My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 391: Kidnapping

Elvis admits defeat simply and neatly. This is no longer the exemption and tolerance of injury based on personal courage and will. Putting a person into a raging fire is not enough to ensure that the willpower can continue to fight, even if it is strong. His will can withstand these injuries, and his body damage is enough to make him unable to move, but Qiu Xiushuang is like a stimulant when his blood is boiling. Both strength and agility have a huge bonus, this plus one minus one. It is not courage to go down and fight forcibly.

When Qiu Xiushuang heard him admit defeat, he slowly calmed down his heartbeat, and calmed down his blood, but his face was still as beautiful as a red glow, and it looked very gorgeous under the close-up of the big screen, but it was for her to harvest a batch of fans, I don’t know. How many otaku's screensavers and desktop backgrounds have become. Afterwards, it turns out that netizens were rated as the most beautiful martial arts master in the world!

Finally, the five-in-three places on the twenty-third day are as follows:

Zhonglu Wu Taoist: Qiu Xiushuang

Zhonglu Martial Arts: Du Ziqiang

Tubo Monk from Central China: Nile Duoji

White Eagle Red Fan Holy Spirit Warrior: Wu Kesu

White Eagle Mysterious Fighter: Chief

Five-in-three will be played on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th days. One bye will go to the finals. The match between Shiraha and Yutsunomiya will be completed on the 25th day of the round. At this time, a total of 4 will be generated. People play the total game on the 27th day.

At this time, the long summer vacation is finally over. For the students, a new semester is about to start, saying goodbye to their beloved games, animations and the wonderful World Budo Master Fighting Competition. No matter what, this holiday Seeing such a fascinating battle with special effects comparable to blockbuster movies has also made young people hooked. Xia Guo's official government also promulgated new textbooks through the education department. In the original curriculum, practice courses have been added and practice courses have been added. The assessment is very strict, and its credits also account for a large proportion of the performance assessment; in order to cope with the rapid popularization of the practice courses, with the support of the government, a large number of practice courses have also sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. tutoring class.


Baiying Country Biochemical Center.

"How's the situation on the 16th?"

"The combat data has been reset, but the service life is still unable to break through the limits of current technology and can only reach two years."

"In this case, the price/performance ratio is too low. Think of a way to study this aspect in depth."

"Sir, we have used cell division technology to repair him many times, so his cell division is almost reaching the limit, so the service life can no longer reach a satisfactory time limit."

"Didn't his daughter also arrive in the casino? Try to find a way to use her embryonic stem cells as a target to delay the rapid aging of the cells."

"But she is not pregnant now."

"You are scientists, please use your brain to think about it, she is not pregnant, can't let her be pregnant?"

"But... the father..."

"What kind of stem cell has the highest affinity?"

"The parent's own offspring have the highest affinity."

"That's it, execute it."



Bai Yu entered the state of cultivation from time to time. Luqiu Hanyan, Trixie, and Ya also became good friends. One is because the relationship between Luqiu Hanyan, Trixie, and Wu Kesu is not bad, plus Ya. They look a bit similar to Lu Qiu Hanyan, so these three have become best friends, and Cuixi and Lu Qiu Hanyan also took on the task of strengthening Ya's white eagle language.

Because Wu Kesu is about to compete, she spends less time with Ya. Lu Qiu Hanyan finally fulfilled her wish and asked the other two to go shopping. She was going to give Bai Yu a surprise before she left.

Because Wu Kesu participated in the competition on behalf of a company backed by a local gang. From the preliminary to the present, the shareholders of this company have made a lot of money smoothly. Therefore, he is also very concerned about his affairs and is positive. The three girls arranged for security personnel, just to not affect their shopping mood, they chose casual clothes to follow.

When she came out of a certain luxury store, she looked at the gift contentedly, but the street in front of her screamed and heard the sound of a car crashing. Then the owner came down and there was a fight. Lu Qiu Hanyan frowned and watched. Ya looked cautious: "There was a car accident ahead, let's change directions."

In an unknown place.

"The goal has entered the side street, it's over."

"Let the members who fight on the street leave, it's over."

"Group No. 4, No. 5, and No. 6, received! Over."

"The congestion on the No. 3 and No. 5 streets can be cleared, it's over."

"Call the police officer, over."

"The semaphore permission can be returned, over."

"The technical team has completed the transfer of authority, complete."


It turns out that the route of the three of them has already been planned. According to the results of psychological analysis, they have arranged for traffic accidents, fights, disputes, and municipal construction in various seemingly accidental situations. Normal people will subconsciously avoid occurrences. In these situations, the three of them finally walked into this small street ignorantly, and the statues at the entrance of the Mexican store were decorated with exquisite Indian traditional costumes, and the posters said about India. The Teijin costume caught Ya's attention at once.

The three of them walked into the store, and Ya could not put it down with the various Mexican specialties mixed with Indy gadgets, because the work was really exquisite and authentic, which made Ya feel very surprised when she saw the gorgeous and colorful spots. Lan's Indian costumes are even more immobile.

She picked up the crown and put it on her head.

The colorful feathers reflected on her pretty face, which looked extraordinarily gorgeous. It has been nearly two months since Wu Kesu has cooperated with the company, and the other company is rich in wealth, so naturally it will not pay much attention to the money given to Wu Kesu. Ya's living standards and economic conditions here are completely different from those of the Hekeya clan, so the people are gradually becoming more abundant, no longer like the thin and small Indian girls when they came out.

She picked up an Indian Emperor robe: "Boss, this suit is on sale?" Ya asked.

"Yes, the things of Indian Emperors are not easy to sell, so I will sell you 40% off!" the boss said feebly.

"What's the original price? 200 Eagle Swords, boss, your price is not real!" Trish asked.

The boss shrugged: "But you can't let me sell at a loss, right? The 40% off is my cost price!"

"How about the costume of 100 eagle swords, plus the headwear and three wood carvings?" Trish asked.

"Impossible boy, you know that if you bring these things here, I will sell you 100 eagle knives. I won't even earn the transportation cost. I am not a charity hall!" the shopkeeper exaggerated.

"Then you say a price?" Lu Qiu Hanyan asked.

"Well, if you add 10 eagle knives, you can choose three wood carvings here, how about it?" the boss asked.

"No, no, 110 Eagle Swords, that's all! No more, if you don't want to, forget it." Trixie took Ya and Lu Qiu Hanyan and turned around and walked outside the store, counting quietly in her mouth: "One, two..."

"Deal!" the boss shouted from behind.

"Yeah!" Yu Qian triumphantly compared a scissor hand.

"Go try!" Trish urged.

Lu Qiu Hanyan looked at this gorgeous costume and was also very interested: "Go, Ya, put it on, let's take a few photos and post them online! It's so beautiful!"

"Boss, do you have a fitting room here?" Trish asked.

"Yes, there is a fitting room in the back! You can change clothes in it, but please don't damage the things in my shop. I have to pay for it at the price." The boss nodded.

There is a narrow passage leading to the inside, with all kinds of pottery crafts, painted pottery cups, saucers, etc. on both sides, Trish said dissatisfied: "Don't worry, boss, you won't break your things."

The boss shrugged and walked back holding his cup. He pointed to the wall. The three of them looked up and saw the paper posted: "Within the monitoring range." Trish gave the boss a dissatisfied look.

Ya walked to the back, opened a small door, and walked in with her clothes.

Trixie said helplessly: "Lvqiu, you guys look so alike, you said, what is the effect of putting on that clothes?"

Lu Qiu Hanyan was a little moved, thinking that the price is not too expensive, and seeing the boss has not come back, she asked loudly: "Boss, do you still have the same clothes? I still want to buy a set."

Trixie let out an evil laugh, stretched out her hand to provoke Lu Qiu Hanyan's chin, and said frivolously, "Little Indian girl, would you like this uncle to be your cowboy?"

Lu Qiu Hanyan shyly said: "Uncle, the Indian Emperor has a cowboy!"

Trixie grinned and said, "Hmph, this uncle doesn't agree, come, let uncle fragrant one!"

The two twisted together, but Lu Qiu Hanyan suddenly felt something was wrong, and was kissed by Trixie several times on the face. Now, there is no other sound in the whole store except for the laughter of the two of them. The two looked at each other. Don't even do business?

Suddenly there was a depressed sound and a collision sound, Lu Qiu Hanyan secretly felt that it was not good, and glanced at Trixian: "There is a situation!"

She handed the gift bag to Trish's hand, rushed in, and took a lot of things along the way and fell to the ground and shattered, making a loud noise.

She slammed the door of the fitting room, and it was snapped back from the inside. When she heard the sound from the outside, she seemed to move more intensely. There was a collision sound, Lu Qiu Hanyan said anxiously:

"Yah! How are you? Are you okay?"

She gritted her teeth, stepped back, and slammed into the door. The door was knocked open with a bang. She threw herself on the ground and stared at the opposite side blankly. There was nothing there.

Nothing doesn't mean that there is no one, but it means that the door of the fitting room is facing there. It should be the wall where there is actually a door! The door is open, and there is a small alley directly outside the door!

"Trish! Call the police!"

She rushed out, and farther away, at the entrance of the alley, a black van started.

She chased her, but how could people keep up with the speed of the car? There are a few bright feathers on the ground at the entrance of the alley--they fell from the feather crown of the Indian Emperor.

A teenager passed by on a bicycle. Lu Qiu Hanyan gritted her teeth and pulled him down. At this time, she was already practicing Qi, and her physical fitness far exceeded that of ordinary people. The teenager was pulled down by her and fell down. On the ground, for a while, Lu Qiu Hanyan got on the bike and chased it out. At this time, Cui Qian passed through the fitting room from the store to the alley, and she was dumbfounded when she saw Lu Qiu Hanyan leaving like the wind.

She tremblingly dialed 911: "I want, I want to report, call the police! My friend was kidnapped!"


Wu Kesu hurried to the hotel.

He only saw Qiu Xiushuang: "What about Bai?"

Qiu Xiushuang: "Xiaoyu has entered the doom, what's the matter...?"

Entered! ? Wu Kesu was depressed. Those who are familiar with Bai Yu knew that he would occasionally enter deep cultivation. At this time, Bai Yu would not pay attention to anything. Wu Kesu gritted his teeth: "Nothing!"

He still has the power of the company to use. It's just a small kidnapper. With his own ability, can he still be afraid of kidnappers?

The entire company's subordinate forces were mobilized by Wu Kesu, looking for two girls who looked alike, one was Luqiu Hanyan from Xia Guo, and the other was Wu Kesu's lover.

In the evening, Wu Kesu was walking around in the company’s meeting room. The gangsters under the company knew what was happening on the street. They quickly found the car, but the car was stolen. The vehicle was thrown in a parking lot, and the monitoring of the parking lot was broken, and the desired information could not be obtained from the monitoring.

Lu Qiu Hanyan was gone. Wu Kesu knew Lu Qiu Hanyan's position in Bai Yu's heart. He even made a few phone calls to Qiu Xiushuang, only to find that Bai Yu had not come out of the room.

"What happened?" Qiu Xiushuang asked.

"I will handle it!" Wu Kesu gritted his teeth again.

Qiu Xiushuang said: "You are a good friend of Xiaoyu, if something happens, you must tell us, don't carry it alone!"

Wu Kesu nodded: "Don't worry."

He just hung up the phone, and suddenly received an incoming call. It was Lu Qiu Hanyan, and he quickly picked it up: "Where are you? Come back soon, Ya is gone. If you are gone..."

"I'm in the east...outskirts...desert,, Ya...go!...I'm here for you!" Lu Qiu Hanyan hung up after speaking a series of words, tightly. Then sent a location.

This time she entered the message again in text: Ya was caught in the base.

Wu Kesu sent a message: Be careful, I'll come over immediately.

Luqiu Hanyan: Walk in 5 kilometers away from the location and monitor it carefully.

He clicked on the location, which was 42 kilometers away from his position: "How did this guy chase him?"

An hour and a half later, the company sent someone to drive him to his destination...

"Wu Kesu, we can only help you to this point. After all, we are only businessmen. We can't participate in this matter." The people who sent it know that this is a secret base! Who would dare to stir up, thought it was a knife and a gang to start the film, and pulled a car to come menacingly, who knew it was a secret base?

"It's none of your business. Go back and don't attract people's attention." Wu Kesu nodded. He understands the difficulties of these people. It is okay for everyone to make money together. You can let someone die with you. That would be inappropriate. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 391 Kidnapping) and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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