My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 518: Taihan Pass (Part 1)

Cha Xiong's heart was shocked, and there were no pawns under his men, so what else would he call a general?

He hesitated: "It's just that the people of this city..."

The Zhou family is located in the city of Qinzhou, more than six hundred miles away from Taihanguan. Over the years, the Zhou family secretly operated Qinzhou. From the prefect of Qinzhou to the subordinates below, they were all replaced by personnel of the Zhou family philosophy. Meng Qingyuan instilled Bai Yu The knowledge in his mind has been realized one by one into urban governance, commercial operation, product production and other methods, coupled with a series of methods such as encouraging learning, encouraging farmers, and tax reforms, making Qinzhou a paradise in this troubled world. The bankrupt city residents and land-lost farmers from the state capitals near Qinzhou flocked to Qinzhou. Although they could not obtain the "identity card" of the residents of Qinzhou, Qinzhou also has a set of methods for managing the refugees and refugees.

For a farming nation, for ordinary people, the most attractive thing is land. Qinzhou has fully implemented the ID card system, and migrants and refugees can be led by roads in exchange for temporary residence rights in designated areas. This so-called designated area is All the land near Qinzhou is taken over to the public. In order to allow these refugees to survive, each household allocates a few acres to tens of acres of land based on the population. The refugees and refugees have only the right to use these land, not the right to trade or give away. The implementation of this system is that ten years ago, barbarians encroached on the pass, and a large number of landowners died. The government basically did not waste any effort to reclaim these lands. The second was that there were strong soldiers as a powerful backstage, and people who dissent were also closed. Speaking of it, this is also a point of the history books of later generations criticizing Meng Qingyuan. According to the deciphering of later generations, Meng Qingyuan also established another force outside the center of power, specializing in eradicating aliens, those who dominate tens of thousands of acres of land. The wealthy households, in the case of unsuccessful land reclamation by the Qinzhou government, most of them were strangely wiped out by the bandits. Naturally, these lands became a land of no ownership. The land was successfully recovered by the Qin government, and if they knew it, they were talking: these wealthy households, no matter what they say, are too. The industry earned by the ancestors with their wisdom has been hacked. It can be seen that Meng Qingyuan has also turned from a young dragon-slayer into an evil dragon, but these statements have at most attracted some ridicule; ? At that time, the entire country was threatened by alien war swords, facing the crisis of subjugation of the country and species, who would tell you that it is fair and legal.

With the assistance of Meng Qingyuan’s warrior soldiers, most of the people under Qinzhou’s rule have achieved the goal of having a job to eat and live. As a result, the actual area of ​​Qinzhou has greatly expanded. These resettled refugees, Refugees only need to plant good land and pay 40% of the rent, and then they can cultivate the allocated land permanently, and even at the start, the Zhou family can rent equipment, seeds, rations and other necessary materials.

This method of attracting a large number of people has been a great success. The barbaric growth and development, secretly, how powerful the Zhou family is, no one knows, the Zhou family, who has four thousand warriors on the surface, actually, secretly Armed forces have reached 20,000, and Zhou’s handicrafts, glass products, mirrors, salt, cotton... value.

The capital city of Qinzhou was also expanded three times under the support of the Zhou family, forming a three-ring city wall, almost eight times larger in area. When the barbarians gathered in the market, Qinzhou issued an order to recall all the people outside the city of Qinzhou. , And demanded that where there are people, no one can stand a tree, leave a well and a ration, and all houses will be burned. After the war is over, the government will make a unified compensation.

At this time, Qinzhou and Zhou's family have entered the state of preparation. When the barbarians enter the barrier, they must conquer the state capital along the way, complete the capture of the prefectures of Dayun at the fastest speed, and use the fighting method of the barbarian to eat the enemy. Delaying too much time in front of any state capital will inevitably bring tremendous pressure to their supplies. Therefore, Zhou Liangmu, Zhou Chenyu, and Meng Qingyuan all concluded that when the barbarians encountered a setback under the tall walls of Qinzhou’s capital city, because the walls were clear and the wilds were clear. , When the barbarians can’t get enough wood to build siege equipment, they can only be restrained by a military horse. The large units continue to implement the original strategy plan, and wait until the barbarians advance all the way, destroy the city and pull the wall, and they will not be anxious. At that time, the Zhou family could dispatch soldiers to annihilate or disperse the remaining army, and with one stamina, counterattack Taihan Pass and pinch the barbarian's way back to the north.

Although there is a suspicion of using the entire northern city of Dayun and the people as bait, for the future to take over the entire Dayun country-a completely rebuilt country, although it is a bit more difficult at the beginning, it is like repainting on a blank sheet of paper. It’s much easier than painting on a picture that has been painted black by the Great Cloud Chaoting; I have to say that politics is indeed a very dirty thing, and when everything is based on interests, human life is also It's just numbers.

The inside and outside of Taihan Pass finally entered a state of high tension. The barbarians pushed the carts and long ladders to drive the people who were unwilling to leave their homes with luck outside the pass. This is also the usual attack of the barbarians. The city method, even if it has no effect, can at least fill the moat outside the customs? It also consumes a lot of wood, stones and arrows.

Soldiers in Taihan Pass looked at the vanguard death squad (people) struck by the pressure, some were panicked, some were angry, and some were numb and didn't know what they were thinking.

"Let us in!"

"We are all Dayun Liangmin! We are forced!"

"Don't kill us! I have the old and the young!"

These people who were driven out were obviously hungry and thirsty, all crying like beggars, but they didn't dare to stop. There were barbarian soldiers behind them, riding horses to watch behind and daring to run in other directions. , Ran away, and paused. They went up with a mace beaten to flesh and blood. These brutal forces are so powerful that they are often under the stick. Even if there are no bones or fractures, they will bring a piece of flesh and blood. Dozens of corpses have already fallen, so they knew that they would be shot if they went further, but they still had a glimmer of hope. What if the defenders surrendered?

Suddenly, a few feather arrows sparsely fell in front of the people, and plunged into the ground. It was the Taihan Guan's guard to test the distance, and at the same time, it was also a warning to the opponent that they had entered the opponent's attack range.

The people panicked for a while, and they were killed by more than a dozen people from the supervising team behind them, and they had to continue to squeeze in front of the barrier. What if... what if the resistance in the barrier is not that strong?

"Shoot!" a roar came.

The guards of the city wall within the pass received an order to shoot 100 steps upside down. The arrows overwhelmed the sky, like a group of predatory crows flying a parabola in the sky, and fell on the people who were driven. Suddenly, a large group of people, A large piece of it fell, and the smell of blood stars quickly radiated.

"Yuji Khan, it seems that the guard in Guanli is determined to resist..."

Said the assistant who was half of his body behind riding a horse.

"It's okay, let people persuade you to surrender!" Miezhe shook his head indifferently, and continued: "Tell the guard, if you want to resist, you will not seal the sword after breaking the city for three days."

Three days...This Guancheng will become a dead city. Only with the most tragic death can these southerners be shivered and protect more Mobei warriors...Miezhe thought in his heart.

Not long after, the shouting soldier returned to his life: "Yuji Khan, the southern general is unwilling to surrender, and he ordered someone to shoot the villain!"

Miezhe said calmly and quietly: "Go on the stone cannon."

Not long after, a large number of horses and carts pulled a large number of giant woods and accessories and delivered them, and craftsmen quickly assembled these accessories. After half an hour, more than fifty catapults lined up in front of the army. .

Miezhe said: "Play three rounds of stones, and then change to kerosene."

The stones used for the counterweight were added one by one. Some of the stones as large as fifty millstones fell on the wall, making the wall scars, and some fell on the ground in front of the city wall. The block fell on the city wall, and the soldiers who could not escape were immediately beaten into a mass of flesh.

There was a round of stone rain, but the counterattack began in the pass, but within three minutes, there were stones hitting the inner wall of the pass. After all, Taihan Pass was the northern important town of Dayun. The re-formed defending army was also mobilized. Many veterans, the soldiers in charge of the catapult, are those who can play with the catapult. At this time, a large number of stone bullets flew out under the counterattack. These stone bullets were barely round in shape, even if they were just for testing positioning. , Also achieved good results. Two of them directly hit the catapult that was being reset, and the catapult suddenly splashed with wood stubble. Some important structures were smashed to pieces by the stones, and they were obviously no longer used. Others hit the ground with a shot, and a blood trough was shot in the crowd behind. Some of the catapults were shot in the middle when they were ejected, and seven or eight were destroyed.

"Vote again!"

Reset, reinstall the counterweight, and adjust the slight angle. In these areas, the artillery of the Great Yun Dynasty has rich experience, but in about half a minute, new ammunition flew into the air. The sharp-eyed people saw that it was a hot oil tank and ran away. But the oil tank that was splashed on the ground exploded into a sea of ​​flames, how could these people get away? The sea of ​​flames surrounded all the stone cannons, and you could see the artillery carriages ignited by the flames and the screaming artillery.

Miezhe's face sank. Since when he used troops to the west, when has he been beaten in the face like this?

"Please Archmage!" Miezhe said solemnly.

After a while, the archmage, who was covered with various bones and holding a long bone stick in his hand, rode in a carriage and came to Miezhe.

Supported by the guards of the Extinguisher, the archmage walked tremblingly into the small golden palace of the chariot.

"Yuji Khan! Father God bless you." The archmage, who seemed to be dying, squirmed his toothless mouth and said vaguely.

"Archmage, I need your help." Miezhe stood up from the Throne Xiaojin Temple and said.

"Yujihan, please give orders..."

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