My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 351: "Healing"

The wind stops, the sand stops, the cloud rests, the moon appears.

Bai Yu looked at the full moon in the sky, took out a set of objects condensed by the lunar moon, and stepped on the cloth bucket.

Seeing the condensation in the air, Bai Yu looked at Qiu Xiushuang, who was standing far away and dancing the Shadow Sword in his hand from time to time. The corners of his mouth rose slightly. Just now, the two couldn't help but embracing each other. They were a little embarrassed. Daolu’s appointment does not mean that we must be a couple. However, when the two get along together every day, how could Qiu Xiushuang focus his attention on other people?

When two people become accustomed to being together, how to get used to other people? Habit is really a terrible thing.

"The alliance of Daolu has to find time to tell the sky." Bai Yu thought in his heart, but his subordinates kept entering the pill furnace to maintain the hot temperature of the pill fire.

The processed medicinal materials are put into the pill furnace in the same way. This is a furnace of open-air incense pill, a very unique detoxification elixir, but it is very tasteless.

The common detoxification pills are all traced back to the source, find out which kind of poison is, and then formulate a prescription, make a series of targeted adjustments to the toxicity, or neutralize, dissolve, or use beneficial to harmful force to expel it.

However, Ningkai Xiangdan is based on the situation of the poisoned person, which is equivalent to recording the physical health of the poisoned person, and then expelling the bad state. Such medicine usually needs to be refined immediately...

But the paradox is here. If it is a person who needs to take this pill, he must have been poisoned. May I ask: Where is the health status?

Because when refining the pill, a small part of the person who takes the pill needs to be added in the end. Hair, nails, blood, skin, muscles, and bones are all OK.

Bai Yu took out the skin and contained more than ten acorn seeds. Connor Kuft used seven or eight acorns at the time, and several of them were not bee venom, nor did they germinate passively because they absorbed the blood of Connor Kuft. The state can be said to be intact. These few acorns can be said to be the basis of the final state. Although there are no two identical leaves in the world, the composition can be basically the same. In addition, the structure and composition of the acorns in the seed state are very simple. , So sampling one of the acorns will not have any impact due to individual differences.

Bai Yu looked closely through the moonlight, and the druid was known as the tree shepherd. This title is still before the animal whisperer. The ability to cultivate plants and use the power of plants to fight is the best in many similar abilities. Therefore, in these acorns Among them, Bai Yu felt a trace of soul power that was unsearchable.

"It seems that the druids of this world still have their special place..." Bai Yu secretly admired.

The power of the soul mentioned here refers to the power of the soul with self-knowledge, and to explain it in Eastern terms is sentient beings.

Every creature has a soul, but the strength of the soul is different. The stronger the soul can hold the more information, can an ant have the concept of what I am and I am an ant?

Therefore, all souls who don’t know what I am belong to the category of ruthless sentient beings. Ruthless sentient beings may not be able to upgrade to sentient sentient beings, but the process is difficult and dangerous. Anything that involves upgrading is extremely dangerous and must be tragic. This means breaking the upper limit. Just like a balloon, its upper limit determines the volume of material contained, but above the limit is its own body and bones.

However, the druid used special methods to give birth to self-aware souls from these little acorns, and Bai Yu could even feel fear, grievance, and uncomfortable feelings after being poisoned.

Fear and grievance is naturally because Connor Kuft handed them to strangers. Bai Yu was also angry and funny. He picked up an acorn that had never been poisoned, because it was the biggest and strongest, that was you, that acorn. The mood swings in Bai Yu's hands are even more intense.

Bai Yu pinched a little bit from the root with his nails, and suddenly felt the mess of the acorn seed in his hand.

"Hey yeah..."


"Afraid of being eaten..."

Bai Yu held back his laugh, put the little thing back into his skin, and threw the pinched part into the pill fire, and then pinched Laden.

The pill fire slowly dissipated, and six light green fragrant pill in the open air floated in the pill furnace.

Bai Yu took out an empty jade bottle, and under the control of Bai Yu's divine sense, the Ning Open Xiang Dan flew into the jade bottle one by one.

These six pills, apart from these acorn seeds, are useless to other people or creatures, and even have great harm.

The next thing is that these small acorn seeds germinate in advance, so they have a big deficit and need tonic. The Aoki Yiyuan Dan used for tonic is a pill that specializes in adding nutrients to plants. It can be said that it is a cultivation version of Lingzhi chemical fertilizer. This is simple. The difference is that ordinary plants on the earth supplement chemical elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, while Qingmu Yiyuan Pill supplements aura.

The conditioning of seeds is the most troublesome thing for the cultivation of spiritual planting, because if the plants have sprouted, all kinds of prepared medicines can be poured into the water to irrigate them, but the spiritual plant in the seed state cannot Use this method unless you have planned to let it germinate, but what is the use of this congenital insufficiency seed after it germinates?

Therefore, the spiritual plant in the seed state needs to use spiritual power to stimulate the medicinal power in the pill and then introduce it into the seed.

Bai Yu carefully selected the acorn seeds that were crooked and weak after being poisoned. These acorn seeds were suspended in the air under the influence of the divine consciousness, and Bai Yu threw it into an open-air incense pill, and used his spiritual power to hold them together. Then separate the mind, use spiritual power to oppress the pill, and introduce a trace of pill fire to bake to elicit the pill qi. This pill qi is the essence of the pill. Although it is not as good as taking the whole pill and slowly digesting it...but how to take the seed? Down digestion?

Guiding these pill qi into the acorn seed, Bai Yu seemed to be able to hear the long breath of these little things.

The pill gas slowly expelled the bee venom. Under the white moonlight, strands of black and green mixed with red gas emitted from these suspended acorn seeds. There was a sweet smell in the air. The dark green was Bee venom, light red, is Connor Kuft’s blood. These two things are foreign to the full-blown acorn seed. In the seed state, they are harmful and useless, but the process of getting rid of harmful substances is extremely slow. , Ningkaixiangxiang Dan gradually changed from the size of Guiyuan to the size of sesame seeds. Bai Yu discarded it. It was the remaining impurities in the pill. Most of the medicinal materials on the earth are cultivated, and there are many useless ingredients, let alone. Some unscrupulous medicinal farmers also use pesticides for the sake of appearance. When Bai Yu chooses medicinal materials, although he chooses meticulously, it is not as effective as wild medicinal materials after being subjected to wind, frost and snow—the same weight of garden medicine. Only one-third of the efficacy of wild medicinal materials can be obtained. What is the excess weight? Naturally it is an ineffective impurity.

Therefore, no matter how refining and purifying, it is still inevitable that impurities will remain, and these impurities are also important reasons that affect the efficacy of the drug.

After supplementing three scented pill in the open air, the bee venom and Connor Kuft’s blood essence in these acorn seeds are exhausted, but their acorn seeds appear very weak after being damaged by toxic erosion. Connor As soon as Kuft's blood essence was gone, the power to support their souls disappeared, and the two spiritual senses were no longer moving. It is estimated that they are similar to human beings in coma and shock.

Bai Yu took out the Aoki Yiyuan Pill without a hassle, and used the same method to slowly input the spiritual power absorbed by the wood-attribute suitable plants into the acorn seed. At the same time, the condensed Moon Hua Condensation is also fist-sized. , Bai Yu drove the acorn seed in the Yuehua Condensate bag.

Yuehua Condensation is the condensed matter of the power of the Moon Flower of the Moon, and its personality is slightly higher than the spiritual power. Many medicines can use it, and the power of the Moon is the best choice for most heterogeneous practices, not to mention. Yuehua Condensate, so the acorn seeds wrapped in Yuehua Condensate suddenly became agitated like chicken blood, one by one rushing to absorb this seemingly liquid, which is actually a super supplement of energy condensed matter.

The "treatment" of the acorn seed did not end until the sky was faintly blue.

These acorn seeds fell into a deep sleep and no longer reacted, but Bai Yu knew that this was normal. No matter how clever the Druid, he could not have the ability to condense the moonlight, and most of the different types of cultivation depended on it. The power of the lunar yin, the treatment of these acorns this time is not only a cure, but also a tonic effect. These small acorns have already absorbed enough moonflowers in the seed state, and there must be a leap in quality. For these little ones For Acorn Seed, it is a blessing but a curse.

After packing up all the necessary items, Bai Yu Yujian and Qiu Xiushuang returned to the hotel. At this time, everyone else had fallen asleep in their respective rooms, and only Du Ziqiang was in the Bai Yu room.

When the two came back, Du Ziqiang's tension relaxed.

Bai Yu said strangely, "Why are you here with me if you don't go to accompany your Isis?"

Du Ziqiang said: "Am I not worried?"

Bai Yu said, "Detoxify the seeds...just a small matter, don't worry."

Du Ziqiang sneered: "I don't care about seeds or anything, I'm worried about Xiushuang, okay?"

Speaking, Du Ziqiang looked up and down Qiu Xiushuang: "It's done? Now I can go back to rest."

Watching Du Ziqiang leave, Bai Yu asked, "How do you feel now?"

Qiu Xiushuang said with a sigh: "Now I feel that the road ahead is slim. It is estimated that my Gong Gong sword sect can be pushed to the Golden Core stage at most. Whether it can break through depends on chance. I said I didn't want to give up the inheritance of the teacher, but this After a while, I succeeded in building the foundation, but when I looked at the previous exercises, I realized that it was a bit crude. One is the kindness of the teacher and the other is my own path. What is it for me?"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Xiu Shuang, you are the devil. Haven't I heard that any big sect has internal and external distinctions? If you can achieve achievements in the practice of the Ape Gong Sword School, then it is naturally excellent. , Such a disciple, whether it is to maintain the orthodoxy of the Yuangong Sect, or to absorb as your personal disciple, it is all good, so why bother?"

Qiu Xiushuang's eyes lit up: "Yes, about Taoism, I passed down the Gonggongjian Sect's exercises, and naturally someone would learn it. Now I am dedicated to attaching the Taoism inheritance to myself. It really is... I picked the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon."

Bai Yushou said: "Yeah! Look, isn't this the end? Sword repair is one step ahead of your current path, and the method of the Sword Sect of the Sword Master can no longer make you soar into the sky, so replace it with the method of sword repair. It’s good and harmless to you. The only problem is that sword cultivation is extremely difficult and requires a lot of will. I just hope you can persevere."

Qiu Xiushuang's eyes were firm: "I can't bear the hard way, and I'm a monk in vain!" My dream can come true. Chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true txt download address: https:// dream can come true Mobile reading: https://m.mtlnovel. com/read/162987/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 351 "Healing") Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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