My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 69: Big clam

Bai Yu stretched out his hand, and the space in front of him waved like water, like a transparent liquid with a little stickiness, and seemed to pull himself into the liquid.

Bai Yu hesitated, and asked Huayue Slave on her shoulders: "Yue Slave, didn't you say you want to go in on the mission?"

"Yeah, young master, we'd better not go!" Huayuenu shivered, as if the solidified city was about to turn into a monster that devours people.

"Huh?" Huayuenu suddenly exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Bai Yu asked.

"Young Master, could it be that the slave's eyes are dazzled? There...Is there a young grandmother?" Huayuenu said anxiously.

" said Miss Qiaoyin? How could she come here? She still...goose day!" Bai Yu watched, and sure enough, at the end of the line to enter the city, a petite girl, looking at the dress, it was not exactly The appearance of Sun Qiaoyin!

"No? She shouldn't be here! Could it be that something in this thing is lying to me?" Bai Yu frowned.

"First make sure Miss Qiaoyin's safety." Bai Yu took out the talisman Zou Zhifeng gave him privately. He couldn't help but feel a little painful. He had known some common talisman already. The talisman Zou Zhifeng gave him was personally made by Zou Zhifeng. It’s said that as long as they are in the same realm, even in the forbidden space formation, there is a chance that they will break through; Bai Yu only got two such talismans at this time, because there was nothing else. The messenger is available, and it has to be so.

Activate the jade talisman with spiritual power. After Bai Yu said a few words to the talisman, the talisman turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Tiangongmen.

"Young Master, someone is coming!"

Bai Yu recovered and was extremely dissatisfied with herself. Why was she distracted again?

It's vain to hide now, but what I didn't expect is that the person here is not a stranger, but a disciple of the Tiangongmen who came along this time.

"Junior Brother, we are in trouble!" The disciple said loudly when he saw Bai Yu from a distance.

I am overjoyed because I finally found Bai Yu.

Bai Yu put down his guard and asked, "Senior Brother Xin, what's the problem with us?"

Senior Brother Xin said ashamed: "Oh, just now, the young master of the Temple of Qiqiao came to look for you, we have to monitor the expansion of this strange field, and we can't go away, so we pointed the young master of your direction to the junior, who knows..." With a regret on his face, he pointed in the direction of the city gate.

Bai Yu said in shock: "Then...Is that the Young Hallmaster?"

"It should be her. I just saw the Young Hall Master suddenly appearing there. I guessed that the Young Hall Master didn't know what to do and went into that strange realm. What should we do at this time?"

At this time, a stream of light flew, and it turned out to be a flying sword.

"Broken! It's really her! This stupid girl!" Bai Yu read the news, and it turned out that it was Zou Zhifeng who returned the news to him.

Sure enough, Zou Zhifeng asked people to ask Xiaogufeng, but Sun Qiaoyin was not on it, saying that he didn't know where to go early in the morning.

Bai Yu paused and stayed in. Senior Brother Xin grabbed him and said anxiously: "Junior Brother Bai, it's a dead zone or something is still unsure. If you are so reckless, just rush in. What to do inside?"

"Senior Brother Xin, the Young Master is in it. If I don’t go, she will have three longs and two shorts. She is the only heir to the Qiqiao Palace. I am afraid that Dian Master Sun will not go to our Tiangongmen to work hard. I will go in and find the Young Master back. It’s a good thing. , I can't find it... I'm stuck in it too, what else can I say in the Temple of Kit Kat?" Bai Yu smiled bitterly.

"Senior Brother Bai, think twice! If you go in like this, wouldn't I have become a sinner of my Tiangongmen! I had known that I personally sent the Young Master to find you!" Senior Brother Xin regretted his intestines, and the Young Master came. Find yourself, go in, come again to find Bai Yu, and go in again. What a coincidence? He began to wonder if he was a meticulous work sent by another hostile sect.

"Senior brother don't need..." Bai Yu suddenly straightened his eyes, and Senior Brother Xin followed his eyes and exclaimed.

"Junior Brother Fan!"

It turned out that both of them had seen Fan Yingjun, standing behind Sun Qiaoyin, and the two seemed to have a very happy conversation.

Bai Yu smiled bitterly: "Senior Brother Xin, you don't want to stop me, now I can't go in..."

Senior Brother Xin couldn't speak, but he tried hard to pull Bai Yu's wrist, his face was blue and red.

Finally, he halted and said, "Go in and go in. You are all in, Junior Brother. If you get stuck in, I can still end up well? If you want to get stuck inside, if you want to get out of trouble, I will finally get out! I'm a Tiangongmen monk, There are no scumbags!"

Bai Yu said no more, and strode towards Yuhu City.

A sense of coolness hits her face, and then, Bai Yu feels a slight sense of stagnation, as if she has fallen into the water, and the surroundings are silent. There is a solidified city in front of him. It seems that the voice has also been solidified, and he is the one. Bugs trapped in amber.

Bai Yu struck hard, suddenly, his ears suddenly became clear, and the sounds of birds, cattle, and coachmen yelled all into his ears.

Only then did he see that he was still standing on the official road to Yuhu City. At this time, he saw the empty official road outside the strange territory. There were people coming and going, and some driving to Yuhu City. Some people came out of Yuhu City and walked far away along the official road.

Bai Yu took a step back, but entered the feeling of being absorbed deeper and deeper. He knew that if he quit at this time, it shouldn't be difficult.

Bai Yu's face is ugly, because the city gate is full of traffic, where are the figures of Sun Qiaoyin and Fan Yingjun? Obviously, what I saw outside the strange realm was only a frozen image; thinking for the better, it was just a coincidence, thinking for the bad, it was the bait that attracted myself to come in.

There was a staggering footstep, Bai Yu looked back, Senior Brother Xin.

"Junior Brother, here... doesn't it seem like a dead zone?" Senior Brother Xin saw Bai Yu in front of him, his expression relaxed, and then he looked around.

"Yes, there is no very violent qi fluctuations, nor are there any evil anger, resentment, yin qi, etc." Bai Yu said with concentration and opened his eyes for a moment.

"Young Master, maybe this is another... another kind of realm." Huayuenu suddenly poked her head out of Bai Yu's arms.

"Ah! I have seen Miss Yuenu." Brother Xin said when he saw Huayuenu.

"It's you? Xin Youqian, why are you so old, not as cute as you were when you were young." Hua Yuenu looked at him in a strange way.

Brother Xin rolled his eyes: "Sister Yuenu, you said twenty years ago, when I was only eight years old!"

Na Xin Youqian is actually not too old. Because the practitioners are well maintained, although he is nearly 30 years old, he looks like he was in his early twenties. At this time, Huayue Slave was too old and couldn't help but argue a few words.

"Young master, slaves think about it, here, it's a bit like a mirage in the legend."

"What sanctuary?" Bai Yu asked in confusion.

"Young Master, it's not that, mirage, it's the kind of thing in the sea that looks a bit like shells or clams, that thing."

"I see, you mean, this... may be a mirage? But this place has always been a city on earth, why has it suddenly become a mirage?" Bai Yu suddenly realized.

"The slave doesn't know, but if you enter that city, you will really enter the mirage. The slave doesn't know what will happen." Huayue Slave said.

Bai Yu gritted his teeth: "Senior Brother Xin, you should immediately report to the door and report the situation here... If so... Well, everything depends on the destiny! Since the handsome senior brother and the young hall master have already entered, I have not I just see it, but I don’t want to think of a solution when I see it. I can’t get through my mind!"

"Since the younger brother knows that my mind cannot be transparent, but he wants me to leave alone, can I be transparent again?" Xin Youqian laughed and went to the city gate.

"Oh!" Brother Xin exclaimed, but was struck with a gun on the arm by the **** guarding the city gate.

"Smelly Taoist, line up for me! You don't have to pay the entrance fee?"

Bai Yu sighed and followed, obediently behind Xin Youqian.

"Junior Brother, I can't feel my own cultivation, what about you?" Xin You grinned and rubbed the painful area, whispered to Bai Yu, being taken a pole by a mortal, he couldn't help but feel a little bit ashamed.

"Me too, let's not say this, senior brother can carry money?" Bai Yu found that the spiritual power in his body seemed to disappear without a trace.

"This, only some gold, is it enough for me to enter the city, right?" Xin Youqian hesitated.

Bai Yu couldn't laugh or cry. He saw the people in front of him enter the city, but he only paid a penny. You tell me at this moment, if there is gold, you can try it with gold?

Bai Yu dragged him behind: "Brother, I have no cultivation base now, you must not take out gold to attract people's attention."

"Junior Brother is always conspiring, admire and admire it!" Xin Youqian suddenly realized.

Before he got closer, Chief Bai Yu: "Tianzun of Immortal Life Buddha! I have seen two generals."

The few guarding the city gate were just the bottom pawns. Usually it was no problem to bully the little people, but they were just big soldiers. At this time, hearing the little monk call himself a general, he couldn't help but feel a little ecstatic.

"Little monk, we are not a general. What's the matter? The gate fee can't be saved. This is set by the city lord. Don't think that you are a monk to avoid it!"

"Uh...General, Pindao is not a monk. Pindao wants to ask the two generals about something." Bai Yu said again.

"If it's a secret matter, we can't talk about it! Don't ask, lest you will attract a servant, and I can't tell you, you really are not a monk? It's weird, the Taoist priest is actually bald!"

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be any important news. Pang Dao wanted to ask the two generals about how can someone with such a good looks and a woman with such a good face enter the city?" Bai Yu said the appearance of the two generals, Fan Yingjun and Sun Qiaoyin. come out.

"Suitable?" The two gate pawns looked at each other.

"Yes, they are just talents. I have been looking for those two for a long time. If the two generals know the news of these two, the poor Dao would like to thank them with a lot of money." Bai Yuzuo Yi said.

Bai Yu pretended to take it out of his arms, but he asked Huayue Slave to use his spiritual power to help Bai Yu pull out a silver ingot from the storage finger—at this time you want him to get a penny, that's a joke, he How can a cultivator carry mortal copper coins at any time?

But silver ingots are different. There are many kinds of metals to make creations. It is not uncommon for him to have silver ingots in his storage ring.

"Who are these two of you?" The two gate pawns glanced at each other, and one of them asked, looking carefully at Bai Yu and Xin Youqian.

"These two people have something to do with the poor Dao...some debts, and owe a lot of money to the poor Dao." Bai Yu deliberately chose a more neutral term, neither a friend nor an enemy. You can have debts. ? The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 69 Big Clam), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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