My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 569: Crash at the touch of a button

"According to Bai Yu from Gongmen that day, what evil spirits were there in the ground? Isn't it too dangerous for the head to tell us to dig down like this?"

It was a disciple of the Heluo Sect. Chu Zhonghang heard what Bai Yu said, and as Bai Yu said, it seems that even the ordinary people in the sect are somewhat unreliable in the no-fly situation, so he sent his disciples to dig. Look through the ground to see what's going on.

He was still acting steadily, knowing that the opening of the big formation was digging, so that no evil spirits would be released.

Another disciple replied: "With our Heluo Zong's evil suppression formation, what evil spirits are you afraid of?"

The monks are far beyond ordinary people in terms of physical strength and strength. Dozens of people dig underground and put the soil into storage equipment to take away. However, two or three hours, they dug seven or eight kilometers deep.

"It's weird, there is no water at such a depth?" A disciple stopped. Here, the cold air on the surface has no effect, and the temperature is slowly rising. At this time, the temperature has reached 60 or 70 degrees.

"Dig at speed, the head instructed to dig through before Bai Yu arrives." A disciple reminded.

"Dig through? Are you afraid that you are thinking too much? The Haogang star is so big, where do we dig through? Did digging until the magma erupts?" Another disciple stopped casting the spell and said sarcastically.

"The head has this idea, what can the disciples below us say? Execution." A disciple said helplessly.

"Bah!" Digging, one of the disciples was stunned for a while, as if something had exploded, but for a moment, he returned to normal and continued to dig.

Chu Zhonghang was also whimsical. In just one or two days, if it weren't a powerful shot, how could it be possible for these foundation-building and Jindan disciples to open up the mantle of the crust with a thickness of tens of thousands of kilometers!

Deeper underground.

Yuanwei chased the core of the earth and regarded it as a game of wits and courage. However, this game had the upper hand. No matter how hiding the core of the earth, it could only be captured by Yuanwei in the end. It just depends on the time. It's just long and short.

The slight vibration stopped Yuanwei's movements. He has now turned back into his body, like a gaseous octopus, with huge arms and legs. Each arm and leg are five or six kilometers thick, and they are hundreds of kilometers long. The main body of these arms and feet has reached a diameter of more than 800 kilometers.

On these arms and legs, there are densely packed mouthparts, which are consuming magma frantically.

The core of the earth's core is too small for the entire underground outer core, and for Yuanwei's body, it is avoiding the predation of the arms and feet like a fish, but the vibration makes Yuanwei focus on it. Outer layer.

"What are some small things digging?" Yuanwei placed a large number of seals in order to capture the core of the earth. These seals were formed by him, forming a large net in the earth's crust. Connected with his mind, a touch can make him aware of it.

"It's cooling down again? These little things are going to dig out the place to survive underground?" Yuan thought for a while, no longer caring, only let the seal that exploded and turned into black air into the disciple's body, sinking For several years underground, I don't know what happened to the human races on this planet. Although Yuanwei didn't think they had a chance to come back, watching these human races struggling to survive, the bleak life was also very pleasing.

A dull drum sound came from the direction of the high cave entrance.

All the disciples stopped unanimously: "I can finally go back!"

"Is this the leader giving up?"

"This is too terrible! Digging for a long time without digging out anything, will the head punish him?"

All the disciples rushed towards the hanger while talking. It was getting deeper and deeper, and it was too hard to climb up, so there was a winch at the entrance of the passage to take these disciples back to the ground.


"How are you doing? Is it going well?" Bai Yu communicated with several other people through the "base station" sprinkled all the way.

"Very well, most of them are willing to leave with us, and a small part of them are unwilling... I took coercive measures." Huang Zai said back.

"Me too." Sun Qiaoyin.

"Xiao Baiyu, don't worry." Ouyang Sanjian.

"I have another place. Bring the people there and we can go to the subspace."

Bai Yu looked at it again, and he had reached the location of Heluo Zong.

Landing the aircraft, Bai Yu jumped out of the aircraft: "Please see Tiangongmen Bai Yu!"

After a few breaths, Chu Zhonghang, who heard Bai Yu's voice, walked out, and said, "I have seen the head of Bai Yu!"

Bai Yu asked, "Head of Chu, how are you thinking about it?"

Chu Zhonghang said: "Haogang is our home star, just leave like this, I really don't want to be reconciled..."

Bai Yu interrupted him: "You would rather die here than leave? If you die here, what future does Heluozong have?"

Chu Zhonghang shook his head and said, "As for the underground evil spirits, the head of the White House may be a bit exaggerated, right?"

Bai Yu raised his eyebrows: "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

Chu Zhonghang didn't speak, but there was a smile on his face, a look that I had already seen through your mind.

This junior exaggerated the truth and deceived me, but just wanted to annex me like the people like Heluo Sect, and frighten me with a statement that has no evidence of each other? Seeing that Haogang Star's aura is getting stronger and stronger, and his cultivation is smooth, he is obviously a blessed place, but he still says there are demons in the ground?

Bai Yu is not stupid, the world belongs to his own secret, and no one is qualified to know it. Bai Yu is willing to share this secret with the Azure Spirit Sword Sect because the Azure Spirit Sword Sect has treated the people he brought with him kindly. Under the sweep of God’s thoughts, the number of more than 20,000 people has increased tremendously, and all of them do not look like suffering. In addition, the relationship between Mo Baiyi and him, so in order to win such a "major faction", he must take out something. Attitude comes.

And a sect like Heluo Zong is not worth his heavy bet.

Bai Yu snorted coldly, turned and left, die if you want to die, these cultivators have a high regard for themselves, and it's boring to talk too much.

"Huh, the stinky kid got the position of the head of Tiangongmen, thinking he can order the world?" An elder standing behind Chu Zhonghang sneered.

The other elder also looked disdainful: "I, Heluo Zong is famous for the formations, and we stand up to the great formations, even if the sky falls and the flow of fire, we can also stop it, what can this kid do besides speaking harshly?"

Chu Zhonghang was contented, he only felt that even if the Tiangongmen took Heluozong's guardian formation, Heluozong seemed to be on a par with the Tiangongmen.

A faint black air has already invaded his body.

Bai Yu's cultivation naturally heard these sour words clearly, and his figure stopped.

"Oh, what we said offended people!"

"I'm a guest from afar, don't be rude to distinguished guests!" Chu Yuanhang yelled softly, then looked up again:

"Bai Sect, I should have opened the mountain gate to welcome the White Sect to send me as a guest. I am helpless, this world is dangerous and unpredictable, but it is still better, don't you think? Next time you come back as a guest, Heluo Zong must be a good life. entertain!"

Bai Yu turned around, expressionless, and suddenly a big seal appeared on the Heluo Sect's great formation. It was the Yinglong seal that Bai Yu got when he killed the gray robe! Ying Longyin suddenly fell, transforming into a winged dragon, and slammed against the light film of the large array.

Suddenly, the great formation of Guanghua, several monks who guarded the node and connected with the great formation vomited blood.

The large array of light film shook violently, and the shadow of the dragon Ying disappeared and turned into a square and square seal, which was nearly a thousand meters square. The dragon-shaped sculpture of the button was even more lifelike, as if it was going to walk with its wings and heart.

Perhaps the entire Great Seal was too heavy or the attack was too fierce, and the outer membrane of the Great Formation slowly sank. Under such a blow, the outer membrane of the entire Protective Formation finally could not withstand such pressure. A large number of cracks appeared around Ying Longyin, Chu Zhonghang was shocked, and roared, "Hold it! Hold it up for me!"

But the attack came suddenly, only a small amount of spirit stones maintained the basic operation of the formation. At this time, it was all supported by the guardian cultivator. How many people could withstand the anger of the combined cultivator?

Bai Yu kindly saved them when they were born. Without a word of thanks, Bai Yu still said sour words in a weird manner?

The big formation finally collapsed, but in an instant, the cultivators quickly threw into the spirit stone and reactivated the big formation, and just like that, the lower-generation disciples almost froze into popsicles when the cold current hit.

The formation was re-established, and the whole Heluo Zong returned to its warmth like spring, but the eyes of all the Heluo Zong disciples were full of fear, and their hearts were like a piece of ice.

Bai Yu gave a cold snort and walked away.

After the aircraft was lifted off again and disappeared in the spirit of mind, all the cultivators above the golden core let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing them relax, the other disciples who were building foundations and refining Qi asked all the time:

"Uncle Master, have they gone?"

"Master, this...what kind of cultivation is this? How did our big formation collapse when it was touched?"

Chu Zhonghang's face was extremely ugly.

What does this show? Obviously able to slaughter our entire Heluo Sect, but treated each other with courtesy, could it be true that what he said was true? Could we really miss the only chance of life?

"I guess he is at least distracted..."

"It's hard to say, the head is a half-step distraction... But even if it is distraction, you can't break the formation by yourself? This is not a way to break the formation through the direction, but... defeat..."

"Is it a fit? My god, how does this person cultivate? Did he start his practice in the mother's belly?"

"Dapai disciple is really extraordinary..."

Chu Zhonghang raised his hand with an ugly expression on his face: "Every elder follow me to the chamber."

Ignoring the low-level disciples who were chattering, more than a dozen elders entered the chamber.

"What do you think of the elders?" Chu Zhonghang said.

All the elders looked ugly.

"If he really wants to annex our Heluo Zong, he doesn't need to be so."

"Yes, he alone is more than enough to slaughter our River Living Sect."

"The point is, it seems that what he said is true!"

"If this is the case, wouldn't we have a catastrophe in front of us? When did he say before that he left?"

"It's not that detailed."

"Then what shall we do?"

"It's also Haogang's line... he won't leave us and wait for death, will he?"

"What if it really does?"

"I...I think he will definitely come back again, and we will never make any conditions this time!"

Listening to the conversation of the elders, Chu Zhonghang closed his eyes in pain. He knew that Heluo Zong might be really wrong. For a long time, he said: "Let the disciples pack up things, if he comes back again... Don’t talk about any conditions anymore."My dream can come true The latest chapter address: https://www.mtlnovel. com/book/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Full text reading address: /read/162987/My dream can come true txt download link: /162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: /In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 569 ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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