My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 382: Apollo waving a small ocean shovel

Alan Fonda gritted his teeth and said: "I use my blood! I will make atonement for you! Come on! Angel!"

The voice of the sacred chant has grown from Ruoyouruowu to huge and incomparably large. In the entire stadium, the followers of Mingguang Sect knelt down to show their piety, and Wu Kesu also stopped attacking. Obviously, his attack was on Alan. Fonda is no longer valid.

The light and shadow are like excessive exposure to the apron, showing a dazzling and fuzzy white, but without any dazzling feeling. It finally merges with Alan Fonda. Wu Kesu retreats a few steps, because he has never been attached. Behind the body, Alan Chu felt a huge threat, and even had an urge to worship Alan Fonda. He felt a little uncontrollable. After stepping back a few steps, Alan Fonda heard The coercion gradually weakened.

"Cthulhu! Followers of Cthulhu... Existence that is more evil than heresy, the enemy under the crown!" Alan Fonda made a sound that seemed to resonate strongly.

"Ancestral spirit! Kechina!" Wu Kesu could no longer keep his hole cards and summoned an ancestral spirit.

"The projection of the Cthulhu! Sinner! When you join the Cthulhu, there will be no atonement day! Appraisal: If you fail to pass the righteous ruling, you will be purified by the holy flame! Evil! If you pass the righteous ruling, you will return to the crown. Embrace! The trial of the sacred lightsaber!"

Bai Yu touched his nose: "How is it the same as the execution of a witch in the Middle Ages? No matter whether it is evil or not, he will be killed? What is this? The appearance fee? What needs to be taken as long as it appears?"

Apollo’s mouth was ridiculed: "This is just the base. The advantage is that the apostles of the Mingguang God series really sell much better. Unlike the **** series, the evil appearance and evil appearance are annoying at first sight. Therefore, two Although the people did the same thing, Mingguangshen still took a big advantage."

Bai Yu thought for a moment and asked, "You mean... the soul?"

Apollo nodded: "Yes, all they did was to take away the soul, but one did it more tragically, the other did it more elegantly, but the results were the same."

They were communicating here, when Alan Fonda finished shouting the word "judgment", a huge cross lightsaber suddenly fell in the sky, and it directed directly at Wu Kesu's head.

At this moment, Uksu had already summoned the ancestral Kechina. Kechina snarled and swept across her palms. As soon as she grasped the sacred lightsaber, a sneer sounded, Kechinar held the palm of the cross lightsaber. There was a burst of blue smoke, he was very angry, and threw the lightsaber at Fon Alan Fonda. The lightsaber was spinning in the air, but the closer it got to Alan Fonda, the smaller it became. Recently, he arrived. When Alan Fonda was in front of him, he had completely disappeared.

Alan Fonda’s seemingly overlapping voice is full of pride and sarcasm: "It is futile to attack the Lord with the power of the Lord!"

Wu Kesu yelled angrily: "A hypocritical god! Kirchner combat armed!"

Since accepting the ancestral spirit, many fighting methods related to the ancestral spirit warrior will be mastered by the ancestral spirit warrior through the ancestor spirit warrior's own body gradually becoming stronger. The stronger the physique, the more powerful the ancestral warrior can be exerted.

If you want to use powerful abilities, you must have a strong enough body.

Although the ancestor spirit is only the earth, the truly powerful earth is not much weaker than the gods in the sky. However, the ancestral spirit does not possess the priesthood of the earth, so it cannot borrow the power from the mountains and rivers on the earth. All the power comes from the worship of descendants. Unfortunately, Ketzyna was not in the ancestral land and was weakened a lot, while the descendants of the Indians were massacred and weakened a lot. Therefore, the ancestral spirit’s fighting and armed forces were somewhat miraculous. His abilities can't be fully displayed, but even so, it's on par with Alan Fonda.

"This state of possessing is a test of physical strength. Although Alan Fonda is very powerful now, he shouldn't be able to hold on for long." Bai Yu shook his head.

Apollo also said: "Their Mingguang system just likes to make some fancy things..."

Bai Yu said: "It is certain, basically, Wu Kesu has a great chance of winning, as long as he doesn't make any major mistakes."

He then asked: "He is also a white man. Are you worried if he loses?"

Apollo shrugged: "I worship Kaos, and they are not a system."

Bai Yu said: "Have you ever thought about these gods, where have they all gone?"

Apollo closed his eyes and opened it for a long time: "I don't know, I have pursued this problem for a long time. When I was young, I saw miracles, but the gods suddenly left and no oracles were left."

Bai Yu asked again: "How many people like you are on earth?"

Apollo sneered and said: "Do you want to be like those people? Go and find out where these gods go? Go, it's probably not long before, there will be another ray of wronged souls in the underworld."

Bai Yu also smiled: "I worship Pangu, and you are not a system."

Apollo ignored him and said, "I don’t know who else is alive. Anyway, one less died. Someone asked the demigods back then, and then left the earth to trace the whereabouts of these true gods, but ...Hehe, none of them came back, so if you want to go, I am very happy because there will be one less opponent."

"Is this a kind warning to me?" Bai Yu asked.

Apollo turned his gaze to the game: "As you think, the earth still needs our protection. Although I don't like colored people very much, they are all of the same kind on earth."

"I feel that there is something in your words." Bai Yu was thoughtful.

"The stronger the stronger, the stronger the sense of crisis. Civilization is also catastrophic. I know that the'Taoist' in mainland China say that you can cross the calamity when you raise your realm. There are also civilizations. The civilization we are in is already close to its peak. Now, I guess, if you want to enter the space age from the earth age, you need to cross the calamity, and to successfully cross the calamity, the earth civilization will develop into a space civilization, so that it will not be engulfed and die on this little earth." Apollo said.

"Unexpectedly you thought of so much, I thought you were just a guy who only likes fighting." Bai Yu re-examined Apollo.

"Unfortunately, so far, even the Earth Federation has not been established. There are actually more than 200 countries in the world, large and small, with different languages, different currencies, and each country has different values. We, the White Eagle, have always been committed to global unification, so that we can concentrate our forces and enter the space age." Apollo said solemnly.

Bai Yu smiled: "Global unity? The world is united by you? Then there are one, two and three people? I know that in the white world, we yellow people are not as good as blacks. If you unite the world, the world will be unified. ? There is no hunger war? Who is behind the war now?"

Apollo shook his head and said: "You don't understand. The reason we did this is because we don't want to achieve the great goal of unifying the world, because there are more powerful forces killing each other, so let other forces be divided and weak. We In order to achieve this goal smoothly."

Bai Yu sneered and said: "It is the first time that I have described the reasons for usurping the world’s wealth and raising a country, dividing other countries, interfering in internal affairs, discriminating against race, extinction, provoking war, and funding terrorists so fresh and refined. I admire the eagle politician's way of thinking."

Apollo said with a stern face: "White, you are a rare strong man among the yellow race. I believe you will be stronger in the future. Sooner or later you have to take up the responsibility of guarding this world. By then, you will find that you All of these are the pains that a planetary civilization must experience when jumping to the space colonization era. Your culture is excellent, but she is too soft. Only the most iron-blooded culture can support the people on earth to go further. Join us. The wealth of the world does not have much effect for people like us, but can you refuse such glory by leaving your name in the process of human development?"

Bai Yu said quietly: "I didn't hear people say that the people of Central Lu Xia are weak. We have experienced alien invasions time after time. We have assimilated them with the Xia culture time and time again. While assimilating them, we do not destroy their true colors. , We are the most inclusive culture. From a place in the Central Plains, we have wars of all sizes every few decades. These thousands of years have been fought until now, plus the water area is more than 14 million square meters. Kilometers... You say we are weak? You don’t understand our culture, we have deep potential, our construction ability is the first in the world, and you... are just good at destroying, you don’t know how to tolerate, if it’s Xia Guo, you can have everything This kind of race lives under this blue sky, and you white eagles will only be white people in the end, you said, I will help you to exterminate your race?"

Bai Yu said, referring to the arena: "Look, your **** is about to destroy the body of his people. What he wants is victory after victory. He said that God loves the world, no, he doesn't. Love, he only loves those who provide him with faith, no, no, he doesn’t love those who provide him with faith. He just uses it, how can I say? People who believe in him are just lambs raised by him, no matter what Skin, flesh, blood, and bones are all his harvest. Would you love the crops you planted? No, you love them just for fear of the loss caused by reduced production. This angel is overdrawing Alan Fonda What about his life, even if he won this victory? What if he won the title of the world's number one martial artist? A dying martial artist? Look at Wu Kesu again..."

In the fight between Wu Kesu and Alan Fonda, the energy of the Holy Light system still exerted great restraint on Wu Kesu. Whenever the energy emitted by the two collides, it will bring about a burning effect. Kechina is in such a collision. The middle has become less solid, but like a virtual projection, it has become turbulent and virtual, but even so, it has spared no effort to infuse the power of its own ancestral spirit into Wu Kesu's body, supporting his ancestral spirit armed , Protect him, so, in the eyes of Apollo and Bai Yu, Wu Kesu’s condition is much better, there is no overdraft potential at all, but after this battle, if Chikner loses too much, he needs to enter. While dormant, accept supplements of faith from the descendants of the ancestral land.

Apollo said depressed: "I am from another system, we can't do anything about them."

Bai Yu sneered and said: "The angel who possessed Alan Fonda, if you remove his sky full of chants, the pillar of light, the invisible light, and the useless wings of light, you can save at least 40%. Holy power, there is no need to squeeze Alan Fonda's vitality."

"Furthermore, I guess with his arrogant and arrogant nature, after failure, I will only denounce Alan Fonda as an incompetent person and a poor container." Bai Yu said leisurely.

Apollo smiled bitterly: "How do we know God's ideas? They can't act according to our wishes. When we feed pigs, cattle and sheep, how can we care about their ideas?"

Bai Yu didn't want to discuss this issue with him again: "Keep watching the game, I guess, if Alan Fonda has no other cards, the game will soon be decided."

The ancestral spirit Kechina almost disappeared, Wu Kesu finally couldn't help but took Kechina back, and even directly activated the ancestral spirit possession, because he also knew that after the ancestral spirit's arms were removed, he would not be able to resist the holy flame. The damage of, only with a certain degree of physical body can be immune to the burning of the holy flame.

What the ancestor spirit possesses is the power of the ancestral spirit and the power of the body in its own body, and it will not bring too much burden to the ancestor spirit.

Succeeded in possessing the ancestral spirit! A flame of majestic vitality and blood rose from Wu Kesu's body, directly venting the holy flame away, and he walked heavily toward the angel-possessed Ellen Fonda, and he stepped on a shallow footprint on the steel plate ground.

Alan Fonda urged the holy power and wanted to produce the light spear in his hand. At this time, he realized that the holy power that was always incomparable in the past has dried up, and even now it has been burned by the angels. The soul is transforming into holy power!

He was a little flustered, but a spear suddenly appeared in his hand. Instead, his heart calmed down. Isn't it what he pursued in his life to devote his life to the Holy Lord?

With Wu Kesu's move, the bone shattering holy axe that fell far away flew back to his hand, and Alan Fonda stabbed with a spear, and the holy flame was immediately ignited on the spear. Alan Fonda smiled bitterly: possessing His Highness is too extravagant. The other party has the flame of blood to resist the holy flame. The holy flame’s blessings on the holy light spear are minimal. In fact, only the attack power of the holy light spear itself is enough. It looks good, but this is burning my soul and life!

The holy light spear was condensed like a real thing, and banged against the bone shattering holy axe. The holy flame on the spear suddenly "canoped!" burned Lao Gao with a sound, and the flame finally forced the flame of blood and blood away, huge. With the force of the impact, the Bone Shattering Holy Axe was beaten out of his hand, Wu Kesu's tiger's mouth tore a big hole, blood gushing out.

But that's all, and Alan Fonda's feet are soft, breathing hard in his mouth, and he feels that the throat seems to be dry and burrs!

The spear of the holy light became darker and darker in his hand, and gradually disappeared.

"Stupid mortal! Let me lose to such a Cthulhu! You will never be able to return to the embrace of Mingguang God!" There was a stereotyped voice in the sky, but the content seemed a little frustrated, and the sound effects were magnificent, sacred, and full. Sense of drama.

A light and shadow floated from Alan Fonda's body, revealing his old and haggard appearance.

Bai Yu shrugged, embarrassed, I was right. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 382 Apollo Wielding a Small Ocean Shovel) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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