My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 555: White eyebrows

This monk is losing the magic weapon and losing the spirit stone, saving a bunch of descendants. The key is that he doesn't want to lose any money for these people. Under the madness, how can he manage the descendants of the undesired?

Turning over and letting these "descendants" dig for themselves is also a matter of course, but the spirit stones in this mine are already close to exhaustion, how many spirit stones can be dug out? Moreover, due to the subsidence of the terrain, it was difficult to find this mine again and dig it through. The veins of the spirit stone have sunk a lot. After digging for a long time, the monk almost turned his face, and then dug out a low-grade spirit stone, Miao Xian. Only then was it certain that he did not dig wrong.

After all the requests, I finally made the monk calmer, and saved the lives of the remaining teachers and brothers in Baimaguan (Tang). They were not killed by him, but today, I finally dug the sinking veins, monk. I am overjoyed, inadvertently revealing that they intend to dig away the mine mother. Miao Xian and others, who know the current situation of the Haogang star, hope that this mine mother can improve his cultivation level, and can only leave this planet if he breaks through to the Nascent Soul Realm. Arriving in Taixu, even if it is to find a planet and build a cave mansion, it is better than waiting for death on Haogang Star, isn't it?

As long as there is a mine mother, the chances of entering the Nascent Soul Realm in the Golden Core Realm are greatly increased. Even if there are a few brothers in the same class, that is the division of their own brothers, not the outsiders. Of course, these are just a few people in the White Horse Hall. As I thought, why did the monk give the mine mother to these ineffective juniors? Besides, one's own cultivation is far better than these small golden core cultivators. It takes only a word to kill them. The monk just wanted to let them do hard work and didn't bother to care about them.

But at this time, the monk found something wrong, and there was a faint fragrance in the air.

He suddenly realized that someone must have approached:

"Someone hides their heads and shows their tails!"

He slapped it with a palm, and suddenly slapped a large piece of corner at the corner.

If Gong Yuanxia and Feng Li didn't prevent him from suddenly attacking, they jumped away. In this mine, Miao Xian and others also inserted torches on the mountain wall, and they saw clearly through the faint flame.

"The palace... the great elder save us!" Miao Xian said anxiously.

The monk sneered and said, "I mean I smelled a fragrance of daughters, it turned out to be two great beauties."

Gong Yuanxia said, "I have seen fellow Daoists, but I don't know how the assigned elders of my Qingling Sword Sect have offended fellow Daoists, and fellow Daoists let them do such a lowly job?"

It turns out that these monks in the White Horse Hall were stripped of only a pair of calf shorts, and the ankles were still tied with iron chains. At this time, the laws were chaotic. No monks could easily take the air, and they could not easily escape with their fetters. If Feng Li is much younger, she can't help but look at her nose, her nose, and her heart. She doesn't dare to look up easily. Gong Yuanxia's cultivation and knowledge are far better than Feng Liruo. For her, there is only a sword in her life. Men and women are different from this kind of problem, and she has no interest at all. Seeing the almost naked Miao Xian and others, her eyes are nothing but walking flesh.

The monk said: "The deity came to his white horse to observe and visit friends, who would have encountered the catastrophe of this day, and blocked the calamity for these juniors. Not only did it damage an important magic weapon of the deity, but also the spirit stone on the deity. It's exhausted, you can ask them if you don't believe me, is the deity's words half untrue?"

Gong Yuanxia frowned and turned to ask Miao Xian, "Elder Miao, is that so?"

Miao Xian said: "This predecessor is not bad, but he wants to..."

The monk stared and said: "Shut up! When I started the formation, several of you made various promises to make up for the loss of the deity, but then they evasively evasive. Can the monk repent casually when he speaks?"

Miao Xian said: "We were going to send all the middle-grade and high-grade spirit stones in this vein to the seniors. Basically, they are also the spirit stones that can make up for the consumption of the seniors. There are no juniors. The seniors' formation is also necessary, right? Moreover, there were many cracks in the formation, and sooner or later, it was the damage. How can the seniors count the loss of the formation on the younger generations? What's more, if the seniors want to take away the mine mother, wouldn’t it be my Baimatang? Inheritance of this, breaking the path of the younger generation?"

Gong Yuanxia nodded, understanding what happened, and then turned to ask: "What do you call this fellow Taoist?"

The monk walked to the bright spot: "The deity is a pure disciple, and the mountains and wilds are free to cultivate, and it is not enough."

When everyone had light, they did not replace their eyes and ears with divine thoughts. At this time, Gong Yuanxia could see that she was a Taoist priest with all white eyebrows, all white hair, and no beard. Although his head was full of white hair, his face looked very young. His eyes are piercing, his nose is straight, and his lips are smeared. He is a handsome Taoist priest. He wears a light gray robe, and there is nothing strange about it, but he looks very clean and tidy in this dusty mine.

Gong Yuanxia said, "Fellow Daoist Jingli, is there anything wrong with what these Daoists in my door said?"

Taoist Jingli sneered: "There is nothing wrong, but, for help, is there anything wrong with me taking this mine mother away?"

Gong Yuanxia said: "If it were before the catastrophe, of course there was nothing wrong with it. It was just a mineral vein, but after the catastrophe, this vein belonged to my Azure Spirit Sword Sect, but we didn't dare to be so generous. Resources are scarce. My Azure Spirit Sword Sect still raises tens of thousands of people. If there is no spirit stone to support the formation, all these people will die in the cold wind, so the poor dare not give up this mine mother.

Jingli laughed loudly: "Tens of thousands of people? Monks serve the people? Are you mad? Those worms and ants-like untouchables? Is your Qingling Sword Sect who opened a shantang?"

Gong Yuanxia shook her head and said, "In case the number of monks is not as good as the ordinary people, in the future, the blood of Haogang will have to be passed on by these people, so I have to protect it."

Jingli received the laughter, he had never thought about the far-reaching problem. He was originally a fairly pure monk. What is a fairly pure monk? He just wanted to see himself for a long time, although he was also afraid of cause and effect, and he didn't want to kill people indiscriminately. He does not bully ordinary people, but he is very close to his own path. As long as it is related to his own practice, he has never said humbly, and he will do some good deeds due to happiness. If you use the design in Western games To be sure, it was a chaotic and orderly camp, but it was about the blood inheritance of Haogang Star, so he couldn't help but think about it.

For a moment, his white eyebrows were raised upside down: "Almost bluffed by you! I am a spiritual practitioner who has a fart related to the humanity inheritance? If I die and die, what does it matter to me? If I ascend to the upper realm, I won't be able to return, Guan What's wrong with me? I'm sure to win this mine mother, you two Kunxiu quickly leave! Don't be here, don't worry about the deity, Xiu Dao deity does not have the heart to pity and cherish jade!"

Gong Yuanxia put her hand on the hilt and said sternly: "Fellow Daoist, are you planning to have a fight with us?"

Jingli Bai's eyebrows raised: "Is the Daoist a sword repairer? The deity has seen a lot of sword repairs in his life, and I don't know how your friend's swordsmanship is?"

Gong Yuanxia said: "Sword repair never keeps his hands when fighting with others. If a fellow Taoist is determined to fight against the poor Dao, he must be careful that the poor Dao cannot keep his hands."

Jingli shook his head and said: "I know that Jian Xiu is best at fighting people who leapfrog. It's just that fellow Taoists have forgotten. Is there another kind of monk who is also good at fighting people who leapfrog?"

Gong Yuanxia shook her head and said: "No matter what the daoists say, the smallpox is chaotic, this mine mother dare not give in."

Jingli sighed and said: "It's okay, but the deity still wants to make a splash. I don't know if your friends dare to follow?"

Gong Yuanxia said: "Daoists don't need to use extreme methods. Poor Dao is not greedy. If Poor Dao is lucky enough to win a trick, please don't embarrass us."

Jingli smiled and said: "You should not think too much of yourself. There is an old saying: "Don't pull away from the arrow path, let alone reason with the swordsman. If you encounter the way of formation Brother, just hit it, don't let him talk.'"

Gong Yuanxia's face changed, and she said, "A burst."

Previously, when Gong Yuanxia and Feng Liruo came in, it was a passage where only people could stand and walk, but Miao Xian and others dug this place into a huge hollow, just like a huge square, and Jingli didn’t know when. , The formation has been set up at the exit of this passage, trapping Gong Yuanxia in the formation.

Jingli touched her nose and looked at Gong Yuanxia, ​​who had already drawn her sword in the formation, and said, "I have laid out this formation for a few days, but it was not when I was talking to you. Don't be afraid, as long as I give up, I will do it. Let you go, mine mother is related to my practice, and I must not let it go. Fellow Daoists should not cut my path."

Several Chilongs faintly appeared in this formation. Chilong was one of the nine sons of true dragons. The dragon had no horns, big mouth and huge belly, and was good at protecting water.

"Nine Chi true water formation, if Fellow Daoist can't hold it, he will call the deity." Jing Lipi said with a smile.

This is the formation amulet made by Jingli using nine kinds of real water. It is extremely cold and pure. As soon as the formation is activated, these looming Chilong Dragon mouths began to emit cold air, and Gong Yuanxia trembled from the cold.

Miyamoto Xia choked and drew out her portable sword. This sword was only used by Miyamoto Xia's sword in the air. It was good in terms of speed, but it was not a Tai Chi sword. In terms of attack, it was of course normal Yuan Feijian is the most powerful natal sword that turns into a sword energy to swim through the meridians and becomes a long sword after leaving the body. However, before discovering the emptiness and reality of this pure separation, Gong Yuanxia is unwilling to use it as soon as it comes. A lot of essence and time have only been repaired, the invisible sword 炁 of life.

Jingli really has experience fighting with Jian Xiu, and sneered at this moment: "This deity, the Nine Chichi True Water Array, once activated, the movement of spiritual power will slow down. Daoist will use a portable sword to fight against the deity? Sure enough, it is Jian Xiu. , This arrogance just rises into the sky."

Gong Yuanxia said coldly: "Naturally use it when it's time to use it. Fellow Taoists don't worry."

At this time, Gong Yuanxia had already aroused the protective sword Gang. Although the chills emitted by these Chilong dragons were terrible, the temperature in the entire mine fell, but under the protective sword Gang, Gong Yuanxia Not afraid, Yi Jian slashed at Chi Long who was deceiving him and wanted to breathe cold. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 555 Baimei Jingli) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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