My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 345: fighting

"Flame Tabard!"


Following Apollo's roar, a layer of flame surrounded Apollo's body, and Bai Yu felt a heat wave hitting far away.

Bai Yu pinched his hand, "Nine Heavens Profound Thunder!"

There was a thunderbolt in the sky, and a lightning bolt with thick arms struck Apollo's head.

Apollo murmured softly: "Little trick..."

He stretched out his hand, grasped the lightning, and squeezed it hard, a light smoke rose, and the lightning smoke disappeared.

"Your ability is mainly the fire element. Wouldn't you be uncomfortable in a place with strong water attribute energy like this on the sea? The water dragon comes!" Bai Yu possesses the Five Aggregate tactics, and the attributes of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are all his. The main attribute, in the sea, the water attribute attack method is strengthened a lot, as he casts Taoism, a waterspout-like water column swirls towards Apollo.

"Retribution·Sun Sword!" Apollo suddenly condensed a blazing flame sword in his hand, and he slashed halfway through the waterspout with a single sword.

"Wow!" The waterspout scattered in the air and fell like a pouring rain. It fell on Apollo, but was burned into a white mist by the high temperature of his flame robe, even hiding him in the mist.

CIA Temporary Command Center, Sanchez: "How long will the Second Fleet arrive?"

"Director, there are five minutes to arrive at the designated location." The contact person replied.

Robin asked cautiously: "Chief, it's not the point where you can tear your face, and Apollo is also there. If you use a cover attack..."

"It's just prepared, and this matter has been filed with your Excellency the President, the navy fleet has been authorized, and I only provide attack nodes."

"What if... what if the attack fails?" Robin asked nervously.

Sanchez grabbed the tunic on his chest: "It's impossible to fail! Who can survive a intensive, saturated attack? Tell me!?"

"Do you still think they are ordinary people? Ordinary people who have broken through the sound barrier? Sanchez, please be cautious. We haven't reached the relationship of death feud with him. If, I mean, if we launch an attack, we haven't achieved the desired effect. , His revenge, can we bear it?” Robin was also angry. Although Sanchez is the chief officer, one level higher than himself, it seems that he is a little confused now. Normal attacks hit the sonic flying object? Are you dizzy?

Sanchez slowly loosened his shirt: "He is too dangerous. We must contain him at all costs. With more Xia Guo, he will be stronger. White Eagle Nation cannot sit back and watch Xia Nation's strength, do you understand?"

Apollo came out of the mist without any damage: "You have so many methods."

Bai Yu ignored him and cast a spell: "Frost!"

The surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower, and Apollo is interested in extending his hand: "Is this to create a cold field for his next attack? Unfortunately, this coldness does not cause me any trouble."

"World·Fire of the Sun!"

Apollo's flame battle robe, which was forced back by the cold, suddenly expanded with a bang, blazing, and even rapidly expanded outward.

"This is the realm of the sun god, the world!" Apollo laughed.

Bai Yu shook his head: "It's just to stimulate the fire attribute energy in the body. Can this also be called a domain?"

The water attribute is not that Apollo cannot be restrained, but it is not too long for Baiyu to enter the Golden Core period. He now has the most water attribute attack methods and Apollo’s fire attribute is the same. If it enters a war of attrition, he is in the white Eagle country, this is not what he wants.


The whole world slowly darkened within a few hundred meters. This is a Taoist technique after Bai Yu unified the energy of the five elements in his body. Chaos has the effect of devouring and consuming all energy. The chaos formed by the combination of the attributes of the five elements belongs to the acquired chaos. Far inferior to the aura of innate chaos, but for Apollo, whose realm and Baiyu seem to be roughly in the Jin Dan stage category, it is stubbornly restrained - from the perspective of the power person, it was chaos before the opening of the sky. After the opening of the sky, there will be the sun and the moon, so the energy of the fire attribute is like a candle under the violent wind within the range of chaos. The flame robe on Apollo slowly goes out, and the power is retracted into his body, revealing his muscular body.

"This is called the domain. Now you have lost the ability to control fire. You can only use your physical body to fight with me." Bai Yu said lightly.

Apollo smiled, showing white teeth: "Is it stronger than the flesh? Actually, you don't understand, my favorite is close combat!"

Bai Yu whispered: "The sword is coming!"

In the realm of chaos, the two of them changed from a demon warrior and a demon swordsman to a warrior and a swordsman. They could only level A with their physical bodies, but Bai Yu held the purple sky star in his hands, which took advantage of the sky.

The two tumbling and rolling together in the Chaos Realm, and within a few strokes, Apollo was cut several times by Zibi Tianxing, and even a hole was pierced in his right shoulder, shining with a faint golden drop of blood. On the surface, like hot red molten steel falling into the water, a large cloud of mist rose.

Apollo suddenly retreated far, and Bai Yu didn't pursue it: "Do you want to fight anymore?"

Apollo said annoyedly: "Forget it, your sword is too sharp, next time you find a suitable weapon to fight you again, it's a shame to fight like this."

Bai Yu said: "Okay, the two of us don't have any grudges, so we don't know each other, do you need me to treat you?"

Apollo's eyes lit up: "Do you have medicine?"

Bai Yu took out a bottle of medicine from the storage space and threw it over.

"This is called Golden Udan. It is of great benefit to monks with the fire attribute, and the rising sun fire drives away evil spirits. My sword qi is attached to your wounds. It is very difficult to heal. After taking this medicine, it will heal faster. "Bai Yu said.

Apollo opened the cork: "It smells good."

He poured one out and stuffed it into his mouth. For a moment, with a boom, a large stream of pale gold blood spurted out of his wound, mixed with the residual sword energy on the wound. The wound was not corroded by the sword energy, and slowly Closed up, with the physical resilience of the Jindan realm, it can be restored to the original state within two or three hours at most.

"Your medicine is very good! I can feel that if I take this medicine for a long time, my ability will start to improve again, can I sell it?" Apollo asked.

"...Do you just believe me like that? Are you afraid of poison?" Bai Yu laughed.

"We can say that there are some of the most powerful people in the world. What is the need to use poison? If I want to kill someone, no one can stop it. Even if it is you, it is impossible to protect someone 24 hours, right? But? I will not and cannot use despicable means to treat him, it will make my heart no longer pure, and I will not be able to make progress anymore, I think you too, the strong must have the strong code of conduct, I haven’t heard of any. A despicable person can become a strong one." Apollo said calmly.

"You are right..." Bai Yu said. Suddenly, the expressions of the two changed at the same time.



There was a cloud of mist on the spot, and the two had already left the fighting position.

The rainy missiles and shells fell down, covering an area close to one kilometer.

The sea was blown up and splashed.

At the temporary command center, Sanchez asked hurriedly: "How is it? Has it been attacked? What is the current situation?"

The technician's voice was dry: "Director, they are out!"

Robin grabbed him by the collar: "Sanchez, I persuaded you! You are a sinner in the White Eagle Country! You not only attacked the No. 1 target, you also attacked Apollo together, and your mind is full of shit. Huh? Now it has failed, are you satisfied!"

"Let go of me! Robin! Please pay attention to your identity!" Sanchez gritted his teeth.

Robin threw his hand away and said bitterly, "You know that they can exceed the speed of sound and they can get out of the attack range in a few seconds. You also showed hostility. You are dead! Not only did you fail the mission, you also offended Hammer. Family! Wait for you to wash your **** and die!"

"No, it shouldn't be like this, immediately search for the location of target No. 1 and launch a second attack!" Sanchez reacted from despair, grabbing the technician's collar and giving orders.

After loosening his collar, the technician sat down silently and began to adjust the camera on the satellite to find Bai Yu's position.

Sanchez's assistant came over with a bitter expression: "Director, your phone."

Sanchez answered the phone, feeling that his throats were already connected, and barely uttered, "This is Sanche..."

"Yes, I understand."

He hung up the phone and said after a few seconds of silence: "Notify the Second Fleet to cancel the combat mission and let them leave the current sea area as soon as possible."

After issuing the order, he turned and left, his back looked a little rickety.


On the great sea, Bai Yu stepped on the purple sky star: "Apollo, are all the people in the White Eagle Country crazy? Do they know the consequences of doing this?"

"Wait, don't worry, I'll take care of this." Apollo said anxiously.

If I want to, I can destroy a large city in half an hour, and still be disturbed by an attack. Why do they think we will be contained by thermal weapons? Apollo said in his heart.

"How are you going to deal with this matter?" Bai Yu said coldly.

"What do you want?" Apollo asked.

"The main person in charge of this matter must die." Bai Yu said.

"No, there are too many high-level White Eagle countries involved in this matter." Apollo categorically refused, and felt that his tone was too hard: "Is this good? This time the person who is troublesome to you, let them step down, like this The government’s face can also be preserved, and these people, whatever you want to deal with, is up to you, but they are executed during the term of office. This is too serious, and you can’t move the president. I owe you personal love!"

Bai Yu closed his eyes and thought for a while: "Okay, according to you, you owe me personal affection, so that they don't make me think again. If I want to do something in the White Eagle country, you can't stop it, you understand."

In the Golden Elixir period, not to mention picking the stars and taking the moon and changing the sky, but it is already easy to destroy a city. If Bai Yu is reckless at that time, what will Apollo use to stop it? What's more, Bai Yu's speed is far surpassing himself!

"Thanks, I'll go now, I'll take care of it!" Apollo quickly left like a fire on his butt.

Bai Yu looked up at the sky, sneered, and Yu Jian left.

"He knows we are monitoring him..." Robin looked at the freeze-frame picture in the temporary command center: Bai Yu sneered with his head up, his eyes seemed to have penetrated the screen and looked at him. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 345 Battle), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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