My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 49: Arrogant?

"To be honest, I came for these two recipes, one for 5 million, and two for 10 million. What do you think of Student Du?" Hua San Shao said slowly.

"Not very good, San Young's appetite is really big, such a good recipe, ready to take 10 million?" Du Ziqiang's face changed color.

"Student Du, stay calm and make no noise. Ten million is no less." The Third Young Master heard Du Ziqiang's categorical rejection, but was not angry at all.

"Do you know how much Zhengyang Luhua Pill and Liuli Jade Skin Ointment cost?" Du Ziqiang sneered.

"I know, of course I know that if it is He Chengyuan's prescription, I will let him give it to me for nothing, and he dare not say a word, but we people in the Chinese family don't do this kind of trickery." Hua San Shao He said leisurely, but he picked up the teapot in his hand and filled his own cup with tea. The index finger was slightly tilted, and the thumb and **** pinched the small cup, and drank it all at ease.

"You are unlucky to take arrogance... You really let me see what is righteous and strong." Du Ziqiang stared.

"Thank you for your praise, how about it? Ten million, are you ready?" Hua San asked with a smile.

"Sorry, I can't be the master of this recipe, but even if I am the master, who do you think will sell all the hens that lay the golden eggs for a small amount of money?" Du Ziqiang stood up.

"Thank you Hua San Shao for the hospitality and goodbye."

"Du Shaoqian, 45 years old, and his wife Li Yueqin, 42 years old, have a son after marriage. Du Ziqiang, who ran a construction team by himself a year ago, became involved in gambling and lost all his family resources. In order to avoid gambling debts, he went to Ethiopia alone. After returning to China two years later, he found out that his wife had sold the property in the family to pay off his gambling debts. So he reformed and opened a small restaurant in Jincheng with the money he earned abroad. Du Ziqiang was born in 2004. On the 22nd of the month, I have been brave and fierce since I was a child. In the second half of the second half of high school...well, my personality has changed. I suddenly came up with two very care products...easy to check, isn’t it? "Hua San Shaoqing Smiled and said: "And the home address, the girl you like, do you want to repeat it for you?"

Du Ziqiang slowly turned around, and said sensibly, "Hehe, it couldn't be easier to check my information. People living at the bottom like us, of course, there is nothing particularly secretive for you to find out..."

Du Ziqiang was also selected by Bai Yu anyway. Naturally, he was not the kind of soft guy who was frightened by a few words. He leaned forward, looked at the face of Young Master Hua carefully, and said in a low voice, "But do you think about it?" But, in case, there are still some undiscovered secrets...what if it will kill people?"

Du Ziqiang picked up the teacup that had been completely cooled. Inside was the tea that was poured by Young Master Hua San first. He drank it all at once, put the teacup on the table, and patted it gently: "Young Master Hua San asked me to drink tea. Of course you can’t serve tea without drinking fine tea, right? Well, some things are delicious, but if they are toxic, they can’t be eaten casually, such as...puffer fish, right? San Shao?"

Du Ziqiang turned around and left, walked to the door, paused, and said: "I heard that there is a saying that is called the son of a daughter, can’t sit down...There is also a saying that jade does not touch porcelain. Oh, I’m not as good as porcelain. It's a tile at best...hahaha!"

The faint smile on Hua San's face gradually solidified, and after Du Ziqiang took the door to the room, the solidified smile slowly disappeared and turned into an iron blue.

The middle-aged man outside the door knocked on the door and walked in.

"Check again, why does Du Ziqiang have such a strong tone, such a big tone... Jade does not touch porcelain? Why does he think I will give him a chance to touch it?"

The more Hua San Shao thought about it, the more angry he overturned the tea boat.

The middle-aged person is calm. This third young man is always a demeanor of everyone. In fact, he is very irritable and has a violent personality. A little stimulus will break the work.

The tea boat slammed into a cup on the side of the coffee table and paused for a while, but Hua San Xiao used a lot of force. The cup was knocked over and fell to the ground with the tea boat. Suddenly, the entire private room was stained with water, tea slag, and tea set fragments. , A mess.

The middle-aged man’s eyes flashed, falling on the edge of the tea machine, but his mouth was saying: “Master San, this purple sand tea set was made by Master Gu’s disciple Mr. Xu... It’s worth more than 700,000 yuan, and the young master is of this grade. Do you have another set?"

"Why didn't you buy Master Gu's?" Little Hua San said lightly. It seems that the culprit today is this tea set. If you ruin it, Little Hua San's anger will be smooth.

He reached out and stroked a depression on the edge of the coffee table... Just now, there was a teacup.

The depression is about 1.5 cm deep, the upper mouth is about 3 cm in diameter, and the bottom is about 1.7 cm to 2 cm. Is this... a trace of being pressed by the cup?

It is very smooth, like a dent specially carved out. However, this private room has been personally reviewed by myself. Although I dare not say that I remember every detail of the room decoration clearly, but if there is this trace on the coffee table , I will never have no impression at all.

He glanced at the ground, ah, there was a complete cup there, and his mouth replied: "Master Gu’s work is priceless, and too expensive. If you give it to the Third Young Master, I’m afraid the old man will know that there will be Trouble, let's buy according to the works of Master Gu's disciples. It won't make the old man angry."

He picked up the cup, gently put it into the dent, and matched it.

He clapped his hands and stood up.

"It's really troublesome, what are you doing?" Young Master Hua three curled his lips in disdain, and asked casually. This is an old man who has been with his father for many years. The father of a middle-aged person follows the old man, and the son of a middle-aged person has to follow himself. The Patriarch of this generation can get his allegiance, which greatly increases the qualifications to inherit the Patriarch. He has always respected the family's attitude.

"Master San, this matter is not that simple. This imprint was pressed out by the cup. What did Du Ziqiang do just now?" The middle-aged man's expression was a little serious, and the third young man sat up.

"You said... this was artificially made? How old is he? Is he still a martial arts master?" Young Master Hua shuddered at the thought of the enemy's country within a few minutes.

"Master of martial arts...not so, but it is extremely rigid and soft, and there is yang and yin. At least, I need to prepare for this. Didn't you notice his movements just now?" the middle-aged man asked. Tao.

"I really didn't notice, he just raised the glass and drank it, put it there, raised his hand, and dropped it gently..."

"Hehe, I also need to add a weight lifting." The middle-aged man shook his head and said.

He picked up the cup from the depression and placed it in another position. He closed his eyes. After a long time, he opened his eyes. The sharp light in those eyes made the young master Hua San not dare to look at him. A middle-aged man He patted the palm, and the ground sounded softly, and he raised his hand again, the light in his eyes faded, and he returned to his previous ordinary appearance.

The small teacup got stuck in the coffee table a little.

"It's not better than him, the side of this coffee table is pulled up, with vertical grain wood as the edge, and the vertical grain is better than the horizontal grain..."

The middle-aged man picked up the teacup carefully and examined it carefully.

"There are cracks."

Turning his gaze back to the coffee table, an obvious circular depression was riding on the horizontal and vertical lines, and the position of the horizontal lines, the traces of the depressions could be seen to be deeper.

Little Hua San's pupils contracted. Just now... Did you actually talk ruthlessly with a martial arts master just now?

Even middle-aged people admit that they are inferior to him, so is there any guarantee for their own safety?

"Take him through the power of the government?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "If the old man finds out, the third young master, you will be in serious trouble."

"Who dares to tell the old man?"

"The Hua family also has an older, second, fourth, and fifth girl."

"Watching such a big piece of fat can't be put down?" Young Master Hua clenched his fists.

"Three young masters, you just saw to deal with him... Will you get the prescription if you deal with him? Who is behind him? We don’t know anything about it. We can teach a martial artist like him. What level of people are behind him? ?"

"Made!" Young Master Hua took the teacup smoothly, and fell to the ground severely with a bang, and the **** splashed everywhere.

"He is only 18 years old, and he is already at the level of a master at the age of 18. His master, I am afraid that he is already a master or even a great master? The wrath of the great master is very difficult for the Hua family to bear." The middle-aged man saw Hua. San Shao Xing stopped the violence, sighed in his heart, still persuaded.

"Then what should I do?" Young Master Hua's chest rose and fell, trying to suppress his anger.

"The best thing is that we don’t seek to win, seek cooperation, or let He Chengyuan eat a bite in the middle, we take it all, and he is not allowed to sell it to other people. It must rely on the Shanghua family. He Chengyuan is also very happy to monopolize these two. Like medicine, we won’t make less money.” The middle-aged man suggested.

"It's just that this feeling of being controlled by others... is really unpleasant!"

"Three young masters, the Chinese family is invested in politics, military, and business. Needless to say, the military is there. There are two young masters, and the old man will not let you go this way. There are young masters in the political section, and He did a good job. The Third Young Master probably couldn't compete with him. The Third Young Master wanted to be the head of the house and wanted to give himself extra points. I understand, but the political and military young masters are not the three young masters' biggest competitors. The Third Young Master still Don’t understand? The Fourth Young Master and the Fifth Young Girl are the three young masters’ biggest competitors. Since the Third Young Master has taken the business route arranged by the old man... It's big, what the third master did just's unavoidable that it's a ugly appearance that needs to be eaten up."

"Uncle Hong, what do you mean..." Little Hua San's eyes flashed. Uncle Hong watched him grow up from childhood. The family relationship among the rich is indifferent. Uncle Hong is half of his father. His feelings are deeper than those between him and his father. When Uncle Hong said a few words, he didn't feel any dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Four young masters are not very useful. We can ignore him and give him no good food and clothing in the future. The fifth girl... She is your biggest competitor, but she is a daughter. Body, unless you commit an unforgivable mistake, the Third Young Master will have a chance."

"Where did the news of these two medicines come from?"

"Let me think about it..." Young Master Hua San thought hard, suddenly his face looked a little ugly.

"Xu Zhilong... I heard that the relationship between this guy and the fifth sister is good. Hu Qing told me the news he heard from him..."

"So I guess, this matter has something to do with the fifth girl, has the Third Young Master figured it out?" the middle-aged man sighed.

"However, the matter of the five girls is too dangerous. If someone behind Du Ziqiang offends him, it will bring great danger to the Hua family. She must know the news of the people behind Du Ziqiang, otherwise she will not Take you as an example..., I guess, if you offend Du Ziqiang, she will help Du Ziqiang solve this problem with a face of begging for the world. Of course, with the appearance of five girls, by the way, one will be recruited. It is not impossible for a young martial arts master to be a minister under the skirt, but the three young masters will lose the favor of the old man because of recklessness, impulsiveness, and ignorance of the sky and earth. They will pose a huge threat to the Du family and lose the favor of the old man. Three young masters, do you think it is a good deal? Huh? Tsk tsk, this really seems to be the plot in the novel..." the middle-aged man quipped and analyzed.

Young Hua San's forehead oozes cold sweat: "Five girl is really poisonous, I'm his brother!"

"Hehe, the big door, what kind of blood relatives are you talking about." My dream can come true The latest chapter address: https :// dream can come true Full text reading address: https: // dream can come true txt download address: https:// dream can come true Mobile reading: https://m. the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" record below This time (Chapter 49 How to win?) reading record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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