My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 521: Blunt knife

There are 40,000 soldiers in Minzhou, nominally 40,000 soldiers, but because they eat a lot of empty salaries, there are actually only about 10,000 soldiers, and because they haven’t been trained for many years, these soldiers regard serving as soldiers. For ten years, It’s a rare exercise once a year. The armor is worn out, the swords and guns are rusty. The guardian will raise more than two thousand soldiers with the blood money he has earned. These soldiers have been trained well. Weapons are all high-quality weapons. It can be said that these two thousand people are enough to defeat the standing soldiers of Dayun, which is about 20,000. Such standing soldiers means that they have not been trained for many years, their equipment is dilapidated, and the meaning of existence is to cultivate private land for the Lord... This kind of farmer with the name of a soldier, to be honest, the fighting power is about equal to that of the farmer, and the farmer will work hard for his family in the field. This kind of non-permanent soldier can fight the wind when the war begins. If it is slightly defeated, the morale will be immediately. Falling down, there is no more fighting spirit, and it's normal to go away in a hurry, expecting them to work hard, can only hehe.

There are 150,000 soldiers under the Lin Kuozhou Fucheng. It is said that there are more than 10,000 people, boundless, 150,000 barbarians, plus more than 8,000 people who have been taken into captivity. The cry of crying turns into the sky, The guard general of Kezhou trembled and said: "With so many brutal soldiers, this city may not be able to defend..."

The staff also regretted the advice given to the lord before. The paper talked about it and finally felt shallow. He also read this book of war, but he was really besieged by more than 100,000 brutal soldiers who looked at him, and he was not brave enough. Man, he is really unsteady. He calmly said: "You don't need to worry about the Lord. The city of Kuozhou is an important town next to the border, and it is not easy for the slaves to fight."

There was a long horn sound, and the three short tones seemed very dull, but after hearing the horn sound, there were more than two thousand Dayun people who had been taken captives on the four sides of the city wall were driven forward, and the back was carrying a knife. The barbarians with axe saw those who walked slowly, with one stab, and under one stab, they were basically two stages, and there was no survival. The people behind saw the savage killing, and they were even more panic, crying and shoving the person in front. I wanted to go faster, but the defenders in front hardened their hearts again, and the arrows shot down like splashes of water.

Miezhe shook his head: "This general has no courage. He hasn't walked there yet, so he shot his arrows, or else the sergeant of the city was frightened..."

The ground was filled with arrows like planted rice. The people who were driven to see that the defenders really dared to release arrows, some begging, yelling, and crying, but after entering the range of the bow and arrow, the soldiers on the wall continued. Shooting arrows down, the two thousand people were all shot to death by the defenders in less than half a moment. These defenders would have almost collapsed if they were not watched by the commander’s family and soldiers, and shot and killed the innocent and defenseless people of the country with their own hands. This kind of psychological pressure is really not something ordinary people can handle.

"Stone Cannon!" a transmission officer yelled, with a long voice. Later, there was the sound of wheel and axle rubbing, and more than ten catapults were pushed out.

"Which side? Which side will be the main attack?" The main general asked urgently.

The commander sent a Scud four-wall transmission. According to the distribution of the number of troops and equipment, the enemy's main attack direction can be seen. However, the enemy is too much, and it is really impossible to tell which side has more soldiers. Two thousand soldiers, one is reserved. For a thousand reserve soldiers, the ideal thing for a thousand soldiers is to send one hundred and fifty people to supervise the battle on the second assault wall and assist in defense, and another 550 to assist in the defense on the main assault wall, but at this time, no one can tell which side is the main attack. The Lord will pace back and forth in a hurry.

The city wall was originally made of rammed earth in bluestone strips. Ten years ago, Kuozhou City also blocked the front of barbarians. It was a rare city that did not retreat until the last soldier died. At this time, the sting was destroyed. Instead of riding in his golden palace, he wore regular clothes and stood in the direction of the west gate.

"Ben Khan remembers that the right side of Ximen was about one hundred meters back. A section of the city wall was broken down by the great mage, and there was a gap of more than three meters. I don't know how it has been repaired in the past ten years? Let the stone cannon stare at that. Locally, Ben Khan can enter through the west gate once, and naturally he can enter the second time!" Miezhe murmured, stroking his beard, and leaving the warm golden palace, the injuries he suffered in previous years began to itch again.

"It seems that Ben Khan is also old. If he can't calm the Southern Dynasty in one fell swoop this time, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in this life!" He secretly said in his heart.

"Ximen! Ximen! Barbarian has more than forty stone cannons in Ximen, and they were attacked by Ximen back then!" Scud ran out panting.

"Go! Go to the West Gate!" The main general waved his hand, mounted his horse and went to the West Gate, and the five hundred and five soldiers also mounted their horses one after another.

The main general laughed wildly: "Miezhe, the old slave, thought that the collapse was the weakness of Kuozhou Fucheng? To repair this section of the city wall, I didn't spend much money! Isn't it? Yucheng?"

The one who was called Yucheng was the younger brother of his favorite seventh room concubine. He handed over the restoration project to him, and the court allocated a portion of the payment and gave it to Yucheng to handle it. How much will the master pay? He divided some bonuses, so he remembered it clearly. At this time, he turned his head and smiled wildly, but saw that this guy was pale and trembling, his heart felt bad, and he held the reins.

"Don't tell me..."

"Boom!" Two miles away from the west gate city wall, the steed under the seat of the main general was startled by the sound, and the man stood up and almost fell the main general.

The general horrified: "What's the matter?"

In the continuous rumbling, the ground stones beat a few times and calmed down again, but the brutal soldiers outside cheered one after another.

At this time, a soldier rushed over on a horse: "General! General!"

The general recognized that this man was a personal soldier under the officer on the western wall, and said anxiously: "Some is here, what happened to Simon?"

"The west wall is broken! I beg the general to come to the rescue as soon as possible!" Scud got off his horse and knelt down on one knee.

"Why did it break so quickly? What's the matter?" the main general said anxiously.

"The place where the city wall is repaired is a horse shit-skinned thing! Lord! Where are the bluestone bars? It's obviously a thick stone slab! I was beaten by the old slave's stone cannons in turn, just a few times. The soil has been hit! Please send troops to support the Lord quickly!" Feimao retreated and cried.

"Haha... actually cultivated like this?" The main general smiled miserably, and the old slave found his fatal weakness. With the city wall broken, the time for the city to fall has entered the countdown.

He turned abruptly to look at Yucheng, gritted his teeth and said, "You built a good wall!"

Na Yucheng said anxiously: "Brother-in-law, you also shared the benefits at the beginning, so why did you count this account at this time?"

The lord’s body is cold, even if the cold wind on the city’s head is not as cold as his heart at this time: "You told me blatantly that although you don’t use much money, they are all good bluestone bars, but now they are very special. What is a slate!"

Yucheng took a step back: "Brother-in-law, who knew that man slave would stare at one place and fight!"

The main general laughed loudly, full of anger: "Is it possible that where the enemy is going to attack you, the prophet will give you a call!? Vertical! Mistaken me!"

In Yucheng's unbelievable eyes, the main general drew out the sword from his waist and passed it through his chest.

He drew out the sword with blood red in his eyes, looked at the staff, and said cruelly: "What should I do now?"

The staff's face was pale and trembling: "Put all the troops in, repel this wave first... and then ask for surrender!"

There was a clamor from the front, rushing like a tide, and the master choked the sword to the ground, smiling sadly: "It's too late, the slave has already entered the city."

The staff anxiously said: "Raise a white flag! Raise a white flag!"

The main general seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw: "Yes, yes, raise the white flag, barbarous... Yuji Khan always wants us to help him manage the people in the city... Kill us, he shouldn't divide his forces to manage the people, right? Right?" He didn't have the confidence himself, and looked at the staff with expectant eyes.

The staff swallowed his mouth: "Exactly!"

The main general shouted: "Raise the white flag! It's down! We're down!"

Outside the city.

Miezhe looked at the direction of the city from a distance.

Someone next to him pointed to one side and said, "Sweat, the city has changed the flag to... the white flag? Is this surrender?"

Miezhe raised his eyes and said contemptuously: "Is this surrendering? It's really useless."

The man hesitated and said, "Sweat, can you still fight?"

Miezhe said coldly: "The Mobei erlangs can't get half a gain at Taihan Pass. If you don't fight at this time, tell them to stop. Isn't that too bad for morale? The first city? Still have to stand up for power. Not every city in the back is fighting hard. These southerners are as cheap as dogs. Where can so many people from Mobei fight with them? I passed my order: only kill people, don’t set fires, don’t seal the sword for three days, and gain 70% of their own. !"

The order was passed on, and not long after, thunderous cheers came from a distance.

On that day, the city of Kezhou went down with a drum, and even the barbarians didn't lose much of the battle!

Miezhe entered Kuozhou city slowly, and sat down at the Zhouyamen. Someone came to report that the official had committed suicide. Miezhe shook his head and said, "These acid and rotten literati, you said he has no spine, and you would rather die than surrender. Saying he is capable, and tossing the Southern Dynasties so that the people don’t have a living... I really don’t understand."

"Report! See you, general!"

Miezhe sat down at the main seat of the Zhouya lobby.

"Bring in!"

Not long after, the Lord General was brought in. At this time, he was shirtless, with a rotten branch tied to his back.

"The sin general Huang Yichun pays homage to Yuji Khan!" The main commander tied his back behind him, but he bowed respectfully.

"Oh, you are the General of Jizhen in the city of Kaizhou?" Miezhe looked at the kneeling man with interest.

"The sin general is the false dynasty Kaizhou Festival Town, Huang Yichun..." Huang Yichun replied.

"Why are you? Didn't you fight against Ben Khan? Why did the city surrender as soon as it was broken?" Miezhe asked.

"The sin general had never felt the power of Yuji Khan before, and he stubbornly resisted, but then he repented, knowing that the false cloud dynasty is dark, and Yuji Khan is bright. Under the inspiration of Yuji Khan, the sin general is willing to abandon the dark and cast the light!" Garlic Road.

" guy...Abandon the dark and cast the light, you guys, have you heard? Abandon the dark and cast the light..." Miezhe laughed wildly.

After a long time, Miezhe's laughter stopped, and a soldier sent the ginseng soup. He took a sip and put the teacup back on the counter.

Seeing that he suddenly stopped laughing, he sternly said: "Come here! Drag this waste to me and cut it!"

"Sweat profusely! That's not right! I'm abandoning the dark and throwing light! I am in front of the battle anyway! I am my own!"

His voice is getting farther and farther away.

"Miezhe, you old ash-crawling old Wangba! You can't die! I'll be a ghost and won't forgive you!"

"Ah! Ah! Please! Please kill me!"

Miezhe sneered and said, "You surrendered before the attack, and I can't do anything. I surrendered only after being attacked into the city? This kind of waste is a waste of food alive!"

After a few more breaths, the guard came in with the head of the person and returned to life. Miezhe looked at the **** and uneven wound on his neck, frowning and asked: "Why is it so long?"

The guard said: "He dared to be disrespectful to Yuji Khan. The villain used a blunt knife. It took eight knives to chop off his head." The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 521 Blunt Knife), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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