.

On the second day, the prison officials after verifying the evidence from the witnesses were naturally grateful to Yunyin and others, and Yunyin’s image has also been greatly improved in the same sect. The only minor loss is Tong Ya. He released a return. The unrefined soul played a play with Yunyin, but this loss did not affect him much. The refined soul had been transformed into soul power, enough for him to attack and build the foundation.

After staying in the prison for another two days, although the prison authorities still want to ask them to stay for a while, Yun Yin said coldly, saying that the solution is the solution. The West Kunlun Sword Faction cannot always be the nanny in the prison. Fang Lian reluctantly left, resolutely left.

On the fourth day of the departure of the West Kunlun Swordsmen, the entire prison shook slightly in the middle of the night. The shock was strong, and the prisoners panicked:

"Is there an earthquake?"

"I shook it just now, did you feel it?"

"It's not good! It's going to be an earthquake!"


The jailer on duty also felt the shock and hurriedly reported to his superiors. At the same time, he arranged for people to comfort each floor area:

"Don't panic! There is no obvious geological fault zone in the Western Regions. Tumushu Prison is also built according to the eighth level of seismic resistance. Keep quiet! Keep quiet!"

In the confinement room, Tong Ya whispered: "This is the foundation?"

It turned out that Tong Ya finally built the foundation, just when he couldn't control his qi for a while, a small eruption caused a shock.

"Yes, after the foundation is built, you are no longer a mortal. You are officially entering the path. Only our Holy Soul Sect, who feeds on the soul, is not restricted by resources and can be promoted all the way. We must know that the treasures of heaven and earth are limited. , Only the soul of the human race, like leeks, can never be cut, and like wild grass, burned endlessly!"

"All things are born to support people, and people have no virtue to repay the sky. They boast of the strengths of all souls, but they are parasites that **** blood in this world. They are not only parasitic but also destroy, so such useless things should become us. The resources for soul cultivation!"

"Master, can I go out now?" Tong Ya listened to his master's two passages, but in his heart he was thinking of the outside world of flowers and flowers. He was really bored in all this scarce and sinful place. Up.

"Don't worry, consolidate for a while. You have just built a foundation now, and your breath is impetuous. You still can't use Ruyi in your true essence, and you have not mastered a few of the attacking techniques of this school. If it were in our age, don't control the five ghosts. How can you go down the mountain at will if you don’t refine it into a spirit banner? What is the situation of the monks outside? We are blind at first sight. We must know that when we walk in the world, we are not only willing to kill and kill, but also go down! Have a happy life!"

"Master's words are insignificant and righteous!" Tong Ya flattered.

After half a month, Tongya completed her breath adjustment exercise and communicated with the remnant soul:

"Master, I have sensed the earth veins, what should I do next?"

"You know, wherever barracks, police stations, and prisons are built, are they not terrible places?"

Tong Yaqi said: "Why is this?"

"The evil spirit of the earth veins can only be stopped by the evil spirit! The hole of the earth evil is where the evil energy leaks in the earth energy. The leakage of the evil energy is the most important principle of the movement of the heavens and the earth. There is a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and there is a land with poor mountains and bad waters, and there is Zhong Ling. There is the evil spirit of evil, cold and evil. These mortals dare to seal the air cavity for temporary gain. If the evil spirit does not erupt here, it needs to be spread elsewhere, or it can no longer suppress the evil spirit. break out!"

Tong Ya suddenly realized: "Master meant to cause suffocation?"

"No, no, no, how can you cause evil spirits to evaporate? The people who are infested by evil spirits are like demons. Doesn't it cause trouble for your cooperators? He will still be useful in the future, so what you have to do is not cause The evil qi instead guides the earth vein essence and the evil qi to mix and form an unstable state, and then the earth vein will be bitten by a mosquito. Guess what?" Can Hun said proudly.

"Understood, people who are bitten by mosquitoes will have a stress response!" Tong Ya's eyes lit up.

Five hours later, there was a faint whiteness on the horizon. The prisoners had already eaten their breakfast, and they were heading to the courtyard of Huizilou to give lectures, and then began the day's work;

In the earth veins, the two qi of clearness and evil spirits in a local area mixed to the limit, and burst out. The earth veins suddenly changed and moved away abruptly. For the earth veins, this is only a trivial movement, but for the people on the ground, it is The ground shook the mountains, and the entire prison shook, like a match box erected in a bamboo sieve. The ground shook from side to side, and even the walls creaked.

A small part of the prisoners who have entered the courtyard only feel that the ground seems to be a swing machine, shaking back and forth, and standing unsteadily at all, so they have to lie on the ground, begging not to be knocked down by the fallen thing, and praying for this prison. It is really able to withstand an eighth magnitude earthquake.

The sound of sirens, crying, yelling, screaming, crying after falling, pleading, cracking and peeling of the wall was extremely chaotic.

"Don't panic, everyone! The passage to the external security area has been opened, and continue to evacuate! Don't try to escape! Runaways press to escape..." The public broadcasting system heard the announcement, but before the content was finished, I heard it. After the sound, electric sparks erupted from various lines.

The prisoners with mobility are all struggling to survive on the ground in a state of restlessness. The Huizi Building is in the middle of the enclosed high wall. At this time, under the mighty power of heaven and earth, the outer high wall appears very thin. There are cracks everywhere, and even small areas of collapse have occurred in some places. As for the iron gates, because of the wall pulling, one of them was skewed and half-to-stay.

An armed jailer tried his best to reach the clearing area. He held a gun at the prisoners who had escaped and shouted and warned: "Don't you want to escape! Lean down together! Don't want to get out of my sight!"

The more he said that, the more fierce the hearts of the prisoners became. How many people could he watch by himself? And the ground is still shaking, how accurate is his marksmanship? Several prisoners winked at each other and deceived, while the others tried their best to go to the iron gate area.

"Bah!" The gunshot sounded, and the prisoners were shocked, but the more so, it aroused the criminals' ferocity, staggered, and rushed forward.

"Just a warning, if you get closer, I have the right to shoot you!" The jailer warned again.

Violent shaking came again, and the jailer who lost his center of gravity fell to the ground and rolled into a ball. In the chaos, a prisoner put a gun on his hand, and suddenly formed a state of pulling with the jailer, and the building finally couldn't bear it. With the power of the earthquake, there was a loud bang, and a small half of the wall collapsed to the ground. Then it triggered a series of domino reactions, and the entire prison building collapsed. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 325 Acting), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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