My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 67: Mission (five shifts)

"Dip!" In the dim cell, a drop of water fell, and a pair of rough and dirty hands held a half-broken earthenware bowl trembling and dripping.

The person in the cell was sealed with various acupuncture points, and it is not wrong to describe it without the power of the hand. It can be vaguely seen by the light of the faint oil lamp on the wall of the walkway outside the cell. The hair of this person is very messy and tangled. Covering the face together makes it difficult to see the appearance.

He drank the water in the broken bowl in one gulp, and the man grabbed his body for a while, put it in his mouth and bit, and there was a soft pop in the silent cell.

Outside the cell was a corridor, and there was a vague sound of footsteps. Hearing the sound of footsteps, the man crawled to the corner of the cell and hid, only to hear the sound of choking. It turned out that there were shackles on his hands and feet.

The footsteps stopped in front of the cell, and it seemed that the people outside were silently watching the people inside.

After a long time, the people outside finally spoke, their voices were clear and sweet, with a hint of sweet charm: "Fifteen years, don't you still want to say it?"

The people in the cell just shivered and made no sound.

"I know you don't want to talk to me, why bother? As long as you tell me, all this can be over."

"Poor, I think back then, you were also a fairy famous for your beauty. In the past fifteen years, your acupuncture points have been closed and your body can't be moisturized by spiritual energy. You must be a chicken skin and crane face, right?" The sweet voice said leisurely.

"Bash! People!"

"Don't you want to wash your body with the sweet spring water and soak your cheeks with the best spirit flower jade dew?"

"Ah, look at your hair, it's dirty and smelly, there are a lot of lice in it, don't you want to feel the jade rhino horn comb lightly scratching your scalp after washing your hair?"

The answer to her was still silence.

"Emperor Pu Yuqian, how many fifteen years can a woman have? Do you want to spend it with me, hahaha..."

"Well, good, you really admire me, but, I think, you will say it in the end. After all, you are insisting on them, right? You said, if I move them, you Will you be anxious?"

"Is he dead?" Finally, in the darkness, the imprisoned person spoke.

"No, no, he lives, he lives very well!"

"Don't try to lie to me, if he is still alive, you will not use it to find me at all. The only person who knows is me... So, it should be that he didn't have time to explain."

"Ah, Sister Huangpu, you don't need to follow me, I know you are smart, so what? Now I am outside, you are inside, your life and death... only need a word from me."

"Qin Yilan, you will have retribution."

"I don't care about retribution or anything, how about it? You tell me the secret, and I will let you reunite?"

"Tai Shang said: There is no way for good or fortune, but people call themselves; the retribution of good and evil, like a shadow, is the **** of the heavens and the earth..." The people in the cell actually began to recite the scriptures.

The people outside the cell fell silent and listened to her chanting quietly.

"Well, Sister Huangpu, I will come to see you when I have time. Think about it. Even if you don't think about yourself, you must think about them. After all, I can't carry it by myself for that long. Don't force me. The fish died and the net broke." The people outside the prison room stood quietly outside, listening to the scriptures for a while, sighed softly, and left the prison cell. the sound of.


Bai Yu pretended to be in a coma.

Sun Qiaoyin guarded him obsessively, Bai Yu groaned and wanted to pretend to wake up, but his black belly third master Liu Feng sealed his acupuncture point with one finger, making him unable to move.

"Bai Yu, when will you wake up? Thank you this time. Otherwise, I will marry that straw bag."

"May I call you Bai Xiaoyu?"

"Well, you didn't say no, that's all right."

"Bai Xiaoyu, don't you think I'm older than you? I'm only three years older than you. Others say that female juniors hold gold bricks! Ahhh! Shame!"

"I heard Yuenu say that you are an orphan. Fortunately, your masters are very good to you. In the future, if I... stay with you, you won't be alone..."

"Actually, I'm almost like you. When my mother was born with me, in order to save me, she didn't save her. I heard the master say that my mother is very beautiful, and my eyebrows are very similar to my mother... Hee hee... I am not complimenting me. Own!"

"Daddy always retreats in order to understand the highest secrets of my Kit Kat Hall, I miss him very much..."

Bai Yu then knew that the young master of the Kit Kat Hall was not so happy as he imagined, but also just a little girl who longed for family affection, and couldn't help feeling pity for her in his heart.

Through the eyelids, you can feel the light in front of you being blocked.

Cool fingers stroked his eyebrows, eye sockets, nose, and lips.

"Ahhh, Sun Qiaoyin, what are you doing!?" Tiannuo's voice suddenly blamed herself in shock.

"Bai Xiaoyu, your bald head is really fun to touch."

The soft little hand stroked the top of his head twice.

With the sound of footsteps moving from far to near, the light in front of Bai Yu's eyes regained, and it was obvious that Sun Qiaoyin withdrew her hand.

"Young lady, is Young Master awake?"

"No, no, haven't you woken up yet?"

"Huh? Grandma, why is your face so red? Oh, it's so hot, madam, are you cold? Don't be afraid, I will decoct a medicine for you later to make sure that the medicine is cured."


There are footsteps approaching again.

Someone said, "Smelly boy, it's almost enough, don't pretend it, you're not a...Huh? Wrong gold sealing method? Which old guy did it?"

Hearing the voice, it was Ouyang Sanjian, and he popped out with vigour and relieved Bai Yu's body.

How dare Bai Yu move now? Just now, Sun Qiaoyin said to herself that she listened to her little daughter's whole set of thoughts, so naturally she still needs to act for a while.

"Why are you still not awake? You haven't suffered a lot of injuries, why are you lying down and begging?" Ouyang Sanjian bounced on Bai Yu again with a burst of energy. Finally, Bai Yu couldn't bear to jump out of the bed anymore. .

"Ah? Ah? What's wrong? What's the place here? What happened?" Bai Yu pretended to be, but he reacted immediately, it was broken! Wrong force! You should pretend to be weak!

No matter how cute Sun Qiaoyin is, she is just ignorant of world affairs and simple-minded. In fact, she is also a very intelligent woman. She still doesn't understand at this moment. In fact, Bai Yu's servant had never been unconscious just now, thinking about what she said and did, gently. With a cry, he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and slowly moved his feet out of the door.

Here Huayue Nu was wrapped around Bai Yu, and Ouyang Sanjian also questioned. Taking advantage of the confusion, Sun Qiaoyin finally moved to the door, turned and fled.

Tears filled his eyes: "It's over! It's so shameful! I don't want to live anymore! How can this be done?"

When Ouyang Sanjian saw Sun Qiaoyin's reaction, he knew that he was on an errand. At any rate, he was also a distracted monk, so how could he be a fool? Normally, it's a big deal, but because most of my thoughts are placed on practice and kendo, I pretended to be noisy. At this time, I heard the sound of Sun Qiaoyin's footsteps getting away, so I relaxed and looked at Bai Yu. , Unanimously let out a long breath.

"Your cultivation level can be considered as self-protection in the foundation-building realm. Although you can't find artifacts in the Myriad Souls Secret Realm this year, you can't let go of your own training. Let you go to the mortal experience again, but you have learned what you should learn. The Golden Core Realm cultivation method can't tell you now. Instead of spending time in the sect, it is better to let you out of the mountain gate at this time." Ouyang Sanjian Dao.

"Five Master, what am I going to do in the mortal world? Why don't I remember more drawings and prescriptions in the door!" Bai Yu argued, waiting for him to memorize a lot of knowledge, why do I go to the mortal world? Isn't learning fragrant?

Ouyang Sanjian blew his beard and stared: "Remember, you remember those useless things in your town. The sect has trained you for so long and consumes a lot of resources, so you will not contribute to the sect? You start, Bringing your handsome younger brother, I forgot to tell you that after watching the battle the day before yesterday, your handsome younger brother successfully built the foundation."

Bai Yu praised: "The handsome junior is really a natural talent, I can't think of..."

"I can't think of a fart, don't grab my head, you take your handsome junior and a few other senior brothers in the door, the sect has arranged a task for you, so please go and take it!" Ouyang Sanjian interrupted. .

"Oh, please follow the orders of the fifth master..." Bai Yu dragged his voice.

"Don't be so lifeless, do you even need the sect to prepare the materials for your life creation? Take this opportunity, go find it yourself, and use the sect to contribute if you don't have enough."

"It turns out that you have to prepare your own materials, tut...Fifth Master, where do you lead the mission?" Bai Yu muttered, but he despised it in his heart, and the sect was too picky!

Ouyang Sanjian glared at him: "Don't think I don't know what you think? But all natal creations are designed by themselves, and they are looking for materials by themselves. Who did not come to Tiangongmen like this? Go to the Fame Hall of Liuqi Academy, and someone will welcome you. wait."

"I see, Master Five."

Not long after Ouyang Sanjian left, he hula la and drove in five or six people.

Fan Yingjun said: "Junior Brother, are you all right?"

Bai Yu said: "Senior Brother Xie Yingjun cares, little brother is not a serious problem."

Fan Yingjun went from the head of the bed here to the head of the bed. He carefully checked Bai Yu and saw that his complexion was very good, and he said with satisfaction: "This time you have not lost the face of my Tiangongmen, you are also considered to have worked hard, although In the end, I was a little embarrassed, but the flaws are not concealed. It can be an example for many juniors."

"Brother praised."

"Okay, prepare to go to Yugongtang if you have nothing to do. Take the task earlier and set off earlier. If it is not arranged by the sect, you can just hand it over to the Jiexuetang...Tsk, it's a waste of time. ."

A group of people walked towards the teleportation array. The Tiangongmen occupies a huge area. The distance between the twelve peaks of the fifth courtyard and the twelve peaks is tens of thousands of miles. If you fly by yourself, it will take time for these talented talents to rise. This is a small realm, so in every important position, a teleportation array is set up.

Not long after, a few people were sent to the Liu Zang Yugong Hall.

Behind the deacon's disciple is a densely packed small drawer. After Fan Yingjun finished his trip, he got up and looked for it according to the number, opened the drawer, and took out a scroll from inside.

"This Junior Brother, this is your task this time." The deacon disciple handed over the scroll.

Fan Yingjun spread out the scroll on the table, and everyone gathered around.

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