My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 523: Jingguan

Assagusa drove his feet and ran into his army. His body was covered with bruises and bruises, and even a piece of skin was rubbed off his face. On the cheekbones, the white bones under the fuzzy flesh and blood could be vaguely seen, but he was ashamed. feel.

After rushing back to the original formation, he took a mace from his soldiers, jumped on the horse, and rode with them, waved his mace, and roared, "Kill Nan Barbarian!"

Viewed from a height, the Qinzhou Army in bright silver armor and blades and the barbarian soldiers in gray and black animal skins collided together. Most of the Qinzhou Army uses spears and spears. The Qinzhou Army’s spears are similar to lances. In order to be sturdy, even in order to avoid the tip of the spear being too sharp and easy to break, it is specially passivated. However, in this kind of collision between the two armies, the speed of both sides is extremely fast. Even if it is a blunt spearhead, the leather armor is not at all. Blocked it, and passed through it like a squeeze, and then the Qinzhou Army left the rein and the right hand spear had been released, and took off the long spear hung behind the saddle. The knights of the two armies were entangled together.

The screams of killing, the clashing of weapons, horses, and screams were mixed together.

Man slaves mostly use mace. This heavy weapon is only the northern man slaves. They eat beef and mutton in their days. Naturally, they are much stronger than the people who eat rice and noodles in the Central Plains. Qinzhou soldiers wore steel armor and were beaten with blood spurting in their mouths and the steel armor sinking inward; but this was rare, especially for Meng Qingyuan, who plunged into the barbarian riding formation like the tip of a spear. The red knife cuts into butter. As long as he enters the enemies around him, he will feel chilly, his hands and feet stiff, and his actions will be dead on the battlefield. The spear in Meng Qingyuan's hand is like a poisonous snake that cannot judge the offensive. The heavy weapon with more than strength and insufficient flexibility takes advantage of it. Coupled with guards on both sides and desperately defending each other, he only needs to keep bypassing the block, stabbing and recovering, and the left hand is thick and the long knife is opened. The enemy's mace.

For a moment, in front of Meng Qingyuan, the man was wearing a mi, his spear was extremely flexible, and it was clearly aimed at his throat. Under the block of the mace, he lightly shook it and pierced it directly into the chest. Someone asked, Spike A stick is also a long weapon, why don't you have to kill the same thing? I'm going to talk about it here. Mace is a good long weapon, but because it has a big tuft in front, it must be dual-held, and it also requires the main hand to lean forward to save effort, and the other hand to grasp the change and back. Unlike a long spear, which has sufficient wrist and arm strength, it is okay to hold the tail of the spear. In this kind of battle formation, if you hit the enemy one step first, and disintegrate the opponent's offensive, you will win.

Therefore, these barbarians have not yet crossed with Meng Qingyuan, but the long spear that exudes cold air has been handed over, but the mace is still a bit short, and it can only be blocked, but Meng Qingyuan’s shooting skills are exquisite, and Bai Yu taught him. "Essence of Marksmanship" sounds like a terrible road, far inferior to "Overlord Spear" and "Thousand Pear Flower Spear". All marksmanship are derived from countless basic actions. Meng Qingyuan will spear. The basic usage of is proficient in the bones, and naturally it can form its own unique style of marksmanship.

Over the years, Meng Qingyuan has not practiced hard, and he has wiped out the bandits, bandits, and strongmen in the surrounding area for hundreds of miles. He has also encountered high-powered opponents in martial arts. He slowly realized that, sure enough, the battle body of Wanjie is just like that. If you can’t die, you will become stronger, and your recovery power will be extremely strong. Even once the enemy was pierced with a sword, even the doctor said that even if he recovered, he injured his waist and kidney, I was afraid that there would be no heirs in the future... Then he hit his face in a blink of an eye.

What's more changeable is that every time after a serious injury, his gong will improve for a long time, and he is dying from a serious injury. As long as he takes enough tonics after the injury, his skill is even more awkward, which also allows him to develop a war. He has a desperate style. He likes fighting for his life most with injuries. What makes him strange is that every time he recovers from multiple injuries, he does not even leave a scar. A Tsang found that he has no calluses on his hands. This is also the case. the reason.

According to the classification of the realm that Bai Yu understands, Meng Qingyuan is now in the middle of the refining period. As long as some of the hidden old monsters in this world do not come out, they are basically invincible. A Tsanggu relies on brute force, blood courage and murder. Experience the fierce fighter who dominates the battlefield, but when he meets him, he can only be rubbed on the ground.

The silver-armored cavalry behind Meng Qingyuan also had a lot of background. They were all 14-five-year-olds selected by Meng Qingyuan from refugees. After six or seven years of training, they were already very useful at this time, and he collected a lot of martial arts. The cheats, after screening, finally set Hunyuan Gong for them to practice. The strongest one has reached the level of the Qi refining period. People say that the master of martial arts is no match for the enemy on the battlefield. That is because the master of martial arts usually What you practice is all one-on-one confrontation, and you need to have a good-looking posture, and also require as little damage as possible, and a variety of dodge and move postures; and the battlefield is full of enemy knives and spears, how can there be anything for you to move? room? You can only rely on your colleagues to fight against other enemies. Everyone is using the fastest speed to solve the enemy, so the moves are all powerful, open and close, and there is no beauty at all; and the silver armour is This kind of warrior based on the concept of battlefield fighting and added to the true energy of the master of martial arts, such a group of warriors who are ordered and prohibited, meets ordinary soldiers, even if they are ten times higher, they can kill a diagonally opposite corner.

Meng Qingyuan's left-handed knife and right-handed pistol, stabs and slashes all the way, half-pillar incense kung fu, before his eyes, he had completely killed the enemy line, and he ran for more than ten steps. When he looked back, there was a piece of silver armor in front of him, but his own silver armor. The army followed through the formation. Everyone's steel armor was stained with blood. He smiled and said, "Brothers! Can you still have the strength to rush with me again?"

All the silver armour soldiers slammed their promise. Meng Qingyuan pulled the reins, the horses under his hips made a long hiss, the front hoofs raised, and the hind hoofs stepped a few steps, turning the direction behind him, and the front hoofs crashed to the ground: "Kill with me!"

At this time, Ah Tsang was skeptical about life. How could these Nanbans be completely different from what he had encountered? One by one on the battlefield, the mace, which had been invincible in the past, was completely useless against their ordinary pewter spears. In the past, they were always hit with one stick, which forced them to parry, but under parry, the guns and people were beaten into a pile of rotten meat. At this time, these silver armored soldiers had their long spears as flexible as boneless. Roubian made a blood hole in his body, and these soldiers are all powerful and need to be hard-wired. They only took the tip of the gun, and the mace was led to the side, and finally hit a stick, those silver The armored soldier only spouted blood, and continued to pierce with a grimly spear...

"They are demons! They are not humans!" A faint sense of fear grew in A Tsanggu's heart.

At this time, Assanggu tried his best to relieve his whole body and paid some small injuries. He finally blocked the silver armored rider's charge, turned the horse's head, and screamed bitterly: It turned out that the ground was full of corpses of barbarians and empty horses. Only a few silver-armored soldiers fell to the ground; he whistled, and the remaining soldiers approached him. At this time, he heard the young general yell three more words: "Kill me!"

He also plucked up the courage to roar: "Kill him! One hundred bounty! Ten female slaves! One thousand sheep!"

The brutal soldiers suddenly turned red, and screamed and screamed.

This time Meng Qingyuan saw clearly that Ah Tsang didn't die after a charge? He was quite surprised. When he rushed, he went towards Assaku with special attention. At this time, Assaku's mind was the same as him, and the two rushed towards each other in unison.

The horseshoe rumbling, the two quickly approached, Ah Tsang smiled on his bloodstained face, and wailed strangely in his mouth. The mace wheel was like a windmill. When it was still seven or eight steps away, he suddenly dropped his hand and threw it away!

Meng Qingyuan was startled, but his hands kept on. The long spear that was originally held firmly could only change the holding posture, and picked it up against the mace. The head of the spear sank, and the spear had touched the mace: "This is good. Great force!"

I sighed in my heart, and when I picked it up, the mace flew up obliquely, swept an arc and fell, and immediately knocked down a silver armored horse more than ten meters behind him.

"Good thief!" Meng Qingyuan raised his sword eyebrows, and the long knife in his hand swept across with a whimper. A Tsanggu had also removed the saber hanging on the saddle and blocked it.

A sneer appeared on Meng Qingyuan's face, and the long knife retracted for a point. Assailant was completely blank. He had cut off the long knife and swiped across the horse's neck at Assaggu. The horse's head slammed into Assag's chest... …He was knocked down again, Meng Qingyuan was slightly regretful, his luck was so good, and he was killed without a single blow! I stopped thinking about it, and rushed forward.

A barbarian slave's mace swept across in his left hand. Meng Qingyuan leaned back and stretched out his left hand. When the mace passed in front of him, the long knife also cut open the brutal slave's waist with the momentum. Suddenly, blood It broke out, and a bunch of colorful intestines were thrown out from the horse. The barbarian screamed while trying hard to get his intestines back. Unexpectedly, he got wrapped around the horse's hind legs. He immediately fell to the ground with the man and the horse, and was trampled twice by the Silver Armored Army and other barbarians. There was no sound after the next.

Amidst Meng Qingyuan’s light, his right hand guard suddenly disappeared. When he looked back, it was a barbarian with his mace head severed. He jumped up from the horse and threw his right hand guard and fell under the horse, but However, he was stabbed and crossed by the guard. The guard was stomped twice by the horse in the back, spitting out blood, and finally stood up, and the guy in the back stretched out his hand and pulled him up. After the horse, the two rode together and continued to rush.

Meng Qingyuan smiled when he saw him out of danger: "Good boy!"

Those who can be his personal guards are the strongest in the silver armor. This guard is also one of the few breakthroughs in the refining period. Thanks to this kind of plate armor that uses hydraulic power to stamp and form, it does not step on it. The head and limbs didn’t make him unable to get up. During the riding battle, he fell off the horse when rushing into battle. Most likely it was a dead word. The comrades in the back grabbed him and brought him on the horse. It was also his good luck. .

After smashing through the enemy line again, leaving behind a place of enemy corpses, Meng Qingyuan couldn't help but let out a long roar, his blood surging, and the silver armored cavalry behind him also roared. They have never seen such a southerner, who has not lost the strength and courage of the Mobei man, and even... they seem to be stronger! From the vast majority of the corpses on the ground are barbaric slaves, a few silver armored horses can tell.

At this moment, there was a long horn from the barbarian camp.

Meng Qingyuan had already consulted the veteran about the horn of the barbarian, and understood that it was an order for the barbarian to retreat, and smiled disdainfully at the corner of his mouth: "Trash!"

Ah Tsang was already cowardly towards Meng Qingyuan. At this time, he heard the sound of the horn, a boulder fell in his heart, and a whistle sounded. The surviving wild rider approached him and turned his horse's head towards the camp. At this time, Meng Qingyuan was Yelled: "Arrow!"

The silver armored riders took their bows in their hands, bent their bows and set up their arrows, nearly two thousand arrows swept across the sky, and suddenly, the barbarians screamed and fell.

Assagul took the reins and turned his head: "Nanban! You are so shameless! He attacked us unexpectedly! Not a real man!"

Meng Qingyuan smiled and said: "You savage slaves, do you still have to be moral when fighting with you? You rob me of the wealth of the Central Plains, and kill me the people of the Central Plains just want to face it?"

Ah Tsang said angrily: "Above the battlefield, we need to be upright! You take advantage of us to turn around, it is a sneak attack!"

Meng Qingyuan stopped laughing: "Man slaves! You beasts that can't even be called, what morality do you tell you? If someone thinks me wrong, what should I be afraid of? As long as I can kill all of you beasts! I don’t care even if the people of the world scold me for not being ethical! Is it right? Come on, Wu Naman slave, dare to fight me for life and death!?"

Ah Tsang suffocated. If my special mother can beat you, what can I do with you?

He roared: "I am the general under the seat of Yuji Khan, the captain of the ten thousand captain, and I have a distinguished status. What qualifications do you have to fight with me?"

At this time, the horn sounded again, and A Tsanggu said: "Nanman! I cherish your bravery, so I won't chase you down. You should surrender to my Yuji Khan as soon as possible! Keep you prosperous! My little Khan King is urging me to return to camp again. , Fight again next time!"

Meng Qingyuan waved his hand impatiently: "Hurry up and get away, I think you are also terrified, and you have killed my sword. Go back and take two more medicines to suppress the shock and regulate qi. Next time you will be courageous and confront me again. "

Suddenly, the silver armored horses burst into laughter.

The side where Ah Tsang was still intact blushed for a while, and he tried desperately but was afraid that it was not Meng Qingyuan's opponent, snorted, took the reins and turned around.

Meng Qingyuan shouted violently: "Let it go!"

Ah Tsang trembled all over and groaned in his heart. This Nanban was too shameless to do it again and again.

Who knows that Meng Qingyuan continued: "Heart go! I won't shoot you anymore!"


"Ho **** ho ho..."

"Ha ha ha..."

The silver armored riders laughed together, and a few almost fell off their horses.

There were corpses everywhere on the battlefield. Under the battlefield, it was difficult to find whole corpses, either broken or broken. There were more than twenty fallen horses and silver riders. Some of them were only seriously injured, but twelve people had stopped breathing.

The silver-armored riders unscrupulously inspected the savage slaves, and saw that there were alive, and stabbed them to death. The savage slaves who had gone far looked angrily at them cutting off the dead's head, but did not dare to rush back again, thinking: "Khan King has called us to withdraw our troops, it's not that we dare not fight..."

The Silver Armored Cavalry had beheaded more than 400 in this battle, and lost 12 people in their own family. It was a great victory. After returning to the army, the 463 people were seen in the palace. They cheered and their morale was greatly boosted. More than 400 people set up a small Jingguan, and a monument was erected next to it: "On the second day of December in the nineteenth year of Xingli, Meng Qingyuan and his silver armoured gang killed 463 slaves, and twelve died. Note: Gu Xiaoniu, Feng Alin..."My dream can come true, the latest chapter address: https://www.mtlnovel. com/book/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Full text reading address: /read/162987/My dream can come true txt download link: /162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 523 Jing View) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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