My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 393: arms

"We are here at the biological military laboratory under the White Eagle National Defense Army! I am a subordinate special agent, Christopher Marie, the girl you caught in the afternoon. I don’t know the specifics. We only focus on the internal, not including Foreign Secret Service! The jar you mentioned, what jar?" Christopher was afraid that the giant gray bear lying on his stomach would slap himself on the head. The death was so miserable. At this time, he saw that Rumba’s legs occasionally returned. It will twitch and shake, the blood in the cavity will not spray at this time, but it has accumulated a thick layer on the ground, and the room is full of blood.

"The jar is filled with exactly the same people!" Wu Kesu gritted his teeth.

"Um...I see, you are talking about the person code-named Chaozhan No. 14 Project? That is their plan to use an Indian warrior to build a biological warrior. The jars are all code-named chiefs. A clone created by a human gene!" Christopher suddenly realized.

"What is a clone?" Wu Kesu asked.

"This... I said, I said, it's a clone." Christophe didn't understand, and some collapsed. Do you want me to explain to you the principle of human cloning? Seeing a fierce light appeared in Uksuri again, he quickly threw out the simplest answer.

"Where will the people you arrested be kept?" Wu Kesu asked.

"Zone F..." Christopher replied.

"You lied." Wu Kesu obviously felt the other party's heart beating faster.

He grabbed Christopher's ear and tore it off like a piece of paper.

"Ah! Ah! Stop it! I remembered it wrong, it was on the minus 6th floor! The minus 6th floor!" Christopher screamed.

Suddenly, Wu Kesu slammed his hand and threw him out. With a "poof", his head hit the wall and exploded.

Wu Kesu turned his head, blood red in his eyes: "Come out, my brothers..."

His tattoos became lighter, wolves, leopards, lions, crocodiles, lynxes, wild boars, hyenas... an army of animals filled the room.

"Go, kill everyone except Aihan and Ya!" Wu Kesu gritted his teeth.

He opened the door, and the animals swarmed out.

"God! Why are there leopards here! Save..." Various exclamations and running sounds came from outside. How can weak humans be opponents of these fierce animals without weapons?

But what about weapons? These spirit bodies are immune to physical attacks. Although bullets are stronger than cold weapons, they are still only in the category of physical attacks.

"Attention, the base has been attacked. Ask the internal security personnel to quickly go to the second floor to rescue scientific research and administrative personnel. This is not an exercise."

The central broadcasting system began to broadcast, the sharp alarm sounded simultaneously, and the warning lights on the wall began to flicker.

On the 5th floor, all the high-level officials of the base who were in a meeting got up and went to the safety command room. There was fireproof, anti-virus, and waterproof, and even because of the disaster of a certain base, there was an independent life-saving system that could guarantee the survival of nearly 100 people for more than 72 hours At the same time, the entire base can be monitored there and the internal security personnel can be commanded.

In less than 10 minutes, these high-levels arrived at the safe house, and the safe house base control system was activated.

"Where did these animals come from?" the chief officer asked.

The scientific director ignored him and ordered: "Let the soldiers kill these animals."

The security chief turned his head to look at the chief officer, who nodded: "According to his instructions."

The security supervisor took the microphone from the technician: "The first, second, and third teams, clear the floors above the negative second floor, the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh teams guard the passage from the negative second floor to the negative third floor, eighth, The ninth and tenth teams are on standby in the fourth floor."

"Received! Over!" An answer came from the sound reinforcement system.

"Wait, who is that person? Why is there a stranger in the base? How did he come in?" The chief officer asked, how can members who enter the base wear normal clothes in the work area? At first glance, this person was obviously not from the base.

"Replay, replay!" The security supervisor said anxiously.

"Stop! Who is this person?" the security supervisor asked, looking at the complete stranger's face on the monitor.

"Half an hour ago, we caught a suspicious person lurking at the entrance of the base, should it be him?" the technician replied.

"Tune the video and compare it!" The security main channel.

After comparison, the clothes and hairstyles are exactly the same, although the video looks blurry after zooming in, but it can be clearly seen that they are indeed a person.

"Our weapons cannot cause harm to them! Repeat, our weapons...Ah! Save me!" A scream came from the sound reinforcement system.

In the physical status data of the security personnel, the avatars of two people are displayed offline.

"Cut the screen over!" the security supervisor said anxiously.

The screen flashed. Although silent, it could be seen that the bullet shot by the security guard seemed to hit the empty space and could not even stop the grizzly bear. The remaining two security guards turned around and ran, and one of them threw back. Something, the screen shook violently, striped graphics appeared, and then suddenly turned into a black screen.

"The camera is broken." The technician swiftly operated and cut to another picture, which was much further away. One of the two security guards who retreated back was going to run slower and was thrown by the grizzly bear.

At this time, voices requesting support and panic shouts from the security guards came from all directions.

"What the **** are they? Why are weapons useless to them?" The security supervisor shouted desperately. The technicians sweated profusely and cut through the pictures one by one, but all they saw were the security guards being chased and lost. Unarmed and defeated, the beasts seemed completely unaffected by bullets.

"Bose state! This is the Bose state!" The director of science suddenly roared out of control.

"Impossible, the temperature hasn't changed!" The other researcher simply denied the scientific director's rank.

"Soul has something to do with quantum entanglement. This is just a guess! It's just a guess!" Another researcher jumped up and looked at the screen carefully. Seeing his appearance, it seemed that he couldn't wait to put his face on the screen.

"Then tell me, how can such a living animal exist in a state of nothingness?" the scientific director asked rhetorically.

"Then tell me, if there is an energy state, what about its energy radiation? What kind of binding force is needed to prevent the energy from spilling? Please tell me, is its core a miniature black hole?"

"Use energy to attack! Let the soldiers use energy to attack!" The director of science grabbed the security director and shouted frantically. In his mind, soldiers are soldiers. Why is it necessary to cover up with the word security?

"Are you sure? For example?" The security supervisor was sweating profusely.

"For example? EMP, laser, nuclear bomb, flamethrower, electric stun gun, powerful magnetic field, anything is fine!!" The scientific director slobbered.

The head of security couldn’t care about the saliva sprayed by the head of science on his face, and roared back: "EMP? Are you crazy? If you use that, the entire base will become a grave. Where do we have laser weapons? Nuclear bombs? F* **! You are a neurotic! Can stun guns deal with them?"

The security supervisor is naturally not a scientific researcher who only has scientific research. He also has to consider whether all the weapons used will cause the cost of ruining together.

"Yes! Electric shock and flame are one of the manifestations of energy, and it should be able to deal with them! If there is a plasma bomb, the effect will definitely be better!" The director of science excitedly said.

"All the security personnel on the second and third floors, please use hand grenades as a way to delay the advancement of these monsters. Other personnel please go to the weapon room to replace the stun guns and fire guns." The security director hurriedly in the communication channels of several teams Informed, and then turned his face:

"Plasma bomb? It's just a weapon that is said to be experimenting. Where do we have it! We are just a biotechnology laboratory!"

Sure enough, the explosion of the grenade not only caused the attack of fragments and steel balls, but also brought 210,000 joules of energy. Although the burning energy was short, the temperature was extremely high! In the video, you can finally see that those ferocious animals seem to have a short pause after the smoke of the explosion has disappeared.

In this way, the security guards threw all the grenade in their hands, but they delayed it for about half a minute.

"Put down the isolation door!" the security supervisor shouted loudly.

"Received!" The security guards rushed into the partition and pressed the partition security door.

The safety door is fireproof and explosion-proof. Everyone relaxes. In order to prevent the fire from spreading, the partitioned isolation door is a common method in the fire protection design except for the sprinkler system, which can effectively control the fire within a certain range. Of course, It is not absolute, but at least it can effectively extend the speed of fire spread.

But the security guard who had just sat down leaning against the door suddenly changed his face, his face twisted and his eyes straightened.

"Hi! Fabily, did you have hemorrhoids? Go! Let's get stun guns and **** these dogs!"

"Fabily? Fabily, what's the matter with you?" The face of the security guard who came to pull him changed drastically.

Fabili, sitting by the door, tried his best to say: "Escape!"

When he opened his mouth, a big mouthful of blood poured out from his mouth, he lowered his head, a sharp claw suddenly protruded from his chest, and then quickly pulled away, and then a wolf head came out from the metal door.

The security guard was so frightened that he crawled and ran back.

The wolf soul seemed to crawl out of the swamp with great effort, but after all, it passed through the metal door and ran towards the security guard.

The security guard's legs were sore and weak. He was not tired, but frightened. Anyone who saw his partner being killed by such a weird creature would be frightened with fright, and he fell to the ground with a thump.

The gray wolf did not rush to see him fall, and walked towards him slowly. The security guard could even see the shining fangs in the gray wolf’s mouth. The gray wolf screamed up to the sky, but the security could not hear it. It made any noise, as if announcing that the victory was over, the gray wolf kicked **** its hind legs and lunged at the security guard.

"It's over." The security guard watched the gray wolf pounce from mid-air, as if time was slowed down indefinitely. He saw the gray wolf's hair fall to the back in the air. He closed his eyes and prepared for death. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 393 Weapon), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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