My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 339: Zheng Gong Empress

According to the match official announced on the second day after the first match, Elvis Hayman VS Qiandao Xiaoyun.

Bai Yu and other assistants, a team of 6 assistants in total, immediately started the analysis work.

Elvis is a contestant from the empire that never sets, and his abilities are unknown. It is said that there is a viscount in the empire that never sets. As for why an aristocrat would participate in such a fighting competition, the inside story is unknown, while Xiaoyun Qiandao It was the final BOSS Yutsunomiya Yuiyu's disciple. Two disciples of Utsunomiya Yuiyu were shortlisted, and one was Miyamoto Kisayama.

According to previous combat videos, Elvis’s abilities are very mixed, it seems to be able to poison, as if he can do some illusions, and at the same time he can use a beautiful swordsmanship. If you use the game settings, this one always uses The player who is shrouded in black robe is like a magic swordsman. The official website has spared no effort to promote the player, claiming that he is one of the greatest martial arts in the world-one of the greatest martial arts masters in the world. But the official website is how the one-of and greatest are added together, but who cares, it can be said that before the end of the competition, the players who participated in the finals this time can be regarded as the greatest martial arts masters. ——One, there is a logical problem in grammar, but the terminology is not inappropriate.

On the other hand, Qiandao Xiaoyun is a traditional swordsman of the Sakura country. She is characterized by fierce attack, rapid footwork, dying with the enemy, and proficient swordsmanship. Of course, she has a beautiful face and body. It is also the reason why she has gained a large number of fans. The tweets of this girl from Sakura Country have reached more than 4 million followers.

From the perspective of the game, this is the battle between a magic swordsman and a pure swordsman. It is hard to judge which is strong and weak, but in terms of the methods that can be used, Elvis has a certain advantage. And Qiandao Xiaoyun seems to be a little reluctant to enter the finals, so Bai Yu guessed that if there are no major changes, the possibility of Qiandao Xiaoyun defeating Elvis is extremely small.

At this time, it was already in the evening. The entire Terrass Building, which was blocked for secret rescue, finally opened up a blocked elevator shaft. A lot of rancidity rose to the sky. Ventilation facilities were lost in the base. In order to save energy, there are still a large number of equipment in operation. Coupled with the heat generated by the combustion in the archives, the temperature in the secret base is close to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. The high concentration of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the base makes rescuers have no choice but to live. Rescue after entering in fully enclosed, independent oxygen supply protective clothing. The temperature in the protective clothing is close to 142 degrees Fahrenheit. The high temperature causes the rapid loss of water in the rescuers’ bodies. The sweat that carries a large amount of salt and discharges leads to water-salt imbalance and self-temperature. The adjustment is difficult to control. People can stay in the base for more than ten minutes at most. However, in this way, the rescuers' contact with some parts of the protective clothing also caused low-temperature burns.

"We have to restart the host first. Our ventilation system and information system have been damaged. So when the host restarts, we skip these options and let the lighting and air-conditioning systems run first. The temperature below is too high for us to work." The leader of the rescue team, who went down to the base in person, signaled to withdraw within ten minutes. After returning to the ground, he took off his helmet. The sweat had wetted all his hair, even dripping down the hair. The face is also exhausted, and acting in such a high temperature is more tiring than doing anaerobic exercise in a sauna!

"Okay, tell me about your plan." the person in charge of rescue asked.

"My plan is to send a technician down and get the **** host." The captain said.

"The technicians have, but we haven't got the system key of the host yet..." the person in charge of rescue said embarrassedly.

The captain furiously said: "Then don't let my lads go down at this time. It is pure hell. Do you still expect anyone to live below? No one can survive in such a high temperature and hypoxic state. Some are just high temperatures. Rotting corpse!"

The person in charge of rescue hastened to appease: "Okay, since there are no more people alive, then you can stand by. The key should be available soon."

The chicken feathers of the rescue team were temporarily stuck in combating the high temperature. Some of them turned to maintenance ventilation systems to allow fresh air to enter the ground first, which can also play a role in cooling down. Although there is no air conditioning system that comes as quickly, it is always one. The solution can also solve the problem that the air below cannot breathe. Another is to reconnect the communication line deep underground to solve the problem of communication difficulties.

Bai Yu received a video request.

He quickly picked it up.

"Kohanko, I'm at the White Eagle, but unfortunately I missed the first show. I watched it online! The show is really cool. I thought I could watch it with you, but my aunt booked the wrong ticket! I was so angry! "What appeared inside was Lu Qiu Hanyan's flowery smile.

"Where are you?" Bai Yu hadn't seen Lu Qiu Hanyan for a long time, and his heart was full of complicated emotions.

"I just got off the plane, and I was with my aunt and Trish, okay, someone came to pick me up, I arrived at the hotel late to contact you!" Lu Qiu Hanyan quickly hung up the phone.

Bai Yu raised his head, everyone looked at him gossiping, he was a little embarrassed: "What are you doing, what are your expressions?"

Hua Ying said sourly: "Oh, the lady in the palace is here? It seems that the concubines have to be transparent today."

Qiu Xiushuang held back a smile and pulled Hua Ying's sleeves, Hua Ying broke free: "What? It seems that the big pig's hoof is going to meet Zheng Gong empress today. Today I invite everyone to eat and drink! Sign up to go !"

Bai Yu asked for help: "Brother Qiang, you accompany me."

Du Ziqiang's expression of love was helpless: "Brother Yu, by coincidence, there are still three hours left, Isis is coming, I have to pick her up, hey, take care."

Bai Yu's expression of pain: "With our friendship, you have to help me."

Du Ziqiang apologized: "It's not that a brother doesn't help you, but I am just such a girlfriend, and I dare not make waves."

Bai Yu said desperately: "Are you sarcastic at me?"

Du Ziqiang patted his mouth: "Look at my mouth, what do you say, I mean... Uh, I can't say it, but I don't want to say it anymore. Think of a solution."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Du Ziqiang hurriedly walked out of the room and went to his own room. After the door was closed, he heard him singing in vernacular: "I only wish my life, love one person..."

Bai Yu snorted and left the living room griefly and returned to his room. There was a roar of laughter outside.

Except for Shi Ming Wei Naijie, all those who stayed in the living room were women, and Yingying and Yanyan were all in a group.

An hour later, Bai Yu arrived at the Venetian Hotel. Yan Shuyuan booked two rooms, one for Lu Qiu Hanyan and Cui Qian, and one for her own use.

Bai Yu went directly to the eighth floor, came to room 8022, and knocked on the door.

It was a foreign girl who opened the door, her hair still drenched.

"Are you Trish? Hello, I'm Bai Yu!" Bai Yu stretched out his hand.

Trixie shook his hand generously: "Hi! I know you, we talked on the video! Okay, come in! Luqiu is taking a bath, eh, do you need me to leave for a while?"

Bai Yu's face turned red immediately: "No! No! I'll wait for her to come out!"

Trish smiled narrowly: "Really don't need it?"

"Well, you don't need it, you don't need it, you can sit down first, and I will tell her." Trish was really embarrassed to see him, and stopped teasing him.

She opened the bathroom door: "Lvqiu, your dear Bai Yu is here."

"Ah! What are you doing here, Trixie! What? Bai Yu is here? Broken, I didn't bring my clothes in. You can pass it in for me!" Lu Qiu Hanyan was startled by Trixie's sudden attack and said in a panic. .

"Tsk! Little girl, have you grown up!" Trish smiled evilly.

"Go get me clothes!" Lu Qiu Hanyan's voice was full of shame and anger.

Trixie walked out whistling like a female hooligan, leaning her familiar elbow on Bai Yu's shoulder: "Brother, don't say I won't help you, do you want to send it?"

Bai Yuyi sternly refused: "No, no, no, that won't work, she will kill me!"

"Tsk, coward, all right, I'll send it off."

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped. After a while, Lu Qiu Hanyan walked out with hot pants under the loose T-shirt and snow-white straight long legs. She saw Bai Yu rushing over with a cheer.

Seeing that she was coming in a hurry, Bai Yu quickly opened her hand. Who knew that the girl jumped up like a light little deer, her long legs crossed on Bai Yu's waist.

"It's great! I haven't seen you for a long time!" Lu Qiu Hanyan took a deep breath on Bai Yu's shoulder and jumped down.

Her face was red, obviously because she was a little shy about her bold move just now: "Gifts, meals, Ferris wheel! The same cannot be less!"

Bai Yu rubbed her head: "All, don't worry!"

"Hey! Don't feed me dog food, you two!" Trish said with dissatisfaction.

"Cut, I can't stand this anymore? When you were in school, you fed me dog food every day, I didn't even tell you!" Lu Qiu Hanyan snorted.

"Well, we're even tied, handsome guy, what's the next plan?"

"Lvqiu said he wants to eat, drink and have fun." Bai Yu said.

"Count you through." Trish nodded in satisfaction.

"Bai Xiaoyu, there is something to tell you..." Lu Qiu Hanyan suddenly hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yu asked.

"There is a friend who wants to join him, that is the Indian Emperor, Wu Kesu." Lu Qiu Hanyan glanced at Bai Yu carefully.

"No problem." Bai Yu nodded.

The three arrived in the hall, and Wu Kesu, who was sitting on the sofa waiting in the hall, stood up. Now he is not much different from the ordinary young people of the White Eagle Country. Next to him is a girl of the Indian tribe.

"I know you, Yu Bai, you are Luqiu's lover?" Wu Kesu looked up and down Bai Yu.

"Yes, I heard Luqiu mention you. This is your sister?" Bai Yu glanced at the girl next to him curiously. This girl was a little bit similar to Luqiu, but it was a bit more qualitative. Heroic.

"No, she will be my wife, the daughter of the previous ancestral warrior of the Hekeya tribe, Ya." Wu Kesu shook his head.

"She doesn't speak your language, she only speaks our own language." Wu Kesu added, turning around to say a few words to Ya, and Ya looked at Bai Yu cautiously and said a few words.

"She said, it's nice to meet you, and I hope the ancestor spirit will bless you." Wu Kesu translated.

Bai Yu nodded friendly, turned his head and said to Wu Kesu: "Let's go eat something first, I have something for you later, I guess it belongs to your clan."

Wu Kesu suppressed his excitement: "Okay." My dream can come true The latest chapter address: https:// dream can come true Full text reading address: https://www dream can come true txt download link: https://www.mtlnovel .com/down/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: /read/162987/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 339 Zheng Gong Empress) Reading records, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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