My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 593: Sidney the King of Mouth

"Frighten anyone! Who dares sell elves now! Don't think that I am afraid of you if you say so! You invaded our world! I am a rebel against the invaders! This is the time of war! Who will compensate you! Bah! "The little elf girl said, spitting out a mouthful of water, Bai Yu saw this kind of biochemical weapon, and quickly drew away, but the drool was spitting out on Campbell's trouser legs.

" can you be so disgusting! How disgusting! Dirty elf, you spit! You actually spit at me, I, I fight you!" Campbell's face was green, his face was red and white, as if about to explode, Sidney quickly grabbed him.

"She actually spit at me. Didn't she know that there are a lot of bacteria in the saliva? Is this what the elves did? So rude!? God, I can't take these pants anymore! I can't stand it anymore, I'm all up now Goosebumps! I'm going to die! I'm going to die of an infectious disease! Colleford, bring me a pair of clean pants!" Campbell said madly as he pulled away.

A puppet stood up and strode towards Campbell, Carita looked helpless: "He...he has serious cleanliness..."

Bai Yu covered his forehead, my God, what kind of companion is this?

Carita hurriedly said: "Don't worry, if you really fight, you know that he is still pretty reliable."

There continued to complain: "Colifu, what are you doing? Do these pants match? Did you see the color skew? I want pure white! This is for another dress!"

"I think it's all the same? It's all white, don't be so particular..." Sidney persuaded.

"Can this be done? One set is one set, can it be called one set if the colors are different? Look! 0.3 degrees yellow! 0.3 degrees!" Campbell continued to be frantic.

Carita sighed: "Well, there is also serious obsessive-compulsive disorder, especially in terms of color."

"Are you going to eat me?" The little elf girl suddenly looked at Bai Yu pitifully.

"Why do you eat you? We are not cannibals! If you want to eat you, the two of them will eat you." Bai Yu replied irritably, seeing the little girl's exquisite little face earned from death penalty blood for three years, and suddenly remembered. She was already over a hundred years old, and she couldn't help but shiver.

The little elf girl’s tears came down: "You cut down a lot of trees and killed a lot of animals as soon as you came here! You also took a lot of people away, why are you doing this? You are all bad guys, hehe..."

"Obviously we have four people, you are still attacking, are you stupid?" Kalida seemed to be a little distressed and blamed her.

Bibiwei cried: "Everyone in the village is dead, and I am the only one left. I don't know what to do? I don't want to live anymore! Bibi......"

"What is your name?" Bai Yu asked.

"I'm not blaming, my name is Athena Elaine Irenelo Chloe Audrey..."

"Okay, it's Athena, right? Why is the name of the elf so long?" Bai Yu said with a headache.

"Uh, except for the first name, the last one is the last name, with her natal name, godmother's name, birthplace in the middle, um, many, you just need to remember Athena." Karida.

Bai Yu asked: "If we let you go, what are you going to do?"

He blamed Asina's perseverance: "I want to fight the invaders! I want revenge! I want..."

Bai Yu interrupted her impatiently: "Pull it down, take a look, who can kill your little soft bow?"

He looked unconvinced: "The elf's bow grew up with the master! Because I'm still young! I'm only 116 years old! When I grow up, my bow will become stronger!"

Kalida's gaze was far away, and she muttered: "Yes, when I grow up, the bow will become stronger..."

Bai Yu heard this strangely: "Is there still such a situation? Show me?"

"Do not!"

"Get it! Don't make me angry!"

"No! Don't grab it! Dirty male creature, don't touch my bow!"

"What are you doing, Bai Yu?" Kalida quickly stopped him.

"Uh, I want to know how this kind of companion treasure... how it becomes powerful." Bai Yu smiled wryly, and suddenly found that the things that grabbed the little girl seemed pretty unproductive.

"If you decide to wait for her for more than sixty years and wait until she is an adult to marry her, then go see her bow. The bow of a female elf can't be shown casually. You may ruin her bow! "Carita said.

"The ugly short-lived species, I don't want to marry him, and divide his life into half for nothing!" Wei Wei said angrily, but fortunately he didn't let him touch his bow.

Bai Yu's forehead was raised with blue veins: "I have a bad temper! I don't want to marry an old grandma!"

A murderous attack hit, Bai Yu quickly said: "Kalida, you know, I am not targeting you, no no no, you look like you are in your twenties, not old, really not old..."

Carita faintly said: "It has been more than three hundred years since I came back from the battlefield. It seems that I am also the old woman in your mouth, right? Do you look down on the old woman."

"No, absolutely not, you know I didn't mean that..." Bai Yu denied it.

"What are you talking about? How to deal with this little thing? She ruined my pants! These were hand-sewn by Master Scott, 30 points!" Campbell changed a whole set of clothes and walked back.

"What else is there to say, we are now hostile, who knows if she will attract more elves to ambush us?" Sidney said coldly.

Carita shook her head and said, "It's not necessary. We are not executioners. To us, she is almost unarmed. Anyway, I can't get this hand!"

Bai Yu thought for a while: "I don't want to kill her either."

Campbell said with a cold face: "Although she is worth a few points, it has brought me a huge loss... forget it."

Sidney sneered: "You hypocritical guys! Can't you do it? Coward, she is our enemy! If you don't want to do it, then I will come!"

Sidney drew his sword: "Go away so that you don't splash any blood."

Carita couldn't help asking: "Do you really have to kill her?"

Sidney's eyes were blood red: "There are only enemies on the battlefield! There are no children or old people! My heart is as cold as iron, murderous, and cruel!"

Guai Guai looked at him with fear and hatred.

Raising the sword high, Sidney said: "You go! I'll take care of it! I am everyone's most reliable back! If you don't want to do it, I will do it!"

The other three sighed, turned and left, Bai Yu wanted to say something, and shook his head.

"Let me use a sharp sword to chop off your beautiful head..."

Hearing that he was still chattering, Carita looked back and looked worried: "He really wants to kill her?"

Bai Yu whispered: "I don't know, but he is our companion now..."

"Why don't you close your eyes! Close your eyes! Don't think you can make me feel soft with your eyes!"

Bai Yu glanced back, and the sword that Sidney had raised was lowered, and then raised again.

"Use your blood to nourish this woodland! The vegetation here must be more lush in the coming year!" Sidney said naggingly.

"I have enough courage to kill you! My will is unshakable!"

Hearing that this guy was still looking for a word, Carita finally couldn't bear it, and shouted violently, "You obviously can't do it, don't want to kill her, what are you going to do? Take her and follow!"



In the afternoon, a group of five people and ten puppets finally walked out of the forest and came to the Spring God Plain.

Bai Yu started the road, and Carida walked in the middle. Next to him was Athena, a little girl who was holding the corner of her clothes, followed by the dejected Sidney, and finally Campbell with his ten puppets.

After friendly consultations, it was necessary to be Campbell’s maid for twenty years after this mission to gain freedom, in order to repay the loss caused by random attacks. If you were a little maid, you should follow Campbell, but It just so happened that it seemed to be very close to Carita, so she kept sticking to her.

There was a red glow on the horizon, and from a distance, you could see the World Tree as a huge pillar connecting the sky and the earth. Guaiguai knelt down reverently, muttering prayers in his mouth.

Bai Yu couldn't help asking: "What are you reading?"

Guai stood up and said, "I pray to the tree gods to drive you off the invaders! Since you came, the trees have been cut down, and the animals have either been killed or fled. You have brought you to this world. destroy!"

Bai Yu's face was ugly, and he wished to give himself a mouthful, and just talk about it. As a native, he could have kind words to people like him.

He snorted and walked forward: "Walk another six kilometers, there is a small river, we are camping near there!"

Bai Yu sacrificed a flying boat. On this road, when you encounter a place with a flat terrain and few people, you can use the flying boat as a means of transportation. Only the flying boat can move quickly against the ground at a height of about one meter, such as forests, hills, and mountains. Because I didn't dare to rise too high and attracted people's attention, I had to walk.

It's six kilometers away, but it's only a minute.

A long distance away, you can smell a strong odor.

"Why is it so smelly!" Sidney said loudly.

Bai Yu said with a sullen face: "Change a place and stay away from this river."

His mind swept out and found that there were a lot of highly corrupted corpses in the river. Obviously, this was the casualties caused by this war. He wanted to camp on the river to get water easily, and he could even get some fresh water. Look like this Come, the plan went bankrupt.

Starting again, away from the river, about ten kilometers away, everyone got off the boat again.

The sky has become very gloomy, not only because of the sun setting, but also because of the upcoming rain.

"Hurry up and camp, or I guess there will be heavy rain soon!" Campbell said loudly.

The wind was blowing, and the knee-length grass was undulating like a wave by the gale.

"The wind is getting stronger and stronger! Can you still pitch a tent?" Kalida replied.

Bai Yu sighed, "Forget it, don't set up camp, I will figure out a solution."

Sidney despised: "What can you do? Can you still use the magic of clearing the weather?"

Bai Yu said: "I won't let the weather clear, but we will have houses, hot water and hot food, and dry beds."

Bai Yu had a handy home in Tiangongmen. After entering the realm of distraction, he used his leisure time to refine one. Although it is not as beautiful as the one obtained by Tiangongmen, it is like a garden, but at least it is a neat and spacious one. Two-in yard.

Seeing that Bai Yu took out a small model-like courtyard and placed it on the grass, it didn't take long for it to grow into a real courtyard. Everyone was amazed.

Bai Yu pushed open the courtyard door: "Come in! We can at least have a place to hide from the rain."

Campbell exclaimed: "Bai Yu, you have a lot of good things on your body, do you sell this? And your ship flying in the sky!"

"This is very troublesome to refine." Bai Yu refused.

"Don't be so unsympathetic, we are companions!" Campbell's eyes flashed straight, he could see the value of this thing, especially for people like him who demand high quality of life, they have to bite their teeth to buy one if they are more expensive. ! Besides, he is not a poor person.

"Let's talk about it later, let's talk about it later, everyone choose a room by yourself, I'll go and set up a protective array." Bai Yu said, joke, now there are so many tasks to refine items, who has the time to practice this stuff for you!

"Okay! Okay! I'll talk about it when you set up a protective array." Campbell secretly determined that he must take down the sales rights of this thing, even if there are three or five a year! As for the points... 20,000 points per one, right? Just earn an introduction fee of three to five thousand by yourself. The key is that this thing is high-end at first glance! It would be better if the shape can be customized by yourself!

Seeing that Bai Yu didn't follow up.

Campbell took two steps and followed Carita: "You get close to him and help me out!"

Carita said: "I want 500 points for each seat."

Campbell was shocked: "It's impossible! Don't think that I will agree when my heart softens. Can friends help each other be measured by points? Each seat has a maximum of 100 points!"

Kalida sneered: "After that, go to sleep in the tent when you go out! Wait for all kinds of bugs, snakes, mice..."

Campbell covered his ears in pain: "Stop talking! 200 points per one, no more!"

Carita said: "You have to endure the snoring, farting, sleep talking, grinding teeth..."

Campbell held on to the door frame of the second door and said with a look of horror: "Please don't say it, this is terrible! 250 points each! More will kill me!"

Carita snorted coldly: "Keep your points and get bitten by a mouse!"

Campbell said anxiously: "300 points, don't you go! Let's discuss it! Don't be so unfeeling, okay! 400 points!"

Kalida's pace stopped: "The deal, I will try to persuade him! The premise is that you want to give him a good price."

Campbell was heartbroken: "You hard-hearted woman, don't miss our years of friendship at all!"

Kalida ignored him, led Athena through the second door, looked around in the courtyard, and picked the left wing and pushed in.

Sidney shook his head and entered the wing on the right.

Campbell finally relieved his heartache and entered the main room facing north. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this reading (Chapter 593, Sidney, the King of Mouth) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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