My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 578: Trouble insulator

Seeing Karida look familiar with Bai Yu, the faces of Hua Ying and Qiu Xiushuang both changed.

This dead man, he doesn't usually go out very much, and he can still recruit peach blossoms.

When Bai Yu saw the two women change their faces, his face turned green, and he still showed up like this before leaving.

The most important thing is that Kalida doesn't know what method she used, and the other two hands are closed and she can't see where she is hiding. This makes her look like a hot and delicate blonde beauty, a Zhongzhou woman. The lines are mostly slender and soft. How can Western women be so aggressive? Karida's explosive figure immediately made Hua Ying and Qiu Xiushuang's hearts tight, wouldn't this guy be hooked by the Ocean Horse, right?

Bai Yu gave Carita a fierce look, pulled the two women aside, apologized and guaranteed, and finally let the two women reluctantly stop being held accountable and left unhappily.

It took seven hours to transfer from the subspace of the recruits world to the Rola world, and it took seven hours. During these seven hours, Bai Yu had a black face.

"What's the matter with you? I didn't mess with you again!" Kalida said upset.

Bai Yu snorted, "Aren't you not interested? Why did you follow?"

Carita pointed to her nose and said, "Me?"

Bai Yu gave a hum.

"Follow you? Do you... have bugs in your mind? I am following you? I am a 7th-level demigod who needs... and you, a Yanhuang monk...follow you?" Kalida sneered.

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Haha."

Kalida asked sternly, "What do you mean?"

Bai Yu replied: "Hehe means, I just watched you die and refused to admit it. Don't say I didn't remind you. If you run into me, it means you are involved in this matter. Don't say you don't know. ."

Kalida frowned and said, "Whether I am involved or not, I am not here to do the task. The Aria of the Brilliant Elves has some materials that are difficult to buy on the platform. I need to go to the world of Rola to collect, but since I met You, then we can form an alliance."

Bai Yu squinted his eyes and said, "Really?"

Kalida's expression was extremely sincere, showing eight white jade teeth, and stretched out her hand: "Yes! I will definitely protect you if it doesn't bring me life-threatening!"

Bai Yu slapped her palm: "When the deal is done, I will protect you as long as it doesn't endanger my life."

Bai Yu added: "Actually, I only go out for a small part of the month, and the rest of the time is in the equipment maintenance room of the logistics department."

Carita said, "Actually, there is another reason why I am here."

Bai Yu said, "As you see, I have two lovers."

Kalida was dazed, and then burst into laughter: "You? I fell in love with you? What are you kidding me, as a weak chicken like you, I can't even bear to hit you with all my strength... And, although we are all humans, we There is severe reproductive isolation, which is impossible for us."

Bai Yu said: "So what?"

Kalida's expression became serious: "So, someone is actually staring at you. It is said that they will trouble you during this war of planes. After all, you are too conspicuous."

Bai Yu calmly said, "That... Harder?"

Carita said: "Are you not surprised at all? I know you are quite strong among the recruits, but... you better be careful. I believe those who make trouble are not fools and won't come to die in vain."

Bai Yu said: "The principle I have always followed is that people will not offend me, and I will not offend people. If someone comes to bite me, I will give them the opportunity to pretend to be false teeth."

Carita pointed a thumbs up and said: "You are really confident. Say yes first. If it is not really dangerous, I will not be enemies for you. I also have my business when I come back. I will not do you. Bodyguard, so you better keep a low profile."

Bai Yu wanted to say that there were people above me, but thinking that the jade medal had disappeared, and his cheap carry-on master Zhuang Zhou Hongfei was very vague, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. He wanted to ask Zhuang Zhou, what is his current situation in the Haogang world. Is it really dead?

The seven-hour period was short and short, and long and long. Bai Yu took this opportunity to ask Kalida a lot of questions.

"How can the entire world be occupied?"

"Occupy the core position of the world. Of course, the core position is not necessarily in the center of the world. One planet is occupied by one planet. Who has this time? Most of the time, they occupy a position similar to a bridgehead on the edge of the world. Then it continuously sends in troops, and at this time it is directly attacking the planet with the core of the world."

"The core of the world?"

"Yes, only a planet with the core of life can become a planet of life. When a civilization on a planet becomes the most powerful civilization in the world, the will of the world will pay attention to this planet, and the core of life on this planet will evolve into The core of the world."

"Does the core of the world come from?"

"Of course, otherwise?"

"Are we directly attacking the core planet of Ruola's world this time?"

"Yes, Ruolaxing is really a beautiful planet. Tsk tsk, I can't think of the world of the Supreme God. The Chamber of Commerce dared to stretch out a black hand. I really convinced them. However, the gods of the Elf God System are really competitive. Look, after Ruola’s world was conquered, I don’t know which world it was.

"Why do the gods of the elven gods ignore it."

"Because they are too weak, they have no blood, they are just continuation of his immortal life, he~tui!"

"It feels like you look down upon them."

"Talk about other things, I heard that you are good at making equipment."

"It's okay."

"Can I find you to order exclusive equipment?"

"Of course, if you line up now, I can let you get it soon."

"Then... how do you count points?"

"I think about it, your situation, tusk, the cost is a bit high!"

"Bai Yu, we are companions, aren't we? Besides, I am stronger, which is more beneficial to you."

"However, the exclusive equipment should be a complete set. If you look at your six hands, there are six weapons, upper armor, lower armor, belt, shoes, and ten accessories. There are 20 items in total. Even if you give you a 20% discount, Six thousand four hundred points."

"Why don't you grab it!?"

"Don't get excited. Didn't you say that last time? I'm afraid of kicking the iron."

"Okay, don't get excited. I was joking with you. Each item only charges 50 points of processing fee, but you need to prepare the materials yourself. You put forward the requirements for the equipment. After the design is completed, I will give you the materials. You make a list."


The world of Ruola is a world with countless huge plants. Every elven world has a huge world tree, which is said to be a branch of the world ancestor tree, and the world ancestor tree is the creation of the world in the legend of the elven gods. The incarnation of God; because the creation **** created life, and the elves were born on the tree of the world, only the creation **** has the ability to create life.

The elves are a very paranoid and arrogant race. They are obsessed with the beauty and art of their mainstream thinking to the extent that they are distorted. As we all know, the purpose of armor is to defend the body, but the straight metal armor and the like, They are not accepted by them. They only like to use animal leather or some special items to make armor. Elves have a very good talent for magic. If you enchant these armors, you can also get good defenses, but for the sake of beauty, There will be a lot of hollowing, inlays, and pattern drawing on the armor. Is it not good to make a few more magic runes in these spaces to increase defense?

So the relationship between the elves and the dwarves is extremely poor, because the weapons and armor of the elves will have an absolute advantage against ordinary human warriors, but the equipment of the dwarves is often the one that suffers, because the dwarves will also enchant.

Of course, the elves will not admit that the relationship between the two is not good because the dwarves’ weapons are too restrained. Their reason is: "A group of mice that only pierce holes are dirty, smelly, and vulgar. The most important thing is ugliness. It's so ugly, I can't stand them!"

It's a long way to go. The elves are too arrogant, like children living in their own world. Such arrogance makes them unwilling to develop good relationships with other races. Therefore, the Chamber of Commerce launched an attack on the world of Rola, and the elven gods actually won Not much help.

The overall war situation is that countries centered on various gods and temples are united together, and they are struggling to support the continuous team sent by the Chamber of Commerce. By the time Baiyu reached the planet Rola, about 22% of the area had fallen into it. Under the control of the Chamber of Commerce.

"Come here with medical expertise!" A tall white woman said outside the teleportation formation.

"I have to go, settle down and I will come to you." Carita said.

Bai Yu said strangely: "Your specialty is medical treatment?"

Kalida proudly said: "Of course, you think I am a fighter who rounded out six weapons?"

"This side of the maintenance department!" a brawny man with his head hair falling out and his scalp glistening glaringly greeted loudly.

Bai Yu took out his credentials and walked over.

"Yanhuang family? How come there is a Yanhuang family?" Bai Yu's face changed as soon as his bald head looked at it.

"Is there any problem?" Bai Yu faintly felt a little bad.

"Ha! What's the problem? He asked me what's the problem?" The bald head turned to look at the people around him.

The people around him gathered around, looking at Bai Yu unkindly.

"Wait! Twenty people in the maintenance department this time, are you one of them?" The bald head raised his hand to stop everyone.

Bai Yu nodded, handed out the proof, bald head looked down at the proof, and then looked up at Bai Yu.

"Can you repair the high-level magic equipment? How do you repair the high-level magic equipment of the Yanhuang type?" asked the bald head.

"The truth is all right, I can make advanced magic equipment, and naturally it can be repaired." Bai Yu replied neither humble nor arrogant.

"It's really troublesome, I hate Yanhuang." The bald face said with an ugly expression.

"I don't know why you have a prejudice against the Yanhuang Family, maybe because this is a Western God Family world?" Bai Yu asked rhetorically.

The bald head sneered: "I don't want to argue with you, do your job well, I don't want to trouble you, but I hope you won't cause trouble to me, let alone cause trouble to me!"

Bai Yu nodded: "Don't worry, I am a troublesome insulator."

The bald head mumbled: "I hope it's what you said, maintenance department! People from the maintenance department, come and report!"

Bai Yu found a remote place and sat down, so he had time to look at the surrounding environment.

Here is a hall assembled by modular metal floors and walls. The dome is two to three hundred meters high. The entire hall protects a huge teleportation array. The dome is transparent. There are densely packed symbols on the walls and domes. Text.

"Hi! Yanhuang!" Bai Yu was carefully identifying the magic runes, and a figure blocked the light.

Bai Yu stood up: "What's the matter?"

This is a guy with dirty braids.

"Of course there is, do you know? When newcomers arrive here, we will have an orientation party. Everyone has prepared the strongest wine and the most beautiful girl for you!" Dirty braids looked familiar.

"Thank you very much." Bai Yu said vigilantly.

"However, this fee has to be paid by your newcomers." Dirty Braid said.

"Don't you introduce yourself first?" Bai Yu asked.

"Ha! Call me Kraft!" Dirty Braided Kraft blew his nose, wiped it on his trouser legs indiscriminately, and stretched out his hand.

Bai Yu watched nervously at the suspicious sparkle on the seam of his pants, and took a step back.

"Hello Kraft, my name is Bai Yu, how many points do I need?"

Kraft didn't care about Bai Yu's avoidance, and said: "Not much, 15 points!"

Bai Yu said: "Listen, Kraft, I can give you points. You can eat and have fun, but I have other things and can't participate in your gatherings. Also, I want to know, are there many such gatherings? Who will get these points?"

Kraft said with a frivolous face: "Is this kind of thing...Of course it is once a month, everyone will come out together, but the old generations come out less, and the newcomers come out more."

Bai Yu asked back: "Does this have to be joined or can I choose by myself?"

Kraft said impatiently: "Yan Huang, you have a lot of problems. When you get here, you'd better listen to the opinions of the older generations. Don't have so many problems. This is good for you."

Bai Yu said: "Then I'm sorry, I don't know what kind of organization you are. I don't like places with many people, and you say that once a month, old people give out less and new people give more. Does it mean if For every 10 points, I have to pay 120 points a year to participate in the event? I want to know, 10 points, is it the cost of the party or the protection fee?"

Kraft smiled meaningfully: "Do you think... do you have a choice?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "I see, you are the one who is asking for trouble, or you..."

Kraft's face suddenly changed, and he said fiercely: "You'd better listen to my advice and pay a small amount of points to gain safety. Isn't that good?"

Bai Yu said: "So I understand. After I came to Ruola and completed the task, I have 80 points every year. I still have to earn 40 points to meet your requirements. Does that mean? I am your money-making machine. ?"

Kraft grinned and said, "It seems that you have a hard time accepting my suggestion?"

Kraft stretched out his dirty palm towards Bai Yu. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 578 Troublesome Insulator) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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