My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 51: Aristocratic children

A young beautiful girl was sitting by the window, with her chin in her hand, looking at the teahouse opposite.

The girl’s thick and smooth straight hair hangs down, her hand supporting her chin, white and soft, as if transparent to the sunlight coming in through the window, she is wearing a light blue plain dress with skirt edges, cuffs and neckline Embroidered with a lot of complicated patterns (lace), the skirt is slightly tucked around the waist, making the waist very slender.

A young man walked out of the teahouse, but was immediately stopped by the middle-aged man who followed. The two talked a few words. The young man seemed a little dissatisfied, but was finally taken back by the middle-aged man.

"Have you found out who is behind?"

The girl avoided her gaze, only observing from the corner of her eyes, and asked her lips slightly.

The guests in the entire cafe are hers, relying on her nearest young man:

"Not sure, but we suspect it has something to do with a second-year high school student named Bai Yu."

"Are the sophomore students so fierce now? What were we doing in the second year of high school?" The girl chuckled.

"I haven't been in the second year of high school. I entered the troops directly."

"It's boring to talk to you."

"Can Bai Yu reach it?"

"I haven't found the entrance yet."

"Forget it, I went to touch it today, maybe I just ran into it?"


"It seems that the third brother didn't talk to him about collapse?"

"Uncle Hong followed the Third Young Master, it is difficult for the Third Young Master to go wrong."

"It doesn't matter, it's a game of chess anyway, but it's really weird that I can let Uncle Hong choose to compromise."

The princesses and princes of the top families of these big forces have long been accustomed to declining ten guilds with one force. They have never been interested in fighting against others for wits. Most of them cleverly use rules to get the most benefits. The resources they have are ordinary people. What is inaccessible. Simply put, for a certain business, the operator needs to obtain certification from a key organization. When the government is vigorously anti-corruption, it is impossible to buy a relationship with a pile of money as before. At this time, these The network resources possessed by the big forces can exert tremendous power. For them, a problem that can be solved in one sentence is an unbridgeable natural barrier for ordinary people.

But who would pass a sentence easily? There will be a replacement condition in the middle: I want to account for 5% of the shares, and I will solve this for you.

The operator can choose to refuse, it is hard to say what will happen in the future, perhaps because this key certification caused the entire project to stop progressing, causing huge losses, and even causing the company to close.

Therefore, it’s not that the talk has collapsed, and there are many, these princesses and princes will not care too much, this time you don’t give me face, just pick me up and make you cry.

She has never seen a weaker party that can let the strong party find a way to redeem it. Yes, for them, the range from ordinary people to businessmen is the weaker party. Who has ever seen a tiger compromise with a sheep?

"It's really worthless. The third brother is getting more and more confused. Let's check out. What did they talk about? Tell me later." The girl stood up, stretched her waist, and her dress was outlined under the backlight. With infinitely beautiful curves, the young man lowered his head, not daring to take a closer look.

The girl walked outside the cafe door, and someone rushed forward and opened the door, causing the wind chimes to make a pleasant sound of jingle bells.

The girl turned her head, with an impatient expression on her face: "You stay away from me, I'm going to go shopping."

The young man smiled bitterly: "Miss Fifth, this is our job!"

"Do you think there is anyone on this street who looks like a murderer?" The girl circled the street or the pedestrians who were walking in a hurry or leisurely.

"Okay, we will stay away from you, but you can't get out of our sight again." The young man had no choice but to agree.

"Just don't dangle in front of my eyes." The girl nodded.

The entourages and bodyguards were adorned with girls far away. Some were in front, some were behind, and some were on the side. They surrounded the girls far away within a safe range that they determined. The girls walked for a while and stopped for a while, and got in a taxi. Following these entourages miserable, finally, finally came to a pedestrian street night market.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, the night market stall owners peddled their products to pedestrians along the way. It seemed that the whole night market was very lively. The girls walked slowly past the night market stalls, and sometimes stopped at the clothing stalls to pick up crudely crafted and inexpensive clothes. Make gestures on the body; sometimes stop in front of the handicrafts, look at those industrialized products with interest, and from time to time pick them up and check them carefully; when they see the snacks that exude a strong aroma, they will stop and buy a portion. Taste carefully.

She stopped in front of a stall.

The stall owner is a beautiful woman. From her appearance, it is difficult to guess how old she is. From her calm and bright eyes, it can be seen that this is a woman with many experiences, but from her Looking at her delicate white skin, she felt that she was under 30 years old.

The stall owner watched the girl picked up a snow landscape ball, and after turning it upside down, she watched the snow fall from the sky, falling on the bride and groom inside.

"Sister, is this the snowball from Austria?" the girl asked.

The woman who was amused by the girl’s elder sister replied: “No, it’s just an imitation product. It’s made in Yiwu. The original Austrian version is not suitable for selling here.”

"The craftsmanship in Yiwu is pretty good now! It's almost the same as the original one!" the girl exclaimed.

"The difference is still quite big, I sell 128, and the original version will be ten times higher." The woman laughed.

The girl wrinkled her nose, and then amused the woman: "I mean the level of production, not the price!"

"Then... let's talk about the individual differences! Here, madeinChina." The woman turned the landscape ball over, and a row of words was clearly printed underneath.

"Sister, you are so funny." The girl hid her mouth and laughed.

She looked up at a teenager sitting behind the stall: "Is that your brother?"

"What brother! The brat is my son."

The owner of the stall is naturally Han Lin. Everyone can’t help Han Lin. Because she also bought some goods and just wanted to get them out as soon as possible. So after dinner, Wu Zhiqing and Bai Ling went home, and Bai Yu came to help her mother. Open a stall.

Bai Ling was willing to contact Wu Zhiqing infrequently, without showing the slightest resistance. Han Lin was actually very happy about it, thinking that if there was a result with Lao Wu in the future, these children would be brothers and sisters. These contacts are beneficial and harmless, and Wu Chao is naturally happy to see the results, so there is a situation that Bai Yu is also on the stall.

"Wow, you scared me!" The girl hid her mouth in surprise.

"How is it possible, are you kidding me?"

Bai Yu looked up at the girl, then dropped his head again.

"What's the matter? Isn't this kid at this age very curious about the beautiful opposite sex? Why don't you look at me carefully?" The girl was a little dissatisfied, but she couldn't express it.

Seeing Han Lin and the girl chattering about the topic of maintenance and skin care, Bai Yu shook his head weakly.

The two talked very speculatively, and even added a micro friend!

"Strange, who is this woman?" Bai Yu vaguely felt that a large number of people were staring at him. It was a peculiar feeling. It was described as a kind of feeling like a man on the back. The master of martial arts and national arts has achieved success. When being raised by others' gaze, Bai Yu will feel more sensitive in this respect. As a cultivator, Bai Yu feels more sensitive in this respect. At this time, after discovering that someone is staring at him, he uses the corner of his eye to determine the source of his gaze. There are more than ten There, the owner of these gazes faintly surrounded the stall.

Bai Yu's heart shuddered, and only then began to pay attention to the girl who was talking with her mother, and found that the girl was exquisitely dressed and had an outstanding temperament. Such a woman should not appear in such a crowded area that sells imitations and high imitations. , They have their own professional brand clothing store or light luxury store for regular consumption, but why she and her mother look like they are chatting together?

The two talked and laughed, and several groups of guests came. The girl actually helped her mother to sell her products. She was elegant and restrained. After she said some good things about the goods next to her mother, those were just trying to get a fresh feel and watch. The passers-by who were just watching, actually actually paid for something.

In the process of introducing her to passers-by, Bai Yu discovered that this girl speaks a standard Chinese dialect, but she also has some Kyoto accents that she tried her best to control and still can't help but bring it out. People in the South are not easy to standardize the national dialect. He was very insensitive to certain syllables, but felt very standard. With Bai Yu's care, he finally found some clues.

"She's from Kyoto?" Bai Yu muttered in his heart.

Kyoto is the first place to be good, where there is a hidden dragon and a tiger, among which countless dignitaries live, and there are countless rich and wealthy wealthy and wealthy people.

This girl is very much in line with the characteristics of a young lady who has come out of wealthy people to experience: a large number of entourages, bodyguards, well-dressed, outstanding appearance, and outstanding speaking skills.

Don’t laugh. Outstanding appearance is also one of the characteristics. If the descendants cultivated by the family, if they look like Wu Dalang's three-cun ding, most of the family is unwilling to focus on resources for training, unless they are talented and amazing, which is hard to see in the world. , Otherwise do you see if he can stand out in the family?

Just like those of us who are on the street, if they can’t write a hot book, the data is beautiful and attracts the attention of the platform, it is impossible for the platform to waste resources on the street books. After all, there are a lot of wailing authors waiting for these resources!

So when most people talk about rich people, they feel that they are tall, rich, handsome, and white, rich and beautiful. They are all handsome men and beautiful women. Of course, they are too ugly. The chance of ostentation, in this way, the boys and girls of a certain family that the world sees are naturally good-looking and outstanding.

Speaking of outstanding skills, the original "Han Shu·Uploading" refers to the descendants of the powerful and powerful people who do not do their jobs but only know how to eat, drink and have fun. In modern times, when it comes to dudes, it is reminiscent of lifting cages. There are few evils in the Howling Bird Market. This is probably a manifestation of the people's hatred of the rich. Is there little evil? Yes, but these do not represent the family-level children in the country. As the saying goes: only three generations or more can produce a noble. This kind of family has less evil, and most of them are killed by the second generation. In fact, the children of the family are good at dealing with people and things. After rigorous training, we will never allow the kind of opening and closing: my family, my father, my mother, etc., this kind of descendants, most of them will be marginalized as soon as they are discovered, so as not to go out to cheat their parents and the whole family.

The real sons of aristocratic family have the ability to talk nonsense when ghosts, talk to people when they see people, and shoot a few fairy farts when they meet gods, which is not what ordinary people can imagine. Hua San is as narrow-minded and not also full of smiles. Is it?

In the words of the family:

"Don't beep when you do something cruel. Before you start, you just pretend to show me kindness!"

"The incompetent chooses to roar!"

"Don't act like a nouveau riche!"

"Don't do things absolutely, leave a glimpse of opportunities for others, but if you want to do things absolutely, then leave nothing."

"A gentleman takes revenge. It is not too late for ten years. For those who are stronger than himself, submission is not a shame. Only if you survive, you will have a chance. Even if you are older than him, you will die. It is also a victory."My dream can come true, the latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 51 Aristocratic Children) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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