My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 703: Redstone (below)

The other six people have been busy showing the saints in front of others these days to deepen the beliefs of the believers, but Stewart noticed what Bai Yu was building. From the appearance, it looked a bit like a flying vehicle flying in the universe. At this time, I saw Bai Yu and Jian. The people of the Redstone tribe suddenly became suspicious.

Stewart appeared in front of Bai Yu: "What are you going to do?"

Bai Yu said: "I am going to send them to the life planet I discovered. There are too many beliefs here, and eventually a belief struggle will erupt. I don't want the human race to kill each other. I want to take them away."

Stewart blurted out: "No!"

Bai Yu asked calmly: "Why? Can you tell me the reason?"

Stewart suffocated. There was really no reason. In short, it was too late to go back. What is the difference between a few days later and a few days earlier? This planet is also an unowned planet. All the indigenous primitive people belong to uncivilized free people, and even now they are not counted as affiliated tribes of any federation under the God Realm, so from a legal point of view, he has no right to interfere with Bai Yu’s treatment of these Primitive arrangement.

"This is still the realm of the gods, this planet belongs to the gods federation, you have the power to take them away." Stewart thought with a thought.

"Since this planet belongs to the God Realm, what right do you have to convert them into your believers?" Bai Yu asked.

Stewart's face turned pale: he was grasping a flaw in his language!

At this time, Mosien gave Holu a wink, and Holu stepped forward and said, "Your Excellency, we are all late anyway. Why don't we let Bai Yu finish the work? Can we do this?"

Horu went on to say: "Just let Moxien and I go with him, and then come back to meet."

He added: "You have just built the altar. You should spend more time training believers. If you follow us, it won't be worthwhile to delay business."

It's about his own interests. Stewart was immediately tempted: "Yeah, I didn't agree to the request of this partner. I don't know what will be the trouble in the future, so he fulfilled his wish. Everyone has come and gone. I have something to do next time. , It can be considered that he owes me a favor."


The sun rises and sets again.

Bai Yu has brought people from the Redstone tribe to this life planet for more than half a year. This planet is the most suitable one among the life planets that Bai Yu has passed through. The top of the food chain on this planet is a beast that resembles dinosaurs. There are herbivorous and carnivorous, and there are flying beasts similar to pterosaurs. This kind of beast is strong and can launch attacks similar to magic, but this kind of attacks such as fireballs, wind blades and ice cones are among the few, and more are ordinary fierce. beast.

Bai Yu believes that the human race needs a certain amount of pressure to develop hard, so he chose this planet, and even adjusted the trajectory of the planet with great energy in order to change the seasons of this planet, and waited in the universe for more than half a year, waiting because of gravity. After all the natural confusion caused by the changes, the transport spacecraft was lowered on a large plain.

After half a year of hard work, the people of the Redstone tribe built a low earth-rammed city wall, while Bai Yu secretly protected the primitive people he brought out, and prevented the local beasts from causing a big impact on them.

On this plain, there are rivers and woods. They don’t know that the plain chosen by their great father and **** is more than a hundred kilometers away from Tucheng. There are open-air coal mines and various metal deposits. When they start to develop metal smelting, they will not encounter too many difficulties in the initial stage.

Because they are only a tribe with dissatisfaction, Bai Yu has made a lot of ironware. In addition to household utensils such as pots and kitchen knives, there are also a large number of axes, chisels, saws, shovels, hammers, plough tools, and a large number of knives, guns, and swords. Class weapons, let them enter the Iron Age at one time.

The various knowledge instilled in Gongsang also came in handy. He led some of the warrior tribesmen in charge of hunting, some of them opened up fields on the plains according to his plan, and some of them fished in the rivers. While the women hammered hemp to make clothes and pick berries, the whole tribe seemed to be full of vitality.

"After I leave, before applying for this planet to become my personal possession, what if someone comes here and transforms them?" Bai Yu asked.

At this time, he avoided the people of the Redstone tribe, even Gongsang couldn't find him, because he couldn't always be the nanny of the Redstone tribe, and the development of the human race would depend on himself after all.

"The Yanhuang family is very different from the God family. If you are a member of our God family, you can directly mark and raise the altar, and those who come will know that you have a master. The God Realm is strictly prohibited from forcibly transforming other believers. You can also go through the altar to lower your consciousness and show miracles...Unfortunately you are not, so I can't tell you what to do." Mosien replied.

Horu said: "In fact, there is another way. You can find a monk of the gods with a past name and let him fall to the altar."

Bai Yu denied: "I want these people to regard faith as their spiritual sustenance, not as a precondition for survival. I want to see how far they can go and how strong they can be under this situation."

Mosien has long been aware of his thoughts: "Your thoughts are really different. If this is the case, it will be difficult for you to integrate into the gods..."

Bai Yu retorted: "Can I do the same thing as you... so I can blend in?"

Mosien thought about it for a moment, and said regretfully: "I really can't..."

Bai Yu nodded. He already had his own thoughts. He would simply hide the entire planet with a Taoist illusion. If it weren't for someone who was sincerely looking for trouble, he would find a hidden planet nearby. The possibilities are limitless. Close to nothing.

After another three months, Bai Yu laid a concealed formation on the entire planet. From the perspective of the universe, there was nothing on the orbit of a planet orbiting the star.

Following Bai Yu’s call, Gongsang came to Bai Yu again and knelt down respectfully. At this time, he looked much more stable than before. Over the past year, the tribe has added more than 700 babies. Bai Yu took care of the situation from time to time, and none of them died. He instinctively attributed this to the blessing of the "Father God", but it was actually the case.

"Father God!"

"You are working hard, I have seen it all, and you should work harder in the future to thrive on this planet, grow stronger gradually, and become the master of this planet." Bai Yu encouraged him.

"Father God is the master of this planet!" Gongsang didn't know why Bai Yu said that and quickly attributed all his mighty power to Bai Yu.

"If you encounter the danger of annihilation, you have three chances to save the people with the things I left you." Bai Yu handed him a jade charm, and then passed the method of destruction and the spell into his mind.

"Of course, I hope you will never use this thing." Bai Yu continued.

"Father God! Is something going to happen?" Gongsang was a little flustered, Bai Yu asked them to make an interstellar migration, he immediately agreed, sailing in the dark universe, he did not panic, came to this completely stranger He didn’t panic when he started building his home from scratch on the planet of Earth, nor did he panic when facing a ten-meter-high earth dragon beast, but at this time, his heart was completely lost.

"I'm leaving. You can protect the tribe with your own force, and you can also use fishing, hunting, planting, and breeding to ensure that the tribe will not go hungry, so I should let go to make you stronger; what I teach you , You are also very diligent in cultivation, these are the foundations for your gradually becoming stronger." Bai Yu said.

Gong Sang was sweating profusely and stammered: "Father God, we can't live without you. With you, we are not afraid of anything. You just leave, I can't do it!"

Bai Yu said in harmony: "What you have done, you are doing well now. Remember, you must be in awe of this world, tolerant of your own people, and don't stop exploring the world. I will still Come back, let me see what kind of surprises you can give me when the time comes."

Gongsang burst into tears. It was a blessing to have such a benevolent **** watching over the tribe, but when the **** was about to leave, he was very reluctant to give up.

"Father, is our offering less? Or do we need sacrifices? I am willing to seek the opinions of the tribe, choose the people who are loyal to you, and please you with life and blood... Please God Father not to go!" I cried.

Bai Yu sternly said: "You are never allowed to sacrifice to any **** by killing the people! Gongsang, you must swear to me! As long as it is not betraying the tribe or other serious crimes that must be severely condemned, you will not kill at will Any member of the tribe!"

"I swear to the Father, I will never kill the people indiscriminately..." Gongsang choked.

"You need to establish clan rules! Clan rules are the rules for all members of the clan. As time goes by, the clan rules will eventually become inapplicable. Then adjust them to not indiscriminately kill a person who is not guilty of death, but never Don't let a **** person go!"

Hearing Bai Yu's stern voice, Gongsang followed along and swore.

"You have to swear to me, never worship the evil god! Worshiping the evil **** is the most serious crime after treason and conspiracy!" Bai Yu continued.

Gongsang swears again.

The wind on the plain grew stronger and louder, and the whirring wind sounded like a whimper. Gongsang waited for a long time without hearing Bai Yu's voice. When he raised his head again, there was no trace of Bai Yu. He finally couldn't help crying loudly, crying Bai Yu Leaving, crying, the road ahead is lost.

Bai Yu has entered the small spacecraft at this time, and Mosien shook his head and said: "You don't cultivate the gods, but let them not worship other gods. There is no gods in this world."

Bai Yu said: "I just want to see how strong Human Race can be if you don't worship the gods."

Mosien nodded and said: "You do have a heart, what do you have left for them? If the earth dragon beasts in this world become a tide...With their current strength, they can't resist it."

Bai Yu said: "I gave him the jade talisman, which can evoke the treasure that I refined for them to suppress the air luck, but there are only three opportunities. If they can't become strong, they all count on me...then they will be abandoned."

As he said, Bai Yu waved his hand, and a white light fell from the sky. It happened to fall on the central square of Tucheng. It was a huge sword with a height of more than 50 meters and a width of more than 6 meters. Half of the sword fell into the soil. .

Bai Yu Divine Mind sent a message: "This sword can save you three times when it is in danger of extinction. Only the patriarch can pass on to the patriarch, so you can do it for yourself."The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 703 Redstone (Part 2)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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