My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 560: Twin babies

After the death of the unknown monk, Bai Yu took back all his relics scattered in the universe.

"Murder and set fire to the gold belt, it really didn't lie!"

What Bai Yu didn't know was that this fat and ugly gray robe had already abandoned himself since he knew that he had no hope of crossing the Tribulation. In the universe, he did not know how many monks had been killed by the Tribulation, and his cultivation level at this time had reached the peak of his current cultivation. The state is waiting for the body to decay again, and then find a suitable body to seize the house. After retaking the house, it may even be repaired again. Therefore, the accumulation of resources is more important than anyone else, not only carrying a lot of spiritual stones, There are magic weapons that can be used in various realms of Tiancai Dibao, and there are even several other treasure houses, respectively on Haogang, Taiyin and the other two planets. These are all recorded in jade slips. When Bai Yu was checking the spoils , I found this piece of information in the jade slip. Obviously, these resources are all named Bai, and what surprised Bai Yu’s snack is that after killing this unknown monk, he actually added a little more. Merit.

"Bai Yu, I have made a fortune!" Er Yatou smiled so hard that she couldn't see her, and she didn't know why she was so greedy for money.

Bai Yu took out two spirit fruits in his hand, divided one to the little golden crow, and snapped on himself.

"We are now trying to find a way to find Haogang Star, and by the way, see if there is a chance to complete the promotion of the big world." Bai Yu said while gnawing.

Er Yatou looked envious, she is a spirit, there is no physical body to swallow food.

"We currently have no reference." Er Yatou said.

"Tweet! Tweet!" Little Golden Crow yelled anxiously.

Bai Yu said strangely: "What do you want to say?"

Little Golden Crow jumped off Baiyu's head and pulled something out of the pile of trophies.

Bai Yu and Er Yatou looked intently, and it turned out that it was a dark, metal and nonmetal object.

Bai Yu made a move, and the thing fell into his hand: "Is this... good?"

Little Golden Crow's voice was hurried, and he bounced and called: "Chweh!"

Bai Yu looked at the thing carefully again and found that it was not black, but in the deep purple, very close to black: "You said, this is what you want me to take from the place where the sun star explodes? This is nothing unusual. What's the use of...?"

Little Golden Crow seemed very excited, and fluttered hard with only fluffy wings.

"The purple qi of the Sun Star condenses into lump?" Bai Yu hesitated. The thing in his hand is really nothing to sell, and the color is not beautiful. After burning, it fell on the ground casually and condensed into a mass of iron.

Little Golden Crow jumped back on top of Bai Yu's head very dissatisfied, and pecked him on the head.

"Oh! It hurts! Well, I didn't say no! I just don't understand how this thing is formed, what's the use?" Bai Yu asked.

"It contains a very strong anger, whether it is animals or plants, it has a miraculous effect in promoting growth and healing injuries?" Bai Yu said strangely.

"Cut a small piece and soak in water with wolfberry is the gospel of middle-aged and elderly people?" Bai Yu had a black line.

"Do I use this me?" Although Bai Yu was very dissatisfied that the little life conceived by him put himself in the ranks of middle-aged and old people, he still knew that this thing was precious, and it was inconvenient to negate Xiao Jinwu's good intentions, so he would take it Up.

Little Golden Crow screamed even more urgently, and repeatedly pecked on Bai Yu's head several times.

Bai Yu clutched the painful place on the top of his head: "What else is there?"

Little Jin Wu repeatedly screamed, and Bai Yu finally realized: "You said this is for me... the same person who came out of my body? Isn't it Yuan Ying? You don't have the word Yuan Ying in this bird language, bad review. "

Bai Yu trusts Xiao Jin Wu very much. What does his daughter do not believe? Thinking of this, Bai Yu couldn't help but feel a little headache. It's been a long time since she seems to have accepted that this little thing was bred by herself, which is equivalent to the setting of her own blood. This can be...

Bai Yu sat cross-legged, Yuan Ying stood out from his body, and the little Jin Wu tweeted with joy.

Bai Yu's Yuan Ying picked up this black thing that never slipped into the autumn.

But what I never expected was that Bai Yu had just got this thing called Ziqizhi by Xiao Jinwu. This Ziqizhi was actually stuck to Yuanying’s hand, and even a strange wave came out of Ziqizhi. The strength of the drill went into Yuanying's hands.

Bai Yu's Nascent Soul was already under the control of Bai Yu's Soul, his face changed, and he wanted to get rid of the Ziqizhi, but Ziqizhi seemed to grow into one with the palm of his hand, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't get rid of it.

Yuan Ying was tied to Bai Yu's cultivation base. At this time, a foreign power invaded, scaring Bai Yu to the sky. What is this going to do!

"Xiaojin! You are going to kill me!" Bai Yu said angrily.

"Tweet?" Little Jin Wu tilted his head to look at Bai Yu's Yuan Ying, his eyes seemingly incomprehensible.

A large amount of Ziqizhi's power invaded Baiyu's Nasal Infant, and even the entire Nasal Infant gradually turned purple from normal skin color.

Bai Yu's Yuan Ying closed his eyes in agony, "I don't want to be the purple potato essence of Thanos!"

However, Bai Yu Yuanying tried everything he could to keep this power out of the body, but he did nothing. This power seemed to have a very high affinity with Bai Yu’s power. The purple in Yuan Ying’s hand Qi Zhi was getting smaller and smaller, and the last little bit was not left, all of it was transformed into the Baiyu Yuanying, and the whole Yuanying was dyed deep purple.

After this power entered Bai Yu's body, it began to slowly grow again. Yes, that's right, it was growing. It began to extract some power from Bai Yu Yuanying and his body!

"This is... extracting the power of the sun?" Bai Yu suddenly realized in his heart.

"The power of the sun is in my power system... it doesn't seem to be particularly important. Taking it away makes me purer, and it's not a bad thing... Wait! Why did it get into the Yuan Ying? The Yuan Ying is mine. The most important one in the power system! It's over..."

Bai Yu, who doesn't know what the good fortune or misfortune is, is so depressed, it seems that he has "born" a cheating "daughter"! !

Yuan Ying took the sun **** blood and sun **** power from his body, and there was no feeling of incompatibility with that Ziqi Zhi. However, the good times did not last long, and after a few breaths, Bai Yu's Yuan Ying suddenly felt a sharp pain.

This pain is something that Bai Yu has never experienced. If he knows that it is a sharp pain from the depths of the soul, even far more than the pain of being attacked by the "soul thorn", he will be able to understand why people attacked by such souls. Suddenly, his face was earthy, and he couldn't scream, because at this moment, the severe pain would make people forget the existence of the physical body, and the whole world was filled with severe pain.

But the pain now was six or seven times as high as that of the previous gray robe, and Yuan Ying's eyes lost their expression, as if frozen by the extreme cold.

The second girl was so anxious that she jumped around: "Xiaojin! What did you do for Bai Yu!?"

She is connected with Bai Yu's soul, and naturally knows Bai Yu's current situation. She is Bai Yu's life creation (magic weapon), and Bai Yu is closely related to her existence. At this time, Bai Yu is not right, and the second girl is almost crazy.

At this moment, Bai Yu's Nascent Soul suddenly took a moment as if the video was affected by electromagnetic effects.

The second girl stopped with a cry.

The Yuan Ying spent a second time, and the second girl finally saw that it was not that Bai Yu.avi was affected by electromagnetic effects, but that there was a ghost! A purple Yuan Ying struggled to break free from the **** of the normal color Yuan Ying!

Er Yatou rubbed her eyes: "Shuang Yuan Ying? This purple...what's the situation?"

Little Jinwu cried triumphantly: "Tweet!"

Er Yatou certainly does not appear dizzy, she just expresses the human side through such actions and behaviors: "You said...this is not Yuan Ying? Isn't Yuan Ying, what is it?"

Finally, the purple and the normal color Yuanying can finally see the obvious overlap and dislocation. The purple Yuanying seems to be stuck in the sticky glue, and even pulls out a cheese-like adhesion between the normal color Yuanying.

Finally, after pulling for a long time, the two Yuan Ying finally separated.

The original color Yuanying returned to Bai Yu's body, and Bai Yu opened his eyes, looking at the purple Yuanying with a complicated expression.

"You've been planning your resurrection, right?" Bai Yu was silent for a long time before finally asking.

"I've never died, I just fell into a deep sleep." Purple Yuanying said.

Bai Yu took the little Golden Crow down. The little Golden Crow lightly pecked the fingers that pecked the white feather with his tender yellow beak, and looked at Bai Yu with bewildered eyes: "Tweet?"

Purple Nascent Soul smiled and said, "Don't blame her for this. It's just her instinct. As a daughter of the sun, she knows that this power is good for you, and she didn't even absorb it and gave it to you."

Bai Yu sighed and put Little Golden Crow back on his head: "But I don't like this feeling of being calculated."

Purple Yuan Ying smiled and said: "Why do you feel so weak? We are weak, we must learn to be a good pawn. Before you have the ability to resist, you must learn to save yourself so that you will not become a cannon fodder pawn. The one of value."

Bai Yu sneered and said: "I am me, I won't be anyone's pawn, I will be the final winner!"

Purple Yuan Ying smiled and said: "You don't have to be so angry, I just use your Yuan Ying, it won't bring you any... bad consequences, even you have taken a big advantage, you know, wait. If my consciousness disappears, you will have one more Shinto Infant, who are fellow practitioners of Shinto and Profound Sects. Tsk tsk, I really don’t know what kind of achievement you will achieve."

Bai Yu snorted and did not speak.

Purple Nascent Soul put away the smile on his face and said solemnly: "I heard that you have to keep in mind what I want to tell you next. I have spent a lot of hard time, even Stephan. Ni also fell into deep sleep before finally..."

Purple Nascent Soul suddenly sent a large piece of information to Bai Yu, and the expression on Bai Yu's face suddenly became frightened and panicked.

The purple soul infant breathed a long sigh: "Understood? We have made a major sacrifice. You are a part of this world. Don't think that you can be alone. The blame is on you for finding me."

Bai Yu gritted his teeth and said: "You really can look down on me! What kind of cultivation level do I have now? You put your hopes on me?"

The purple baby infant laughed and seemed to hear the funniest joke: "Put it on you? You too value yourself. You are a cannon fodder now on the battlefield... a piece of cannon fodder, what can you put on it? Don’t think about that much, tell him what I told you, even if you have completed the task, as for the rewards for you... Shuangyuanying, one of them is Shendaoyuanying, is that enough? I see how you are The elephant has gained the power of the world again, and it seems to be upgrading to his own world... Tsk tsk, maybe you are really the son of luck, okay, my power is going to run out, I have to leave, if I have time... …Come with me to talk."My dream can come true, the latest chapter address: https://www.mtlnovel. com/book/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Full text reading address: /read/162987/My dream can come true txt download link: /162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 560 Double Infant) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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