My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 327: Humiliation must die

The World Martial Arts Fighting Contest finals enter the countdown stage, and the finals will be officially opened in five days. The organizers have carried out crazy advertising bombings all over the world, and made the fighting contest a grand event. For a time, fighting enthusiasts , Rich people from all over the world flooded into the Baiying Country Casino, a pearl in the desert.

McCarthy International Airport.

Bai Yu and his party went to the checkpoint to complete customs clearance procedures one after another.

When it was Bai Yu's turn, the person handling customs clearance procedures raised his head and glanced at the handsome boy, and then picked up the phone without saying a word.

"What’s-wrong?" Bai Yu asked.

"Please-wait-a-moment." The staff member said, with a very strange expression (the dialogue will be displayed in Chinese later).

She saw that the young man’s name was red, which indicated that he was the focus of the CIA and might have an impact on the national security of the White Eagle Country. Such people will receive special attention when entering the country.

In a moment, the airport security personnel arrived at the scene.

"Sorry, Mr. Bai, we need to check you carefully." The customs officer said.

"Why?" Bai Yu felt inexplicable.

"Because we suspect that you may bring dangerous goods into the country, in order to ensure the national security of the White Eagle country, we must carefully inspect you, your belongings and checked luggage." The customs officer said, the guard next to it with a bad face. Looking at Bai Yu.

Hua Ying is used to living a princess-like life in China, so how can she ever suffer such difficulties? It was about to happen immediately, Bai Yu took the lead, held her hand and squeezed it lightly, Hua Ying turned her head and said to him: "Xiao Yu, they are doing something deliberately!"

Bai Yu calmly said: "Don't worry, they can't find me any trouble. Call the organizing committee and tell them that I am embarrassed by the airport."

An obese white guard pushed Bai Yu: "Hey, yellow-skinned boy, what are you talking about?"

Hua Ying said angrily: "What did you say? Are you racial discrimination?"

Opposing racial discrimination is always politically correct in the White Eagle Country. The customs staff quickly said in a warm voice: "No, there is nothing, sir, please cooperate."

Hua Ying snorted and greeted her assistant: "Contact the organizing committee immediately. Bai Yu is the invited person. They started this competition because of Bai Yu and Utsunomiya Ruiyu. If they plan to treat the invited guests like this, Then we will be repatriated!"

The assistant began to call, while the guard looked at Bai Yu with fear.

After a while, Bai Yu’s luggage was picked up, and the staff member said: "Sir, please go to the inspection room and unpack it for inspection immediately."

Bai Yu nodded. Hua Ying was about to follow, but was stopped by the guards. The customs staff said, "Madam, I'm sorry, no unrelated personnel are allowed to be present during the inspection."

Bai Yu said: "Aying, don't worry, I will be fine."

"Boy, hurry up, don't delay." The obese guard had an impatient look and pushed Bai Yu.

"Hi! Hi! I'm not a suspect. I'm cooperating with your work. Are you going to enforce the law violently?" Bai Yu said angrily.

"Sand, don't make trouble..." Some of the guards greeted.

"Okay! Okay! Kid, you can be honest with me!" The fat guard quickly agreed, looking at Bai Yu with a gloomy expression on his face.

Bai Yu sneered. All the inappropriate things have been placed in the storage ring. The suitcase is just a change of clothes. There is nothing on him except the passport wallet. I can find a fart!

The CIA people have already arrived at the examination room.

With the crowd watching, the obese guard said: "Boy, take off your clothes."

Bai Yu took a deep look at him, a flick of his finger, and a burst of spiritual power shot out, hitting the belly of the obese security guard. His movements were concealed, coupled with the colorless and invisible spiritual power, no one found an abnormality, including the fat guard. The staff, they all just felt that something came across on their stomachs.

When Bai Yu entered the Golden Core Stage, he could already control things in a small range with his spiritual sense, not to mention his own spiritual power? While slowly taking off his clothes, he manipulated his spiritual power to slowly transfer to the heart of the obese guard.

After taking off only a pair of underwear, Bai Yu stopped.

A group of customs guards and the CIA did not expect that Bai Yu's seemingly weak teenager would actually have beautiful muscles after taking off his clothes, but it is absolutely different from the bloated and deformed muscles of the champion bodybuilding champion. These muscles are soft but curvilinear, indicating sebum. The content is low, the skin and muscles fit very tightly, and it looks beautiful but full of power.

Some people can't help but blow a whistle. Beauty is gender-neutral, so it's inevitable that people who are thinking about it will admire it.

"Okay, you can wear it back." After carefully inspecting Bai Yu's clothes, the inspector raised his head and shook his head to the CIA personnel, saying that there was no problem. One of the guards said that he should be these guards. The leader of the staff.

"Alan, he hasn't finished taking it off yet." The fat guard reminded.

Bai Yu gritted his teeth and said: "Are you sure you are not insulting me? I am here to participate in the fighting competition. I represent the world martial arts master. Do you think it is appropriate for you to humiliate a martial arts master like this?"


"Ha ha……"

"He said he is a martial arts master! Oh! Are you Li? Kung Fu?"

The examination room burst into laughter.

"It looks like I'm going to show you something." Bai Yu sneered.

He looked at the room, surveillance cameras in all directions, long tables, suitcases, um, that's it, he saw the sharp handcuffs on the table.

Bai Yu walked over and took up the handcuffs.

"Put it down, what are you going to do?" the guard warned.

"What am I going to do? I am a martial arts master, and you are using your authority to insult me, do you know?" Bai Yu raised one head, index finger and **** two and one pian, immediately cut the steel chain in the middle, and the other end Fell down.

"Oh! God! How did he do it!" Suddenly, he exclaimed.

Bai Yu pressed his hand and the ring left in his hand was squeezed into a ball. Bai Yu raised his hand and rubbed both hands. The waste in his hand was rubbed into a small steel rod. He threw the steel rod back to the table. , When the clanging sound.

Everyone's faces were earthy, and several guards even drew their guns at him: "Don't move! Don't move!"

The CIA personnel were so shocked that their chins almost fell off, and quickly stopped and said, "Don't be impulsive! Go away! Mr. Bai, you can put your clothes back on!"

Bai Yu's anger was slightly calm: "I don't want to tell you that I can threaten your lives. I just hope that you can treat me normally and give me enough respect instead of humiliating me. Understand? This is just your job. You complete it. I cooperate with you, but don’t have any extras!"

Bai Yu took a deep look at the fat guard, his face was earthy, his pistol was shaking in his hand, and he cursed in his heart: "Is this yellow-skinned monkey a monster? Why did he want to provoke him?"

The luggage was also inspected. The clothes were spilled on the table, and the luggage was marked with cut-outs everywhere, but it can only prove that this is just a luggage, and there is no interlayer and special materials.

The CIA staff showed embarrassment and quickly called their superiors; human beings worship and fear the strong are instinct. After knowing Bai Yu's power, who wants to provoke such a evil star? No one thinks that their bones are harder than stainless steel, and they are touched by those delicate and slender hands. I wonder if they will have comminuted fractures?

"Okay, yes, there are no abnormal findings." The CIA staff nodded repeatedly.

The door suddenly opened, and the head of airport security came in. He looked at the situation in the room, walked forward very enthusiastically, and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Bai, sorry, this is a mistake in our work. To apologize, we We will arrange the best hotel for you and send a special car to take you there."

Bai Yu raised his foot, stepped on the table, fastened his shoelaces, and nodded: "Can I leave now?"

The security director awkwardly withdrew his hand: "As long as you enter the country legally and do not violate the laws of the White Eagle Country, you can leave at any time."

Bai Yu nodded, shoved the scattered clothes into the suitcase, and dragged the tattered suitcase to the inspection entrance.

Seeing him leave without anyone else, everyone in the CIA and customs has a hot face.

People from the CIA knew the security chief and asked, "Alex, what's the matter?"

The security supervisor replied helplessly: "He is here to participate in the fighting competition. There is an official invitation letter. Those rich people are putting pressure on us. Let us not make trouble. This person is extremely dangerous. Don't offend him. I left in a few months, what do you have to worry about?"

The CIA guy glanced at the small steel rod on the table and smiled bitterly: "Indeed, he is indeed very dangerous. I have already seen it."

The security chief turned his face to the obese guard and said, "Sand, I have told you many times. Don’t use yours with me, don’t you understand? This is the customs! It’s the customs! There are countless people coming in and out every day. , You are causing me trouble! Understand? Alright, you can rest for half a month!"

"Head! You can't do this! I have to pay back the loan and support my family. I have five dogs to raise! I will starve to death if I don't have a job!" The obese guard was anxious.

The security supervisor's face sank. This fat pig has received numerous complaints, but based on his superiority, he didn't feel that he did anything wrong. In the past, the victim didn't dare to offend these white supremacists, but today he kicked the iron plate. On, it won’t work if you don’t deal with him.

"If you go against my order, the long vacation may become a longer vacation."

"Well, head, you have the final say." The fat guard said in frustration.

Bai Yu walked to the inspection entrance, secretly sneered in his heart, and activated that spiritual power.

The obese guard was about to walk out of the examination room when suddenly severe pain came from his heart and he fell to the ground with a bang.

"What's wrong? What happened?" The colleague hurriedly flattened him, but saw that he was short of breath and his lips were purple.

"Is it a heart disease? Is it a heart disease? You spread it out and let him breathe air!" Someone squatted down and checked his condition, while others called the airport medical center.

Two minutes later, the medical staff arrived and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him. However, the obese guard's heart was blocked by aura, and a thrombus was quickly formed. The heart ischemic myocardium stopped pulsating, and the brain cells were quickly affected A large number of deaths were caused by lack of oxygen, and then the aura disappeared without a trace. After about ten minutes of rescue, the medical staff expressed regret:

"The rescue failed, we lost him."

Bai Yu picked up the stamped passport, smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth, and walked out.

Jindan is a real person, and he will die if he is insulted. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 327 Shameful Death) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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