My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 334: rescue

"Tian Ji Yan calculates this kind of thing, it can't resist the general trend, and Brother Qiang and I are not related, so I can't trace it, so I can only ask Shi Mingwei." Bai Yu said.

"Boss, what does the trend mean?" Ping Yihan asked curiously.

"The general trend refers to how to describe it to you? If it is a person who is in charge of the life and death of the people, it is difficult for me to deduce his destiny trajectory. If it is a person who is about to die, I want to change his fate by going against the sky. It is also difficult to save him. The general trend is the process of what is destined to happen; the power of the country is also a general trend. Although the practitioners can practice to the extreme, they can cross the river and the sea, but they cannot add a single finger to the national destiny. I can't observe or speculate on those people and various important places in the country through magic spells...that's what it means." Bai Yu thought for a while and replied.

After a while, Xu Yining carried Du Ziqiang's suitcase.

Shi Ming Wei Naijie mysteriously carried the suitcase into the room and began to search for a medium.

A few minutes later, Shi Ming Wei Nai came out. A dragonfly with a knuckle length and a size of about 1.5 cm hovered around him. Ping Yihan's eyes immediately turned into stars: "So cute! Such a small dragonfly! "

Shi Mingwei Naijie’s skinny face showed some smiles: "This is not a dragonfly, this is the fire jade tracing borer, one female and one male. As long as you leave one of them, you can share the experiences of the other through this one. ."

Bai Yu finally put a stone in his heart: "Sure enough, there is this kind of Gu worm! Shi Mingwei, it's up to you!"

Shi Ming Wei Naijie nodded: "No problem, but it will take me some time to resonate with the male."

For about half an hour, Shi Ming Wei Naijie seemed to have entered a very trance state, and the Huoyu tracer borer finally flew out of the window.

"I see the street."

"This is where they drank yesterday."

"Go to the left at the first block."

"I saw the Terrace Building."

"There really is the breath of strong brother here."

"I enter the underground garage."

"Can't see where is the entrance."

"Brother Qiang's breath... I can enter from the vent."

"You can feel the breath of strong brother in the vent."

"This is the downward direction, it seems to be deep."

"Below here is a secret base with many rooms."

"I saw Brother Qiang, he..."

Listening to Shi Ming Wei Naijie’s dreamy voice reporting his position, after nearly twenty minutes, Shi Ming Wei Naijie finally found Du Ziqiang.

"Brother Qiang is in very bad condition now, it sick? Someone is drawing his blood."

"There are several heavily armed people next to him. Brother Qiang seems to be controlled by..., maybe he was anaesthetized."

Bai Yu's complexion was livid.

"Those who dare to move me..."

Qiu Xiushuang grabbed his wrist and looked at him worriedly: "Xiao Yu, don't commit crimes, the cause and effect are too great."

She knows what Bai Yu's next sentence is, "Whoever dares to move me, I dare to move you."

Bai Yu was pulled by her and closed her eyes. After a long time, she finally let out a sigh of relief: "Xiu Shuang, I understand, I know what to do."

Shi Mingwei Naijie recalled the Huoyu tracer borer and exited the state of common vision.

Bai Yu knew that he wanted to help, and said, "Shi Mingwei, your abilities are too obvious to be used here, just hide in."

After entering the Golden Core Stage, there are too many ways to sneak in, but Bai Yu is tired of the feeling of being jumped on the instep of the toad.

Bai Yu opened the window and suddenly jumped out.

"My God!" Nick was taken aback, grabbed to the window, there was nothing left, Bai Yu did not fall, and then looked at the left and right above, there was no trace of Bai Yu.

"He...what about the others?" Nick stammered.

Shi Ming Wei Naijie took a step forward and slapped him on the top of his head. Nick suddenly fell softly. Then, he did not know where to find a fat, white, fleshy bug and stuffed it into Nick's mouth.

The faces of several women were ugly, and Ping Yihan's throat surged.

"This is Worry-forgetting Worm. It can erase the memory within half an hour. He only remembers to come to us, and then...the others will not remember." Shi Ming Wei Naijie said.

"Wait for the news." Hua Ying nodded. Among the few people, she and Bai Yu met first, so although it was just a beginner's introduction to Qi refining, everyone basically listened to her.

"Mr. Bai's cultivation base is shocking, nothing will happen, I'm afraid he won't be able to stop the fight and make things bigger." Shi Ming Wei Naijie smiled bitterly.

"It's okay, Xiaoyu still has a sense of measure." Hua Ying nodded.


Bai Yu patted an invisibility talisman on his body, stepped on the Zibi Sky Star, and headed directly to Terrass. Within half a minute, Bai Yu dropped his flying sword and headed directly to the underground garage.

"Escape!" The Five Aggregate Technique was cultivated to the Golden Core Stage, and the Five Elements technique was already available. Escape technique was just one of the branches. Bai Yu found a blind spot for monitoring and sank into the ground.

Cement is also a kind of soil, but because of its high density, it takes more effort to traverse, but after escaping into the soil, it is like entering the water. The deeper the escape, the greater the buoyancy will lift him up. top.

Through the soil, you can see not far away, there are seventeen or eight concrete pillars falling down vertically. From a distance, it looks like a honeycomb is hung from seven or eight threads. Bai Yu knows that they connect the ground and the ground. Elevator shafts and ventilation ducts, communication shafts.

There is an underground river not far below the spindle-shaped base. There are many moving things floating in front of Bai Yu's eyes, including bones, various metal blocks, garbage... Bai Yu knows that it is something that has been buried in the mud for many years.

He slowly approached the base.

"You only need to cut off all the ventilation shafts, and you can only be suffocated below. As long as the communication shaft is cut off, you can no longer get in touch with the outside world. As long as all the elevator shafts are cut off, you will not be able to escape to the ground..."

Bai Yu found the communication well and sneered. He took out a few Explosive Talisman and threw a few in the communication well.

Going through the elevator shaft, several swords cut off the elevator ropes, and a few more flaming symbols were sent out, and the elevator shaft was blown up and blocked; the same way, but five or six minutes, all the elevators can no longer be used.

Bai Yu arrived at the ventilation shaft to cut off the power supply, and the flame burst blocked the passage.

Bai Yu Shi Shiran walked into a room and immediately activated his invisibility technique. Only then did he look at the surrounding situation. It looked like a file game room. At this time, all kinds of alarms in the base went into an energy-saving state, red and blue. With alternate flashes, Bai Yu secretly cried out that it was a pity. He didn't have time to discern the contents of these files for a while, but it is estimated that there must be many secrets. If his storage ring is bigger, what if you pack all these things.

Bai Yu walked to the door, twisted the lock, and locked it.

What's more polite to this point? He drew out the Zibi Tianxing, broke the door lock and left the archive room, came into the passage, and closed the door again.

There were only flashing lights in the passage, which seemed very strange, and people passed by from time to time, listening to their anxious communication.

"All the ventilation modules are damaged? Damn it, what's the matter?"

"Have you contacted for rescue?"

"We dropped and the communication line was broken."

"Where's the elevator? I heard that the elevator is out of use!"

"Is this a terrorist attack? God, is Mingguang God going to punish us?"

When he arrived at this place, Bai Yu had clearly sensed Du Ziqiang's position. He quickly walked over. A few minutes later, he came to the observation room where Du Ziqiang was. Seeing the situation inside, he exclaimed that it was dangerous.

It is even more killing intent, they are actually preparing to dissect Du Ziqiang, if it is not because the base is under an unknown attack and enters the alert and energy-saving state, I am afraid that Du Ziqiang has been broken! Because he saw that although only Du Ziqiang was left here, and the others were nowhere to be found, Du Ziqiang's upper body was very pure, and the incision marks had been made from the chest to the lower abdomen.

"Fortunately, I came in time, these people must die!" Bai Yu stepped forward to catch Du Ziqiang's veins.

In a moment he found out Du Ziqiang's current situation.

"Send Brother Qiang back first, I will watch you take your last breath, and I will watch you suffocate to death!" Bai Yu roared in his heart.

He lifted up Du Ziqiang, put it on his back, activated the invisibility talisman, and launched the evasion technique. He took Du Ziqiang through a few concrete walls and entered the soil. After leaving the city, he returned to the ground again, using the flying sword. In ten minutes, he returned to the room where the hotel was located.

Seeing that he brought Du Ziqiang back, everyone put their minds down and put Du Ziqiang in the room to lie down, Bai Yu returned to the base under the Terrace Building.

At this time, the air in the base has become turbid. In order to reduce oxygen consumption, everyone sat down quietly. Only a few technicians were trying to restore the signal. Bai Yu sneered. Physical damage. You can use software to repair it. Whatever black technology you get doesn't work.

There are many lines in the communication well, such as telephone lines and network optical fibers. Once they are cut off, they will be cut off from the civilized society. During the flight of Yujian, I saw that there was already a firetruck bound for the Terrace Building, but it was two to three hundred meters deep , It’s not a matter of a while to save people.

Bai Yu returned to the archives room again and looked at the top, the fire sprinkler system? He sneered and swung his sword, cut open the ceiling, the spray head, a ball of pill fire came out, and the spray head suddenly melted into a ball of metal.

"Next...hehe, goodbye."

Bai Yu overturned the archive rack and led to these paper materials. Although there may be very valuable materials in it, it is more important for Bai Yu to use their combustion to consume the oxygen here.

After half an hour, Bai Yu returned to the hotel.

"How is Brother Qiang?" Bai Yu asked.

"I was half awake just now. I didn't wake up completely. I was confused. Now I'm asleep again." Ping Yihan replied.

Bai Yu walked into the room and took the pulse. His heart became angry again, and his internal organs suffered serious damage. His liver and kidneys were always desperate to dissolve the anesthetics in his body. It's so careless!

He thought for a moment, took a pen to write down some medicines and quantities, and handed them to Xu Yining: "Yining, help me go back to Chinatown to buy some herbs."

Xu Yining nodded and walked out.

Qiu Xiushuang cared: "How is it? Is it serious?"

Bai Yu sneered: "These **** things, don't treat Brother Qiang as a human being. They are dozens of times higher than the anesthetic. Fortunately, he was almost biopsied before I was late. Now these anesthetics have injured Brother Qiang's internal organs. It’s a bit terrible. I have to help him with external force. His internal organs are exhausted now. If ordinary medicine is taken, it is difficult to absorb. I plan to use medicated bath to neutralize and dissolve the body from the outside and the inside. Remaining anaesthetic ingredients and conditioning the internal organs, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with if the first scene is spotted on Brother Qiang."

"These old white eagles are too inhuman, right?" Hua Ying flushed with anger, and Du Ziqiang had a good relationship with her. Hua Ying knew that Du Ziqiang was paid by Bai Yu's generation teacher, which can be said to belong to Bai Yu. The strongest force, how can he be willing to suffer any damage?

"It's okay, I helped Brother Qiang get revenge." Bai Yu said in silence.

"No wonder you were so murderous when you came back, did you have the tail of your hand?" Hua Ying asked.

"There won't be a hand tail, I cut off their entire underground base, and it is estimated that few people will survive." Bai Yu sneered.

He went on to say: "This country is originally a country of immigrants, without a heavy history, everything is profit-oriented. In order to maintain the status of the empire, it has completely abandoned its shame and morality, but he does not know that the peaceful rise of Xia is unstoppable. This is the general trend. God’s will is in the country of Xia, and Bai Ying has always been a country under the control of the consortium, and now it is gradually showing a businessman’s face. It is not necessary for a big country to be a banker. Silence is for world peace, but it’s the world’s greatest horror output... Hey, I’m not used to him, don’t they advocate freedom and the dream of white eagles? I will give them a big gift tonight."

Ping Yihan walked in: "Boss, Nick woke up."

Bai Yu nodded: "Tell him that Brother Qiang has returned, but he was drunk. His memory from last night to now should have been erased. Tell him we went to the bar to find him and then brought him back to the hotel."

Nick came in and saw that Du Ziqiang seemed to be unconscious, scratching his head and leaving, but after thinking about it all the way, he always felt very awkward, but the specific reasons were still unclear.

There is a summer medicine shop in Chinatown, which is very expensive. After all, Baiying does not have a special summer medicine cultivation base. Most of the summer medicine needs to be imported from Xia, but the quality is good. Baiyu sacrifices the pill furnace to process the medicine. After getting a golden liquid medicine essence, after filling the bathtub, I put the medicine essence in, and then boiled off with the pill fire.

Hua Ying worried: "Xiao Yu, are you scalding pigs?"

Bai Yuhun didn't care: "It would be funny if Brother Zhuji could be scalded to death by boiling water, don't worry, let the strong brother in after a little bit cooler."

From time to time, Bai Yu drained the water in the bathtub and re-added the medicinal liquid essence, soaking until the sky was completely dark, Du Ziqiang woke up leisurely.

"Brother Yu? Why are you here? I am..." Du Ziqiang's memory remained at the moment he inhaled a large amount of anesthetic after entering the elevator. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 334 Rescue) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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