My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 552: Bored by a bite

"This great power mentioned that it is the Sky Swallowing Beast... Is that the thing we saw earlier?" Bai Yu asked.

"Yes, and, Bai Yu, you have made a fortune again!" Er Yatou's eyes lit up. Recently, Bai Yu, you have made a fortune again, these words almost made Bai Yu hear her ears.

"What kind of money? See you are happy." Bai Yu was thinking about how to leave this strange space, and asked smoothly.

"Sky-swallowing beasts can swallow the world, this thing you receive is actually the core of the world!" Er Yatou said proudly.

"The core of the world? Just this thing?" Bai Yu took out the dozens of crystals, suspended them in the air, and observed them carefully.

"I guess so, the legendary world nuclei can swallow each other to form a more advanced world nucleus!" Er Yatou said.

"Even if it is upgraded to an advanced world core, what good will it do for us?" Bai Yu asked.

"You are stupid! If you find a middle-thousand world, you can use the core of the world to swallow and upgrade it! Upgrade to a large-thousand world, use your blood to feed these world cores, and when they are upgraded, they will naturally fight Your bloodline should be! It's equivalent to your private world! Isn't it enough for you?" The second girl was angry.

Bai Yu asked: "What level of world core is this?"

The second girl said, "I haven't seen the core of the world, I don't know."

Bai Yu said again: "So how many nuclear energies of this world form a higher-level world nucleus?"

The second girl shook her head: "I don't know. Hey, what are your eyes! How about the core of the world, do you think it is too small? The core of the world should be a very valuable thing, why do you look impatient?"

Bai Yu said distressed: "I also know that the core of the world is definitely a good thing. The key is that we should find a way to get out of here now, and then find Haogang Star. The evil demon is in Haogang Star, I can't worry about it!"

The second girl responded with a three-shot combo: "Do you know how to leave? Are you capable of leaving? Have you ever beaten that demon?"

Bai Yu said distressedly: "I understand what you said, but Haogang Star is in danger. You let me hunt for treasures here, and I still have a little conscience."

The second girl shrugged: "I'm not a human being. I don't know what conscience is. Anyway, you can't live without it. Let's look for opportunities here. I don't know when I will leave."

Bai Yu sighed: "That's all."

The second girl said: "I don't know how big this space is, so let's use the Zhenfeng Tower. Anyway, it will be much faster than your Royal Sword."

After the two people had agreed, they once again drove the Zhenfeng Tower and chose a random direction to move forward. Although it was a random choice, the second girl still recorded the route and coordinates in detail.

In this way, one person, one bird, one intelligence, wandering in the beast market for half a month, finally, I encountered another sky-swallowing beast that was also in tatters. This sky-swallowing beast was far less decayed than the first one. When I met, Bai Yu took out more than two hundred world cores in its belly.

And the first batch of world nuclei, except the one that can absorb the nuclei of other worlds, all have become gloomy, and the size of the thumb has become only the size of rice grains, and the one that is swallowing the nuclei of other worlds , It becomes dark and translucent, and some gloss is revealed.

Bai Yu continued to move forward. Along the way, after a month, a half and a month, he could receive dozens of hundreds of world nuclei. Unconsciously, Bai Yu collected thousands of world nuclei, and that The nucleus of the world that was being swallowed, the color actually became lighter, turning into a purple light, and you knew it was extraordinary at first glance.

A blink of an eye, more than half a year later, Bai Yu's second girl didn't know where she was now. Although the second girl never gave up recording the route and coordinates, it seems that the world has no rules at all, and even the space seems to be constant. When the displacement occurred, Bai Yu felt a sense of despair in his heart: Is it possible that Haogang's own self will end up in this strange space forever?

He even thought, it really can't... end his life in this world? But thinking of my teacher, lover, and friend in Haogang World, I couldn't do anything about it.

"It's really impossible to mix first, at least, I can still ask Master Zhuang Zhou in the real world, maybe he has a way! He can do it all around the world, I don't know how to break the barriers of this world and remove me from this weird space. Can it be done?"

Flying in this space unchangingly and aimlessly, no wonder Bai Yu was anxious. If it weren't for Er Yatou and Little Golden Crow, Bai Yu probably would be going crazy.

"Bai Yu, one hundred and seventy kilometers ahead, there should be a Sky Swallowing Beast!" Er Yatou said excitedly.

"Girl, we have collected so many cores of the world, what else are you so excited about?" Bai Yu muttered.

"Treasure! Don't you think it feels very fulfilling to take out the treasure in danger by yourself?" Er Yato asked rhetorically.

"I know, it's almost the same as the feeling of the prodigal maidens chopping hands and demolition express delivery." Bai Yu nodded.

"Cut, you are starting to say some weird things... Hey, that's not right, Bai Yu, look, this Heaven-swallowing beast... how does it seem to be alive?" The second girl said strangely.

"Alive?" Bai Yu said strangely.

"Yeah! No matter how I look at it, I think it's not dead yet?" Er Yatou led out the image.

The whole body of the devil fish is transparent, and at this moment, what looks like a forehead, there is something in its body that is beating rhythmically. At this moment, it seems that the devil fish has discovered the Zhenfeng Tower and slowly turned its body around. Two small eyes seemed to be watching Zhenfeng Tower.

Bai Yu glanced at the second girl and screamed: "Run!"

The second girl panicked: "Where are you going?"

Bai Yu said anxiously: "I'll take care of where you go! Anyway, fast..."

Before Bai Yu finished speaking, a large force restrained the Zhenfeng Tower. Even if Bai Yu launched the Zhenfeng Tower, he couldn't move away from it, and slowly approached the Sky-Swallowing Beast.

After a few breaths, there was a burst of light in front of me...

The Zhenfeng Tower descended from the sky and landed on the ground with a thud.

"Where is this place?" Bai Yu released his spiritual thoughts out of the tower, but it was a wilderness, but his spiritual thoughts swept far away in a blink of an eye. It turned out to be a desolate planet without even life.

He stood up, escaped from the tower, and immediately found that the situation was not right. Bai Yu only felt that his whole body was tied, and it was extremely difficult to move.

"Er girl, what is this place? Could it be a trap!?" Bai Yu asked in surprise.

The second girl also screamed: "Where do I know! Have we been swallowed by the Heaven-Swallowing Beast?"

Bai Yu said: "How is it possible? There is no visceral stomach pouch here!"

Before Bai Yu moved his hand, he felt a ripple in the space and exhaled. Suddenly, not only did the space tremble in front of him, but even fine cracks were formed out of nothing!

Bai Yu didn't move quickly, and the space slowly recovered. Even so, there was still a small electric light flashing in the previously damaged place.

It seems that Little Golden Crow also felt very uncomfortable, fluttered his wings, and made a long chirp. Then, there was a intensive clicking sound, and Bai Yu quickly stopped: "Xiao Jin, don't move."

Xiaojin felt a little loose after the long cry. After listening to Bai Yu's words, he really kept his mouth and wings flapping motionless, but Bai Yu's burst of shouting made the entire space collapsed, the earth shattered and the crust was deformed and squeezed. There is even magma gushing out from the earth!

The second girl said in a low voice, "Bai Yu, don't move, slow down, slow down."

Bai Yu also whispered, "Where is this, why is it so vulnerable?"

The second girl smiled bitterly: "I guess we really entered the belly of the Heaven-Swallowing Beast. This is probably the world in its belly. However, this world is so fragile that it should be a small thousand world."

Bai Yu wanted to exclaim, but suddenly remembered that this world is extremely fragile, so he silenced his voice and said calmly, "How can we come to the little world?"

Er Yatou said: "The sky-swallowing beast feeds on the world. Isn't it normal to have the Little Thousand World in its stomach? After we are swallowed by it, we enter the Little Thousand World. This logic makes sense."

Bai Yu said anxiously: "If you are right, the question is how do we leave now?"

The highest limit in the world of Zhongqian is the strength of the Yuan Ying level, and it can’t carry it for too long. Bai Yu enters the world of Xiaoqian with the realm of distraction, just like a strong man stepping on soft tofu, with the tremendous power of his gestures, it is possible to make this world at any time Unbearable and falling apart.

The second girl said: "I guess don't do the best thing. When the world finds that it can't hold you and can't kill you, it will find a way to let you go."

"You mean the way of heaven in this world?" Bai Yu asked.

The second girl said: "As long as there is a complete world, there will be heaven..."

Bai Yu asked: "Then why doesn't it appear yet?"

The second girl said: "You almost ruined this planet with your breath. I guess the heaven and earth in this world, are you scared?"

At this moment, there was a sudden surging cloud in the sky, and in an instant, the planet with a thin atmosphere was shrouded in darkness.

Far away, a dull rolling thunder came from the sky.

Bai Yu suddenly sensed in his spiritual thoughts that there seemed to be some existence that was paying attention to him.

He said to Er Yatou: "I'm just talking about the way of heaven, this way of heaven is going to... use heaven to punish me?"


The thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and a thunderbolt came down. The purple was black and fell straight on top of Bai Yu's head. Xiao Jin Wu and Bai Yu received the blow together.

"Tweet?" Little Golden Crow made a suspicious voice, because the mighty thunder and lightning fell on it, not even a single hair was injured.

Bai Yu said: "I have a few cores of the world here to give you, can you send us out of your world?"

With that said, Bai Yu took out three world cores.

The nucleus of the world actually violated the rules of gravity and slowly floated up, as if something was breaking them down, swaying black powdery spots of light around, slowly getting smaller and smaller.

"Another person." A voice rang from the bottom of Bai Yu's heart.

"Heaven?" Bai Yu asked.

"I will send you away now, please don't destroy this world, the core of the world...Thank you." said the heavenly way of this world. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 552 is bored by a mouthful), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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